2015 hottest year ever, 15 of 16 hottest years since 2001...

194 nations agreed that climate change is a problem, one that all of us have to address. People like Silly Billy and Mr. Westwall simply don't count anymore.
wrong, 194 individuals out of 7 billion, not good odds

Are you claiming that only 194 people out of 7 billion believe in climate change? Please step away.
how many people represented those countries? was it the entire country or reps? hmmmmmm. anyone can say what anyone wants, the fact is there are 7 billion people in the world and 194 of them went to the summit. that is also all who voted. so, where's my error?
Your wiki link showed multiple investigations that demonstrated climategate changes nothing about climate change. Please continue though, with enemies like you who needs friends?

So the diocese investigated the priests in question and determined no abuse?

Well, that settles it... :eusa_whistle:

Its like Penn State investigating Michale Mann and Mr. Sanduskie. They still claim neither one of them did anything wrong..

Says the morons who trust the oil industry to fund climate research.
what's you problem with oil industry, I still can't figure out how they come into play for climate science? Can you explain?
Not going to answer the original question? If who ever you are using as a source isn't qualified to explain the information you are posting then your opinion is less than convincing.

Well there you go...

I am a certified meteorologist. I hold a Masters in Atmospheric Physics..

You are an ignorant fool.. Your opinion is crap, based on lies and failed models... And that I can say with 100% certainty..

You're an anonymous poster on a hyper-partisan discussion forum. There is absolutely no reason to believe you. And, even if you were, you are way out numbered.
then why are you here? you ask a question, you get an answer and then you claim foul and make claim it's due to it being a message board. Well, duh, sort of limits a discussion.

Your idea of a message board is to believe everything you read? Please step away.
where did I say that? I said you want someone to respect your ass, you should first extend the respect. your little whiny rant about Billy was silly. and uncalled for. No one said you had to believe anything. But, if you wish to have your posts respected, then respect others. Is that too difficult for you? If so, find another hobby.

Uncalled for? He claimed he's a meteorologist, I don't believe him. Simple as that. Respect, I;m sure you're full of it.
Your wiki link showed multiple investigations that demonstrated climategate changes nothing about climate change. Please continue though, with enemies like you who needs friends?

So the diocese investigated the priests in question and determined no abuse?

Well, that settles it... :eusa_whistle:

Its like Penn State investigating Michale Mann and Mr. Sanduskie. They still claim neither one of them did anything wrong..

Says the morons who trust the oil industry to fund climate research.
what's you problem with oil industry, I still can't figure out how they come into play for climate science? Can you explain?

Fine, I'll ask you the same question nobody wants to answer. Find a group that advocates that there is no such thing as human caused global warning that is not run by a right wing think tank, conspiracy nuts or the oil industry.

Will you be the one to have an answer?
Well there you go...

I am a certified meteorologist. I hold a Masters in Atmospheric Physics..

You are an ignorant fool.. Your opinion is crap, based on lies and failed models... And that I can say with 100% certainty..

You're an anonymous poster on a hyper-partisan discussion forum. There is absolutely no reason to believe you. And, even if you were, you are way out numbered.
then why are you here? you ask a question, you get an answer and then you claim foul and make claim it's due to it being a message board. Well, duh, sort of limits a discussion.

Your idea of a message board is to believe everything you read? Please step away.
where did I say that? I said you want someone to respect your ass, you should first extend the respect. your little whiny rant about Billy was silly. and uncalled for. No one said you had to believe anything. But, if you wish to have your posts respected, then respect others. Is that too difficult for you? If so, find another hobby.

Uncalled for? He claimed he's a meteorologist, I don't believe him. Simple as that. Respect, I;m sure you're full of it.
why do you doubt him? then you're calling him a liar, and I find that uncalled for. I simply stated, one more time, if you want respect, you extend respect. I respect old socks and his geology effort, why not, good for him. It doesn't make him any more qualified in my eyes than me, but hey why should I doubt him? What's it to you if he is or isn't a meteorologist? Still a message board full of stupid on a daily basis.
Your wiki link showed multiple investigations that demonstrated climategate changes nothing about climate change. Please continue though, with enemies like you who needs friends?

