226 Years Of Congressional Nonfeasance Ended-A hidden threat?


Evidence & Reason Rule
Aug 23, 2009
It has been 226 years of willful neglect in violation of law, the constitution and oaths of office.

Finally, a Hawaiian activist, Dan Marks, wrote the right letter which got a response exposing the neglect. A state legislator has taken action and it looks like a new, historical house rule is coming up

U.S. House finally adopts rule to count Article V Convention applications - National Progressive Examiner.com

Time to wake up sleepy Americans. An infiltrated government is destroying your futures while main stream media lies to you after government education DID NOT communicate to you the truth about what your republic is and how to enforce its principles.

Wake up or pay the price! Each in denial will be guilty of supreme neglect. The price of this cannot be overstated. America is the only nation on earth that has mechanisms of change built into its constitution that are adequate to model appropriate human activity to meet the future we are creating for ourselves, to survive and to evolve.

Informed Americans need to conduct some critical thinking. Of course I know, you don't or won't (if sincere), that it is possible that covert, cognitive infiltration has altered your world view and you are disabled from putting all of the information together that is in this thread.

What is shared in this thread could easily surround all American politics, because they are not functional and the powers that be know it. That dysfunction has been cultivated for a reason. Perhaps to cultivate a false need or vacuum for control, that ultimately destroys the principals of the 1787 constitution beyond any hope of recovery.

Mark Levin urges states to take back your power from runaway Obama WashingtonExaminer.com
By Paul Bedard Via the Washington Examiner-

The building national movement for a constitutional convention to block President Obama's executive orders got a huge boost Thursday when leading advocate Mark Levin urged state lawmakers to throttle all of Washington, including Republicans.

"Take your power back," he demanded of the hundreds of lawmakers attending the American Legislative Exchange Council convention on Capitol Hill. "You are the last line of defense of liberty."

Levin got star billing because a focus of the winter meeting of the limited government group is pushing for a convention of states, a project of the Citizens for Self-Governance, who sponsored the top talk show host who recently wrote a book laying out constitutional amendments the nation should consider.

He described a nation that is morphing into a "post-constitutional" crisis where state legislatures are "irrelevant," and the president and Congress do whatever they want, and nobody in Washington provides checks and balances.

"We have a president of the United States who says, 'Hey, Congress won't act. I will.' Excuse me? Well what's that? Sounds like a runaway convention to me," he said.

Ditto for Republicans. "Throw out the establishment Republicans and others who are stopping you from doing what you need to do," Levin urged.

To applause, he pushed legislators to consider a convention of 2,000-3,000 delegates to review procedures for hosting a constitutional convention as a warning shot to Congress and the White House. "That alone would shake up this city," he said.

While Levin and convention proponents have support, some at the ALEC event said it was too radical a move, and a few cited criticisms that a conservative-led convention would go too far.

Levin rejected the concerns about a "runaway convention," noting that the Constitution requires many states to approve any action, making it unlikely that a radical idea would get through.

He dismissed critics, and added that proponents are simply trying to save the Constitution.

"Ignore these idiots," he said of critics, adding about his backers, "we're not some cult over here. We're the majority."


What is Mark Levin saying?

There is one inconsistency, or maybe I'm not hearing him right.

He says at 9:37 - again at 10:14 "Less than 7 of you in the same room."

Them at 29:30 to 30:30 he describes many more people involved. The latter situation is what I would expect, the former is what I would worry about IF he is talking about ratification.

I worry because ALEC could easily control a few in 3/4 of the states.

The former he is speaking directly to state legislators encouraging them, in the latter he is ridiculing those that fear a runaway convention.

Now I’m worried. I tried to find out about three years ago if “Convention of States” (COS) is associated with ALEC in any way. Could not find a connection. Word was a home school guy is behind the Citizens for Self-Governance group that started it. We know the Koch brothers are behind ALEC. Big time exploitation of GATT, petroleum and gas. Perhaps okay if benefitting the US, but it’s sold off shore, Asia and Africa. GATT and NAFTA are treason removing US law from control over US territory.

You will be surprised to know that the cognitive infiltration at Occupy Wall Street forum opposed making ALEC accountable to constitutional intent in 2011.

