2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

How temperatures across the globe ranked from January through October 2014.
Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA

Warm Ocean Waters Boosting Typhoons Record Heat Climate Central

Some have cited this widespread ocean warmth as the beginning of the end of the pause, or hiatus, in the rate of planetary warming, with rates of warming demonstrably slower over the past few decades than in the previous ones. The ocean stores much of the heat absorbed by the excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, so it could be beginning of that heat being unleashed back into the atmosphere.

For the year through October, the average ocean temperature for the planet was a record high,according to NOAA data. That was a significant factor in the same period being the warmest first 10 months on record, 1.22°F higher than the 20th century average of 57.4°F. If November and December continue on pace, 2014 could best 2010 as the warmest year on record and would mean that 14 of the 15 warmest years all occurred in the 21st century

Looks like 2015 is shaping up to be a very warm year, also. Be interesting to have two record years back to back.

....so, where's the lab work that shows how CO2 does any of this?
I doesn't. They already agreed any measured warming is directly attributable to the sun. CO2 is just something they can tax.
ReallyKrazyMoron is a denier cult troll, trying desperately (and vainly) to push stupid lies and long since debunked misinformation.

Scientists are quite clear that the current abrupt warming trend is attributable to the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. They are also quite certain that "any measured warming" is definitely not "attributable to the sun", because the sun has not increased in brightness or intensity. This "it's the sun" nonsense just another crackpot denier cult myth, and just as bogus as all of the rest of their fallacious propaganda and bullshit.
Did all you google linking, scientific study quoting, mental giants miss something? It is only hottest compared to a certain period of time, why is that, because all the nuts got is deceit and lies.

(with respect to a 1981-2010 base period)

Actually, only one other denier cult retard besides you was mentally impaired enough to think that the 'record', in which 2014 is the 'warmest year on record', referred to the reference dates on the first graph, which was showing the global temperature deviation from the average temperatures over a recent period of time. Only utter idiots who were completely ignorant about this whole subject could possibly assume that. Everybody with more than two brain cells to rub together knows the instrumental temperature 'record' being referred to in that article goes back to about 1880. Of course, climate scientists have assembled a number of proxie temperature records covering the entire Holocene. They all show unusually rapid warming starting in the twentieth century.
No, with respect to a 1981-2010 base period, your an idiot. Nice try at a thread though, most people don't catch the little stuff so don't feel too bad.
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? :lmao:
by the facts??? :lmao:

What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true. :cuckoo:
Those so-called "facts"?

Damn your a dumbfuck! :cuckoo:
Last edited:
Actually, only one other denier cult retard besides you was mentally impaired enough to think that the 'record', in which 2014 is the 'warmest year on record', referred to the reference dates on the first graph, which was showing the global temperature deviation from the average temperatures over a recent period of time. Only utter idiots who were completely ignorant about this whole subject could possibly assume that. Everybody with more than two brain cells to rub together knows the instrumental temperature 'record' being referred to in that article goes back to about 1880. Of course, climate scientists have assembled a number of proxie temperature records covering the entire Holocene. They all show unusually rapid warming starting in the twentieth century.
No, with respect to a 1981-2010 base period, your an idiot. Nice try at a thread though, most people don't catch the little stuff so don't feel too bad.
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? by the facts??? What facts?
You really have some serious comprehension problems, WildassCretin. You grt stumped by small words!

So, yes, you poor retard, Elektra's drivel (and of course, all of your exceptionally idiotic drivel) got thoroughly debunked (even if you're too stupid to grasp that) by the facts about AGW/CC; facts that have been uncovered by the diligent work of tens of thousands of highly educated scientists all around the world over the last six decades or so. Facts that are almost unanimously affirmed by the world scientific community. Facts that you are either paid to deny, or that you are too retarded to comprehend and have been brainwashed into moronically denying. Like you do right here.
Actually, only one other denier cult retard besides you was mentally impaired enough to think that the 'record', in which 2014 is the 'warmest year on record', referred to the reference dates on the first graph, which was showing the global temperature deviation from the average temperatures over a recent period of time. Only utter idiots who were completely ignorant about this whole subject could possibly assume that. Everybody with more than two brain cells to rub together knows the instrumental temperature 'record' being referred to in that article goes back to about 1880. Of course, climate scientists have assembled a number of proxie temperature records covering the entire Holocene. They all show unusually rapid warming starting in the twentieth century.
No, with respect to a 1981-2010 base period, your an idiot. Nice try at a thread though, most people don't catch the little stuff so don't feel too bad.
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? :lmao:
by the facts??? :lmao:

What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true. :cuckoo:
Those so-called "facts"?