So the diocese investigated the priests in question and determined no abuse?

Well, that settles it... :eusa_whistle:

Its like Penn State investigating Michale Mann and Mr. Sanduskie. They still claim neither one of them did anything wrong..

Says the morons who trust the oil industry to fund climate research.
what's you problem with oil industry, I still can't figure out how they come into play for climate science? Can you explain?

Fine, I'll ask you the same question nobody wants to answer. Find a group that advocates that there is no such thing as human caused global warning that is not run by a right wing think tank, conspiracy nuts or the oil industry.

Will you be the one to have an answer?
and son, all over this forum is my question which has never been answered who agrees with AGW who isn't funded by a grant or government money. crickets bubba, crickets. And BTW Judith Curry on your question. Go look her up. One class act is she.
You're an anonymous poster on a hyper-partisan discussion forum. There is absolutely no reason to believe you. And, even if you were, you are way out numbered.
then why are you here? you ask a question, you get an answer and then you claim foul and make claim it's due to it being a message board. Well, duh, sort of limits a discussion.

Your idea of a message board is to believe everything you read? Please step away.
where did I say that? I said you want someone to respect your ass, you should first extend the respect. your little whiny rant about Billy was silly. and uncalled for. No one said you had to believe anything. But, if you wish to have your posts respected, then respect others. Is that too difficult for you? If so, find another hobby.

Uncalled for? He claimed he's a meteorologist, I don't believe him. Simple as that. Respect, I;m sure you're full of it.
why do you doubt him? then you're calling him a liar, and I find that uncalled for. I simply stated, one more time, if you want respect, you extend respect. I respect old socks and his geology effort, why not, good for him. It doesn't make him any more qualified in my eyes than me, but hey why should I doubt him? What's it to you if he is or isn't a meteorologist? Still a message board full of stupid on a daily basis.

He's using his claim as a meteorologist as if he knows something. I don't see much respect going back and forth and I'm not asking for any, you seem to be under the impression I care. I just want a a source who does not believe in climate change that is not full of wingnuts, conspiracy theorists or the oil industry, I don't need to play patty cake, so take your one sided moralizing elsewhere.
then why are you here? you ask a question, you get an answer and then you claim foul and make claim it's due to it being a message board. Well, duh, sort of limits a discussion.

Your idea of a message board is to believe everything you read? Please step away.
where did I say that? I said you want someone to respect your ass, you should first extend the respect. your little whiny rant about Billy was silly. and uncalled for. No one said you had to believe anything. But, if you wish to have your posts respected, then respect others. Is that too difficult for you? If so, find another hobby.

Uncalled for? He claimed he's a meteorologist, I don't believe him. Simple as that. Respect, I;m sure you're full of it.
why do you doubt him? then you're calling him a liar, and I find that uncalled for. I simply stated, one more time, if you want respect, you extend respect. I respect old socks and his geology effort, why not, good for him. It doesn't make him any more qualified in my eyes than me, but hey why should I doubt him? What's it to you if he is or isn't a meteorologist? Still a message board full of stupid on a daily basis.

He's using his claim as a meteorologist as if he knows something. I don't see much respect going back and forth and I'm not asking for any, you seem to be under the impression I care. I just want a a source who does not believe in climate change that is not full of wingnuts, conspiracy theorists or the oil industry, I don't need to play patty cake, so take your one sided moralizing elsewhere.
you're hung up on the oil companies and yet you have no ties to throw out as logic. I gave you Judith Curry, what say you?

BTW, how many oil industry reps attended the summit in Paris? Who was an opposing voice there? Is there one? you want to claim oil industry bias for some reason and yet can't explain the fact that only governments are involved with scientist paid by them. Hmmmm disingenuous my man, very disingenuous
So the diocese investigated the priests in question and determined no abuse?