“Convention of States” seemed more grass roots, but refused to dialogue about the notion that “the people are the rightful masters of the congress and the courts” (Lincoln 1859) and that for them to be the masters they need to be prepared to run a check on CONSTITUTIONAL INTENT. When COS failed to discuss constitutional intent and "Preparatory Amendment", I became suspicious.

"Preparatory Amendment" is the logical, constitutional presumption that America need to prepare for the most important political event in its history.

What I think I may be seeing is two heads of the same monster getting ready to hijack a convention and leave the determination of constitutional intent up to corporations and incumbent politicians USING Obama as an excuse and reason.

With Levin as a ringmaster making comforting noises of saving the constitution for the people to sleep on.

Why didn't these organizations or states work to get him out before he made such a mess? The BC issue, the universities that will not release records, the court decisions violating due process, law and constitutional rights of people trying to get the truth.

What if the infiltrated federal government, OR groups of corporations finally controls enough states (3/4 of the states) to pass amendments that are unconstitutional? If that is the case, the remaining states cannot stop it. We already know congress and the supreme court is not constitutional, so they won't stop it.

Here is an Article V process that might afford some security from hijacking by infiltrated state legislations that would collude with ALEC who appears to be threatening with their hundreds of corporations and 20 years of interacting inappropriately with states legislations to perhaps amend and create a constitution favoring corporate business.


Article V is a beautiful law but it appears that it could be used against our interests by very powerful people leading organizations of powerful corporations. Accordingly an education into it can allow us to become "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts". It appears all we need to do is agree amongst ourselves relating to simple, prime constitutional intent,

Let me spell this out for you.

If the people do not know what constitutional intent is, AND the state legislators of 3/4 of the states are in the pocket of the infiltrated federal government, THEN they can amend violating constitutional intent and no one will even know until it is too late.

This reeks of a potential set up folks.

I'm going to runoff into a conspiracy theory that has some facts backing it just to provide some explanation for a larger picture.

IF Obama was put in position to drive the nation to accept Article V, and ALEC with COS are going to run it through the states, THEN it could be very bad. IF Obama is KGB,

Global Elite Picked Obama 171

and ALEC with COS is opposing, it could be just as bad because all of the corporations of ALEC are doing WTO business meaning they are likely NWO.

Accordingly a question arises-Do you want the KGB running America or the NWO? I'm pretty sure we do not want to know the difference.

The reaction over the years to preparatory amendment, since I've been using "the purpose of free speech" as a point of unity, tells me that these people do not have a clue about constitutional intent. And that by understanding that indeed, free speech has a purpose the admins of forums had a knee jerk reaction rejecting it then removing all of my posts and threads from a Tea party forum; patriotaction.net, and I noticed.

Recall, the Koch brothers started the Tea Party.

We do not know exactly what is happening, but something is brewing and it cannot be good. I mean after 226 years congress finally starts following the constitution AND Levin is working with ALEC and convention of states.

Okay, I've though very long and very hard about how this country got so screwed up. Its clear that media has done a tremendous amount of misleading. Some have heard of the "dumbing down", operation paperclip, MKultra, and other conspiracy facts. Yes, they are facts. Ignoring facts is very dangerous for our futures.

The result of that was a re-examination of the intents laid out in the Declaration of Independence.

The framers defined unalienable rights from God, then a right to alter or abolish government destructive to those rights. A proper question arises; "How did the framers intend that the people have the power to alter or abolish government powerful enough to be destructive to unalienable rights?" The only logical answer is that the framers intended for the people to be adequately unified deriving their power from their numbers. This raises another question; "What did the framers intend to serve the purpose to enable the unity adequate to create the power to alter or abolish?" The only logical answer is FREEDOM OF SPEECH was to have that purpose.

All of this about the purpose of free speech has a specific structure of lawful action in peaceful revolution, which is what is needed to counter act a hijacking if that is what is planned, and it is a real good idea anyway at about this point in this nations development. This is ultimately about having a specific state by state process of lawful action that make us "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts".

Okay, I know most of this is new to most of you, but it is real and descending upon us. How will we react?
I find it very interesting that there is no posting in this thread which shows that congress has been violating the constitution for 226 years.

At the same time, all of the threads that provide information, strategy and plan for defense have seen considerable, unaccountable attack.

