2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

earlier today I crop dusted isle 5 at wall mart and was hoping the environmentalists in this threads (aka dumb shits) can tell me the impact that will have on the people in walmart and animals outside?

Will it hurt them?
Will it hurt the environment once it finds it's way outside?
Does it kill all the animals like in Once Upon a forest?
Did you feel bad for those animals in that movie and is that why you care so much about the environment?
Is that why animals walk away after you let one go?
You know crows hover around nuclear power plants all the time for their prey to just die over and they get food to eat, so why complain?
I love warmie words like "denier" and "heretic". They have such a long-established provenance in the halls of empirical science. When I was a product manager in Silicon Valley, anyone who used such medieval dismissives in a production meeting, would have been stared at in shock, and handed his severance package the next morning.

The saddest part in all this, is that 99% of these useful idiots parroting the anti-petroleum catechism, have no idea that's what they're actually doing, and the further irony is that people in Silicon Valley on the road to making billions in wealth back then and in subsequent years, are the very people pulling all the useful idiot strings.
earlier today I crop dusted isle 5 at wall mart and was hoping the environmentalists in this threads (aka dumb shits) can tell me the impact that will have on the people in walmart and animals outside?

Will it hurt them?
Will it hurt the environment once it finds it's way outside?
Does it kill all the animals like in Once Upon a forest?
Did you feel bad for those animals in that movie and is that why you care so much about the environment?
Is that why animals walk away after you let one go?
You know crows hover around nuclear power plants all the time for their prey to just die over and they get food to eat, so why complain?
Were you born stupid or did you have to take bad drugs to get this way?
I love warmie words like "denier" and "heretic". They have such a long-established provenance in the halls of empirical science. When I was a product manager in Silicon Valley, anyone who used such medieval dismissives in a production meeting, would have been stared at in shock, and handed his severance package the next morning.

The saddest part in all this, is that 99% of these useful idiots parroting the anti-petroleum catechism, have no idea that's what they're actually doing, and the further irony is that people in Silicon Valley on the road to making billions in wealth back then and in subsequent years, are the very people pulling all the useful idiot strings.
I would never call you a "heretic", although you are a member of an anti-science cult of reality denial.....but "denier is an entirely appropriate label for anyone who idiotically denies the conclusions of the climate scientists and the massive amounts of evidence and data those conclusions are based on. The fact that you deserve that label has nothing whatsoever to do with the science supporting the conclusions of the climate scientists about AGW. ... Silly moron.
I love warmie words like "denier" and "heretic". They have such a long-established provenance in the halls of empirical science. When I was a product manager in Silicon Valley, anyone who used such medieval dismissives in a production meeting, would have been stared at in shock, and handed his severance package the next morning.

The saddest part in all this, is that 99% of these useful idiots parroting the anti-petroleum catechism, have no idea that's what they're actually doing, and the further irony is that people in Silicon Valley on the road to making billions in wealth back then and in subsequent years, are the very people pulling all the useful idiot strings.

It's Cult behavior. AGW crowd is a total Cult
giss for nov came in at .65c or .67 for the Dec-Nov period...Which puts us slightly below 2010. 2010 had a dec around .45c which we should beat and be able to regain number one.

You like the adjusted up numbers too.. While the unadjusted numbers show -0.32 deg C, far below your magical numbers of fairy dust change...

Justify your upward adjustment of 0.99 deg C. One full degree C.. Holy shit, these are guys who are total frauds... how bold can you get? No one is calling these bastards on their fairy dust adjustments..
giss for nov came in at .65c or .67 for the Dec-Nov period...Which puts us slightly below 2010. 2010 had a dec around .45c which we should beat and be able to regain number one.
You like the adjusted up numbers too.. While the unadjusted numbers show -0.32 deg C, far below your magical numbers of fairy dust change...

Justify your upward adjustment of 0.99 deg C. One full degree C.. Holy shit, these are guys who are total frauds... how bold can you get? No one is calling these bastards on their fairy dust adjustments..
Delusional nonsense with, of course, no attempt at providing any evidence to support his anti-science bullshit. Just crackpot conspiracy theories involving all of the scientists at NASA this time.
I love warmie words like "denier" and "heretic". They have such a long-established provenance in the halls of empirical science. When I was a product manager in Silicon Valley, anyone who used such medieval dismissives in a production meeting, would have been stared at in shock, and handed his severance package the next morning.

