2016 GE: Hillary Clinton vs. GOP Field, Part VI

Hillary can still be beaten

I think the public is tired of her. But that doesn't mean a Republican can beat her.
Hillary represents the past, stale old politics
If Republicans run someone who breaks the mold and addresses the America of the future, they can win

But that doesn't sound very conservative

Sure, I'm not saying it can't happen. I am only presenting the numbers, ALL of them.

Go to the link.

And in honor of CrusaderFrank , please let me quote you in advance:

"Hillary Clinton is not going to be the DEM nominee."


Thank you, my Friend.

She looks really old in the OP.

Also, have you looked at HER cheekbones? She may have some Cherokee in her as well

plus she may have rekindle her story of landing

in Bosnia under sniper fire


She might, but you definitely need to come up with some new things to whine about. All you have now are old and silly, and never made much sense to start with.
Hillary can still be beaten

I think the public is tired of her. But that doesn't mean a Republican can beat her.
Hillary represents the past, stale old politics
If Republicans run someone who breaks the mold and addresses the America of the future, they can win

But that doesn't sound very conservative

Sure, I'm not saying it can't happen. I am only presenting the numbers, ALL of them.

Go to the link.

And in honor of CrusaderFrank , please let me quote you in advance:

"Hillary Clinton is not going to be the DEM nominee."


Thank you, my Friend.

She looks really old in the OP.

Also, have you looked at HER cheekbones? She may have some Cherokee in her as well

plus she may have rekindle her story of landing

in Bosnia under sniper fire

Being the presumed nominee so early could be Hillary's downfall. I can see the media turn against her if a new darling on the left (such as Liz Warren) can win them over. Then watch for the media to brand Hillary as being old and out of touch with the common folks. I can just imagine the clip from her book tour being played over and over again with her saying how broke they were leaving the White House, having to come up with payments on their HOUSES (mansions).
Hillary can still be beaten

I think the public is tired of her. But that doesn't mean a Republican can beat her.
Hillary represents the past, stale old politics
If Republicans run someone who breaks the mold and addresses the America of the future, they can win

But that doesn't sound very conservative

Sure, I'm not saying it can't happen. I am only presenting the numbers, ALL of them.

Go to the link.

And in honor of CrusaderFrank , please let me quote you in advance:

"Hillary Clinton is not going to be the DEM nominee."


Thank you, my Friend.

She looks really old in the OP.

Also, have you looked at HER cheekbones? She may have some Cherokee in her as well

plus she may have rekindle her story of landing

in Bosnia under sniper fire


She might, but you definitely need to come up with some new things to whine about. All you have now are old and silly, and never made much sense to start with.

Republicans dusting off their 2008 Hillary playbook is pretty pathetic

Did I show you the latest photoshopped picture of Hillary?
Rand Paul definitely has some quotes from his past that would get hammered pretty heavily, even if he has tried to disavow.

I think a lot of these guys who were mainly regional players like Jeb Bush, the voting public really doesn't know much about them. Guys like Walker were in news way more from making waves at a national news level.
Rand Paul definitely has some quotes from his past that would get hammered pretty heavily, even if he has tried to disavow.

I think a lot of these guys who were mainly regional players like Jeb Bush, the voting public really doesn't know much about them. Guys like Walker were in news way more from making waves at a national news level.

The press will be presenting Paul with scenarios that challenge his libertarian background. Civil rights, foreign policy, social programs and defense will be at the forefront
Hillary's biggest problem is still her lack of likeability.

The GOP needs to nominate someone who is really charismatic, who hasn't said a lot of crazy shit.

Hilary is going to become "America's Grandmother". There will be ads and pictures of her with her granddaughter and it will be a major selling point. That strategy turns around the GOP attack that she is "too old" and it negates her "lack of likability". Makes it really hard for the GOP to attack her personally too since it makes them look bad for "beating up granny". :D Oh, and then there is the hypocrisy angle since plenty of presidents have been grandfathers.

If Republicans run on how old and ugly she has become, the public will rally around her. Turn her into a victim, you lose

Republucans need to remind the public that they really don't like Hillary and run someone the public does like

But who do Republicans have that is likeable?

Excellent question because Romney was/is considerably less likable than Hilary. Christie's nasty side will come out and turn people off. Jeb probably has the smarts to be "likable" but he is too "liberal" and has a great deal of "baggage". Rand Paul still strikes me as being the most likely GOP candidate but he will have a hard time against Hilary in the debates. That will be where his "libertarian" positions will unravel under hard scrutiny.

Maybe Kasich can step up to the plate?

Of the bunch, I see only Jeb capable of taking Florida from Hillary. If Hillary takes Florida, the election is over

Is Jeb likeable? He lacks the personality of W but seems more intelligent. He is not a great speaker and doesn't inspire

But I still see him as the GOPs best shot

I see him as the establishment's choice of candidate but that won't play well with a great many TP folks who see the Bush's as warmongers and "borrow and spenders".
Hillary's biggest problem is still her lack of likeability.

The GOP needs to nominate someone who is really charismatic, who hasn't said a lot of crazy shit.

Good luck with finding someone on the right that fits that description.........:D
Hillary can still be beaten

I think the public is tired of her. But that doesn't mean a Republican can beat her.
Hillary represents the past, stale old politics
If Republicans run someone who breaks the mold and addresses the America of the future, they can win

But that doesn't sound very conservative

Yes, I agree, because Obama beat her by representing something different from the past, stale old politics.

