2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

Thank you, Crick. That has been posted many times, but the idiots still refer to that disproven paper. Really demonstrates just how ignorant this bunch is.
You need to refute the numerous people that have refuted Koch/Angstrom if you want to claim his work was valid.
Me? hahahahaahaha nope! you prove it wrong. The experiment is done! Where is the one that disputes it.
If the global temperatures are warming how can the winters get colder?
Winters are not getting colder GLOBALLY, dude. Some parts of the U.S. are somewhat cooler, but the the rest of the country and most of the rest of the world is either unusually warm or near average.

BTW, trying to reason your way through scientific issues that you don't understand, using incomplete or false information, is completely futile. Learn more first but from reputable scientific sources, not denier cult blogs.
see I told you so!!!!!
Winters have been a bit colder in parts of North America. Maybe 30% of the 2% of the land area that the lower 48 represent globally. Elsewhere, in the rest of the world, they have been warmer. But you know that already.
Billy Boob, given your lying about studying for a Phd in atmospheric physics, and throwing around terms like null hypothesis without any idea at all about what that means, you calling anyone else a fraud is a laugh
too funny coming from you!!! hahahaahahahahaahahaha
I like how the global warming cult followers try to make reasonable people look like the kooks by calling them "denier cultists". They walk in lockstep with those who erroneously insist the earth is warming and we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't redistribute the wealth of the U.S. to the rest of the world and WE are called a cult. Priceless. Reminds me of Bill Maher calling his tv show "politically incorrect" when the show was the epitome of political correctness.
I like how the global warming cult followers try to make reasonable people look like the kooks by calling them "denier cultists". They walk in lockstep with those who erroneously insist the earth is warming and we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't redistribute the wealth of the U.S. to the rest of the world and WE are called a cult. Priceless. Reminds me of Bill Maher calling his tv show "politically incorrect" when the show was the epitome of political correctness.
Well I beg to differ, I think it is they who look like the kooks and do it everyday. They have nothing of evidence to support their claim. NOTHING.

They like to post graphs with adjusted data in them. hahahahaahahahahaha. Sorry, annnt!!!
LOLOLOLOLOL.......so says the denier cult retard 'WildassCretin' who NEVER EVER even tries to support his absurd claims and delusions with any actual evidence, as everyone has noticed. Just hot air and bullshit, that's all this poor imbecile can manage. He wouldn't know "real science" if it bit him on the ass.
Another stupid post from the dumbfuck, RollingBlunder. YAWN.

And another completely vacuous post from the WingnutCretin. Retarded victims of the Dunning-Kruger Effect always imagine that the other person is the stupid one when the other person points out the very clear evidence of how extremely stupid he is really, really being. Evidence that he has provided in abundance.

He probably expects to be congratulated for bringing the length of his moronically empty simple-minded posts up from only one or two or three words all the way up to (gasp) eight words. LOLOL. This poor nutbagger has nothing but hot air and bullshit to offer, and he can't comprehend why nobody here buys the lame twaddle he's pushing....after all, all of his (equally moronic) friends believe him....LOL....

:blahblah: :anj_stfu:

Do you practice being stupid or does it come naturally for you, RollingBlunder?
LOLOLOLOLOL.......so says the denier cult retard 'WildassCretin' who NEVER EVER even tries to support his absurd claims and delusions with any actual evidence, as everyone has noticed.
And YOU are a goddamn liar as usual. :eusa_liar:
I have posted evidence in various different threads. It's not my fault that YOU didn't post go to those threads to read and respond to any of evidence posted. And when exactly are YOU going to post some real evidence based on real science to back-up your bullshit claims, other then the countless posts which is bullshit and trying to convince others that AGW/CC is real, when it's a lie.

You're just mad that not everyone believes in and accepts the crap that YOU do.
AGW/CC is a lie.

RollingBlunder, keeps continually proving that she is a dumbfuck. :cuckoo:
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Prelim NASA GISS data out. November 2014 temperature anomaly is +0.65C. Which, while very warm, is only the 9th warmest November.

http://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata_v3/GLB.Ts dSST.txt

Deniers, you've got a decision to make. Should you declare the data is fraudulent, or should you declare that it only being the 9th warmest November means an ice age is coming? You'll look better if you all get on the same page.

It's going to be close, whether 2014 is the hottest year. It's neck-and-neck with 2010 now. However, Dec. 2010 was merely at +0.44C, so a strong Dec. 2014 can claim the title.
I like how the global warming cult followers try to make reasonable people look like the kooks by calling them "denier cultists". They walk in lockstep with those who erroneously insist the earth is warming and we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't redistribute the wealth of the U.S. to the rest of the world and WE are called a cult. Priceless. Reminds me of Bill Maher calling his tv show "politically incorrect" when the show was the epitome of political correctness.
Well I beg to differ, I think it is they who look like the kooks and do it everyday. They have nothing of evidence to support their claim. NOTHING.