Well, that settles it... :eusa_whistle:

Its like Penn State investigating Michale Mann and Mr. Sanduskie. They still claim neither one of them did anything wrong..

Says the morons who trust the oil industry to fund climate research.
what's you problem with oil industry, I still can't figure out how they come into play for climate science? Can you explain?

Fine, I'll ask you the same question nobody wants to answer. Find a group that advocates that there is no such thing as human caused global warning that is not run by a right wing think tank, conspiracy nuts or the oil industry.

Will you be the one to have an answer?
and son, all over this forum is my question which has never been answered who agrees with AGW who isn't funded by a grant or government money. crickets bubba, crickets. And BTW Judith Curry on your question. Go look her up. One class act is she.

It's already been answered in this thread.
How does a 150% increase in crop production demonstrate the climate change reduces crop production?

You'd have to read the epa article, it discusses it in depth, link already provided.

Still waiting on a trusted source who disputes climate change from you silly fuckers and you can't provide one.

Still waiting on a scientific source from you that claims man is responsible for anything that is actually based on empirical data and has no computer derived science fiction as it's primary source.

Good luck with that. And BTW, in Science that's how it's done. YOU make the claim, YOU support the claim.

You're not going to trust a science based source that uses computer models? Let me see if I can go find a pen and some graph paper.....should be some here in a drawer....be right back....

No, the computer models are less than worthless they are inherently biased. No matter what number you punch in you always end up with a catastrophe. That's not how moels are supposed to work, nor is it how the world works. They are fiction, and ridiculously bad fiction at that.

Honestly, you're not qualified.
is there anyone on here that is?
Your idea of a message board is to believe everything you read? Please step away.
where did I say that? I said you want someone to respect your ass, you should first extend the respect. your little whiny rant about Billy was silly. and uncalled for. No one said you had to believe anything. But, if you wish to have your posts respected, then respect others. Is that too difficult for you? If so, find another hobby.

Uncalled for? He claimed he's a meteorologist, I don't believe him. Simple as that. Respect, I;m sure you're full of it.
why do you doubt him? then you're calling him a liar, and I find that uncalled for. I simply stated, one more time, if you want respect, you extend respect. I respect old socks and his geology effort, why not, good for him. It doesn't make him any more qualified in my eyes than me, but hey why should I doubt him? What's it to you if he is or isn't a meteorologist? Still a message board full of stupid on a daily basis.

He's using his claim as a meteorologist as if he knows something. I don't see much respect going back and forth and I'm not asking for any, you seem to be under the impression I care. I just want a a source who does not believe in climate change that is not full of wingnuts, conspiracy theorists or the oil industry, I don't need to play patty cake, so take your one sided moralizing elsewhere.
you're hung up on the oil companies and yet you have no ties to throw out as logic. I gave you Judith Curry, what say you?

She believes in man made climate change though to a lesser extant. She has not convinced any entity she is a member of and she by herself is not an organization.
You'd have to read the epa article, it discusses it in depth, link already provided.

Still waiting on a trusted source who disputes climate change from you silly fuckers and you can't provide one.

Still waiting on a scientific source from you that claims man is responsible for anything that is actually based on empirical data and has no computer derived science fiction as it's primary source.

Good luck with that. And BTW, in Science that's how it's done. YOU make the claim, YOU support the claim.

You're not going to trust a science based source that uses computer models? Let me see if I can go find a pen and some graph paper.....should be some here in a drawer....be right back....

No, the computer models are less than worthless they are inherently biased. No matter what number you punch in you always end up with a catastrophe. That's not how moels are supposed to work, nor is it how the world works. They are fiction, and ridiculously bad fiction at that.

Honestly, you're not qualified.
is there anyone on here that is?

Nope, we only have our sources. Which is why I'm asking about any valid groups out there that believe clmate change is not happening.