You mean your company was run by anti-science cult crybabies? I kind of doubt that.

It's more likely you're just making crap up. If some dimbulb at your company had starting screaming hysterically about how the round earth theory was a socialist plot, it would have been the dimbulb getting told to change his ways. Same situation with deniers.

The saddest part in all this, is that 99% of these useful idiots parroting the anti-petroleum catechism, have no idea that's what they're actually doing, and the further irony is that people in Silicon Valley on the road to making billions in wealth back then and in subsequent years, are the very people pulling all the useful idiot strings.

Conspiracy nutters like you deservedly get laughed at by all rational people. And are shown the door if they don't keep their stupidity to themselves. Was that what happened to you?
giss for nov came in at .65c or .67 for the Dec-Nov period...Which puts us slightly below 2010. 2010 had a dec around .45c which we should beat and be able to regain number one.
You like the adjusted up numbers too.. While the unadjusted numbers show -0.32 deg C, far below your magical numbers of fairy dust change...

Justify your upward adjustment of 0.99 deg C. One full degree C.. Holy shit, these are guys who are total frauds... how bold can you get? No one is calling these bastards on their fairy dust adjustments..
Delusional nonsense with, of course, no attempt at providing any evidence to support his anti-science bullshit. Just crackpot conspiracy theories involving all of the scientists at NASA this time.

Justify the stupidity you fuck wit moron.. YOU cite these fairytale numbers and bring NO JUSTIFICATION FOR THEIR ADJUSTMENT! Come on Blunder Boy justify the shit your spouting..

I'm willing to bet that if they were adjusting it downwards you be screaming like a little school girl.
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Give it up, there is no global warming.

We're in for a cold winter, I believe. The old timers say if the cattle are laying down in the field before winter hits it is going to be a cold winter. Mine were laying down today. I believe it is going to be a very cold winter this year.
Give it up, there is no global warming.

We're in for a cold winter, I believe. The old timers say if the cattle are laying down in the field before winter hits it is going to be a cold winter. Mine were laying down today. I believe it is going to be a very cold winter this year.
And the left will claim the cold winter is caused by global warming. :lol:
Give it up, there is no global warming.

We're in for a cold winter, I believe. The old timers say if the cattle are laying down in the field before winter hits it is going to be a cold winter. Mine were laying down today. I believe it is going to be a very cold winter this year.
And the left will claim the cold winter is caused by global warming. :lol:

As they adjust up the temperature record and homogenize the old records to increase the rise.. its all deception..
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Give it up, there is no global warming.

We're in for a cold winter, I believe. The old timers say if the cattle are laying down in the field before winter hits it is going to be a cold winter. Mine were laying down today. I believe it is going to be a very cold winter this year.
And the left will claim the cold winter is caused by global warming. :lol:

If the global temperatures are warming how can the winters get colder? Wouldn't they get warmer? Wasn't that the big story about the Polar Bears running out of icebergs or something?
Give it up, there is no global warming.

We're in for a cold winter, I believe. The old timers say if the cattle are laying down in the field before winter hits it is going to be a cold winter. Mine were laying down today. I believe it is going to be a very cold winter this year.
Remember if it's hot it's global warming and if it's cold it's also global warming.
I on the other hand call it weather.
If the cows are laying down in the field it is going to be a cold winter. That is the prediction from the Old Timers. I am going with their prediction. Looks to be a cold winter I believe.
If the cows are laying down in the field it is going to be a cold winter. That is the prediction from the Old Timers. I am going with their prediction. Looks to be a cold winter I believe.

The data includes the colder than avg America.
Data.GISS GISS Surface Temperature Analysis

The UNADJUSTED data set shows that we are -0.52 deg C. SO please tell us what justification are you using for adding 1 deg C to the records you tout as truth?
There's no sign of a cold winter coming in the USA. After a cold November, December average temp in the USA is so far a little warmer than average. That's how it's been for the first two weeks, and that's the forecast for the next week. Cooler than normal around the Gulf of Mexico, warmer everywhere else. Long-term winter forecast is cool in the south, warm in the west, normal everywhere else.

The standard old wives' tale/rural legend is that cows lying down means it's going to rain soon. No truth to that one either. Cows lie down for a large portion of every day, rain or shine, warm or cold winter approaching.

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