One quarter of voters dislike both candidates.

It would be great if they would actually vote and not for either of the two main candidates.

Sadly many will likely just stay home. I don't think Kennedy can get people excited. Manchin at one point maybe could have but he also has the age issue to drag him down.

A quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both President Biden and former President Trump — the highest share of "double haters" at this stage in any of the last 10 elections, according to new Pew Research data.
/——-/ Nothing new. It’s always been the case.
Goddamn son, do you need some vaginal sand remover? Calm down.
No, but I need - the country needs - leaders who will you unite us. Not culture warriors who feed on division and acrimony.

Yes, not liking the candidates is exactly why a lot of voters don't participate.
Refusing to vote for your candidate is not "not participating". You need to get over yourself and your shitty party. I'm "participating" every time I tell your party to get fucked. The proof is in how much energy you spend trying to shame people who won't play your stupid game.

And if you think the major parties distinguish between 40% not participating and some libertarian freak getting 5%, you're delusional. That's all the same, to them .

The major parties look at that 5% and think, "Well, we do t have to care what they think!", just as they do with people who stay home.
Like I said, if we're so insignificant, why are you pissing yourself over it? I think you're afraid people will finally wake up.
The only way they'll change their tune is if we refuse to give them our votes.
LOL! Thats what they want you dumb OX. Then 2mil Deep State would vote in the guy to give them the biggest raises! For the Love of my everloving God!
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It would be great if they would actually vote and not for either of the two main candidates.

Sadly many will likely just stay home. I don't think Kennedy can get people excited. Manchin at one point maybe could have but he also has the age issue to drag him down.

A quarter of Americans hold unfavorable views of both President Biden and former President Trump — the highest share of "double haters" at this stage in any of the last 10 elections, according to new Pew Research data.
Not surprising.

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