There is a possibility that Rand Paul could be that "something different". He has been moving to the center and even reaching out to the left on the college level with his "libertarian idealism" and that is fertile ground for him because very few of those voters have the real life experience to know that it doesn't work.

And yes, the GOP establishment could opt to sell the "libertarian platform" since it closely matched to what they want as far as deregulation and the economy are concerned. It will come unglued on the social issues because genuine libertarianism means endorsing gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, amnesty for illegals, etc, etc. How they address that hurdle and keep the extreme right on board remains to be seen.

So the concept is fascinating and I agree that it is a possibility for 2016 but it will be a hard sell in the primaries.

I think Hillary is going to be our next President....:banana:
Hillary's biggest problem is still her lack of likeability.

The GOP needs to nominate someone who is really charismatic, who hasn't said a lot of crazy shit.

Hilary is going to become "America's Grandmother". There will be ads and pictures of her with her granddaughter and it will be a major selling point. That strategy turns around the GOP attack that she is "too old" and it negates her "lack of likability". Makes it really hard for the GOP to attack her personally too since it makes them look bad for "beating up granny". :D Oh, and then there is the hypocrisy angle since plenty of presidents have been grandfathers.

If Republicans run on how old and ugly she has become, the public will rally around her. Turn her into a victim, you lose

Republucans need to remind the public that they really don't like Hillary and run someone the public does like

But who do Republicans have that is likeable?

Excellent question because Romney was/is considerably less likable than Hilary. Christie's nasty side will come out and turn people off. Jeb probably has the smarts to be "likable" but he is too "liberal" and has a great deal of "baggage". Rand Paul still strikes me as being the most likely GOP candidate but he will have a hard time against Hilary in the debates. That will be where his "libertarian" positions will unravel under hard scrutiny.

Maybe Kasich can step up to the plate?

Although this thread is really only about the polling for Clinton vs. names from the GOP field, I am also starting to pay attention to GOP nomination polling and seeing a pattern similar to but not the same as 2012 - a large field, until now undeclared, with polling values mostly up to 20%. Up till now, it's been pretty much a five way split, with no potential candidate having an AGGREGATE LEAD that would be substantial. Of the five biggest names being bandied about (Christie, Paul, Bush, Cruz, Huckabee), Rand Paul has been the most consistent in the polling. What are are seeing, I want to note again, is not unusual for the party out of power in the White House before the next election, either a re-election or an open-election. see: DEMS 72, DEMS 76, DEMS 88, GOP 96, GOP 2008, GOP 2012, just to name some.

And although the likelihood is very, very slim, the possibilty of a hung convention in July 2016 in Cleveland still exists. What happens if Rand Paul takes the Libertarian vote and splits most of the south and big sky states with Huckabee? And Bush and Christie duke it out and split the NE and the Midwest states.

One more thing: Romney is currently up in a couple of state polls and one national poll, that I know (I am talking about GOP nomination polling), but he just threw out a trial ballon, quite obviously, by saying some of the things he has been saying. He is flavor of the month, just as happened with many GOPers in 2011 and 2012. Donald Trump led in two polls as well, once, back in 2011...

Now, Kasich and Walker could be interesting possibilities. A DEM can win the White House without Ohio (see: 1948, 1960). A Republlcan can not.

So, has anyone actually read the data at the link?


Too early

At this point in the game, Hillary is one of the only ones with nationwide and worldwide recognition. She is a political superstar.
Republicans need more seasoning before we can draw conclusions on their electability

What kind of seasoning did you have in mind?

Going to have to be really strong to cover the scent of corruption wafting from Drumthwacket these days. :D
So, has anyone actually read the data at the link?


Too early

At this point in the game, Hillary is one of the only ones with nationwide and worldwide recognition. She is a political superstar.
Republicans need more seasoning before we can draw conclusions on their electability

What kind of seasoning did you have in mind?

Going to have to be really strong to cover the scent of corruption wafting from Drumthwacket these days. :D

I don't think Christie will do better with more visibility.

The public knows little about Jeb, Walker and most others
Hillary can still be beaten

I think the public is tired of her. But that doesn't mean a Republican can beat her.
Hillary represents the past, stale old politics
If Republicans run someone who breaks the mold and addresses the America of the future, they can win

But that doesn't sound very conservative

Sure, I'm not saying it can't happen. I am only presenting the numbers, ALL of them.

Go to the link.

And in honor of CrusaderFrank , please let me quote you in advance:

"Hillary Clinton is not going to be the DEM nominee."


Thank you, my Friend.

She looks really old in the OP.

Also, have you looked at HER cheekbones? She may have some Cherokee in her as well
She doesn't look as old as McCain looked when he ran. It is apparently okay for a man running for president to look old, but not a woman. Will the American public ever be mature enough to elect a female president?


Sarah Palin would make a phenomenal President
Hillary's biggest problem is still her lack of likeability.

The GOP needs to nominate someone who is really charismatic, who hasn't said a lot of crazy shit.
I agree, Hillary needs Bill with her to light up a room

But if Republicans still plan to run against her with BENGHAZI, blowjobs and that she is a scary old hag they will get people to rally round her and lose by bigger margins than they lost to Obama

Which is exactly what the current numbers are showing. Hillary is doing considerably better in all the states where it really counts than Obama did in 2012.

In deja vu all over again! Shades of 07 when Hillary was inevitable and unbeatable

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