In summary, poster here are avoiding drawing attention to the threat, while attacking the defenses. It could be said that the active posters here want to see the constitution undefended, or not enforced.

Accordingly I'm posting all the other two thread links so sincere Americans can see the entire picture.

CDZ - A Lawful And Peaceful Revolution US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Freedom of Speech Has An Ultimate Legal Constitutional Purpose US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Freedom of Speech Has An Ultimate Legal Constitutional Purpose US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
I think this would be a great thing to enact, however I also think the group would be labeled extremists or terrorists just as Obama has labeled conservatives and Christians already. As corrupted as our federal government is, I think the only reasonable way of getting our country back is by state and local governments across the country defending liberty from federal government attacking our Bill of rights
I think this would be a great thing to enact, however I also think the group would be labeled extremists or terrorists just as Obama has labeled conservatives and Christians already. As corrupted as our federal government is, I think the only reasonable way of getting out country back is by state and local governments across the country defending liberty from federal insurgents.

We have been ready for an Article V convention for at least 200 years.

However, with the purpose of free speech abridged, many have been afraid, without really knowing why. They knew that a "runaway" convention was a possibility, but not why in a country where supposedly there is a functional democracy.

Now that it is clear that free speech has the ultimate purpose of enabling the unity needed to effectively conduct Article V, as an action to alter or abolish, with "Preparatoy Amendment" as a protection enabling the American people to define constitutional intent, then use that for control their states and the convention, we can proceed to unify around he need for preparation.
It has been 226 years of willful neglect in violation of law, the constitution and oaths of office.

Finally, a Hawaiian activist, Dan Marks, wrote the right letter which got a response exposing the neglect. A state legislator has taken action and it looks like a new, historical house rule is coming up

U.S. House finally adopts rule to count Article V Convention applications - National Progressive Examiner.com

Time to wake up sleepy Americans. An infiltrated government is destroying your futures while main stream media lies to you after government education DID NOT communicate to you the truth about what your republic is and how to enforce its principles.

Wake up or pay the price! Each in denial will be guilty of supreme neglect. The price of this cannot be overstated. America is the only nation on earth that has mechanisms of change built into its constitution that are adequate to model appropriate human activity to meet the future we are creating for ourselves, to survive and to evolve.

Informed Americans need to conduct some critical thinking. Of course I know, you don't or won't (if sincere), that it is possible that covert, cognitive infiltration has altered your world view and you are disabled from putting all of the information together that is in this thread.

What is shared in this thread could easily surround all American politics, because they are not functional and the powers that be know it. That dysfunction has been cultivated for a reason. Perhaps to cultivate a false need or vacuum for control, that ultimately destroys the principals of the 1787 constitution beyond any hope of recovery.

Mark Levin urges states to take back your power from runaway Obama WashingtonExaminer.com
By Paul Bedard Via the Washington Examiner-

The building national movement for a constitutional convention to block President Obama's executive orders got a huge boost Thursday when leading advocate Mark Levin urged state lawmakers to throttle all of Washington, including Republicans.

"Take your power back," he demanded of the hundreds of lawmakers attending the American Legislative Exchange Council convention on Capitol Hill. "You are the last line of defense of liberty."

Levin got star billing because a focus of the winter meeting of the limited government group is pushing for a convention of states, a project of the Citizens for Self-Governance, who sponsored the top talk show host who recently wrote a book laying out constitutional amendments the nation should consider.

He described a nation that is morphing into a "post-constitutional" crisis where state legislatures are "irrelevant," and the president and Congress do whatever they want, and nobody in Washington provides checks and balances.

"We have a president of the United States who says, 'Hey, Congress won't act. I will.' Excuse me? Well what's that? Sounds like a runaway convention to me," he said.

Ditto for Republicans. "Throw out the establishment Republicans and others who are stopping you from doing what you need to do," Levin urged.

To applause, he pushed legislators to consider a convention of 2,000-3,000 delegates to review procedures for hosting a constitutional convention as a warning shot to Congress and the White House. "That alone would shake up this city," he said.

While Levin and convention proponents have support, some at the ALEC event said it was too radical a move, and a few cited criticisms that a conservative-led convention would go too far.

Levin rejected the concerns about a "runaway convention," noting that the Constitution requires many states to approve any action, making it unlikely that a radical idea would get through.

