Finally planted the last of my hot pepper seedlings. I hope the deer eat them. Last thing I need is 60 more hot pepper plants. I just couldn't resist growing them from seed as an experiment and overdid times three.
Lettuce doing okay this year which is the first time I have gotten lettuce to do much in about three years. My spring onions and garlic planted last fall all failed. Never happened before. Must have been the weird spring weather where we went from 40's to mid 90's back down into the 40's again back into the 90's before we settled for normal temps (along with tons of rain throughout).
Lettuce doing okay this year which is the first time I have gotten lettuce to do much in about three years. My spring onions and garlic planted last fall all failed. Never happened before. Must have been the weird spring weather where we went from 40's to mid 90's back down into the 40's again back into the 90's before we settled for normal temps (along with tons of rain throughout).