2016 Republican primary

The sad thing is, democrats still think they can choose the republican presidential candidate.

Actually not.

Democrats clearly have a greater objectivity concerning the matter, however.

But it’s ultimately up to republicans to decide, to either take the president’s advice and win some elections, or nominate the likes of Cruz or Paul and remain in the political wilderness.
The sad thing is, democrats still think they can choose the republican presidential candidate.

Actually not.

Democrats clearly have a greater objectivity concerning the matter, however.

But it’s ultimately up to republicans to decide, to either take the president’s advice and win some elections, or nominate the likes of Cruz or Paul and remain in the political wilderness.

The presidunce's whole problem is that republicans did win elections, and they are the ones who just gave him a migraine. Elections have consequences and one of those consequences is a republican controlled House.
. . . which, if your type of bozos keep in the news, will increase the Dems by at least 100 seats in the elections next year

Chris Christie, not Marco Rubio, is the Republican's best bet for 2016



After Rubio's less than impressive response to the State of the Union, a number of pundits are talking up Christie's prospects for 2016 again. The centrepiece of that argument appears to be that Republicans need to prove they can work across the aisle, and make bipartisan agreements work. Christie, who was lambasted by some Republicans over his work with President Obama after Hurricane Sandy, can certainly do that.


Chris Christie, not Marco Rubio, is the Republican's best bet for 2016 - IV Drip - Voices - The Independent

Actually Christie would be the democrat party's best bet for 2016 but he is too honest to be a democrat.
7. Mike Pence - Might be a good pick, but needs more exposure.

To keep himself looking presidential, Gov Pence of Indiana has avoided doing anything crazy for the Republican base. And being I live there, that's good. Pence is currently trying to figure out how to dodge the gay marriage issue, being the conservatives want a state ban on it.

On the downside for him, he's pretty much done nothing at all as governor, good or bad. There's no Indiana miracle he can point to.

He's also not particularly bright, basically a pretty face who mouths bland conservative platitudes. That's not a problem now, given that he avoids the spotlight, but put him on the national stage, and he'll be revealed as the worthy successor of Indiana's Dan Quayle.
7. Mike Pence - Might be a good pick, but needs more exposure.

To keep himself looking presidential, Gov Pence of Indiana has avoided doing anything crazy for the Republican base. And being I live there, that's good. Pence is currently trying to figure out how to dodge the gay marriage issue, being the conservatives want a state ban on it.

On the downside for him, he's pretty much done nothing at all as governor, good or bad. There's no Indiana miracle he can point to.

He's also not particularly bright, basically a pretty face who mouths bland conservative platitudes. That's not a problem now, given that he avoids the spotlight, but put him on the national stage, and he'll be revealed as the worthy successor of Indiana's Dan Quayle.

Christie just dodged the gay marriage issue in NJ......he let the courts handle it

Gays can marry in NJ starting monday
Yup, Christie did the minimal amount of effort, referring it to the NJ Supreme Court, and dodged a bullet.
7. Mike Pence - Might be a good pick, but needs more exposure.

To keep himself looking presidential, Gov Pence of Indiana has avoided doing anything crazy for the Republican base. And being I live there, that's good. Pence is currently trying to figure out how to dodge the gay marriage issue, being the conservatives want a state ban on it.

On the downside for him, he's pretty much done nothing at all as governor, good or bad. There's no Indiana miracle he can point to.

He's also not particularly bright, basically a pretty face who mouths bland conservative platitudes. That's not a problem now, given that he avoids the spotlight, but put him on the national stage, and he'll be revealed as the worthy successor of Indiana's Dan Quayle.

Christie just dodged the gay marriage issue in NJ......he let the courts handle it

Gays can marry in NJ starting monday

Good for them, but frankly, I don't want a president who dodges the tough questions.
You will be disappointed then because all presidents dodge whatever they can.
You will be disappointed then because all presidents dodge whatever they can.

Oh, I find myself beyond disappointment with politicians and their gutlessness.

But when one pre-disqualified himself like Jabba just did.... it should be noted.

We all know Gay Marriage is inevitable for the whole country, and that the legislature voted for it in that state.

And Jabba vetoed it knowing the courts would overrule him because he doesn't want to alienate the Whacky Christian Right.

It's up there with your hero Romney firing a gay staffer because Bryan Fischer demanded it.

Not someone I want to face down the Ayatollahs or Assad or Putin or whoever we have to face down in the future.
all you are doing is agreeing with me that "all" politicians doing it but using only Pubs as examples.

So holding up the ratings cards of 1 to 10, you get about a 3.7 for the post.

But, I will give you credit, you loved Bad Ass Bush.
all you are doing is agreeing with me that "all" politicians doing it but using only Pubs as examples.

So holding up the ratings cards of 1 to 10, you get about a 3.7 for the post.

But, I will give you credit, you loved Bad Ass Bush.

Well, yeah, until he screwed up the economy and messed up everyone's life. Yeah. He was awesome.

Sorry, I know that Christie the Hutt is the latest pinup boy for the "establishment" right. Because Romney and McCain turned out so well for you guys.

But frankly, he's doing exactly what Romney did. Instead of standing up to the base and their unreasonable demands, he's avoiding the issue.

That's not leadership.

He should either support gay marriage and say why, or oppose it and say why. Even if I disagreed with him, I'd respect him for standing by his principles.

Wanting the courts to do his heavy lifting for him... meh, not so much.
JoeB, we know what you are and what you do. So roll on, little friend, roll on.
all you are doing is agreeing with me that "all" politicians doing it but using only Pubs as examples.

So holding up the ratings cards of 1 to 10, you get about a 3.7 for the post.

But, I will give you credit, you loved Bad Ass Bush.

Well, yeah, until he screwed up the economy and messed up everyone's life. Yeah. He was awesome.

Sorry, I know that Christie the Hutt is the latest pinup boy for the "establishment" right. Because Romney and McCain turned out so well for you guys.

But frankly, he's doing exactly what Romney did. Instead of standing up to the base and their unreasonable demands, he's avoiding the issue.

That's not leadership.

He should either support gay marriage and say why, or oppose it and say why. Even if I disagreed with him, I'd respect him for standing by his principles.

Wanting the courts to do his heavy lifting for him... meh, not so much.

he did tell the crazies to take a hike

Christie Calls out the Crazies - The Daily Beast

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