Damn your a dumbfuck! :cuckoo:
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.
No, with respect to a 1981-2010 base period, your an idiot. Nice try at a thread though, most people don't catch the little stuff so don't feel too bad.
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? :lmao:
by the facts??? :lmao:

What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true. :cuckoo:
Those so-called "facts"?

Damn your a dumbfuck! :cuckoo:
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.

Who cares about your wanton, illogical, desperate appeal to authority. They are logic fails and don't mean diddly when those very institutions generate their funding based on perpetuating the fraud.

You asshats complain about the 30 million the Exxon spent on sceptic research and completely ignore the 30 BILLION that has gone into those institutions coffers over the last 5 years.

So, olfraud....which is bigger? 30 million, or 30 billion? Cue the Jeopardy music...
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
by the facts???
What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true.
Those so-called "facts"?
Damn your a dumbfuck!
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.
Who cares about your wanton, illogical, desperate appeal to authority. They are logic fails and don't mean diddly when those very institutions generate their funding based on perpetuating the fraud.
You asshats complain about the 30 million the Exxon spent on sceptic research and completely ignore the 30 BILLION that has gone into those institutions coffers over the last 5 years.
So, olfraud....which is bigger? 30 million, or 30 billion? Cue the Jeopardy music...

The walleyedretard's usual mix of ignorance, lies, fraudulent propaganda memes, and total bullshit. Meaningless, worthless twaddle.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
by the facts???
What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true.
Those so-called "facts"?
Damn your a dumbfuck!
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.
Who cares about your wanton, illogical, desperate appeal to authority. They are logic fails and don't mean diddly when those very institutions generate their funding based on perpetuating the fraud.
You asshats complain about the 30 million the Exxon spent on sceptic research and completely ignore the 30 BILLION that has gone into those institutions coffers over the last 5 years.
So, olfraud....which is bigger? 30 million, or 30 billion? Cue the Jeopardy music...

The walleyedretard's usual mix of ignorance, lies, fraudulent propaganda memes, and total bullshit. Meaningless, worthless twaddle.

Again, Old Fraud and Blunder Boy are living up to their names..
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
by the facts???
What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true.
Those so-called "facts"?
Damn your a dumbfuck!
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.
Who cares about your wanton, illogical, desperate appeal to authority. They are logic fails and don't mean diddly when those very institutions generate their funding based on perpetuating the fraud.
You asshats complain about the 30 million the Exxon spent on sceptic research and completely ignore the 30 BILLION that has gone into those institutions coffers over the last 5 years.
So, olfraud....which is bigger? 30 million, or 30 billion? Cue the Jeopardy music...

The walleyedretard's usual mix of ignorance, lies, fraudulent propaganda memes, and total bullshit. Meaningless, worthless twaddle.
Again, Old Fraud and Blunder Boy are living up to their names..
That's a hoot, coming from ol' BoobyBobNutJob.....

But the facts are that the Earth just experienced TWO twelve month 'years' in a row that were the hottest 'years' on record - October 2013 to September 2014 and November 2013 to October 2014 - and now it's pretty certain that the 2014 calender year is also going to be the hottest calender year on record as well. As the information from NOAA that I just cited affirms.

And you post this kind of meaningless drivel, like you did here, as a response. You are SUCH an ignorant retarded troll.
How temperatures across the globe ranked from January through October 2014.
Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA

Warm Ocean Waters Boosting Typhoons Record Heat Climate Central

Some have cited this widespread ocean warmth as the beginning of the end of the pause, or hiatus, in the rate of planetary warming, with rates of warming demonstrably slower over the past few decades than in the previous ones. The ocean stores much of the heat absorbed by the excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, so it could be beginning of that heat being unleashed back into the atmosphere.

For the year through October, the average ocean temperature for the planet was a record high,according to NOAA data. That was a significant factor in the same period being the warmest first 10 months on record, 1.22°F higher than the 20th century average of 57.4°F. If November and December continue on pace, 2014 could best 2010 as the warmest year on record and would mean that 14 of the 15 warmest years all occurred in the 21st century

Looks like 2015 is shaping up to be a very warm year, also. Be interesting to have two record years back to back.

....so, where's the lab work that shows how CO2 does any of this?
I doesn't. They already agreed any measured warming is directly attributable to the sun. CO2 is just something they can tax.
ReallyKrazyMoron is a denier cult troll, trying desperately (and vainly) to push stupid lies and long since debunked misinformation.

Scientists are quite clear that the current abrupt warming trend is attributable to the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. They are also quite certain that "any measured warming" is definitely not "attributable to the sun", because the sun has not increased in brightness or intensity. This "it's the sun" nonsense just another crackpot denier cult myth, and just as bogus as all of the rest of their fallacious propaganda and bullshit.
How temperatures across the globe ranked from January through October 2014.
Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA

Warm Ocean Waters Boosting Typhoons Record Heat Climate Central

Some have cited this widespread ocean warmth as the beginning of the end of the pause, or hiatus, in the rate of planetary warming, with rates of warming demonstrably slower over the past few decades than in the previous ones. The ocean stores much of the heat absorbed by the excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, so it could be beginning of that heat being unleashed back into the atmosphere.

