2022 midterm election prediction


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Underachieving Democrat's vs Corrupt Republicans

Democrat's - You passed COVID relief alright, but your stalled infrastructure bill, and (less than) stellar performances on the national debt, supply chain, gas prices, and the overall economy has taken the luster off your brand. If you can't get your own party members to vote as a single block, be prepared for a GOP comeback in 2022.

Republicans - Your blind allegiance to Donald Trump is going to come back to bite you. As time passes, and more of Trump's illegal activities come to light in the courts, this, and Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud is going to make it hard for your your party to sell it's evangelical Christian, goody two shoes image to the voters.

Prediction: The GOP will take back one house of Congress, but not both. Expect the voting public to detest both political parties even deeper.
Underachieving Democrat's vs Corrupt Republicans

Democrat's - You passed COVID relief alright, but your stalled infrastructure bill, and (less than) stellar performances on the national debt, supply chain, gas prices, and the overall economy has taken the luster off your brand. If you can't get your own party members to vote as a single block, be prepared for a GOP comeback in 2022.

Republicans - Your blind allegiance to Donald Trump is going to come back to bite you. As time passes, and more of Trump's illegal activities come to light in the courts, this, and Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud is going to make it hard for your your party to sell it's evangelical Christian, goody two shoes image to the voters.

Prediction: The GOP will take back one house of Congress, but not both. Expect the voting public to detest both political parties even deeper.
They’re both corrupt and neither is underachieving. They are both lackeys for the oligarchy.
Underachieving Democrat's vs Corrupt Republicans

Democrat's - You passed COVID relief alright, but your stalled infrastructure bill, and (less than) stellar performances on the national debt, supply chain, gas prices, and the overall economy has taken the luster off your brand. If you can't get your own party members to vote as a single block, be prepared for a GOP comeback in 2022.

Republicans - Your blind allegiance to Donald Trump is going to come back to bite you. As time passes, and more of Trump's illegal activities come to light in the courts, this, and Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud is going to make it hard for your your party to sell it's evangelical Christian, goody two shoes image to the voters.

Prediction: The GOP will take back one house of Congress, but not both. Expect the voting public to detest both political parties even deeper.
Not bad, Bill. Good morning to ya. :)
Underachieving Democrat's vs Corrupt Republicans

Democrat's - You passed COVID relief alright, but your stalled infrastructure bill, and (less than) stellar performances on the national debt, supply chain, gas prices, and the overall economy has taken the luster off your brand. If you can't get your own party members to vote as a single block, be prepared for a GOP comeback in 2022.

Republicans - Your blind allegiance to Donald Trump is going to come back to bite you. As time passes, and more of Trump's illegal activities come to light in the courts, this, and Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud is going to make it hard for your your party to sell it's evangelical Christian, goody two shoes image to the voters.

Prediction: The GOP will take back one house of Congress, but not both. Expect the voting public to detest both political parties even deeper.
Wow, more concerned with Trump than the idiot in charge destroying everything now. The midterms will have nothing to do with Trump doofus, they will have to do with the destruction of America by Biden and his corrupt outlaw gang.
Underachieving Democrat's vs Corrupt Republicans

Democrat's - You passed COVID relief alright, but your stalled infrastructure bill, and (less than) stellar performances on the national debt, supply chain, gas prices, and the overall economy has taken the luster off your brand. If you can't get your own party members to vote as a single block, be prepared for a GOP comeback in 2022.

Republicans - Your blind allegiance to Donald Trump is going to come back to bite you. As time passes, and more of Trump's illegal activities come to light in the courts, this, and Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud is going to make it hard for your your party to sell it's evangelical Christian, goody two shoes image to the voters.

Prediction: The GOP will take back one house of Congress, but not both. Expect the voting public to detest both political parties even deeper.
I wonder how many run offs there will be in the blue states that always seem to happen when the progressives elites start losing, and all the recounts end up going for the Progs.

Wow, more concerned with Trump than the idiot in charge destroying everything now. The midterms will have nothing to do with Trump doofus, they will have to do with the destruction of America by Biden and his corrupt outlaw gang.
It has been my observation that the more Biden flails (at best) and deliberately works to bring down this country (at worst), the more frequently the liberals deflect to Trump.
I'd say the mid terms will go to the Reps. Both House and Senate. The Dems sure aren't covering themselves with glory with that walking, talking disaster in the WH.
The “tell” will be the outcome of the Virginia Governor race on Nov. 2nd. If the Republican wins in what is now a dead heat, it will be an indication that the woke crowd with its silencing of dissenters and indoctrination in the schools has gone too far and the Republicans will sweep both chambers.
Underachieving Democrat's vs Corrupt Republicans

Democrat's - You passed COVID relief alright, but your stalled infrastructure bill, and (less than) stellar performances on the national debt, supply chain, gas prices, and the overall economy has taken the luster off your brand. If you can't get your own party members to vote as a single block, be prepared for a GOP comeback in 2022.

Republicans - Your blind allegiance to Donald Trump is going to come back to bite you. As time passes, and more of Trump's illegal activities come to light in the courts, this, and Trump's wild claims of massive voter fraud is going to make it hard for your your party to sell it's evangelical Christian, goody two shoes image to the voters.

Prediction: The GOP will take back one house of Congress, but not both. Expect the voting public to detest both political parties even deeper.
I applaud all truly moderate Democrats who refuse to accept socialism. The party in power almost always loses at the midterms. It would have more to do with Biden's many mistakes and lack of Covid progress rather than not passing his Build Back Better agenda because those voters who want it aren't going to be upset enough to vote for Republicans as punishment. Republicans will retake both branches. The left keep on trying to dig up dirt on Trump 24/7 but the public has begun to realize that it is more biased partisan politics than actual crimes. The left are manufacturing crimes.
Prediction: The GOP will take back one house of Congress, but not both. Expect the voting public to detest both political parties even deeper.
Barring some miraculous reversal of Biden's fortunes, I believe the Republicans will take both chambers and it won't really be that close. Historically, looking at past midterm elections at this point in the game when a party is failing as bad as the Dems are right now it usually spells a lot of trouble for them in the midterms.
Barring some miraculous reversal of Biden's fortunes, I believe the Republicans will take both chambers and it won't really be that close. Historically, looking at past midterm elections at this point in the game when a party is failing as bad as the Dems are right now it usually spells a lot of trouble for them in the midterms.
Yep, the dems are toast in 2022, maybe even 2024 based on history.
The dems will try to play the J6 card over and over and over and over, but the GOP has way better commercials:
Everything Xiden touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT
The French pulled their ambassador
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline
He sold us out to Putin by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent the Bidens
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
The southern border is another Xiden catastrophe after Trump had it SOLVED
Runaway inflation will just get worse if the dems pass their "infrastructure" bills, that will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs.
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans behind, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI to arrest parents who ask questions at school board meetings.
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe


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