2016 Republican primary

There are too few moderate republicans like there are very few moderate democrats. obama gave Christie the kiss of political death and Christie kissed him back.

Nope, Christie says he won't put up with you folks, Katzndogz, he says you folks have nothing to say of worth and have no political power. Your time is over.

We saw the same thing with conservatives trashing Romney. When it turned out that nobody would support the idiots that conservatives were supporting they all came crawling back to Romney

Gingrich, Bachmann, Cain, Santorum .......are you guys serious?
Hillary will be savaged by Biden in the primary. Crazy Uncle Joe wants to be POTUS and he's going to unload on Hillary.

The Conservatives will pick a candidate for the Republicans. The RINOS gave us McCain and Romney and 2 big, unnecessary country-killing losses

The crazy reactionary RINOs will no more pick a Republican candidate that they did in 2008 and 2012. The reactionaries' time has end for a good while. The Republican mainstream will pick the candidate.

And they'll lose again...

Dole, McCain, Romney, [insert name of 2016 RINO here].
I feel like people don't like Rand Paul the way they like his father, so no, I don't see him doing better than Ron.

Rand has his little fringe of weirdos, but nobody that extreme and with hair that ridiculous will ever be President.

I think Christie would have been a shoe-in 20 years ago, but his party is so out to lunch on the big general election issues that I don't know how he would even win the primary. His party is filled with cuckoos these days so I think we'll see an even crazier Republican primary in 2016 than we did last year, which was already pretty crazy, especially if Rand Paul, Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz are running.
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Hillary will be savaged by Biden in the primary. Crazy Uncle Joe wants to be POTUS and he's going to unload on Hillary.

The Conservatives will pick a candidate for the Republicans. The RINOS gave us McCain and Romney and 2 big, unnecessary country-killing losses

The crazy reactionary RINOs will no more pick a Republican candidate that they did in 2008 and 2012. The reactionaries' time has end for a good while. The Republican mainstream will pick the candidate.

And they'll lose again...

Dole, McCain, Romney, [insert name of 2016 RINO here].

Every one was the best candidate Republicans had at the time
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I feel like people don't like Rand Paul the way they like his father, so no, I don't see him doing better than Ron.

Rand has his little fringe of weirdos, but nobody that extreme and with hair that ridiculous will ever be President.

I think Christie would have been a shoe-in 20 years ago, but his party is so out to lunch on the big general election issues that I don't know how he would even win the primary. His party is filled with cuckoos these days so I think we'll see an even crazier Republican primary in 2016 than we did last year, which was already pretty crazy, especially if Rand Paul, Rick Santorum and Ted Cruz are running.

Ted Cruz can't run unfortunately.

Yeah, Rick can be seen as the moderate candidate compared to those guys...LOL. I wouldn't rule Santorum out; he won some big states although not on either coast. He'd be the dream opponent for the Dems.

Rubio is doing his best to sabotage himself and is making some "rookie" mistakes that he shouldn't be making if he wants to elevate.

Jindal is having trouble getting visibility and probably mortally wounded himself with the "party of stupid" comment.

Keep an eye out for Jeb Bush:

Money; check.
Name recognition; check.
Heavyweight credentials; check.
Good in all time zones; check.

Wants the job; Wants the job; Wants the job.... we'll see.
There are too few moderate republicans like there are very few moderate democrats. obama gave Christie the kiss of political death and Christie kissed him back.

Nope, Christie says he won't put up with you folks, Katzndogz, he says you folks have nothing to say of worth and have no political power. Your time is over.

We saw the same thing with conservatives trashing Romney. When it turned out that nobody would support the idiots that conservatives were supporting they all came crawling back to Romney

Gingrich, Bachmann, Cain, Santorum .......are you guys serious?

Santorum did better than I thought he would...I wouldn't rule him out as a player in 2016 although I don't think he'll win the nomination.
A jebbush/chrischristie or chrischristie/jebbush ticket could be a solid winner.