Love the questions, but this isn't going anywhere. It's simple, if you want to argue that climate change isn't happening in the face of overwhelming consensus then you should at the very least have a good source and not depend on your unverifiable credentials.
Its like Penn State investigating Michale Mann and Mr. Sanduskie. They still claim neither one of them did anything wrong..

Says the morons who trust the oil industry to fund climate research.
what's you problem with oil industry, I still can't figure out how they come into play for climate science? Can you explain?

Fine, I'll ask you the same question nobody wants to answer. Find a group that advocates that there is no such thing as human caused global warning that is not run by a right wing think tank, conspiracy nuts or the oil industry.

Will you be the one to have an answer?
and son, all over this forum is my question which has never been answered who agrees with AGW who isn't funded by a grant or government money. crickets bubba, crickets. And BTW Judith Curry on your question. Go look her up. One class act is she.

It's already been answered in this thread.
you mean this?

You find a source not funded by government grants to self-perpetuate the fraud first, cult boi.

The Insurance industry
Ford Motors
Coca Cola
General Motors

To name a few.

I have no idea what you're referring to with this post.

I know that GMC and Ford have received government money.
Says the morons who trust the oil industry to fund climate research.
what's you problem with oil industry, I still can't figure out how they come into play for climate science? Can you explain?

Fine, I'll ask you the same question nobody wants to answer. Find a group that advocates that there is no such thing as human caused global warning that is not run by a right wing think tank, conspiracy nuts or the oil industry.

Will you be the one to have an answer?
and son, all over this forum is my question which has never been answered who agrees with AGW who isn't funded by a grant or government money. crickets bubba, crickets. And BTW Judith Curry on your question. Go look her up. One class act is she.

It's already been answered in this thread.
you mean this?

You find a source not funded by government grants to self-perpetuate the fraud first, cult boi.

The Insurance industry
Ford Motors
Coca Cola
General Motors

To name a few.

I have no idea what you're referring to with this post.

I know that GMC and Ford have received government money.

Tell me about Ford receiving money.

And you want to claim that GM believes in global warming because it was bailed out? That's quite a stretch.
where did I say that? I said you want someone to respect your ass, you should first extend the respect. your little whiny rant about Billy was silly. and uncalled for. No one said you had to believe anything. But, if you wish to have your posts respected, then respect others. Is that too difficult for you? If so, find another hobby.

Uncalled for? He claimed he's a meteorologist, I don't believe him. Simple as that. Respect, I;m sure you're full of it.
why do you doubt him? then you're calling him a liar, and I find that uncalled for. I simply stated, one more time, if you want respect, you extend respect. I respect old socks and his geology effort, why not, good for him. It doesn't make him any more qualified in my eyes than me, but hey why should I doubt him? What's it to you if he is or isn't a meteorologist? Still a message board full of stupid on a daily basis.

He's using his claim as a meteorologist as if he knows something. I don't see much respect going back and forth and I'm not asking for any, you seem to be under the impression I care. I just want a a source who does not believe in climate change that is not full of wingnuts, conspiracy theorists or the oil industry, I don't need to play patty cake, so take your one sided moralizing elsewhere.
you're hung up on the oil companies and yet you have no ties to throw out as logic. I gave you Judith Curry, what say you?

She believes in man made climate change though to a lesser extant. She has not convinced any entity she is a member of and she by herself is not an organization.
who cares, she is a respected scientist and she disproves all of what you're proposing in here, especially Michael Mann. You're hung up on organizations and I say whoopty do.
what's you problem with oil industry, I still can't figure out how they come into play for climate science? Can you explain?

Fine, I'll ask you the same question nobody wants to answer. Find a group that advocates that there is no such thing as human caused global warning that is not run by a right wing think tank, conspiracy nuts or the oil industry.

Will you be the one to have an answer?
and son, all over this forum is my question which has never been answered who agrees with AGW who isn't funded by a grant or government money. crickets bubba, crickets. And BTW Judith Curry on your question. Go look her up. One class act is she.

It's already been answered in this thread.
you mean this?