For the year through October, the average ocean temperature for the planet was a record high,according to NOAA data. That was a significant factor in the same period being the warmest first 10 months on record, 1.22°F higher than the 20th century average of 57.4°F. If November and December continue on pace, 2014 could best 2010 as the warmest year on record and would mean that 14 of the 15 warmest years all occurred in the 21st century

Looks like 2015 is shaping up to be a very warm year, also. Be interesting to have two record years back to back.

....so, where's the lab work that shows how CO2 does any of this?
I doesn't. They already agreed any measured warming is directly attributable to the sun. CO2 is just something they can tax.
ReallyKrazyMoron is a denier cult troll, trying desperately (and vainly) to push stupid lies and long since debunked misinformation.

Scientists are quite clear that the current abrupt warming trend is attributable to the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. They are also quite certain that "any measured warming" is definitely not "attributable to the sun", because the sun has not increased in brightness or intensity. This "it's the sun" nonsense just another crackpot denier cult myth, and just as bogus as all of the rest of their fallacious propaganda and bullshit.
Well of course you are. We all know that, ReallyKrazyMoron.

Why are your posts so vacuous and empty of content? Oh, right, you're retarded.

Perhaps someone should keep a tally of all of your retarded one word posts. What is it now, 40 or 50 percent of your total posts?
How temperatures across the globe ranked from January through October 2014.
Click image to enlarge. Credit: NOAA

Warm Ocean Waters Boosting Typhoons Record Heat Climate Central

Some have cited this widespread ocean warmth as the beginning of the end of the pause, or hiatus, in the rate of planetary warming, with rates of warming demonstrably slower over the past few decades than in the previous ones. The ocean stores much of the heat absorbed by the excess greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, so it could be beginning of that heat being unleashed back into the atmosphere.

For the year through October, the average ocean temperature for the planet was a record high,according to NOAA data. That was a significant factor in the same period being the warmest first 10 months on record, 1.22°F higher than the 20th century average of 57.4°F. If November and December continue on pace, 2014 could best 2010 as the warmest year on record and would mean that 14 of the 15 warmest years all occurred in the 21st century

Looks like 2015 is shaping up to be a very warm year, also. Be interesting to have two record years back to back.

....so, where's the lab work that shows how CO2 does any of this?
I doesn't. They already agreed any measured warming is directly attributable to the sun. CO2 is just something they can tax.
ReallyKrazyMoron is a denier cult troll, trying desperately (and vainly) to push stupid lies and long since debunked misinformation.

Scientists are quite clear that the current abrupt warming trend is attributable to the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. They are also quite certain that "any measured warming" is definitely not "attributable to the sun", because the sun has not increased in brightness or intensity. This "it's the sun" nonsense just another crackpot denier cult myth, and just as bogus as all of the rest of their fallacious propaganda and bullshit.
Well of course you are. We all know that, ReallyKrazyMoron.

Why are your posts so vacuous and empty of content? Oh, right, you're retarded.

Perhaps someone should keep a tally of all of your retarded one word posts. What is it now, 40 or 50 percent of your total posts?
Mentally handicapped POS.
ReallyKrazyMoron is a denier cult troll, trying desperately (and vainly) to push stupid lies and long since debunked misinformation.

Scientists are quite clear that the current abrupt warming trend is attributable to the 43% increase in atmospheric CO2 levels. They are also quite certain that "any measured warming" is definitely not "attributable to the sun", because the sun has not increased in brightness or intensity. This "it's the sun" nonsense just another crackpot denier cult myth, and just as bogus as all of the rest of their fallacious propaganda and bullshit.
Well of course you are. We all know that, ReallyKrazyMoron.

Why are your posts so vacuous and empty of content? Oh, right, you're retarded.

Perhaps someone should keep a tally of all of your retarded one word posts. What is it now, 40 or 50 percent of your total posts?
Mentally handicapped POS.

Repeat last post with one small change...

"Why are your posts so vacuous and empty of content? Oh, right, you're retarded.

Perhaps someone should keep a tally of all of your retarded one or two or three word posts. What is it now, 70 or 80 percent of your total posts?"
No, with respect to a 1981-2010 base period, your an idiot. Nice try at a thread though, most people don't catch the little stuff so don't feel too bad.
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? :lmao:
by the facts??? :lmao:

What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true. :cuckoo:
Those so-called "facts"?

