$223,200 In Reparations

Is what California plans on paying to certain blacks.

"The nine-member panel concluded that black Californians whose ancestors were in the US in the 19th century are due $223,200 each due to housing discrimination practices utilized from 1933 to 1977, the New York Times reported."

Anywho, I was wondering how blacks, whites, and others feel about this if they aren't on the receiving end. The way the law is worded there may be many blacks who don't actually fall into the recipient category.

What if you are black and don't get the money but your black neighbor across the street gets a two hundred thousand windfall? Wouldn't you be pissed?

How does that work for race relations if you are a struggling paycheck to paycheck white and your black neighbor gets 200K?

What if you are Chinese, or other Asian and your black neighbor gets 200K?

If this actually goes through I see it causing quite a stir and backlash, making race relations worse.
I suspect there will be some really bad unintended consequences from this dumbass Libtard idea.

Taxpayers forced to give money to others because of race. More state debt and taxes. Some Negroes getting it and some don't. What could possibly go wrong?

Liberals are the dumbest assholes on the face of the earth.
The left have attacked me for saying this before but I'll say it again. Most of the slaves brought to America came from shithole countries. While obviously being in slavery was no cup of tea for most at the time, the fact is that most of the descendants from slaves are actually much better off today in the US than they would have been if they had originally remained in their shithole countries to this day.

What, you mean they are better off in a free and prosperous country that's so racist, homophobic and sexist than stuck in a jungle somewhere? The left never even considers things like that, or why millions are trying to sneak into this great place we call United States.
What happens when CA goes bankrupt? There will be no bailout. NYC didn't get one when they went bankrupt.
When the filthy ass Democrats are in charge of the Treasury they usually find a way to bail out disastrous incompetent Democrat policies.

Like they used the excuse of Pandemic to give money to the Democrat controlled big city shitholes that failed because of Libtard polices. "Build Back Together" was nothing more than welfare to the Democrat controlled shitholes along with some payoff to the Environmental Wackos.
I hope they all blow every cent then get slapped with income tax on it and can't afford to pay it.

I think if passed it will open an pandor's box. I'm no constitutional lawyer but to me this seems to violate the Equal Protection Under the Law clause of our US Constitution. Reparations are repayment for harm done. One would have to prove they've somehow been harmed by slavery or discrimination in order for reparations to be paid. Since that isn't possible and there are no plans to pay each and every black person, it's a violation of equal protection for those not paid.

That shit has been ignored for a long time now when it concerns blacks. Look at all the people and companies that say and do hire X amount of blacks. Well that's not equal opportunity practices because that means you will not hire X amount of people based on their skin color. Or schools that require X amount of black students to be enrolled means they are turning down the same amount that aren't black. Hell even Biden said he will put a black woman on the supreme court which means he only chosed based on skin color and gender.

And no black person today was harmed by slavery, none of them ever were one. America has a couple million poor, dumb, white trash people that would argue all whites are privileged. And the millions of business owners, congressman, doctors, lawyers, police chiefs and so on are proof there is no systemic racism. We even had a black president, and bill cosby was a poor ghetto kid from Philly that succeeded.
Is what California plans on paying to certain blacks.

"The nine-member panel concluded that black Californians whose ancestors were in the US in the 19th century are due $223,200 each due to housing discrimination practices utilized from 1933 to 1977, the New York Times reported."

Anywho, I was wondering how blacks, whites, and others feel about this if they aren't on the receiving end. The way the law is worded there may be many blacks who don't actually fall into the recipient category.

What if you are black and don't get the money but your black neighbor across the street gets a two hundred thousand windfall? Wouldn't you be pissed?

How does that work for race relations if you are a struggling paycheck to paycheck white and your black neighbor gets 200K?

What if you are Chinese, or other Asian and your black neighbor gets 200K?

If this actually goes through I see it causing quite a stir and backlash, making race relations worse.
Does that include people like this?

Granted she was busted as a fraud. But only because she gained a little bit of fame and attention which caused people to look into her back ground. How hard would it be for any old white person to fake it in order to get some money?

Then there is the other side of the coin.

Scumbags like Angela Davis can screech a bunch of BS about racism and oppression all day long. But it turns out her ancestors WERE the racist oppressors. Not only did one of her ancestors come over on the may flower she also had slave owners and KKK members in her ancestry.

This is not an uncommon thing amomg many african Americans who have their ancestral DNA analyzed only to find out that they are more irish or british or german than african

The state government morons are doing what government typically does which is to make a mess over an issue which they are unqualified to address and the unintended consequences will be vast. It is not an attempt to balance the scales or address grievences it is strictly a naked attempt to buy votes.
Does that include people like this?

Granted she was busted as a fraud. But only because she gained a little bit of fame and attention which caused people to look into her back ground. How hard would it be for any old white person to fake it in order to get some money?

Then there is the other side of the coin.

Scumbags like Angela Davis can screech a bunch of BS about racism and oppression all day long. But it turns out her ancestors WERE the racist oppressors. Not only did one of her ancestors come over on the may flower she also had slave owners and KKK members in her ancestry.

This is not an uncommon thing amomg many african Americans who have their ancestral DNA analyzed only to find out that they are more irish or british or german than african

The state government morons are doing what government typically does which is to make a mess over an issue which they are unqualified to address and the unintended consequences will be vast. It is not an attempt to balance the scales or address grievences it is strictly a naked attempt to buy votes.

Seems to me kind of stupid for a state or locality who really wasn't much involved or responsible for enslaving blacks wants to pay reparations for other's misdeeds. Not that I believe in reparations anywhere, but, California actually has a history of enslaving indigenous peoples, not blacks, and yet they want to pay state reparations to blacks and not indigenous peoples. This indicates to me that their intentions are not as genuine as they would have you believe.
Because discrimination against blacks continued well into the late 20th century.
You mean when all those unmarried teenage women having their children and having attitude that they did not and still do not see the real problem. African Americans who realize the seedy side that we all have are reprimanded, ridiculed and called Uncle Toms for it.

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