The others, with the possible exception of Jindall, are now non-starters.
Christie does not need the Conservatives to win the nomination. In fact, he is better off without them

He will need the responsible conservatives but cannot afford the reactionaries, for the latter will terrify the centrists and independents with their hatred and fauxrage.

The reactionaries will split among Paul, Cruz and various conservative nutjob cases. Christie will prevail among moderate Republicans and will sweep the major Blue States like California, New England, NJ, Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York

I think Chis Christie has a problem with geography; he's not going to win the Iowa Caucus. He may win New Hampshire but I doubt they'll be crazy about voting for him. He'll need a blow out to turn the tide of whoever is going to win Iowa. South Carolina is next. No way he wins South Carolina. So 3 weeks into the race, he'll be pretty worse for wear. If memory serves, Florida is one of the early races. He'll get his doors blown off there if Rubio or Bush are on the ticket.

I agree with you that basically it will come down to Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Missouri to determine the fate of Christie. By that time, the contenders will be remaining and the pretenders will be dispatched; the money floating around will find it's way to the two most viable candidates. If they run it smartly, Christie won't compete in the South at all; stress the industrial midwest and high-tech west coast. He should be okay in his backyard since none of the serious GOP contenders are based anywhere close to his base of operations.
I'm thinking after 2014..they will be history.

Christie..or someone like Christie is going to be the Republican candidate.

You hope.

If the GOP continues to put out Milquetoast RINO's - then the democrats are assured victory. Christie hands the democrats another win. We all know it.

Of course Rand Paul can actually win the election - so you'll do what you can to ensure he never runs.
I'm thinking after 2014..they will be history.

Christie..or someone like Christie is going to be the Republican candidate.

You hope.

If the GOP continues to put out Milquetoast RINO's - then the democrats are assured victory. Christie hands the democrats another win. We all know it.

Of course Rand Paul can actually win the election - so you'll do what you can to ensure he never runs.

Rand Paul is unelectable just like his daddy

At least his daddy was likeable
McCain and Dole and Romney were the best candidates available at the time: flat fact.

America wants a right of center candidate (Bush or Christie) for the GOP, not a reactionary or a libertarian, for they simply cannot win: America has moved into the 21st century.
Rand Paul is unelectable just like his daddy

At least his daddy was likeable


The GOP needs to keep putting up RINO's like Mit and Open Borders McCain - the DNC is depending on it...

Paul could not even get out of the GOP primaries. If you cannot convince Republicans to vote for you, how are you going to convince the rest of the country?
Rand Paul is unelectable just like his daddy

At least his daddy was likeable


The GOP needs to keep putting up RINO's like Mit and Open Borders McCain - the DNC is depending on it...

I think you've got the winning formula. Americans are arrayed across the political spectrum just like a bell curve. In nearly every instance, the candidate who's won the election was the one who was most successful at holding his base while moving towards the center to grab the lion's share of the bell curve in the middle. But I like your chutzpah. I think you should challenge that tried and true formula and, instead, nominate someone from the FAR right so that he appears to be moonbat crazy to just about everyone else all along and up and down that bell curve of the American electorate. It just might work. Go for it! Follow your dream!
Paul could not even get out of the GOP primaries. If you cannot convince Republicans to vote for you, how are you going to convince the rest of the country?

We'll see.

8 years of the most corrupt administration in history might have more of an impact on the sleeping giant than you think.

Remember, far more people didn't vote in 2012, than voted for Obama. As they lose jobs and take it up the ass over Obama's fascist care - you might see a significant backlash.
I think you've got the winning formula. Americans are arrayed across the political spectrum just like a bell curve. In nearly every instance, the candidate who's won the election was the one who was most successful at holding his base while moving towards the center to grab the lion's share of the bell curve in the middle. But I like your chutzpah. I think you should challenge that tried and true formula and, instead, nominate someone from the FAR right so that he appears to be moonbat crazy to just about everyone else all along and up and down that bell curve of the American electorate. It just might work. Go for it! Follow your dream!

Yep, that's why Reagan lost in a landslide to Carter...

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