Damn your a dumbfuck! :cuckoo:
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.


My, my another little ignorant dumbass. Still to date YOU cannot back-up the bullshit that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Instead of providing real evidence based on real science, time and time again Goldierocks YOU have provided BULLSHIT upon more BULLSHIT upon even more BULLSHIT. :eusa_liar: :cuckoo:

YOU present yourself as a moron who was gullible enough to believe in and accept the lies and misinformation of global warming / climate change and trying to convince others of your brainwashed beliefs. :cuckoo:
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Actually, only one other denier cult retard besides you was mentally impaired enough to think that the 'record', in which 2014 is the 'warmest year on record', referred to the reference dates on the first graph, which was showing the global temperature deviation from the average temperatures over a recent period of time. Only utter idiots who were completely ignorant about this whole subject could possibly assume that. Everybody with more than two brain cells to rub together knows the instrumental temperature 'record' being referred to in that article goes back to about 1880. Of course, climate scientists have assembled a number of proxie temperature records covering the entire Holocene. They all show unusually rapid warming starting in the twentieth century.
No, with respect to a 1981-2010 base period, your an idiot. Nice try at a thread though, most people don't catch the little stuff so don't feel too bad.
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? by the facts??? What facts?
You really have some serious comprehension problems, WildassCretin. You grt stumped by small words!

So, yes, you poor retard, Elektra's drivel (and of course, all of your exceptionally idiotic drivel) got thoroughly debunked (even if you're too stupid to grasp that) by the facts about AGW/CC; facts that have been uncovered by the diligent work of tens of thousands of highly educated scientists all around the world over the last six decades or so. Facts that are almost unanimously affirmed by the world scientific community. Facts that you are either paid to deny, or that you are too retarded to comprehend and have been brainwashed into moronically denying. Like you do right here.

:blahblah: :anj_stfu:

Hey RollingBlunder, everything in that post from you is equal to..........


Your a dumbfuck, and you prove that each and every time that you post.:lmao: :cuckoo:
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It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? by the facts??? What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true.
Those so-called "facts"? Damn your a dumbfuck!
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.
My, my another little ignorant dumbass. Still to date YOU cannot back-up the bullshit that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Instead of providing real evidence based on real science, time and time again Goldierocks YOU have provided BULLSHIT upon more BULLSHIT upon even more BULLSHIT.

YOU present yourself as a moron who was gullible enough to believe in and accept the lies and misinformation of global warming / climate change and trying to convince others of your brainwashed beliefs.

LOLOLOLOLOL.......so says the denier cult retard 'WildassCretin' who NEVER EVER even tries to support his absurd claims and delusions with any actual evidence, as everyone has noticed. Just hot air and bullshit, that's all this poor imbecile can manage. He wouldn't know "real science" if it bit him on the ass.
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? by the facts??? What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true.
Those so-called "facts"? Damn your a dumbfuck!
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.
My, my another little ignorant dumbass. Still to date YOU cannot back-up the bullshit that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger. Instead of providing real evidence based on real science, time and time again Goldierocks YOU have provided BULLSHIT upon more BULLSHIT upon even more BULLSHIT.

YOU present yourself as a moron who was gullible enough to believe in and accept the lies and misinformation of global warming / climate change and trying to convince others of your brainwashed beliefs.

LOLOLOLOLOL.......so says the denier cult retard 'WildassCretin' who NEVER EVER even tries to support his absurd claims and delusions with any actual evidence, as everyone has noticed. Just hot air and bullshit, that's all this poor imbecile can manage. He wouldn't know "real science" if it bit him on the ass.

:blahblah: :anj_stfu:

Another stupid post from the dumbfuck, RollingBlunder.

LOLOLOLOLOL.......so says the denier cult retard 'WildassCretin' who NEVER EVER even tries to support his absurd claims and delusions with any actual evidence, as everyone has noticed. Just hot air and bullshit, that's all this poor imbecile can manage. He wouldn't know "real science" if it bit him on the ass.
Another stupid post from the dumbfuck, RollingBlunder. YAWN.

And another completely vacuous post from the WingnutCretin. Retarded victims of the Dunning-Kruger Effect always imagine that the other person is the stupid one when the other person points out the very clear evidence of how extremely stupid he is really, really being. Evidence that he has provided in abundance.

He probably expects to be congratulated for bringing the length of his moronically empty simple-minded posts up from only one or two or three words all the way up to (gasp) eight words. LOLOL. This poor nutbagger has nothing but hot air and bullshit to offer, and he can't comprehend why nobody here buys the lame twaddle he's pushing....after all, all of his (equally moronic) friends believe him....LOL....
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Wouldn't be nearly so hot if those damn Democrats would cool down over the ass-kicking they took in the elections.

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