2015 hottest year ever, 15 of 16 hottest years since 2001...

Crick you poor idiot....can you tell me when, and under what circumstances the curvature of space time due to gravity is so trifling that it can be discounted as non existent?

How about you first explain to us what that has to do with anything? That's because it looks like just another desperate deflection on your part, one you're throwing out because you're getting humiliated again.

And Frank, stop trying to pull off your baseline-swapping fraud. Everyone already knows you're an open fraud, so there's no need to keep confirming it.

Like so many threads here, this thread is now just the same perpetually-butthurt cult fruitloops impotently shaking their tiny fists at the sky. Fruitloops, do you have any plans for the future beyond shaking your fists at the sky? While doing so might make you feel better, you should have noticed that your years of shaking your fists at the sky have only cemented your reputations as cult fruitloops, and therefore a new tactic might be in order.

So NOAA got the temperature wrong -- in 1997??
I don't know Frank, maybe they can go back and make that report more accurate today. And what they meant was 52 not 62. someone made an error. YOu know like using the magnifying glass to see the 1/10th degree on this thermometer.
BTW, I've been looking and looking and I still can't see it. They must use some very magic magnifying glasses. I know I don't have any!
Crick you poor idiot....can you tell me when, and under what circumstances the curvature of space time due to gravity is so trifling that it can be discounted as non existent?

How about you first explain to us what that has to do with anything? That's because it looks like just another desperate deflection on your part, one you're throwing out because you're getting humiliated again.

And Frank, stop trying to pull off your baseline-swapping fraud. Everyone already knows you're an open fraud, so there's no need to keep confirming it.

Like so many threads here, this thread is now just the same perpetually-butthurt cult fruitloops impotently shaking their tiny fists at the sky. Fruitloops, do you have any plans for the future beyond shaking your fists at the sky? While doing so might make you feel better, you should have noticed that your years of shaking your fists at the sky have only cemented your reputations as cult fruitloops, and therefore a new tactic might be in order.

So NOAA got the temperature wrong -- in 1997??
I don't know Frank, maybe they can go back and make that report more accurate today. And what they meant was 52 not 62. someone made an error. YOu know like using the magnifying glass to see the 1/10th degree on this thermometer.

Anyone cal tell that's the exact same thermometer they used to get the deep Pacific ocean readings of 34.986994933900F back in 1890
BTW, I've been looking and looking and I still can't see it. They must use some very magic magnifying glasses. I know I don't have any!

See, if you have 2 readings, 58 and 62, that each have a margin of error of 2, we can say that the temperature back in 1880 was 45F
OP STILL true, after all your baffled by bs BS, dupes. Duh.
dude you believe whatever you want to believe, it is the really cool thing about the US. Most adults however, like to have discussions speaking about truths using facts and evidence. So you want to believe in the OP go for it, just don't say to us that it's correct. It's just correct to 'you' so please in the future use your opinion 'you' for your responses. You know like 'In My Opinion' Cause opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.
OP STILL true, after all your baffled by bs BS, dupes. Duh.
dude you believe whatever you want to believe, it is the really cool thing about the US. Most adults however, like to have discussions speaking about truths using facts and evidence. So you want to believe in the OP go for it, just don't say to us that it's correct. It's just correct to 'you' so please in the future use your opinion 'you' for your responses. You know like 'In My Opinion' Cause opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.

FranCo is a 58> 62 kind of guy
Frank, jc, please get a virtual room, as nobody wants to watch you two going at it so enthusiastically out in public. I'd suggest using skook's thread, the one that was set aside specifically to keep such perv action out of sight.

So, while Frank and jc do their thing, let's look at some science. The grownups keep track of the EEI, earth's energy imbalance.


We keep track of that in two ways, which are in good agreement. The Argo floats measure heat going into the oceans, and various space based platforms monitor energy going into and out of the atmosphere.

