Prediction for 2024 Election

Brought to you by the mental state that thinks women can have penises.
I don't think about things like this. In fact, I don't think I've ever even had a conversation with someone about such.
I'll leave it to you bottom dwellers of Alt-Right Nation to concern yourselves with this drivel. :)
I am going for a large turnout especially the young vote...

Biden wins
Dems take Congress...
The Senate will hold at 50 - 50... (without Machin and Sinema)

Governor races both New Hampshire and North Carolina switch parties... There are some decent GOP Govenors out there staying under the radar and getting on with it.

I am going for a large turnout especially the young vote...

Young voters really aren't excited about Biden. The pro-Hamas young voters don't like him.
In the 2020 election I forecast dems would take senate and maybe the house.
I was close.

For 2024 I am willing to stick my neck out and forecast

Dems will retake the House and improve in the Senate. Biden will win..
Trump may get 50 million votes.. but Biden will get double whatever Trump gets.

Enough Republican voters have had enough of Trump to cut his vote by a third
and women will come out in waves to vote against Trump.

Probability that Dem majority is close to being enough to really govern from strength.

Trump will then face the music and end up in jail.
LOL. Not even Democrats believe all that nonsense. But, if you want my prediction, Trump will win the White House, Republicans will take back the Senate, and Democrats will retake the House with about the same slim majority that Republicans have now, after which, democrats in the House will be divided but will impeach Trump for a third time and the Senate will not convict. Oh, and the democrats will call the election rigged and fraudulent and that Trump is an illegitimate president but the deep state DOJ will not convict anyone for their election denials, and, "resist 47" will be the new slogan.
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LOL. March (8 months before the election), these faux polls...mean nothing.
Come talk to me again in six months after the conventions.

And if Trump doesn't gain the independents...he's cooked.

Cool. So, you have no backup for your claim about independents?
My prediction? No matter which side gets the Whitehouse, half the electorate will become ungovernable...
Not being any Nostradamus here, I'll guess in this November's election there will be a record low turnout and the only enthusiastic voters will be those coming out to support Trump.
If Democrats are allowed to cheat again then Biden will get a 2nd term but if it is an honest election Trump will win easily.
No. Your mind goes there. Probably because your party's ideology really doesn't have anything left of substance to offer.
So you go for social fringe issues. Easier to get your kind more riled up. :)

By calling it "fringe" you just show how out of touch you are with the current political climate.

You also show you have no real response to the issues being brought up.
By calling it "fringe" you just show how out of touch you are with the current political climate.

You also show you have no real response to the issues being brought up.
Again. This is YOUR problem. You keep going there. I don't need to respond to it. Which is why the rest of us wonder about your ilk's predilections. :)
You people seem to spend a lot of time and energy in deviancy. One wonders.
dimocrap scum have their work cut out for them if they want to retain the Senate.

All 33 Class 1 Senate seats and one Class 2 seat are up for election in 2024; Class 1 currently consists of 20 Democrats, 3 independents who caucus with the Senate Democrats, and 10 Republicans. If another vacancy occurs in other Class 2 or Class 3 Senate seats, that state might require a special election to take place during the 118th Congress, possibly concurrently with the other 2024 Senate elections

Another consideration, their biggest benefactor from 2022, Sam Bankman-Fired, is in prison, playing footsie with Bubba. That piece of shit gave $40 million to dimocrap scum for their election runs in 2022. He claims he gave a like amount to Republicans but -- He didn't. There are no records of it and -- He's just a pathological liar trying to make it look like he was a fair kinda guy. right Say 'Hi' to Bubba for us, Sammy

So, dimocrap scum are defending 23 Senate Seats and we're defending 10. What could go wrong with that?

Especially in a year when the Head of the ticket is exceptionally weak. Which will cause many dims to sit home and watch re-runs of Law and Order rather than look for jumper cables to start their old Buick so they can go vote.

Not saying it isn't possible, just saying -- It won't be easy.

Plus, we're wise to their cheating ways. They got us in 2020. Good on them. Nice move..... Don't try it again. Some of those 'ballot harvesters' might accidentally end up harvesting more than just ballots. And we're going to have cameras set up everywhere. Guarded. By sworn LEO's.

We take 7 dimocrap seats, including Sinema's, and keep all of ours.

The House will be an even bigger ass-kicking. 250-185 or there abouts.

stuff your prediction
Again. This is YOUR problem. You keep going there. I don't need to respond to it. Which is why the rest of us wonder about your ilk's predilections. :)
You people seem to spend a lot of time and energy in deviancy. One wonders.

You can't respond to it without sounding like an idiot.
By calling it "fringe" you just show how out of touch you are with the current political climate.

You also show you have no real response to the issues being brought up.
Chicks with dicks went mainstream? Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

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