He dismissed critics, and added that proponents are simply trying to save the Constitution.

"Ignore these idiots," he said of critics, adding about his backers, "we're not some cult over here. We're the majority."


What is Mark Levin saying?

There is one inconsistency, or maybe I'm not hearing him right.

He says at 9:37 - again at 10:14 "Less than 7 of you in the same room."

Them at 29:30 to 30:30 he describes many more people involved. The latter situation is what I would expect, the former is what I would worry about IF he is talking about ratification.

I worry because ALEC could easily control a few in 3/4 of the states.

The former he is speaking directly to state legislators encouraging them, in the latter he is ridiculing those that fear a runaway convention.

Now I’m worried. I tried to find out about three years ago if “Convention of States” (COS) is associated with ALEC in any way. Could not find a connection. Word was a home school guy is behind the Citizens for Self-Governance group that started it. We know the Koch brothers are behind ALEC. Big time exploitation of GATT, petroleum and gas. Perhaps okay if benefitting the US, but it’s sold off shore, Asia and Africa. GATT and NAFTA are treason removing US law from control over US territory.

You will be surprised to know that the cognitive infiltration at Occupy Wall Street forum opposed making ALEC accountable to constitutional intent in 2011.

“Convention of States” seemed more grass roots, but refused to dialogue about the notion that “the people are the rightful masters of the congress and the courts” (Lincoln 1859) and that for them to be the masters they need to be prepared to run a check on CONSTITUTIONAL INTENT. When COS failed to discuss constitutional intent and "Preparatory Amendment", I became suspicious.

"Preparatory Amendment" is the logical, constitutional presumption that America need to prepare for the most important political event in its history.

What I think I may be seeing is two heads of the same monster getting ready to hijack a convention and leave the determination of constitutional intent up to corporations and incumbent politicians USING Obama as an excuse and reason.

With Levin as a ringmaster making comforting noises of saving the constitution for the people to sleep on.

Why didn't these organizations or states work to get him out before he made such a mess? The BC issue, the universities that will not release records, the court decisions violating due process, law and constitutional rights of people trying to get the truth.

What if the infiltrated federal government, OR groups of corporations finally controls enough states (3/4 of the states) to pass amendments that are unconstitutional? If that is the case, the remaining states cannot stop it. We already know congress and the supreme court is not constitutional, so they won't stop it.

Here is an Article V process that might afford some security from hijacking by infiltrated state legislations that would collude with ALEC who appears to be threatening with their hundreds of corporations and 20 years of interacting inappropriately with states legislations to perhaps amend and create a constitution favoring corporate business.

Countermand Amendment Text

Article V is a beautiful law but it appears that it could be used against our interests by very powerful people leading organizations of powerful corporations. Accordingly an education into it can allow us to become "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts". It appears all we need to do is agree amongst ourselves relating to simple, prime constitutional intent,

Let me spell this out for you.

If the people do not know what constitutional intent is, AND the state legislators of 3/4 of the states are in the pocket of the infiltrated federal government, THEN they can amend violating constitutional intent and no one will even know until it is too late.

This reeks of a potential set up folks.

I'm going to runoff into a conspiracy theory that has some facts backing it just to provide some explanation for a larger picture.

IF Obama was put in position to drive the nation to accept Article V, and ALEC with COS are going to run it through the states, THEN it could be very bad. IF Obama is KGB,

Global Elite Picked Obama 171

and ALEC with COS is opposing, it could be just as bad because all of the corporations of ALEC are doing WTO business meaning they are likely NWO.

Accordingly a question arises-Do you want the KGB running America or the NWO? I'm pretty sure we do not want to know the difference.

The reaction over the years to preparatory amendment, since I've been using "the purpose of free speech" as a point of unity, tells me that these people do not have a clue about constitutional intent. And that by understanding that indeed, free speech has a purpose the admins of forums had a knee jerk reaction rejecting it then removing all of my posts and threads from a Tea party forum; patriotaction.net, and I noticed.

Recall, the Koch brothers started the Tea Party.

We do not know exactly what is happening, but something is brewing and it cannot be good. I mean after 226 years congress finally starts following the constitution AND Levin is working with ALEC and convention of states.

