2016 Presidential Debate --- ROUND TWO.

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Trump sniff loves the Brietbart talking points.

it's all he's got. everyone else knows he's a loon
The Donald kept his pimp hand strong on Hillary.
Make that "tiny pimp hands"
Big enough to be placed on a Bible and take the oath in January.

Haven't been watching the polls have you?
Nope. Not brainwashed by liberal media. Donald will win.
Trump did a GREAT job explaining how he followed existing TAX CODE she had 30 years to change but would not because her slush fund wants it left as-is.

finally, Normal Americans had a VOICE. finally a moderator was put in place.

You're an idiot if you think she really had that kind of clout.
Well the girl in the picture has never been with a man...she's a Democrat.
Try to keep up with the discussion....it ain't hard

The discussion was about Trump bringing women from Bill Clinton's past and Hillary passing on the opportunity to discuss Trumps old flames

Pretty classy huh?
Well genius, the only reason why he even brought up Clinton's past is because she brought in his past and discussed it in the debate. It's called history past . She started it. He ended it.

Trumps poor treatment of women has been a key issue since the first Republican debate. It's only gotten worse since
It relates directly to his suitability as President
Hillary spoke directly to that issue

What Bill Clinton did thirty years ago is irrelevant
HIllary's treatment of women has been an issue since she first accused Trump of being "sexist."

Hillary is a douche bag. Every American knows it. That stain isn't going to wash out, no matter how hard you try to ignore it.
Tell us more about Hillary's treatment of women

She threatened an intimidated and defamed the women Slick raped and sexually assaulted.

Remember the line "Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find?" Who do you imagine gave her explicit approval for that? Hell, she probably dreamed it up. She called Monica Lewinski a “narcissistic loony toon.”

She threatened Bills accusers:

“I think we’re going to find some other things. And I think that when all of this is put into context, and we really look at the people involved here, look at their motivations and look at their backgrounds, look at their past behavior, some folks are going to have a lot to answer for.”

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill's Accusers in 1998

Less than two weeks later, on February 8, former high level Clinton White House operative George Stephanopoulos said on the ABC News Sunday morning talk show This Week that the Clinton administration was threatening to go scorched earth on Clinton’s accusers and investigators by employing the ‘Ellen Rometsch strategy’ should they not back down.

The ‘Ellen Rometsch strategy’ involved blackmailing into silence Clinton accusers, investigators and political opponents by threatening to expose their backgrounds if they did not back off.

Sam Donaldson: “We know what the White House tactics are. I mean they have been almost open about it. Attack the press, and perhaps with good reason, attack the independent counsel, perhaps for some good reason, and stonewall on the central issue, which is the President of the United States. If he has nothing to hide, why is he hiding?”

George Stephanopoulos: “I agree with that. There’s a different, long-term strategy, which I think would be far more explosive. White House allies are already starting to whisper about what I’ll call the Ellen Rometsch strategy.”

Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ Bill Clinton accusers

In his book “All Too Human,” George Stephanopoulos, a chief adviser in the Clinton White House, recalls the story of Connie Hamzy, who told people she had shown her breasts to Mr. Clinton in a hotel in Little Rock.

Clinton seemed to take great pleasure in picturing the scene again,” wrote Mr. Stephanopoulos, an anchor and political analyst for ABC News. “Hillary was less than amused. ‘We have to destroy her story,’ she said from her seat next to him on the plane. I was with her. Hamzy’s story didn’t sound funny to me either. It was flimsy, but it could do some damage if we didn’t snuff it out fast.”

Another casualty was Mr. Morris, their longtime pollster and friend.

“What really turned me off was what I call secret police,” Mr. Morris said in an interview with Larry King on Ora TV’s “PoliticKing” last year. “When she [Hillary] hired this fleet of detectives to go around examining all of the women who had been identified with Clinton. Not for the purpose of divorcing Clinton. Not for the purpose of getting him to stop, but for the purpose of developing blackmail material on these woman to cow them into silence that had a Nixonian quality to it that I hold against her, and I continue to.”
So it all comes down to a quote from Dick Morris in the Washington Times?

You realize how unreliable that is?
Well genius, the only reason why he even brought up Clinton's past is because she brought in his past and discussed it in the debate. It's called history past . She started it. He ended it.

Trumps poor treatment of women has been a key issue since the first Republican debate. It's only gotten worse since
It relates directly to his suitability as President
Hillary spoke directly to that issue

What Bill Clinton did thirty years ago is irrelevant
So exactly how did it get worse with that part of the primary? Means that was out there when he won. Hmmmmmmm it seems it didn't matter
Didn't matter to low information Republicans

The general election seems to be turning on Groping Donny
Only in biased polling reports blah blah blah blah blah you just wait. if you're so freaking confident, why are you on here?
Tell us again about those biased, skewed polls

Worked so well for President Romney
I see you're still worried
Well genius, the only reason why he even brought up Clinton's past is because she brought in his past and discussed it in the debate. It's called history past . She started it. He ended it.

