2020 outlook

This list is amazing.

It's one thing to be wrong but it's another to outright lie to make your case. At least 25 of these contain outright lies.

I personally like this one -
33. Hunt down suspected white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance

Really gives you a glimpse into the mindset of who this list is geared towards.

"How dare they hunt down WHITE supremacists! They should be focused on those dirty brown ones."

What about the other 35 democrat policies? Do you object to any of those as well?
Those policies are losers. Enjoy 2020.

You mean like this one?

12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US

How is that a negative against the democrats? Nevermind, it's not even a policy, it's just a statement of fact.

Who the fuck comes up with these lists??
Look at the graph below and see when the heroin and fentanyl death rates spiked, it wasn't under a GOP president, it was under Obama. I don't have the 2018 and 2019 numbers yet, but I'm sure that Trump's war on illegal drugs is cutting those death rates. Any more questions? These items are my tracking list of policies or factoids between dems and Trump. Note that I always use credible links to prove my points.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, because when my doctor prescribes medication the first thing I do is go, "wait, what does the POTUS want me to do?"

Holy SHIT man. This is DESPERATION writ large. :banghead:

They just arrested a doctor in my area for over-prescribing opioids.
Gangs sell fentanyl dirt cheap. That is what is killing most of the morons.
If you need doctor prescribed medications, fine.
We're discussing what is killing 70,000 Americans a year.

No shit. And you just tried to put it "under" the POTUS on no other basis than temporal coincidence.
Are you on drugs?
Should the vote count if they have illegals?
It should not.

Should a vote count if a foreign government has been shown to have influenced the results?
Absolutely... any evidence?

Absolutely? So a vote should count even if another country messes with our electoral process?

Yes find out who was influenced and take their votes away.. lol hahhahhahahahabba

I mean this is the nicest way possible.

You're either not very smart or English isn't your first language and you're clearly having trouble keeping up.

Which is it?
I’m dead serious name somebody that was influenced
The Russians were meddling, they illegally hacked a server and then gave it to WIkileaks.
The Russians didn't hack the DNC server....That info was given to Assange by an insider.

^Wingnut fantasies.
Facts, shitferbrains.

1) Assange has repeatedly stated that no state actor (that means a government, numbnutz) aided him in getting the information he had.

2) The data transfer rates from the DNC servers we to fast to have gone over the internet....They were downloaded at the source onto disks or thumb drives.

Assange is kind of an asshole, let's face it. I trust people better than you on your second point.
Whether or not Assange is an asshole is irrelevant.

People better and smarter than me about tech are the ones who have worked out the data transfer rates.

You have neither jack nor shit to support your crackpot RUSSIA! conspiracy lunacy.

By asshole I mean trustworthy, he already has an unhealthy relationship with Russia.

It's also not a 'crackpot' conspiracy theory if multiple agencies have found it to be so. To blame it on some insider would be the unfounded conspiracy.
All you need to know about 2020 is that Trump is running against the democrats and Vegas has the following odds, with Trump the 2:1 favorite to win:
Donald Trump +130
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +600
Pete Buttigieg +1200

So the democrats have lousy candidates, and even worse policies.
Here are many policies that the democrat candidates have supported:

1. Open borders, tear down the southern border fence/wall
2. Sanctuary cities & states
3. Free college
4. "Medicare for all", aka rationed healthcare, "Lois Lerners" in charge, and hospitals closing
5. Eliminate ICE and DHS, turn the US into the EU, with muslim "no go zones" and Sharia Law
6. Promote Globalism, whatever Wall Street wants Wall Street gets, see K-Street Cash
7. Paris Climate Change Treaty where the US pays $trillions to poor countries
8. Stupid trade agreements, e.g tax breaks to move factories overseas
9. Let China run roughshod over the US for trade and intellectual property theft
10. Let NK develop nukes and ICBM delivery systems, have no one capable of dealing with NK
11. Raise taxes to 70% on the wealthy, especially on corporations so they relocate overseas
12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US
13. Gangs like MS-13 running rampant across the US
14. No steel or mining industries due to foreign "dumping" of subsidized products
15. No new pipelines
16. No offshore drilling
17. The dems' "Central Committee" appoints super-delegates to subvert real voters in primaries
18. Pack the US Supreme Court to promote liberal policies
19. Impeach anyone they deem not liberal enough, like Kavanaugh
20. Use the Federal Government to punish conservatives, like the IRS and Lois Lerner hounded conservatives
21. Use the Intel community to spy on the opposition party, like Hillary, FusionGPS, and the FBI/DOJ spied on Trump
22. Block voter ID laws to ensure fraud, and promote "vote harvesting" to steal elections
23. Refuse to provide funding for border walls/security, which DHS says is desperately needed.
24. Give $Trillions to Mexico and Central America for a Marshal Plan, but not help US citizens living in tent cities
25. Impose gun control, outlaw private gun sales, outlaw AR style rifles, restrict sales of bullets, etc.
26. "Green New Deal" Impose a "carbon tax" to punish anyone who works, heats their home, flies, or has a car
27. Anti-business democrat socialists caused Amazon to flee NYC taking 25,000 good paying jobs to VA
28. REPARATIONS to blacks to pay for slavery, $trillions owed by US voters
29. Excuse the murder of unwanted newborns, i.e. "infanticide"
30. Change the Electoral College to popular vote
31. All prisoners get to vote, even the Boston Marathon Bomber, so says Bernie
32. LGBTQ rights, trannys in military
33. Hunt down suspected white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance
34. Add Senators and congressmen for DC and Puerto Rico
35. Be sure that any "red flag" laws exclude gang members (only get those rural guns)
36. Full welfare and free healthcare for illegal immigrants

This list is amazing.

It's one thing to be wrong but it's another to outright lie to make your case. At least 25 of these contain outright lies.

I personally like this one -
33. Hunt down suspected white supremacists, increase domestic surveillance

Really gives you a glimpse into the mindset of who this list is geared towards.

"How dare they hunt down WHITE supremacists! They should be focused on those dirty brown ones."

Vegas tilts odds towards the "team" objectively most likely to lose so that more bet on that team, and that is how Vegas makes money

Well that and the Democrats all have to go through a primary election which helps Trump's odds.

Well, I'd think that normally a primary would improve dems' chances by winnowing out unpopular ideas, but the problem is that the dems (and Trump's party) may be so enamoured with policies popular to them but unpopular to the majority … that we're fucked no matter who wins.

What will fuck us more than anything will prolly be what fucked us the last time ----- voters checking the box on the basis of "I've heard of this guy, I've seen him on TV, all hail TV, TV is my Master, must ... obey...TV".

--which reminds us that POTUS elections are all about marketing and advertising, which in turn reminds us that advertising is the process of persuading the masses to buy stuff they don't need.

As well as the age-old truism that "nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".
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Should the vote count if they have illegals?
It should not.

Should a vote count if a foreign government has been shown to have influenced the results?
View attachment 288307
New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

All during the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

You are such a moron.

That wasn't "Russian meddling."

That was her own damn words.

On top of that, no where has it ever even been proved that the Russians hacked the server. You idiots can take CrowdStrike at their word, the FBI can do so, but intelligent folks don't have to.

THERE IS NO FORENSIC EVIDENCE. . . JUST, uh, yeah, it seems like it might be true.


‘Too Big to Fail’: Russia-gate One Year After VIPS Showed a Leak, Not a Hack

‘Too Big to Fail’: Russia-gate One Year After VIPS Showed a Leak, Not a Hack
‘Too Big to Fail’: Russia-gate One Year After VIPS Showed a Leak, Not a Hack
'Too Big to Fail': Russia-gate One Year After VIPS Showed a Leak, Not a Hack

A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack
A New Report Raises Big Questions About Last Year’s DNC Hack – Patrick Lawrence

Clinging to Collusion: Why Evidence Will Probably Never Be Produced in the Indictments of ‘Russian Agents’
Clinging to Collusion: Why Evidence Will Probably Never Be Produced in the Indictments of 'Russian Agents'

Intel Vets Challenge ‘Russia Hack’ Evidence
Intel Vets Challenge 'Russia Hack' Evidence
Should the vote count if they have illegals?
It should not.