They like to post graphs with adjusted data in them. hahahahaahahahahaha. Sorry, annnt!!!
I agree, they are the ones who look like kooks. That's the funny part, they think if they call us cultists, no one will notice that THEY are.
I like how the global warming cult followers try to make reasonable people look like the kooks by calling them "denier cultists". They walk in lockstep with those who erroneously insist the earth is warming and we're all gonna die in a few years if we don't redistribute the wealth of the U.S. to the rest of the world and WE are called a cult. Priceless. Reminds me of Bill Maher calling his tv show "politically incorrect" when the show was the epitome of political correctness.
Well I beg to differ, I think it is they who look like the kooks and do it everyday. They have nothing of evidence to support their claim. NOTHING.

They like to post graphs with adjusted data in them. hahahahaahahahahaha. Sorry, annnt!!!
I agree, they are the ones who look like kooks. That's the funny part, they think if they call us cultists, no one will notice that THEY are.
The intelligence of global warming alarmists is exceeded by a sack of rocks.
No, with respect to a 1981-2010 base period, your an idiot. Nice try at a thread though, most people don't catch the little stuff so don't feel too bad.
It is so funny the way utter retards cling to their wacko delusions no matter how clearly you explain things to them. And, of course, this nitwit didn't even bother to read the whole article, which specifically states: "For the year-to-date, the globe has measured 1.22°F above the 20th century average of 57.3°F, which makes January-August 2014 the third warmest such period since records began in 1880."

Thermometer-Based Temperature Trends
(Global and Hemispheric)
The earliest records of temperature measured by thermometers are from western Europe beginning in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. The network of temperature collection stations increased over time and by the early 20th century, records were being collected in almost all regions, except for polar regions where collections began in the 1940s and 1950s.

A set of temperature records from over 7,000 stations around the world has been compiled by the NOAA National Climate Data Center to create the Global Historical Climatology Network - GHCN (GHCN Version 2 data set; Peterson and Vose 1997). About 1,000 of these records extend back into the 19th century.

Two widely recognized research programs have used the available instrumental data to reconstruct global surface air temperature trends from the late 1800's through today. Both use the same land-based thermometer measurement records from the GHCN, but the records contain some differences. These differences are due to different approaches to spatial averaging, the use and treatment of sea surface temperature data (from ship observations), and the handling of the influence of changes in land-cover (i.e., increases in urbanization). However, both show the same basic trends over the last 100 years. The units shown are departures from the 1960 - 1990 period. For larger viewing version of these graphed temperature records, please click here or on the graph. To view animations of mapped CRU-UK global temperatures, click here.
Sure, whatever you say, why all the links to crap. Why not just post the data, names of the stations with the temperature for the period you claim. I bet you can not post something so simple. Just the temperatures.
Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again, you moronic nutjob, just like it always has every time you post your really insane claims ("no drought in California", for example), and now you're just spewing meaningless gibberish that has no bearing on the scientific facts about rising temperatures. I reported on the scientific statements about how hot 2014 has been. I happen to trust the reports of the world scientific community and groups like NOAA, NASA, NSIDC, PIOMAS and others around the world. Since you're obviously very insane, you are almost certainly a conspiracy theory wacko, so you probably don't trust the scientists at all. Not my problem! If you want an education in how the scientists reach their conclusions about AGW and the data and evidence they use, look it up yourself. Again, not my problem! I'm not the one who's too bonkers to believe the collective judgement of the world's experts.

Your idiotic drivel got debunked by the facts again
Debunked??? :lmao:
by the facts??? :lmao:

What facts?
Oh, you mean the bullshit lies and misinformation that is based on fraudulent science that YOU continually post and believe to be true. :cuckoo:
Those so-called "facts"?

Damn your a dumbfuck! :cuckoo:
My, my, another little corksmoking idiot. All flap-yap and little cartoons, and not a single link to back any of his lies and stupidities.

Come on, show us one Scientfic Society that does not state AGW is real. How about one National Academy of Science? One major University? You cannot because all have policy statements that AGW is real, and a clear and present danger.

You present yourself as a willfully ignorant individual, and absolutely determined to stay that way.
links? Old Crock has a, "missing link".

What is wrong Old Crock, you ain't got the intelligence to make a single point without a link?
There was a time when deniers weren't all sulking delusional conspiracy cultists.

That time is gone, and will never return.

I hesitate to mock them too much any more. I'm worried they might harm themselves. And there's no challenge in it, so it feels like picking on the helpless.
There was a time when deniers weren't all sulking delusional conspiracy cultists.

That time is gone, and will never return.

I hesitate to mock them too much any more. I'm worried they might harm themselves. And there's no challenge in it, so it feels like picking on the helpless.
yet, here you are, with nothing but a little wit, which still comes from an, idiot
There was a time when deniers weren't all sulking delusional conspiracy cultists.

That time is gone, and will never return.

I hesitate to mock them too much any more. I'm worried they might harm themselves. And there's no challenge in it, so it feels like picking on the helpless.
there was a time there wasn't message boards and leftist were just allowed to vent all day through the media. Now with message boards and posts like this one, merely demonstrate what a looney bunch they really are!

Can you say cuckoo? I thought so!!!!! :woohoo::woohoo:
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Politifact's Lie-of-the-Year award for 2014 goes to ... "Global warming is a hoax!".

2014 Readers Poll results PolitiFact

Congratulations to all the deniers here for winning such a prestigious award! Please step to the podium now and give your thanks and credits to everyone who helped you out.
do you have anything of value to post? this is just pure nausem! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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