Trumps poor treatment of women has been a key issue since the first Republican debate. It's only gotten worse since
It relates directly to his suitability as President
Hillary spoke directly to that issue

What Bill Clinton did thirty years ago is irrelevant
HIllary's treatment of women has been an issue since she first accused Trump of being "sexist."

Hillary is a douche bag. Every American knows it. That stain isn't going to wash out, no matter how hard you try to ignore it.
Tell us more about Hillary's treatment of women

She threatened an intimidated and defamed the women Slick raped and sexually assaulted.

Remember the line "Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you'll find?" Who do you imagine gave her explicit approval for that? Hell, she probably dreamed it up. She called Monica Lewinski a “narcissistic loony toon.”

She threatened Bills accusers:

“I think we’re going to find some other things. And I think that when all of this is put into context, and we really look at the people involved here, look at their motivations and look at their backgrounds, look at their past behavior, some folks are going to have a lot to answer for.”

Flashback: Hillary Clinton Threatened Bill's Accusers in 1998

Less than two weeks later, on February 8, former high level Clinton White House operative George Stephanopoulos said on the ABC News Sunday morning talk show This Week that the Clinton administration was threatening to go scorched earth on Clinton’s accusers and investigators by employing the ‘Ellen Rometsch strategy’ should they not back down.

The ‘Ellen Rometsch strategy’ involved blackmailing into silence Clinton accusers, investigators and political opponents by threatening to expose their backgrounds if they did not back off.

Sam Donaldson: “We know what the White House tactics are. I mean they have been almost open about it. Attack the press, and perhaps with good reason, attack the independent counsel, perhaps for some good reason, and stonewall on the central issue, which is the President of the United States. If he has nothing to hide, why is he hiding?”

George Stephanopoulos: “I agree with that. There’s a different, long-term strategy, which I think would be far more explosive. White House allies are already starting to whisper about what I’ll call the Ellen Rometsch strategy.”

Hillary Clinton haunted by efforts to ‘destroy’ Bill Clinton accusers

In his book “All Too Human,” George Stephanopoulos, a chief adviser in the Clinton White House, recalls the story of Connie Hamzy, who told people she had shown her breasts to Mr. Clinton in a hotel in Little Rock.

Clinton seemed to take great pleasure in picturing the scene again,” wrote Mr. Stephanopoulos, an anchor and political analyst for ABC News. “Hillary was less than amused. ‘We have to destroy her story,’ she said from her seat next to him on the plane. I was with her. Hamzy’s story didn’t sound funny to me either. It was flimsy, but it could do some damage if we didn’t snuff it out fast.”

Another casualty was Mr. Morris, their longtime pollster and friend.

“What really turned me off was what I call secret police,” Mr. Morris said in an interview with Larry King on Ora TV’s “PoliticKing” last year. “When she [Hillary] hired this fleet of detectives to go around examining all of the women who had been identified with Clinton. Not for the purpose of divorcing Clinton. Not for the purpose of getting him to stop, but for the purpose of developing blackmail material on these woman to cow them into silence that had a Nixonian quality to it that I hold against her, and I continue to.”
So it all comes down to a quote from Dick Morris in the Washington Times?

You realize how unreliable that is?

Again, plenty of smoke generated over the past 30+ years, but when they actually have to start showing the fire....
Trump brought up supposed philandering of the other candidates spouse

Notice how Hillary took the high road and didn't retaliate with Trumps long list of philandering?
again, stupid fk, she got out the 11 year old video on trump cause she was losing. so she didn't take the high road, she's been floundering in mud for so long there isn't enough water to rinse her off.
Try to keep up with the discussion....it ain't hard

The discussion was about Trump bringing women from Bill Clinton's past and Hillary passing on the opportunity to discuss Trumps old flames

Pretty classy huh?
Well genius, the only reason why he even brought up Clinton's past is because she brought in his past and discussed it in the debate. It's called history past . She started it. He ended it.

Trumps poor treatment of women has been a key issue since the first Republican debate. It's only gotten worse since
It relates directly to his suitability as President
Hillary spoke directly to that issue

What Bill Clinton did thirty years ago is irrelevant
Really? Abusing women thirty years ago is irrelevant but not eleven? Who comes up with these parameters?
Only in msm
again, stupid fk, she got out the 11 year old video on trump cause she was losing. so she didn't take the high road, she's been floundering in mud for so long there isn't enough water to rinse her off.
Try to keep up with the discussion....it ain't hard

The discussion was about Trump bringing women from Bill Clinton's past and Hillary passing on the opportunity to discuss Trumps old flames

Pretty classy huh?
Well genius, the only reason why he even brought up Clinton's past is because she brought in his past and discussed it in the debate. It's called history past . She started it. He ended it.