Okay, I've though very long and very hard about how this country got so screwed up. Its clear that media has done a tremendous amount of misleading. Some have heard of the "dumbing down", operation paperclip, MKultra, and other conspiracy facts. Yes, they are facts. Ignoring facts is very dangerous for our futures.

The result of that was a re-examination of the intents laid out in the Declaration of Independence.

The framers defined unalienable rights from God, then a right to alter or abolish government destructive to those rights. A proper question arises; "How did the framers intend that the people have the power to alter or abolish government powerful enough to be destructive to unalienable rights?" The only logical answer is that the framers intended for the people to be adequately unified deriving their power from their numbers. This raises another question; "What did the framers intend to serve the purpose to enable the unity adequate to create the power to alter or abolish?" The only logical answer is FREEDOM OF SPEECH was to have that purpose.

All of this about the purpose of free speech has a specific structure of lawful action in peaceful revolution, which is what is needed to counter act a hijacking if that is what is planned, and it is a real good idea anyway at about this point in this nations development. This is ultimately about having a specific state by state process of lawful action that make us "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts".

Okay, I know most of this is new to most of you, but it is real and descending upon us. How will we react?

I think this would be a great thing to enact, however I also think the group would be labeled extremists or terrorists just as Obama has labeled conservatives and Christians already. As corrupted as our federal government is, I think the only reasonable way of getting our country back is by state and local governments across the country defending liberty from federal government attacking our Bill of rights
That is a main issue that people do not understand--the federal government begins in their state. People tend to view Congress as a whole or as a party favor. They fail to judge their state elected congresspeople as the ones to hold accountable for what the federal government is doing. "Well, I like my state legislators. I met him/her at a bbq and they were so nice." They also fail to consider that the state level legislators are just as accountable as the federal ones... the two who represent the state to the fed are influenced by what is going in their state. If a company wants to build a plant in state X but needs a law changed, start the machine that ultimately leads to an act that will permit certain types of companies to do certain things. When a federal committee votes to continue funding for an obsolete item, example, a plant that makes a plane that is considered obsolete and no longer used by the military, look to the state legislators. In trying to save jobs, they waste more overall tax money and resources instead of updating the plant or using it for something else. It's not all pork barrel spending--it's desperation to keep people employed, but desperation makes bad choices. There are so many cities who became ghost towns with living souls because of plant closings and no one wants that. If a state rep or two can keep people working from a government contract, even if the contract is ludicrous, they will.
Our legislators are foremost greedy, but they need popularity to maintain that lifestyle they have become accustomed to. Start with district state reps, and work your way up. Another thing, many state legislators will only accept email from their district constituents, but they cannot filter their Twitter accounts and Facebook. The media may seem like it is controlled by the 1%ers, but social media is controlled by the masses... the common man.
It has been 226 years of willful neglect in violation of law, the constitution and oaths of office.

Finally, a Hawaiian activist, Dan Marks, wrote the right letter which got a response exposing the neglect. A state legislator has taken action and it looks like a new, historical house rule is coming up

U.S. House finally adopts rule to count Article V Convention applications - National Progressive Examiner.com

Time to wake up sleepy Americans. An infiltrated government is destroying your futures while main stream media lies to you after government education DID NOT communicate to you the truth about what your republic is and how to enforce its principles.

Wake up or pay the price! Each in denial will be guilty of supreme neglect. The price of this cannot be overstated. America is the only nation on earth that has mechanisms of change built into its constitution that are adequate to model appropriate human activity to meet the future we are creating for ourselves, to survive and to evolve.

Informed Americans need to conduct some critical thinking. Of course I know, you don't or won't (if sincere), that it is possible that covert, cognitive infiltration has altered your world view and you are disabled from putting all of the information together that is in this thread.

What is shared in this thread could easily surround all American politics, because they are not functional and the powers that be know it. That dysfunction has been cultivated for a reason. Perhaps to cultivate a false need or vacuum for control, that ultimately destroys the principals of the 1787 constitution beyond any hope of recovery.

Mark Levin urges states to take back your power from runaway Obama WashingtonExaminer.com
By Paul Bedard Via the Washington Examiner-

The building national movement for a constitutional convention to block President Obama's executive orders got a huge boost Thursday when leading advocate Mark Levin urged state lawmakers to throttle all of Washington, including Republicans.

