$223,200 In Reparations

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
Is what California plans on paying to certain blacks.

"The nine-member panel concluded that black Californians whose ancestors were in the US in the 19th century are due $223,200 each due to housing discrimination practices utilized from 1933 to 1977, the New York Times reported."

Anywho, I was wondering how blacks, whites, and others feel about this if they aren't on the receiving end. The way the law is worded there may be many blacks who don't actually fall into the recipient category.

What if you are black and don't get the money but your black neighbor across the street gets a two hundred thousand windfall? Wouldn't you be pissed?

How does that work for race relations if you are a struggling paycheck to paycheck white and your black neighbor gets 200K?

What if you are Chinese, or other Asian and your black neighbor gets 200K?

If this actually goes through I see it causing quite a stir and backlash, making race relations worse.
  • Why is California, a state that outlawed slavery, providing reparations to black individuals?
  • Why are there restrictions on what black individuals receive payouts?
  • Can one identify as a black individual to receive a payout?
  • Will blacks who receive payouts be refrained from complaining about history?
  • Will Affirmative Action be cancelled for blacks who accept reparations?
  • Why are blacks only worth $225K?
  • What problem is solved by providing reparations?
Here is the source story: California Panel Sizes Up Reparations for Black Citizens

Californians eligible for reparations, the task force decided in March, would be descendants of enslaved African Americans or of a “free Black person living in the United States prior to the end of the 19th century.” Nearly 6.5 percent of California residents, roughly 2.5 million, identify as Black or African American. The panel is now considering how reparations should be distributed — some favor tuition and housing grants while others want direct cash payments.

The task force has identified five areas — housing discrimination, mass incarceration, unjust property seizures, devaluation of Black businesses and health care — in discussions for compensation. For example, from 1933 to 1977, when it comes to housing discrimination, the task force estimates compensation of around $569 billion, with $223,200 per person.

I see several potential problems with this.

First, do you have evidence of your ancestry all the way back to the 19th century? Most people do not. I see a cottage industry sprouting up which will provide forged documents.

Second, what is to stop blacks from all over America migrating to California if a reparation plan is enacted? This could cause a resurgence of "white flight".

The median wealth of Black households in the United States is $24,100, compared with $188,200 for white households, according to the most recent Federal Reserve Board Survey of Consumer Finances.

Dropping a quarter of a million dollars in cash on a household that has a median income of $24,100 would create no small amount of insanity.

Fourth, where is the money going to come from? California's GDP is $3.4 trillion. The estimated cost of reparations is over half a trillion dollars.

Fifth, as has already been pointed out, dropping a quarter million dollars on one home, and not giving any money to their neighbors would create massive friction. Even if California decides not to give cash but to give out free college or housing grants, that will still cause a tremendous amount of friction. They will have a whole new haves/have nots problem.

Sixth, once reparations are handed out, this sets a legal precedent which will lead to reparation demands from Indians and other wronged groups.

I just don't see how this is workable.
Businesses are leaving California in droves. They are in for a rude awakening soon. Go ahead California, blow your money on woke shit. See what happens to your economy in 10 years. :laugh:

That's not a problem. A state can spend money as they please, and people vote for the reps that decide how to spend that money.

My problem is this: when they go bankrupt between this vote buying scheme, people and businesses leaving the state in droves, will they petition the federal government for a bailout which would include all taxpayers in the country?
Is what California plans on paying to certain blacks.

"The nine-member panel concluded that black Californians whose ancestors were in the US in the 19th century are due $223,200 each due to housing discrimination practices utilized from 1933 to 1977, the New York Times reported."

Anywho, I was wondering how blacks, whites, and others feel about this if they aren't on the receiving end. The way the law is worded there may be many blacks who don't actually fall into the recipient category.

What if you are black and don't get the money but your black neighbor across the street gets a two hundred thousand windfall? Wouldn't you be pissed?

How does that work for race relations if you are a struggling paycheck to paycheck white and your black neighbor gets 200K?

What if you are Chinese, or other Asian and your black neighbor gets 200K?

If this actually goes through I see it causing quite a stir and backlash, making race relations worse.

And that vote buying could turn on them by pissing off blacks that don't have the records they want or otherwise denied reparations.

It's like the college bailout scam. If the court sides with Biden and they pay these moochers, how about the people that just got done paying off their college loans? Think they won't be pissed? What about the people that paid off their college loans three or four years ago?
I hope they go with it. It will be hysterical and exactly what Californians deserve.
Is what California plans on paying to certain blacks.

"The nine-member panel concluded that black Californians whose ancestors were in the US in the 19th century are due $223,200 each due to housing discrimination practices utilized from 1933 to 1977, the New York Times reported."

Anywho, I was wondering how blacks, whites, and others feel about this if they aren't on the receiving end. The way the law is worded there may be many blacks who don't actually fall into the recipient category.

What if you are black and don't get the money but your black neighbor across the street gets a two hundred thousand windfall? Wouldn't you be pissed?

How does that work for race relations if you are a struggling paycheck to paycheck white and your black neighbor gets 200K?

What if you are Chinese, or other Asian and your black neighbor gets 200K?

If this actually goes through I see it causing quite a stir and backlash, making race relations worse.
This is a criminal decision by our government. Hopefully it will be overturned by a larger court? But if this type of things continues it’s of course going to lead to some kind of a war and we will see actual white supremacist politicians get elected. The fault all lies with the government right now for allowing this to happen. It’s unfathomable.

These types of action will lead to a legal way for America to separate we will have a country for patriots and then another country for the far left terrorists. And we know that so many of the white far left Democrats will initially live in a BLM country but they will beg so much to come back to the real America but they won’t be able to probably. And it’s all their fault. In large part of this is because of white far left Democrats who are making a ton of money off of this racial division. Meanwhile the poor black man and poor white man across this country continues to struggle.

But these are the same government that does nothing about left-wing violence. Like what we saw from the environmental terrorists in Atlanta Georgia today attacking a police training center. Is there a thread about it?
Half of Obama will have to pay his other half $111,600..
But seriously, what if a person is of mixed race?

I think if passed it will open an pandor's box. I'm no constitutional lawyer but to me this seems to violate the Equal Protection Under the Law clause of our US Constitution. Reparations are repayment for harm done. One would have to prove they've somehow been harmed by slavery or discrimination in order for reparations to be paid. Since that isn't possible and there are no plans to pay each and every black person, it's a violation of equal protection for those not paid.
I think if passed it will open an pandor's box. I'm no constitutional lawyer but to me this seems to violate the Equal Protection Under the Law clause of our US Constitution. Reparations are repayment for harm done. One would have to prove they've somehow been harmed by slavery or discrimination in order for reparations to be paid. Since that isn't possible and there are no plans to pay each and every black person, it's a violation of equal protection for those not paid.
The left have attacked me for saying this before but I'll say it again. Most of the slaves brought to America came from shithole countries. While obviously being in slavery was no cup of tea for most at the time, the fact is that most of the descendants from slaves are actually much better off today in the US than they would have been if they had originally remained in their shithole countries to this day.

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