Should a vote count if a foreign government has been shown to have influenced the results?
View attachment 288307
New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

All during the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

You are such a moron.

That wasn't "Russian meddling."
Wow. Such powerful delusions you have!
Should the vote count if they have illegals?
It should not.

Should a vote count if a foreign government has been shown to have influenced the results?
View attachment 288307
New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

All during the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

You are such a moron.

That wasn't "Russian meddling."
Wow. Such powerful delusions you have!
Well she should have held on to her emails and not take a hammer to them
What about the other 35 democrat policies? Do you object to any of those as well?
Those policies are losers. Enjoy 2020.

You mean like this one?

12. Opioid problem running rampant across the US

How is that a negative against the democrats? Nevermind, it's not even a policy, it's just a statement of fact.

Who the fuck comes up with these lists??
Look at the graph below and see when the heroin and fentanyl death rates spiked, it wasn't under a GOP president, it was under Obama. I don't have the 2018 and 2019 numbers yet, but I'm sure that Trump's war on illegal drugs is cutting those death rates. Any more questions? These items are my tracking list of policies or factoids between dems and Trump. Note that I always use credible links to prove my points.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, because when my doctor prescribes medication the first thing I do is go, "wait, what does the POTUS want me to do?"

Holy SHIT man. This is DESPERATION writ large. :banghead:

They just arrested a doctor in my area for over-prescribing opioids.
Gangs sell fentanyl dirt cheap. That is what is killing most of the morons.
If you need doctor prescribed medications, fine.
We're discussing what is killing 70,000 Americans a year.

No shit. And you just tried to put it "under" the POTUS on no other basis than temporal coincidence.
Are you on drugs?
One president is working hard to prevent opioid deaths and the others did not.
Ending America's Opioid Crisis | The White House
So is that temporal death graph indicative of policy or not?
We need to see 2018-2019 deaths to confirm the death rate drop.
The Russians didn't hack the DNC server....That info was given to Assange by an insider.

^Wingnut fantasies.
Facts, shitferbrains.

1) Assange has repeatedly stated that no state actor (that means a government, numbnutz) aided him in getting the information he had.

2) The data transfer rates from the DNC servers we to fast to have gone over the internet....They were downloaded at the source onto disks or thumb drives.

Assange is kind of an asshole, let's face it. I trust people better than you on your second point.
Whether or not Assange is an asshole is irrelevant.

People better and smarter than me about tech are the ones who have worked out the data transfer rates.

You have neither jack nor shit to support your crackpot RUSSIA! conspiracy lunacy.

By asshole I mean trustworthy, he already has an unhealthy relationship with Russia.

It's also not a 'crackpot' conspiracy theory if multiple agencies have found it to be so. To blame it on some insider would be the unfounded conspiracy.

First off, there is NO credible person on the planet that doubts the legitimacy of what is in the leaked emails.

The corporate and government media want every compulsory educated, brainwashed serf on the planet to argue about whether those emails were stolen by an insider, or hacked by Russians.

Do you know why? Because it distracts from the CONTENTS OF THE EMAILS, and their very, hugely corrupt and damaging implications.

Defenders of the establishment, the DNC, the Democrats and liberals probably need to go back and read them. Otherwise, they are living in an alternate reality.


Nobody influenced the election more than the corrupt DNC and Hillary herself. If they weren't? There would be no slime to reveal.

It is that fucking simple.

Nothing has been revealed, leaked or whistle blown on Trump that is as disgusting as what was released in those Wikileaks emails.

Arguing about whether it was a leak or a hack is a giant distraction from the fact that you should run as from away from such a loathsome bunch of creepy corrupt people as run the DNC, THAT WE ALREADY KNOW ABOUT.

Should the vote count if they have illegals?
It should not.

Should a vote count if a foreign government has been shown to have influenced the results?
View attachment 288307
New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

All during the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.

You are such a moron.

