One quarter of voters dislike both candidates.

In 2000, Nader got 97,000 votes in Florida.

Gore lost Florida by 537 votes.

Gee, do you think the environmentally minded Green party would have preferred Al Gore or Bush as President?

Al Gore has spent the rest of his life supporting environmental causes. Bush put oil executives in charge of the environment.

The Green Party punched themselves right in the balls.
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Your personal anecdotes aren't a valid rebuttal, sorry.

Sure if you think I'm the only one that thinks that way. I understand there are many who simply can not grasp that there are people who are not slaves to the two parties.

It's pretty clear Sanders supporters would have preferred Clinnton over Trump in the issues, in general.

If you say so.

There is also the argument that the two parties need to learn to listen to all the people. Granted in 2016 the Democrats didn't learn.

If you can't admit a baseline of facts, the discussion isn't going anywhere.

I've stated facts. Clinton was a war mongering slave to the corporations. Why would I want someone like that to win?
Hillary lost Michigan and Wisconsin to Sanders. She then inconceivably lost both to Trump.

People are again saying they don't want Biden. If you Democrats lose, it will be your own fault once again.
Democrats could easily beat Trump with some fresh independent faces not controlled by Obama and Obama handlers….. which is why Biden is still in it. This is Obama going on a 4th Term.
In 2000, Nader got 97,000 votes in Florida.

Gore lost Florida by 537 votes.

Gee, do you think the environmentally minded Green party would have preferred Al Gore or Bush as President?

They punched themselves right in the balls.

You are arguing that one must accept the lesser evil. One does not.
If Trump picked Nikki Haley as VP that might re-stoke my support.

Right now, both candidates are unacceptable.

There is no "lesser" of the evils.

Yes there is!
If Biden wins, the country will be flooded by the third-world as never before, since Biden will be a lame-duck and he's got nothing to lose.
By suggesting ways to reform the system to allow for viable 3rd party candidates?

Seems to me that's the BEGINNING of the discussion.

Or we can all sit around and whine, I guess.

I asked you "what?" because I didn't understand a single thing you wrote.

You say it looks fine to you. So, you can go have that conversation in your own head.

If you wish to continue the conversation, go back, re-write the mess you wrote so it MAKES SENSE and maybe we can continue.

Otherwise, conversation is over.
In life, we are all offered the lesser of choice so many times.

It is life. Deal with it.
I'm a true leftist. Does anyone think I LOVE that the choice is between a center-right corporatist and a failed human rapist charity thief?

Of course I don't. But I have functioning brain and know which of the two will make the world better for me and my children than the other would. I know who is going to appoint unqualified right wing puppets to the SCOTUS, and who is not. I know who is going to fight for wages and Healthcare, and who is not.

So I hold my nose and vote like a rational adult.
I'm a true leftist. Does anyone think I LOVE that the choice is between a center-right corporatist and a failed human rapist charity thief?

Of course I don't. But I have functioning brain and know which of the two will make the world better for me and my children than the other would. I know who is going to appoint unqualified right wing puppets to the SCOTUS, and who is not. I know who is going to fight for wages and Healthcare, and who is not.

So I hold my nose and vote like a rational adult.
I'm a true leftist. Does anyone think I LOVE that the choice is between a center-right corporatist and a failed human rapist charity thief?

Of course I don't. But I have functioning brain and know which of the two will make the world better for me and my children than the other would. I know who is going to appoint unqualified right wing puppets to the SCOTUS, and who is not. I know who is going to fight for wages and Healthcare, and who is not.

So I hold my nose and vote like a rational adult.

And that is why you continue to get a center-right corporatist.

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