2016 is Going Democrat


Apr 22, 2007
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!
History shows that after 8 years in the white house, that party almost always loses.

GHW Bush is the 1 exception in the last 50 years
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!

The economy is "looking up?" What country are you living in? Who in this economy, other then a 1 percenter like Mrs. Clinton is doing well? If there is any reason to get rid of the democrats, as was done the last two mid-terms it is the economy and debt.
If Trump or Cruz are the candidate for the GOP then you might be correct but if Rubio pulls it out then I will say it could be a good year for the GOP...
If a loserterian is the gop candidate then Hillary will win by 150 electorals. Count on it.
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!

The economy is "looking up?" What country are you living in? Who in this economy, other then a 1 percenter like Mrs. Clinton is doing well? If there is any reason to get rid of the democrats, as was done the last two mid-terms it is the economy and debt.
Sounds like you're under the impression that political parties can heal or harm the economy.

So NOT true.

The economy will not get better because we elect Democrats or Republicans.

Economies get better when people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, The Koch Brothers, and Sam Walton create new apps, and companies.

In 2007, Economists predicted job growth would start back up again after 2016.

One of the parties will just takes credit for it
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!

The economy is "looking up?" What country are you living in? Who in this economy, other then a 1 percenter like Mrs. Clinton is doing well? If there is any reason to get rid of the democrats, as was done the last two mid-terms it is the economy and debt.
Sounds like you're under the impression that political parties can heal or harm the economy.

So NOT true.

The economy will not get better because we elect Democrats or Republicans.

Economies get better when people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, The Koch Brothers, and Sam Walton create new apps, and companies.

In 2007, Economists predicted job growth would start back up again after 2016.

One of the parties will just takes credit for it

I do agree that just voting in a party doesn't make a difference. After all they are both different sides of the same coin. But the OP contended that the economy was something that the democrats could run on, they should be running from it.
Regardless of who wins the presidency, 28 of the Senate seats are defended by GOP. Of the 19 seats that can be contested. 18 belong to the GOP. The stats look like the Dems will win at least 11, giving the party a solid majority.
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!

The economy is "looking up?" What country are you living in? Who in this economy, other then a 1 percenter like Mrs. Clinton is doing well? If there is any reason to get rid of the democrats, as was done the last two mid-terms it is the economy and debt.
Sounds like you're under the impression that political parties can heal or harm the economy.

So NOT true.

The economy will not get better because we elect Democrats or Republicans.

Economies get better when people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, The Koch Brothers, and Sam Walton create new apps, and companies.

In 2007, Economists predicted job growth would start back up again after 2016.

One of the parties will just takes credit for it

I do agree that just voting in a party doesn't make a difference. After all they are both different sides of the same coin. But the OP contended that the economy was something that the democrats could run on, they should be running from it.
If you ask Democrats the economy is great, and visa versa with Republicans.

The only thing that matters is how swing voters in NC, OH, PA, and FL perceive the economy.

More likely they'll think much less than we would, and pull the lever at the voting booth based on the mental imagery at that moment
First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal.!

Well, let's see here. Wyoming has 3 electoral votes for 560,000 people and always votes republican.

California has 55 electoral votes for 38,800,000 people and usually votes democrat..

Can't you do the math? I sure can.

You have it so completely backwards here, it isn't even funny.
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!
I'm not voting my GOP people back to their offices in the Capitol. Either there will be an independent or I just won't vote.
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!
History shows that after 8 years in the white house, that party almost always loses.

GHW Bush is the 1 exception in the last 50 years
This is not a typical election based on the current front-runners. Senate is up for grabs again too.
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!

The economy is "looking up?" What country are you living in? Who in this economy, other then a 1 percenter like Mrs. Clinton is doing well? If there is any reason to get rid of the democrats, as was done the last two mid-terms it is the economy and debt.
Sounds like you're under the impression that political parties can heal or harm the economy.

So NOT true.

The economy will not get better because we elect Democrats or Republicans.

Economies get better when people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, The Koch Brothers, and Sam Walton create new apps, and companies.

In 2007, Economists predicted job growth would start back up again after 2016.

One of the parties will just takes credit for it

Party can and does effect the economy.
Many businesses hold off on expansion or investing when you have a dem in office due to their anti business policies.
First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal.!

Well, let's see here. Wyoming has 3 electoral votes for 560,000 people and always votes republican.

California has 55 electoral votes for 38,800,000 people and usually votes democrat..

Can't you do the math? I sure can.

You have it so completely backwards here, it isn't even funny.
What Wyoming might lack in electoral representation, they more than make up for in terms of influence in the Senate.

600,000 Wyomians have the same influence as 33 million Californians when it comes to the legislation passed through the senate
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!

The economy is "looking up?" What country are you living in? Who in this economy, other then a 1 percenter like Mrs. Clinton is doing well? If there is any reason to get rid of the democrats, as was done the last two mid-terms it is the economy and debt.
Sounds like you're under the impression that political parties can heal or harm the economy.

So NOT true.

The economy will not get better because we elect Democrats or Republicans.

Economies get better when people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, The Koch Brothers, and Sam Walton create new apps, and companies.

In 2007, Economists predicted job growth would start back up again after 2016.

One of the parties will just takes credit for it

Party can and does effect the economy.
Many businesses hold off on expansion or investing when you have a dem in office due to their anti business policies.
I lean right and I am voting for a Republican, but objectively speaking I can see how it is not a Democratic year.

First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal. A Republican must be perfect to win. With the economy looking up I can see how a Republican can get a clean sweep. Whether it is Sanders or Clinton, the Dems will win.

They will also get a 50-50 split in the senate. Dems always turnout in Presidential elections: Il, NH, PA and WI should go blue.

The Republicans should retain the house but their lead will get cut into.

It won't be a great 2016!

The economy is "looking up?" What country are you living in? Who in this economy, other then a 1 percenter like Mrs. Clinton is doing well? If there is any reason to get rid of the democrats, as was done the last two mid-terms it is the economy and debt.
Sounds like you're under the impression that political parties can heal or harm the economy.

So NOT true.

The economy will not get better because we elect Democrats or Republicans.

Economies get better when people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, The Koch Brothers, and Sam Walton create new apps, and companies.

In 2007, Economists predicted job growth would start back up again after 2016.

One of the parties will just takes credit for it

Party can and does effect the economy.
Many businesses hold off on expansion or investing when you have a dem in office due to their anti business policies.
I have an investment opportunity for you, in Nigeria, and some great waterfront property for you to look at
First even Republican years the electoral colleges are so skewed against them it is criminal.!

Well, let's see here. Wyoming has 3 electoral votes for 560,000 people and always votes republican.

California has 55 electoral votes for 38,800,000 people and usually votes democrat..

Can't you do the math? I sure can.

You have it so completely backwards here, it isn't even funny.
What Wyoming might lack in electoral representation, they more than make up for in terms of influence in the Senate.

600,000 Wyomians have the same influence as 33 million Californians when it comes to the legislation passed through the senate

It doesn't appear that you got my point.

I just poined out that Wyoming's electoral representation per capita is close to thee times that of California. Far from saying they were underrepresented, I was saying they are overrepresented.

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