2020 Ties for Hottest Year on Record, NASA Says (Nullfying 10,000 "it's cold this morning" posts here)

JAN 13, 2022 5:23 PM

The World Was Cooler in 2021 Than 2020. That’s Not Good News​

The global temperature was down, thanks to La Niña, but it was still the sixth-hottest year on record
Nothing goes straight up you Moron.
One can and does have varaiables on the way up in any Natural Trend.





The Sun is a far greater influence and it is trending toward cooling.
For 50 Years Scientists have directly measured the sun/radiation-in.. and the amount of heat blocked from escaping by the ever thickening Greenhouse Gas/GHG blanket. (ie CO2 going from 280 to 420 ppm in the last 100+ years)

There is no more sun hitting the earth, but there is more radiation being blocked from escaping at the exact spectral wavelengths of the Greenhouse gases. (CO2, Methane, Water Vapor, etc)

That's one reason know for sure.

No charge for the real science lesson, not RW cable News.
Something you would never learn with your bias and complete lack of knowledge and curiosity.

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For 50 Years Scientists have directly measured the sun/radiation-in.. and that heat blocked from escaping by the ever thickening Greenhouse Gas/GHG blanket.

There is no more sun hitting the earth, but there is more radiation being blocked from escaping at the exact spectral wavelengths of the Greenhouse gases.

That's one reason know for sure.

No charge for the real science lesson, not RW cable News.

Carbon dioxide is not a very good block for heat. That only works in a closed system and we don't live in one.`
Abu may have his heart in the right place but he is blinded in his gorebal climate change where he believes that only his opinion matters UNLESS you fall in line. Geoengineering is the cause of the climate change anomalies. It's the Hegelian Dialectic being played out like it has all through history and why is that they do it? Because it works. Like the salesman that has a sign on a table that reads "Free Chips And Dip" when some takes him on it and tries the freebie? He exclaims "This tastes like shit" where the one giving it away says "It is.....wanna buy a toothbrush?" The Hegelian Dialectic in joke form. I have never seen her try to win an honest debate but she thinks a debate is won by her candidate she does and that is also a losing battle. She follows barrypuppet's narrative the candidate also there backing his truth. I am not in some kind of dick-waving contest and waving his wing-wang lest he be moved up the the social window because he is waiting for someone worthy of his derisions might move him to kids table during the holidays and wants to be taken as major player and contributor here by sitting on momma's lap as she finishes her second piece of PEEEE-can pie while basking in the glow of later defeats soon to come. He has some seriously flawed logic as I wait that moves him out while giving him some pause for filling in the glaring holes in his logic and then hitting the gym believing what he has spewed all day.

The Grand Solar Minimum, or Cold Sun, Explained​

The biggest driver of the Earth’s climate is the Sun, not carbon emissions. The Sun controls 99.5% of climate, not trace CO2. Whodathunk.