That wasn't "Russian meddling."
Wow. Such powerful delusions you have!

You have no proof, thus, you have to resort to name calling and personal attack, you know it.
Should the vote count if they have illegals?
It should not.

Should a vote count if a foreign government has been shown to have influenced the results?
View attachment 288307
New poll: 34 percent 'less likely' to vote for Clinton after new email revelations

All during the summer and fall of 2016, the pseudocons were celebrating the effect the meddling was having on the election.

Suck on it libs. Hillary is done for. She just can't win if one third of her voters are considering voting for someone else.

The Clintonites of the forum live in denial.

And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many...

That means 1/3 of them were going to vote for HIllary. You can't win an election when 1/3 of your supports jump ship.

Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her.

"And how many are much more likely to vote for Trump as result? Many, many..."

"Hillary is done. Stick a fork in her."

Now that the tards know Russia was behind those leaks which affected the outcome, they are trying to pretend it had NO impact.

Sorry, but I"m not as stupid or as forgetful as you tards are.
Wikileaks wasn't "meddling," moron. It was just making facts public. You support that, don't you?

The Russians were meddling, they illegally hacked a server and then gave it to WIkileaks.

There is no proof of that.
Democrats stop embarrassing America with this Russian talk .. YOU LOST MOVE ON
Imagine if the Russians had decided to leak the email exchanges with Don Trump, Jr. informing him that Russia was trying to help his dad get elected. Imagine if they leaked his "I love it" response.

This is what I mean about selective leaks, dipshits.

Imagine if the world knew that while Trump was parading those women at the press conference, he was simultaneously arranging illegal payments to his own mistresses.

If all the dirt on BOTH candidates had been made public, Clinton would have had a 49 state streak.
The Russians didn't hack the DNC server....That info was given to Assange by an insider.

^Wingnut fantasies.
Facts, shitferbrains.

1) Assange has repeatedly stated that no state actor (that means a government, numbnutz) aided him in getting the information he had.

2) The data transfer rates from the DNC servers we to fast to have gone over the internet....They were downloaded at the source onto disks or thumb drives.

Assange is kind of an asshole, let's face it. I trust people better than you on your second point.
Whether or not Assange is an asshole is irrelevant.

People better and smarter than me about tech are the ones who have worked out the data transfer rates.

You have neither jack nor shit to support your crackpot RUSSIA! conspiracy lunacy.

By asshole I mean trustworthy, he already has an unhealthy relationship with Russia.

It's also not a 'crackpot' conspiracy theory if multiple agencies have found it to be so. To blame it on some insider would be the unfounded conspiracy.

Who do you trust more, Trump or Komrad Brennan and Mr. Clapper?
I'm waiting for Barr, Huber, Durham and Horowitz to finally tell us WTF happened with regards to Russia and Ukraine
Imagine if the Russians had decided to leak the email exchanges with Don Trump, Jr. informing him that Russia was trying to help his dad get elected. Imagine if they leaked his "I love it" response.

This is what I mean about selective leaks, dipshits.

Imagine if the world knew that while Trump was parading those women at the press conference, he was simultaneously arranging illegal payments to his own mistresses.

If all the dirt on BOTH candidates had been made public, Clinton would have had a 49 state streak.
Imagine trump jr leaving China on Air Force one with 1 billion dollars
All you need to know about 2020 is that Trump is running against the democrats and Vegas has the following odds, with Trump the 2:1 favorite to win:
Donald Trump +130
Elizabeth Warren +275
Joe Biden +600
Pete Buttigieg +1200
You don’t know much about odds do you?

Trump is running unopposed in the GOP, he only needs to win one election
Democrats must win the Dem nomination first and then defeat Trump. TWO things must happen

Affects the odds.
Should the vote count if they have illegals?
It should not.

Should a vote count if a foreign government has been shown to have influenced the results?

Absolutely. I'm still waiting for someone to show where Russia actually had an actual, specific, measurable effect on the 2016 vote. I keep asking for someone to produce some people who publicly state that Russia media changed their vote! And less so, for anyone to show how it changed a single county, much less state.
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