You find a source not funded by government grants to self-perpetuate the fraud first, cult boi.

The Insurance industry
Ford Motors
Coca Cola
General Motors

To name a few.

I have no idea what you're referring to with this post.

I know that GMC and Ford have received government money.

Tell me about Ford receiving money.

And you want to claim that GM believes in global warming because it was bailed out? That's quite a stretch.
tell me the climate scientist from Ford and GM?
Fine, I'll ask you the same question nobody wants to answer. Find a group that advocates that there is no such thing as human caused global warning that is not run by a right wing think tank, conspiracy nuts or the oil industry.

Will you be the one to have an answer?
and son, all over this forum is my question which has never been answered who agrees with AGW who isn't funded by a grant or government money. crickets bubba, crickets. And BTW Judith Curry on your question. Go look her up. One class act is she.

It's already been answered in this thread.
you mean this?

You find a source not funded by government grants to self-perpetuate the fraud first, cult boi.

The Insurance industry
Ford Motors
Coca Cola
General Motors

To name a few.

I have no idea what you're referring to with this post.

I know that GMC and Ford have received government money.

Tell me about Ford receiving money.

And you want to claim that GM believes in global warming because it was bailed out? That's quite a stretch.
tell me the climate scientist from Ford and GM?

I don't believe they have any. I didn't ask the same from your side either.
Uncalled for? He claimed he's a meteorologist, I don't believe him. Simple as that. Respect, I;m sure you're full of it.
why do you doubt him? then you're calling him a liar, and I find that uncalled for. I simply stated, one more time, if you want respect, you extend respect. I respect old socks and his geology effort, why not, good for him. It doesn't make him any more qualified in my eyes than me, but hey why should I doubt him? What's it to you if he is or isn't a meteorologist? Still a message board full of stupid on a daily basis.

He's using his claim as a meteorologist as if he knows something. I don't see much respect going back and forth and I'm not asking for any, you seem to be under the impression I care. I just want a a source who does not believe in climate change that is not full of wingnuts, conspiracy theorists or the oil industry, I don't need to play patty cake, so take your one sided moralizing elsewhere.
you're hung up on the oil companies and yet you have no ties to throw out as logic. I gave you Judith Curry, what say you?

She believes in man made climate change though to a lesser extant. She has not convinced any entity she is a member of and she by herself is not an organization.
who cares, she is a respected scientist and she disproves all of what you're proposing in here, especially Michael Mann. You're hung up on organizations and I say whoopty do.

How does she alone disprove anything? She also doesn't disbelieve in made made climate change either.
and son, all over this forum is my question which has never been answered who agrees with AGW who isn't funded by a grant or government money. crickets bubba, crickets. And BTW Judith Curry on your question. Go look her up. One class act is she.

It's already been answered in this thread.
you mean this?

You find a source not funded by government grants to self-perpetuate the fraud first, cult boi.

The Insurance industry
Ford Motors
Coca Cola
General Motors

To name a few.

I have no idea what you're referring to with this post.

I know that GMC and Ford have received government money.

Tell me about Ford receiving money.

And you want to claim that GM believes in global warming because it was bailed out? That's quite a stretch.
tell me the climate scientist from Ford and GM?

I don't believe they have any. I didn't ask the same from your side either.
then why do I care if they are funded by the government or not? Sorry, don't understand your adventure down the rat hole.
It's already been answered in this thread.
you mean this?

The Insurance industry
Ford Motors
Coca Cola
General Motors

To name a few.

I have no idea what you're referring to with this post.

I know that GMC and Ford have received government money.

Tell me about Ford receiving money.

And you want to claim that GM believes in global warming because it was bailed out? That's quite a stretch.
tell me the climate scientist from Ford and GM?

I don't believe they have any. I didn't ask the same from your side either.
then why do I care if they are funded by the government or not? Sorry, don't understand your adventure down the rat hole.

I don' know why you would care if they are funded by the government or not, I'm certainly not worried about it.

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