NASA CERES — Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Information and Data

NASA has all such data on line. If you run it, you find more energy goes in than comes out, and about 90% of the difference goes into the oceans. Events like the El Nino change the distribution between ocean and land, resulting in higher land temps. Of course, we've had El Ninos before, and they didn't result in temps this hot, so plainly there's a steady warming bias too. That is, global warming.
Frank, jc, please get a virtual room, as nobody wants to watch you two going at it so enthusiastically out in public. I'd suggest using skook's thread, the one that was set aside specifically to keep such perv action out of sight.

So, while Frank and jc do their thing, let's look at some science. The grownups keep track of the EEI, earth's energy imbalance.


We keep track of that in two ways, which are in good agreement. The Argo floats measure heat going into the oceans, and various space based platforms monitor energy going into and out of the atmosphere.

NASA CERES — Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Information and Data

NASA has all such data on line. If you run it, you find more energy goes in than comes out, and about 90% of the difference goes into the oceans. Events like the El Nino change the distribution between ocean and land, resulting in higher land temps. Of course, we've had El Ninos before, and they didn't result in temps this hot, so plainly there's a steady warming bias too. That is, global warming.
And yet old tooth you can't explain why 58>62. Are you saying that was made up?

Dude/dudette, the links were posted up. So were they made up or not?
Frank, jc, please get a virtual room, as nobody wants to watch you two going at it so enthusiastically out in public. I'd suggest using skook's thread, the one that was set aside specifically to keep such perv action out of sight.

So, while Frank and jc do their thing, let's look at some science. The grownups keep track of the EEI, earth's energy imbalance.


We keep track of that in two ways, which are in good agreement. The Argo floats measure heat going into the oceans, and various space based platforms monitor energy going into and out of the atmosphere.

NASA CERES — Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Information and Data

NASA has all such data on line. If you run it, you find more energy goes in than comes out, and about 90% of the difference goes into the oceans. Events like the El Nino change the distribution between ocean and land, resulting in higher land temps. Of course, we've had El Ninos before, and they didn't result in temps this hot, so plainly there's a steady warming bias too. That is, global warming.

Can't find your "...and that's how we know that 58>62" explanation to account for the 4F differential between 1997 and 2015 in the above
Frank, jc, please get a virtual room, as nobody wants to watch you two going at it so enthusiastically out in public. I'd suggest using skook's thread, the one that was set aside specifically to keep such perv action out of sight.

So, while Frank and jc do their thing, let's look at some science. The grownups keep track of the EEI, earth's energy imbalance.


We keep track of that in two ways, which are in good agreement. The Argo floats measure heat going into the oceans, and various space based platforms monitor energy going into and out of the atmosphere.

NASA CERES — Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System Information and Data

NASA has all such data on line. If you run it, you find more energy goes in than comes out, and about 90% of the difference goes into the oceans. Events like the El Nino change the distribution between ocean and land, resulting in higher land temps. Of course, we've had El Ninos before, and they didn't result in temps this hot, so plainly there's a steady warming bias too. That is, global warming.