"Take your power back," he demanded of the hundreds of lawmakers attending the American Legislative Exchange Council convention on Capitol Hill. "You are the last line of defense of liberty."

Levin got star billing because a focus of the winter meeting of the limited government group is pushing for a convention of states, a project of the Citizens for Self-Governance, who sponsored the top talk show host who recently wrote a book laying out constitutional amendments the nation should consider.

He described a nation that is morphing into a "post-constitutional" crisis where state legislatures are "irrelevant," and the president and Congress do whatever they want, and nobody in Washington provides checks and balances.

"We have a president of the United States who says, 'Hey, Congress won't act. I will.' Excuse me? Well what's that? Sounds like a runaway convention to me," he said.

Ditto for Republicans. "Throw out the establishment Republicans and others who are stopping you from doing what you need to do," Levin urged.

To applause, he pushed legislators to consider a convention of 2,000-3,000 delegates to review procedures for hosting a constitutional convention as a warning shot to Congress and the White House. "That alone would shake up this city," he said.

While Levin and convention proponents have support, some at the ALEC event said it was too radical a move, and a few cited criticisms that a conservative-led convention would go too far.

Levin rejected the concerns about a "runaway convention," noting that the Constitution requires many states to approve any action, making it unlikely that a radical idea would get through.

He dismissed critics, and added that proponents are simply trying to save the Constitution.

"Ignore these idiots," he said of critics, adding about his backers, "we're not some cult over here. We're the majority."


What is Mark Levin saying?

There is one inconsistency, or maybe I'm not hearing him right.

He says at 9:37 - again at 10:14 "Less than 7 of you in the same room."

Them at 29:30 to 30:30 he describes many more people involved. The latter situation is what I would expect, the former is what I would worry about IF he is talking about ratification.

I worry because ALEC could easily control a few in 3/4 of the states.

The former he is speaking directly to state legislators encouraging them, in the latter he is ridiculing those that fear a runaway convention.

Now I’m worried. I tried to find out about three years ago if “Convention of States” (COS) is associated with ALEC in any way. Could not find a connection. Word was a home school guy is behind the Citizens for Self-Governance group that started it. We know the Koch brothers are behind ALEC. Big time exploitation of GATT, petroleum and gas. Perhaps okay if benefitting the US, but it’s sold off shore, Asia and Africa. GATT and NAFTA are treason removing US law from control over US territory.

You will be surprised to know that the cognitive infiltration at Occupy Wall Street forum opposed making ALEC accountable to constitutional intent in 2011.

“Convention of States” seemed more grass roots, but refused to dialogue about the notion that “the people are the rightful masters of the congress and the courts” (Lincoln 1859) and that for them to be the masters they need to be prepared to run a check on CONSTITUTIONAL INTENT. When COS failed to discuss constitutional intent and "Preparatory Amendment", I became suspicious.

"Preparatory Amendment" is the logical, constitutional presumption that America need to prepare for the most important political event in its history.

What I think I may be seeing is two heads of the same monster getting ready to hijack a convention and leave the determination of constitutional intent up to corporations and incumbent politicians USING Obama as an excuse and reason.

With Levin as a ringmaster making comforting noises of saving the constitution for the people to sleep on.

Why didn't these organizations or states work to get him out before he made such a mess? The BC issue, the universities that will not release records, the court decisions violating due process, law and constitutional rights of people trying to get the truth.

What if the infiltrated federal government, OR groups of corporations finally controls enough states (3/4 of the states) to pass amendments that are unconstitutional? If that is the case, the remaining states cannot stop it. We already know congress and the supreme court is not constitutional, so they won't stop it.

Here is an Article V process that might afford some security from hijacking by infiltrated state legislations that would collude with ALEC who appears to be threatening with their hundreds of corporations and 20 years of interacting inappropriately with states legislations to perhaps amend and create a constitution favoring corporate business.

Countermand Amendment Text

Article V is a beautiful law but it appears that it could be used against our interests by very powerful people leading organizations of powerful corporations. Accordingly an education into it can allow us to become "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts". It appears all we need to do is agree amongst ourselves relating to simple, prime constitutional intent,

Let me spell this out for you.

