2020 Ties for Hottest Year on Record, NASA Says (Nullfying 10,000 "it's cold this morning" posts here)

I am watching on Netflix a new docuseries on "life on our Planet". About 2 billion years ago, before the Earth had land animals, a great Ice Age happened where all the CO2 was gone, not able to trap the heat of the sun, so all the water that was shallow, froze over, and only the deep oceans were able to continue with life. So my question was, "Where did all the CO2 go"? Then when the CO2 came back, (No man was on Earth at the time) the ice melted and soon life came out of the sea. So where did the CO2 come back from? Not man, but a cycle of the Earth that keeps happening. So thanks to the docuseries, this proves the lies of the Marxists who wants to steal the wealth of America.
But it didn't get colder or warmer because of the CO2. The GHG effect of CO2 is relatively weak. The CO2 rose and fell because the planet got colder and warmer. The CO2 reinforced the temperature change. It didn't drive it.
So how could the water release CO2 while it is frozen solid? 200,000 years that Ice Age lasted. Could the Sun have a part in it?
I don't believe it did freeze solid. But what did freeze had CO2 trapped in it.

The sun definitely plays a role but not in the way people think. Yes, it provides solar radiation and yes the solar radiation has variability from solar cycles and orbital forcing. But not enough variability to cause these cycles and certainly can't be responsible for D-O events. The thing the solar variability can do however is alter winds which can alter currents which can halt heat transport to the arctic circle which is the critical location for triggering glacial periods.
I don't believe it did freeze solid. But what did freeze had CO2 trapped in it.

The sun definitely plays a role but not in the way people think. Yes, it provides solar radiation and yes the solar radiation has variability from solar cycles and orbital forcing. But not enough variability to cause these cycles and certainly can't be responsible for D-O events. The thing the solar variability can do however is alter winds which can alter currents which can halt heat transport to the arctic circle which is the critical location for triggering glacial periods.
These questions i am asking are not for me, but those that are of the religious cult call, Globull Warming Zealots. T
Record early season snowfall in Alaska this year.

Global warming my ass.

Nullifies all this Environmental Wacko bullshit about the earth is getting too damn hot.

Record early season snowfall in Alaska this year.

Global warming my ass.

Nullifies all this Environmental Wacko bullshit about the earth is getting too damn hot.

Another Dufus.
More snow doesn't mean it's cooling overall.
It just means warm moist air met the seasonal cold Alaska cold air.
The coldest days are usually clear as a bell cold fronts.

You're at least as stupid as SunsetMommy who tried the same a few days ago.
The ocean and the landmass configuration - especially at the polar regions - is what drives the climate of this planet. Not CO2.[/

And since that hasn't changed appreciably in thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions of years...
it would NOT affect the warming of the last 50/150.
You stupid, self-impeaching, Dishonest POS.

And since that hasn't changed appreciably in thousands/hundreds of thousands/millions of years...
it would NOT affect the warming of the last 50/150.
You stupid, self-impeaching, Dishonest POS.

But it has as evidenced by the climate variations that have always occurred. It's idiotic to attribute all warming to CO2 when CO2 is relatively weak GHG.
Another Dufus.
More snow doesn't mean it's cooling overall.
It just means warm moist air met the seasonal cold Alaska cold air.
The coldest days are usually clear as a bell cold fronts.

You're at least as stupid as SunsetMommy who tried the same a few days ago.

You may have noticed that we're getting less snow in winter as the climate warms. But how much? The latest estimate is that the maximum amount of snow that collects on the ground each year in non-alpine areas of North America has been decreasing by 46 billion tonnes per decade since 1980, a new study reports.
YOUR Link continues: Conceding/using the fact there's a Warmer climate, and More moisture in the air because of it.

""..Despite declines in Europe, Eurasia overall hasn't seen an overall reduction in snowfall over the past four decades, partly because of heavy snowfalls in eastern Siberia.

Derksen said that while a Warming Climate means the snow season begins Later and ends Earlier, that doesn't necessarily mean less snow. That's because Warmer Temperatures allow for More Moisture in the air, and therefore More Precipitation, even in winter when it falls as snow.
He predicts in the future, declines in Southern Canada may be offset by more snow in the north."...>"

YOUR Link continues: Conceding/using the fact there's a Warmer climate, and More moisture in the air because of it.

""..Despite declines in Europe, Eurasia overall hasn't seen an overall reduction in snowfall over the past four decades, partly because of heavy snowfalls in eastern Siberia.

Derksen said that while a Warming Climate means the snow season begins Later and ends Earlier, that doesn't necessarily mean less snow. That's because Warmer Temperatures allow for More Moisture in the air, and therefore More Precipitation, even in winter when it falls as snow.
He predicts in the future, declines in Southern Canada may be offset by more snow in the north."...>"

The key being warmer climate and not more CO2. Drop mic.
YOUR Link continues: Conceding/using the fact there's a Warmer climate, and More moisture in the air because of it.

""..Despite declines in Europe, Eurasia overall hasn't seen an overall reduction in snowfall over the past four decades, partly because of heavy snowfalls in eastern Siberia.

Derksen said that while a Warming Climate means the snow season begins Later and ends Earlier, that doesn't necessarily mean less snow. That's because Warmer Temperatures allow for More Moisture in the air, and therefore More Precipitation, even in winter when it falls as snow.
He predicts in the future, declines in Southern Canada may be offset by more snow in the north."...>"

So what is it, warmer with no snow, or colder with more snow? See my signature at the bottom..
So what is it, warmer with no snow, or colder with more snow? See my signature at the bottom..
False Choice.
There's no question it IS Warmer.
But snow can be variable, even stable under that circumstance for quite a while, as warming increases Water Vapor which can make it look colder (to idiots), when in fact it is not.

You are not Nearly smart enough to play either the knowledge or semantic game with me jr.
False Choice.
There's no question it IS Warmer.
But snow can be variable, even stable under that circumstance for quite a while, as warming increases Water Vapor which can make it look colder (to idiots), when in fact it is not.

You are not Nearly smart enough to play either the knowledge or semantic game with me jr.
If it is warmer, why is this year, 20 degrees cooler where i am at? Your racist math doesnt add up.

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