Climate scientists have tracked and confirmed a direct correlation between Sun-spot activity and the Earth’s temperature. Greater Sun-spot activity equates to higher solar temperatures, and that equates to higher Earth temperatures. The inverse is also true, and this dormancy phase is known as a “Cold Sun,” Grand Solar Minimum (GSM). Casey is predicting a degree of GSM called the “Dalton Minimum.” Russian scientists are now predicting a period of zero sun spots, or an even deeper Cold Sun cycle,
And your point is ? What ? NASA and every climate science research institute in the world is wrong ? Hmm.
Those smart Russian scientist are right. Why don’t you just see what they say about AGW. Typical ancillary bullshit and more woo woo You think supports you….nah.
Abu may have his heart in the right place but he is blinded in his gorebal climate change where he believes that only his opinion matters UNLESS you fall in line. Geoengineering is the cause of the climate change anomalies. It's the Hegelian Dialectic being played out like it has all through history and why is that they do it? Because it works. Like the salesman that has a sign on a table that reads "Free Chips And Dip" when some takes him on it and tries the freebie? He exclaims "This tastes like shit" where the one giving it away says "It is.....wanna buy a toothbrush?" The Hegelian Dialectic in joke form. I have never seen her try to win an honest debate but she thinks a debate is won by her candidate she does and that is also a losing battle. She follows barrypuppet's narrative the candidate also there backing his truth. I am not in some kind of dick-waving contest and waving his wing-wang lest he be moved up the the social window because he is waiting for someone worthy of his derisions might move him to kids table during the holidays and wants to be taken as major player and contributor here by sitting on momma's lap as she finishes her second piece of PEEEE-can pie while basking in the glow of later defeats soon to come. He has some seriously flawed logic as I wait that moves him out while giving him some pause for filling in the glaring holes in his logic and then hitting the gym believing what he has spewed all day.
That’s a stupid. It’s not anyone person’s opinion. It’s the conclusion of every climate science research facility, every govt and every related major corp in in the world.
You mean every climatoligist that gets its funding from the IPCC who is funded by the U.N. ..and calling me stupid doesn't help your case. Until geoengineering is figured into the picture? What they have to say doesn't matter to me. It seems so important to you that I give a rip. You are in a very tough spot....you care while I don't care nor believe them.
You mean every climatoligist that gets its funding from the IPCC who is funded by the U.N. ..and calling me stupid doesn't help your case. Until geoengineering is figured into the picture? What they have to say doesn't matter to me. It seems so important to you that I give a rip. You are in a very tough spot....you care while I don't care nor believe them.
Well, it’s your remark that was stupid. And Wow, you follow it up with another ignorant remark. WTF does funding have to do with it ? I guess you go to a witch doctor for all your healthcare needs.
Well, it’s your remark that was stupid. And Wow, you follow it up with another ignorant remark. WTF does funding have to do with it ? I guess you go to a witch doctor for all your healthcare needs.
Your inability to understand it doesn't make my.point any less poignant. I can't help you anymore than I have. Maybe some day you will see how you haven played. Have a blessed day.
Your inability to understand it doesn't make my.point any less poignant. I can't help you anymore than I have. Maybe some day you will see how you haven played. Have a blessed day.
Yup, guilty as charged. I have no idea why funding medical research, aid to the poor and infrastructure development automatically makes funding climate research less believable. Amazing. You’re saying that Johns Hopkins and everyother university in the world, just made up shit about AGW. Amazing.
You mean every climatoligist that gets its funding from the IPCC who is funded by the U.N. ..and calling me stupid doesn't help your case. Until geoengineering is figured into the picture? What they have to say doesn't matter to me. It seems so important to you that I give a rip. You are in a very tough spot....you care while I don't care nor believe them.
So the UN funds Johns Hopkins ? What a bunch of drivel. I didn’t know the UN funded every public and private university in the United States......or the US military, or NASA.
It’s a stretch pretending you”re such an authority on climate science after you pull those comments out of your ass.
“Until geoengineering is figured into the picture?”
Have no idea what kind of woo woo this is.
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to keep the grants coming they will say whatever the money source wants said.
So your reasoning behind every Govt agency and every-science institution in the world for lying is, they get paid to lie. Just because Fix News operates that way, doesn’t mean MIT does stupid. Name just one major climate related institution in the world that sides with you idiots.
The Sun is a far greater influence and it is trending toward cooling.
The sun is trending towards cooling ? You have to be shitting us. It’s expanding dufus.
No. “The Sun can influence Earth's climate, but it isn't responsible for the warming trend we've seen over recent decades. The Sun is a giver of life; it helps keep the planet warm enough for us to survive. We know subtle changes in Earth's orbit around the Sun are responsible for the comings and goings of the ice ages.”
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You mean every climatoligist that gets its funding from the IPCC who is funded by the U.N. ..and calling me stupid doesn't help your case. Until geoengineering is figured into the picture? What they have to say doesn't matter to me. It seems so important to you that I give a rip. You are in a very tough spot....you care while I don't care nor believe them.
What you believe which is utter nonsense is of no concern to me. But every idiot that posts drivel and made up shit gets a response. You want to keep acting foolish, be our guest. You have a constitutional right to believe stupid shit, jus like I have the right to respond to your made up shit.
Yup, guilty as charged. I have no idea why funding medical research, aid to the poor and infrastructure development automatically makes funding climate research less believable. Amazing. You’re saying that Johns Hopkins and everyother university in the world, just made up shit about AGW. Amazing.
The climate is changing but not for the reasons you believe. This spraying program using heavy metal nano-particultes like strontium, barium and aluminum has been going on in NATO countries since 1997 but the research and fine tuning has gone one since the 1940's. MIT came out with an article on Christmas Eve of last year claiming it would be a crime against humanity NOT to spray. Unfortunately it's not working out for us as it lands in our water and on the crops and it's acidifying the soil. Now Monsanto has a patent on GMO seeds that are drought resistant and will grow in aluminum corrupted soil.....hmmmmm?. Just because YOU can't comprehend it doesn't mean it's not happening. The water and soil samples do not lie.....
So the UN funds Johns Hopkins ? What a bunch of drivel. I didn’t know the UN funded every public and private university in the United States......or the US military, or NASA.
It’s a stretch pretending you”re such an authority on climate science after you pull those comments out of your ass.
“Until geoengineering is figured into the picture?”
Have no idea what kind of woo woo this is.

UNEP and the WMO both U.N programs and the IPCC works at the leisure of the U.N. I wouldn't trust colleges like John Hopkins because most of the tenured professors are either socialists or full blown commies. Ever read the Iron Mountain Report? What do you know about the formation of the Club Of Rome and their books like "Limits To Growth" and Sustainable Development. Have you ever looked into geo-engineering? Because if you haven't, you are only seeing part of the picture. We know what we see with our own eyes and the white-out conditions after spraying for a few hours. You are not helping your side with the temper-tantrum throwing and the condescending act. You believe that oil is a dead dinosaur and foliage matter and that lie was sold the the Geneva Convention in 1893 to use the phrase "fossil fuel" in an attempt to imply it could become scarce. What do you know about the Petro dollar and the story behind that? Hundreds of patents that could use every drop of gasoline while not emitting anything? seems those patents fall under the catch all of "National Security". This is all a big plan to move people into smaller homes, totally rid the country of rural communities called agenda 21 and ICLEI. You really should attack issues like these and seeking a connection as tomhow this was planned 60 years ago. There is much more for us look into than blindly following a few billionaires that are frothing at the mouth to start collecting carbon taxes on a resource they also sell us....I believe that is called "double-dipping".

Best of luck figuring it all out using your own powers of discernment instead of being led around by the nose
What you believe which is utter nonsense is of no concern to me. But every idiot that posts drivel and made up shit gets a response. You want to keep acting foolish, be our guest. You have a constitutional right to believe stupid shit, jus like I have the right to respond to your made up shit.
And what you believe is utter nonsense to me.....see how that works? I can promise you this much, I have come by my conclusion with a lot of painstaking reading and research. There isn't anything you and abu have regurgitated that I haven't read before....same buzzwords, same talking points followed up with a "Your stoopid if'n you don't believe in Gorebal Warming!" I will say those like yourself are pretty easy to spot. looks like we are at an impasse because I am never going to believe that there isn't more to this "crisis" than meets the eye.

History already has proven this to be the case.

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