2014 On Track To Be Hottest Year On Record

[So El Nino and the Jet stream did not exist before man made climate change?

That's Frank's theory.

In case you haven't noticed, he's a fucking moron.

We can't say for certain why the Sun's corona is 200 times hotter than its surface, why Jupiter radiates twice as much heat as it receives from the Sun or what the Moon is doing in orbit around the Earth, all we know for certain is that a wisp of CO2 will melt the polar ice caps, raise the oceans 600 feet and turn all frogs left-handed
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Cultists like Frank don't like to be called cultists. It gives them a big sad. Too bad. Denier cultists need to experience maximum public humiliation, as that will discourage them from diving deeper into the stupid end of the stupid pool.

It's a type of tough love. We only give it to the deniers because we care.
Cultists like Frank don't like to be called cultists. It gives them a big sad. Too bad. Denier cultists need to experience maximum public humiliation, as that will discourage them from diving deeper into the stupid end of the stupid pool.

It's a type of tough love. We only give it to the deniers because we care.

"Denier is a Cult word. It's like a Cult secret handshake. As soon as you head someone say it, it means they're a Cult member"
Frank, how did you like his/ her statement that the warmer surface air is causing the Antarctic build up of ice?

I never said or implied such a thing. As usual, you're lying about me. Like you always do. Everyone knows you haven't got the stones to debate anyone honestly.

Now, back to the problems the denier cult faces.

The #3 reason that the whole world laughs at the denier cultists is because they're always whining.

The #2 reason is their chronic rank dishonesty.

And the #1 reason is they suck so badly at the science.

Which of those shortcomings do you cultists plan to address first?
Let me get this straight. You call me a cult fanatic. I ask regarding what... and then in response to a question... you call me a liar. Interesting. So basically you are a whining piece of shit that can't read or write.
You might want to double check who I was responding to there.
It does not show "who" you replied to unless you quote them. I suppose I could switch to thread mode if this forum supports that.
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Frank, how did you like his/ her statement that the warmer surface air is causing the Antarctic build up of ice?

I never said or implied such a thing. As usual, you're lying about me. Like you always do. Everyone knows you haven't got the stones to debate anyone honestly.

Now, back to the problems the denier cult faces.

The #3 reason that the whole world laughs at the denier cultists is because they're always whining.

The #2 reason is their chronic rank dishonesty.

And the #1 reason is they suck so badly at the science.

Which of those shortcomings do you cultists plan to address first?

Did you write this or not?
Nice attempt at deflection from the record warmth. A lot of deniers are posting that piece today. One of their propaganda blogs must have fed it to them.

The increasing Antarctic sea ice has happened along with _increasing_ temperatures in the area. Deniers, not being the sharpest tools in the shed, seem to think "ice means more cold". Nope. Lots of factors affect ice formation. Wind patterns and water freshening have increased ice formation as temps climbed, just as Dr. Manabe predicted in 1991.

Back to the point, which is temperatures are going up. Global warming. Denying it has crossed the line into delusion.

Tell me where I lied? it is your typed words!!!!

I mean you once asked if we knew what increasing temperature meant. We said warming. Right?
You might want to double check who I was responding to there.
It does not show "who" you replied to unless you quote them. I suppose I could switch to thread mode if this forum supports that.
Nope, this forum software by XenForo does not support a "threaded" mode. Thus, because you did not cite who you were talking to, you could have been talking to yourself for all we know.
mantooth, i hear crickets.

The rss satellite is a defective piece of shit and the Uah has a denier leading it...Spencer writes on his blog like he is a full fledge denier and does everything in his power to rig his data set.

God bless the best science institutions on earth. Goddamn all that would hurt it.
2014 was the hottest year on record.

Hence, I'm bumping this thread. It's important to keep pointing and laughing at the crybaby deniers and their hysterical cult conspiracy theories. Being deniers are emotion-driven creatures, they aren't affected by logic. You can't reason them out of their religion, as they weren't reasoned into it. Deniers act the way they do because it brings them emotional comfort. Therefore, the way to make them act differently is to make it emotionally painful for them to be deniers.

That is, all decent and ethical people should mock the denier losers until they cry.

So deniers, what's it feel like to be thought of as such losers by the whole planet? Stings, I bet it does. The entire planet considers you to be cult fruitloops. And the planet is correct.

It's not going to get any better for the denier cult. The laughter directed at you is only going to get louder. So what's the plan for the future? More whining? Even crazier conspiracy theories? You know, repeating all the nonsense that brought about your current faceplant?

Don't wait for your cult leaders to break out the koolaid vat, deniers. Slip away into the jungle now. Save yourselves from the upcoming mass suicide of your cult.

Gosh, the hottest year since the 1880s. Well, I'm convinced.
Let's cripple our economy and waste trillions on less reliable "green energy".
Gotta drop the temp in 2080 by 0.1 degrees.
Frank, how did you like his/ her statement that the warmer surface air is causing the Antarctic build up of ice?

I never said or implied such a thing. As usual, you're lying about me. Like you always do. Everyone knows you haven't got the stones to debate anyone honestly.

Now, back to the problems the denier cult faces.

The #3 reason that the whole world laughs at the denier cultists is because they're always whining.

The #2 reason is their chronic rank dishonesty.

And the #1 reason is they suck so badly at the science.

Which of those shortcomings do you cultists plan to address first?
Let me get this straight. You call me a cult fanatic. I ask regarding what... and then in response to a question... you call me a liar. Interesting. So basically you are a whining piece of shit that can't read or write.

Mammyooth is a Cultist and a nut
Hotterest EVAH!!!!!

At this rate, by 2015 the temperature will be a bazillion degrees! On Planet Earth! at Night!

Frank, how did you like his/ her statement that the warmer surface air is causing the Antarctic build up of ice?

I never said or implied such a thing. As usual, you're lying about me. Like you always do. Everyone knows you haven't got the stones to debate anyone honestly.

Did you write this or not?

Nice attempt at deflection from the record warmth. A lot of deniers are posting that piece today. One of their propaganda blogs must have fed it to them.

The increasing Antarctic sea ice has happened along with _increasing_ temperatures in the area.

Of course I did. And anyone who's not a liar or a retard understands that not saying warming caused more sea ice. Non-retards understand that correlation isn't causation.

So, you have a problem. You made such a stupid mistake. Now, a mentally healthy person could admit making a mistake. No problem. You could just admit to being stupid. It's not like anyone doesn't already know you're a moron.

However, you're afflicted with a multitude of personality flaws. Being one of my dickless stalkers tops the list of them. That means you don't have the 'nads to admit making a mistake. Therefore, you're going to double down on stupid, cry very hard, and graduate into flat out lying.

And I'm going to keep pointing that out and laughing. My only complaint is that you make this too damn easy. Now, squeal for me some more, you sad little cult pisschugger.

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