Trumps poor treatment of women has been a key issue since the first Republican debate. It's only gotten worse since
It relates directly to his suitability as President
Hillary spoke directly to that issue

What Bill Clinton did thirty years ago is irrelevant
Really? Abusing women thirty years ago is irrelevant but not eleven? Who comes up with these parameters?
Actually, Trump running for President is relevant

Bill Clinton running for First Lady is not

Do we get to pick over Melanias sexual escapades also?
Naw, it's about the enabler hitlery who claims to be for women constantly attacking them. 100 times worse than any fking comment
Try to keep up with the discussion....it ain't hard

The discussion was about Trump bringing women from Bill Clinton's past and Hillary passing on the opportunity to discuss Trumps old flames

Pretty classy huh?
Well genius, the only reason why he even brought up Clinton's past is because she brought in his past and discussed it in the debate. It's called history past . She started it. He ended it.

Trumps poor treatment of women has been a key issue since the first Republican debate. It's only gotten worse since
It relates directly to his suitability as President
Hillary spoke directly to that issue

What Bill Clinton did thirty years ago is irrelevant
Really? Abusing women thirty years ago is irrelevant but not eleven? Who comes up with these parameters?
Actually, Trump running for President is relevant

Bill Clinton running for First Lady is not

Do we get to pick over Melanias sexual escapades also?
Naw, it's about the enabler hitlery who claims to be for women constantly attacking them. 100 times worse than any fking comment

Let's see the attacks on women that offend you so much
for Trump to "win" he would have had to swing a large numbers of, undecided, independent, and minority voters over to him .... he didn't do that. Nothing even close to that.

As usual he made the voters who were already voting for him feel good enough to say he won the debate.

Trump is fucked in November . Loser fucked.

The End.
I think his goal was to keep the RNC from pulling funds and giving them to senate campaigns or worse yet, pulling him from the ticket. The fact that he didn't self-destruct and plugged a lot of republican key issues such as gun control, and made his supporters happy will keep the RNC off his back. So from Trump's standpoint he won the debate.

They can't pull him from the ticket. Voting has already started. Trump is locked in as the candidate. Any such motions now by the RNC would be strictly symbolic.....an attempt to distance themselves from Trump's inevitable failure.

Once the first vote was cast, there no legal way the ballots can be changed.
Yep. The GOP is screwed, and we have been warning them for over a year. Some will write in Pence, but there is already talk that he is pulling out. Either way, i suspect that there will be no money coming in to the Trump campaign headquarters after tomorrow.

It is kind of nice to know that one's candidate has won, a month before the election.

BTW You heard this here first. Monday morning, stocks are going UP, due to the Trump disaster, because the market fears that he is a loose cannon, and now he is toast. In fact, it is almost a sure bet that if you buy stocks tonight, on 10/9/16, even paying after market fees, you will have made money by tomorrow night.
Hey, we really want to thank you guys for warning us. What would we ever do without left wingers telling us who to vote for?
I suppose you would have to rely on Rush, Faux news, Stormfront, and right wing televangelists to tell you what to think and who to vote for.
Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.

He played to the Beitbart crowd. He kept them in his camp. But he did not bring anyone else in. He is going to woefully lose women, blacks, and Hispanics. Florida is gone, Chief...
The so-called "fact checkers" have no credibility whatsoever.

You have no credibility, Ned. You're a fucking birther after all.

How does that give the Politifact douche bags and credibility?

I was referring to you.

Don't forget: britard here will even discredit the dictionary if contradicts a point he's trying to make.

You douche bags just can't get over the fact that your little propaganda scam doesn't work anymore.

You mean like how soap doesn't work on you anymore? I agree with that, Ned.
Trump to Hillary...

Hey Hillary......Here are the bitches your husband harassed

How you like that bitch?
Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.

Not to worry, he's already messed up really bad. It was doing those things you just praised.
The RW Loons are shouting Comrade Trump won, when actually he did not totally embarrass himself. I guess that is a win for the Loons?
Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.

Not to worry, he's already messed up really bad. It was doing those things you just praised.

These idiots don't understand that in order for Trump to win he has to say things that make people beyond his base happy.
The RW Loons are shouting Comrade Trump won, when actually he did not totally embarrass himself. I guess that is a win for the Loons?

Trump "won" and dropped to 11% behind in the polls
Republicans and democrats all agree the Donald Trump won this debate tonight.

He did win, and even managed to do so with some style. Hillery was squirming and it was nice to see. I really liked when he said he would appoint a special prosicuter to take a deeper look into Hillerys scandals if elected presidant. That not only freaked Hiller out it freaked out the moderators to. That said, trump tends to mess up really bad after doing so good. I'm thinking a tape of him throat punching a Jerry's kid is about to come out here soon.

Not to worry, he's already messed up really bad. It was doing those things you just praised.

He said he would "put her in jail." Even after months and months of FBI investigation, the pervert Trump thinks he knows better than career politicians. He is mirroring his butt buddy, Pooootin.
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