2022 is turning into the "Hunger Games" for the GOP


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
This is going exactly as anticipated. Trump is making 2022 GOP grovel against each other in real time for his endorsement. Maybe he'll have them literally wrestling with each other for his amusement.

It was a scene right out of "The Apprentice."

Donald Trump was headlining a fundraiser on Wednesday night at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla. But before the dinner began, the former president had some business to take care of: He summoned four Republican Senate candidates vying for Ohio’s open Senate seat for a backroom meeting.

The contenders — former state Treasurer Josh Mandel, former state GOP Chair Jane Timken, technology company executive Bernie Moreno and investment banker Mike Gibbons — had flown down to attend the fundraiser to benefit a Trump-endorsed Ohio candidate looking to oust one of the 10 House Republicans who backed his impeachment. As the candidates mingled during a pre-dinner cocktail reception, one of the president's aides signaled to them that Trump wanted to huddle with them in a room just off the lobby.

What ensued was a 15-minute backroom backbiting session reminiscent of Trump’s reality TV show. Mandel said he was “crushing” Timken in polling. Timken touted her support on the ground thanks to her time as state party chair. Gibbons mentioned how he’d helped Trump’s campaign financially. Moreno noted that his daughter had worked on Trump’s 2020 campaign.

The scene illustrated what has become a central dynamic in the nascent 2022 race. In virtually every Republican primary, candidates are jockeying, auditioning and fighting for the former president’s backing. Trump has received overtures from a multitude of candidates desperate for his endorsement, something that top Republicans say gives him all-encompassing power to make-or-break the outcome of primaries.

And the former president, as was so often the case during his presidency, has seemed to relish pitting people against one another.

One person familiar with what transpired in Wednesday evening’s huddle described it as “Hunger Games,” an awkward showdown that none of them were expecting.
Hard ball political power plays, by the defacto head of the party.

As though this is anything new.
This is going exactly as anticipated. Trump is making 2022 GOP grovel against each other in real time for his endorsement. Maybe he'll have them literally wrestling with each other for his amusement.

It was a scene right out of "The Apprentice."

Donald Trump was headlining a fundraiser on Wednesday night at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla. But before the dinner began, the former president had some business to take care of: He summoned four Republican Senate candidates vying for Ohio’s open Senate seat for a backroom meeting.

The contenders — former state Treasurer Josh Mandel, former state GOP Chair Jane Timken, technology company executive Bernie Moreno and investment banker Mike Gibbons — had flown down to attend the fundraiser to benefit a Trump-endorsed Ohio candidate looking to oust one of the 10 House Republicans who backed his impeachment. As the candidates mingled during a pre-dinner cocktail reception, one of the president's aides signaled to them that Trump wanted to huddle with them in a room just off the lobby.

What ensued was a 15-minute backroom backbiting session reminiscent of Trump’s reality TV show. Mandel said he was “crushing” Timken in polling. Timken touted her support on the ground thanks to her time as state party chair. Gibbons mentioned how he’d helped Trump’s campaign financially. Moreno noted that his daughter had worked on Trump’s 2020 campaign.

The scene illustrated what has become a central dynamic in the nascent 2022 race. In virtually every Republican primary, candidates are jockeying, auditioning and fighting for the former president’s backing. Trump has received overtures from a multitude of candidates desperate for his endorsement, something that top Republicans say gives him all-encompassing power to make-or-break the outcome of primaries.

And the former president, as was so often the case during his presidency, has seemed to relish pitting people against one another.

One person familiar with what transpired in Wednesday evening’s huddle described it as “Hunger Games,” an awkward showdown that none of them were expecting.
An early start to the Propaganda Games. There is no reason to believe anything they are saying. They know nothing.
though this is anything new.
Then show us the same thing from 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000...

You won't and can't. Because you are a cultist that literally makes stuff up on the spot to soothe himself, whenever you are confronted with new information that doesn't shine the ass of the orange slob.
give us a name so we can know the biden flunky at politico isnt making all this up?
Why would you think it is made up? Is there something about the orange slob holding court to get praise that you find hard to believe?
They don't like it, so it's fake news.

Predictable. This is vintage Trump, and the sheep know it. AND, they LIKE it.
This is vintage Trump, and the sheep know it. AND, they LIKE it.
Well sure, just watch them all call it fake out of one side of their necks then defend it out the other side of their necks. When it comes to the orange slob, they are stimulus/response amoeba. Like that Oddball fellow... He is long gone, and he ain't coming back...
though this is anything new.
Then show us the same thing from 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000...

You won't and can't. Because you are a cultist that literally makes stuff up on the spot to soothe himself, whenever you are confronted with new information that doesn't shine the ass of the orange slob.

Whats the difference?

And Obama's last second endorsement of Biden seemed a bit, I dunno... cutthroat, if you ask me. The press made a lot of noise about how reluctant he was to endorse his own former VP.
Trump is only relevant to those in his cult. The rest of the GOP is distancing themselves from him.

I mean shit......................even Yurtle the Turtle (McConnell) has spoken out against him.
Trump is only relevant to those in his cult. The rest of the GOP is distancing themselves from him.

I mean shit......................even Yurtle the Turtle (McConnell) has spoken out against him.
And then said he would vote for him in 2024. Better check again.
Trump is only relevant to those in his cult. The rest of the GOP is distancing themselves from him.

I mean shit......................even Yurtle the Turtle (McConnell) has spoken out against him.
Mealy-mouthed asswipes like McTurtle gave us Trump.....How many times does this need to be spelled out?

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