Earth has an "energy imbalance"? What ever happened to thermodynamics?
OP STILL true, after all your baffled by bs BS, dupes. Duh.
dude you believe whatever you want to believe, it is the really cool thing about the US. Most adults however, like to have discussions speaking about truths using facts and evidence. So you want to believe in the OP go for it, just don't say to us that it's correct. It's just correct to 'you' so please in the future use your opinion 'you' for your responses. You know like 'In My Opinion' Cause opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.
Of course it's correct, conspiracy nutjob.
OP STILL true, after all your baffled by bs BS, dupes. Duh.
dude you believe whatever you want to believe, it is the really cool thing about the US. Most adults however, like to have discussions speaking about truths using facts and evidence. So you want to believe in the OP go for it, just don't say to us that it's correct. It's just correct to 'you' so please in the future use your opinion 'you' for your responses. You know like 'In My Opinion' Cause opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.
Of course it's correct, conspiracy nutjob.
in your opinion!!!! here write it with me....In my opinion............
OP STILL true, after all your baffled by bs BS, dupes. Duh.
dude you believe whatever you want to believe, it is the really cool thing about the US. Most adults however, like to have discussions speaking about truths using facts and evidence. So you want to believe in the OP go for it, just don't say to us that it's correct. It's just correct to 'you' so please in the future use your opinion 'you' for your responses. You know like 'In My Opinion' Cause opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.
Of course it's correct, conspiracy nutjob.
in your opinion!!!! here write it with me....In my opinion............
Your brainwashed "opinion" is pure crappe. Temperature stats from NOAA etc are NOT opinion, dupe. What you believe is pure RW BS DUH.
OP STILL true, after all your baffled by bs BS, dupes. Duh.
dude you believe whatever you want to believe, it is the really cool thing about the US. Most adults however, like to have discussions speaking about truths using facts and evidence. So you want to believe in the OP go for it, just don't say to us that it's correct. It's just correct to 'you' so please in the future use your opinion 'you' for your responses. You know like 'In My Opinion' Cause opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.
Of course it's correct, conspiracy nutjob.
in your opinion!!!! here write it with me....In my opinion............
Your brainwashed "opinion" is pure crappe. Temperature stats from NOAA etc are NOT opinion, dupe. What you believe is pure RW BS DUH.
I know, the NOAA said that in 1997 the average temp was 62.xx and in 2015 was 58. so how the hell 58>62 is beyond my math skills. In my arithmetic learning, lower numbers were less. Yours? hmmmmm... but you go with your opinion. I see you still couldn't write it. again, 'in my opinion' it really isn't that hard to write.

And to add, you should state 'in your opinion, 58>62' go for it cause you believing it was hotter means you accept that result.
I agree it is funny that you believe 58>62. It cracks me up and I roll on the floor. And yet you still won't write 'in my opinion 58>62.
Crick you poor idiot....can you tell me when, and under what circumstances the curvature of space time due to gravity is so trifling that it can be discounted as non existent?

How about you first explain to us what that has to do with anything? That's because it looks like just another desperate deflection on your part, one you're throwing out because you're getting humiliated again.

And Frank, stop trying to pull off your baseline-swapping fraud. Everyone already knows you're an open fraud, so there's no need to keep confirming it.

Like so many threads here, this thread is now just the same perpetually-butthurt cult fruitloops impotently shaking their tiny fists at the sky. Fruitloops, do you have any plans for the future beyond shaking your fists at the sky? While doing so might make you feel better, you should have noticed that your years of shaking your fists at the sky have only cemented your reputations as cult fruitloops, and therefore a new tactic might be in order.

So NOAA got the temperature wrong -- in 1997??
Hansen admitted to getting it wrong in 1998. But then after getting caught NASA re-adjusted their 1998 temps lower to make their 1999 temps look hotter by comparison.

You are obviously very ignorant regarding the subject.
Hansen admitted to getting it wrong in 1998. But then after getting caught NASA re-adjusted their 1998 temps lower to make their 1999 temps look hotter by comparison

Your cult seems to have created its own very peculiar reality. There's no way to respond to such bizarre fantasies except to point out that they're bizarre fantasies.

You are obviously very ignorant regarding the subject.

You're not ignored by the world because of a VastSecretGlobalSocialistPlot.

You're ignored because you're babbling nonsense.

In case nobody has ever broken that unpleasant news to you, I just did. It always seems to fall on me now to stage these interventions.
I agree it is funny that you believe 58>62. It cracks me up and I roll on the floor. And yet you still won't write 'in my opinion 58>62.

You and Frank keep lying by comparing temperatures from two different baselines. The source you point to even specifically tells you not to lie like that, but you still do it proudly.

The 58 was taken from a baseline that was 4.3F cooler. Thus, you and frank are claiming that 58+ 4.3 = 62.3 < 62.

So, are you going to go to your grave chanting that 62.3 < 62?

And do you notice how nobody else is jumping on your fraud wagon? Some levels of fraud are just too brazen for the other deniers here, and you and Frank have surpassed those levels.

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