If the people do not know what constitutional intent is, AND the state legislators of 3/4 of the states are in the pocket of the infiltrated federal government, THEN they can amend violating constitutional intent and no one will even know until it is too late.

This reeks of a potential set up folks.

I'm going to runoff into a conspiracy theory that has some facts backing it just to provide some explanation for a larger picture.

IF Obama was put in position to drive the nation to accept Article V, and ALEC with COS are going to run it through the states, THEN it could be very bad. IF Obama is KGB,

Global Elite Picked Obama 171

and ALEC with COS is opposing, it could be just as bad because all of the corporations of ALEC are doing WTO business meaning they are likely NWO.

Accordingly a question arises-Do you want the KGB running America or the NWO? I'm pretty sure we do not want to know the difference.

The reaction over the years to preparatory amendment, since I've been using "the purpose of free speech" as a point of unity, tells me that these people do not have a clue about constitutional intent. And that by understanding that indeed, free speech has a purpose the admins of forums had a knee jerk reaction rejecting it then removing all of my posts and threads from a Tea party forum; patriotaction.net, and I noticed.

Recall, the Koch brothers started the Tea Party.

We do not know exactly what is happening, but something is brewing and it cannot be good. I mean after 226 years congress finally starts following the constitution AND Levin is working with ALEC and convention of states.

Okay, I've though very long and very hard about how this country got so screwed up. Its clear that media has done a tremendous amount of misleading. Some have heard of the "dumbing down", operation paperclip, MKultra, and other conspiracy facts. Yes, they are facts. Ignoring facts is very dangerous for our futures.

The result of that was a re-examination of the intents laid out in the Declaration of Independence.

The framers defined unalienable rights from God, then a right to alter or abolish government destructive to those rights. A proper question arises; "How did the framers intend that the people have the power to alter or abolish government powerful enough to be destructive to unalienable rights?" The only logical answer is that the framers intended for the people to be adequately unified deriving their power from their numbers. This raises another question; "What did the framers intend to serve the purpose to enable the unity adequate to create the power to alter or abolish?" The only logical answer is FREEDOM OF SPEECH was to have that purpose.

All of this about the purpose of free speech has a specific structure of lawful action in peaceful revolution, which is what is needed to counter act a hijacking if that is what is planned, and it is a real good idea anyway at about this point in this nations development. This is ultimately about having a specific state by state process of lawful action that make us "the rightful masters of the congress and the courts".

Okay, I know most of this is new to most of you, but it is real and descending upon us. How will we react?

Congress was born into sin and corruption... nothing has changed... the packaging is just new and improved.
Thanks for the bumps keeping this issue more visible Idadunno.

Hard to imagine people complaining about problems, unconstitutional government, etc. and NOT bringing up this threads topic related comprehensively to cause, AND escalated threat towards creating more of the same with our continued neglect to the apparent scam by ALEC to hijack a convention.
There is an update on this historical event completely ignored by media.
Friends Of the Article V Convention
You will find that there is a Washington DC suit filed in state court by an attorney against McConnell and Boehner for failing to call a convention.
You will find that congress refused to count applications before 2014.
You will find congress only counts 10 applications, when there are over 700 since 1908.
If you have half a brain you will realize that they are coordinating with ALEC to have a secret convention with bought and paid for state legislators, and simply re write the constitution to suit their fancy.
If they can do what they are doing now, they can pull it off.
It's only the deceived and distracted, fearful Americans who are failing to understand HOW a lawful and peaceful revolution can work, if we simply agree upon constitutional intent and use that agreement to purify state governments.
This thread has strategy that can defend the constitution by enforcing it.
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Why is Oblama using the EO any worse than when George Washington did it?
Why is Oblama using the EO any worse than when George Washington did it?
The EO didn't exist until Lincoln.
Maybe you should check out this novel piece..
George had 8 during his term...

.Executive Orders
I'm aware of bushes abuses and that BO exceeds that.

There is an agenda unrolling and it is only through our unity over our states and Article V that we can stop it.

Lincoln was induced to start with EO's by the infiltration and their thrust for war to divide.

Are you aware of USC 1622?

But the law means little to the infiltration.

Meaning our agreement upon prime constitutional intent is our only effective path to freedom secured.
Why is Oblama using the EO any worse than when George Washington did it?
The EO didn't exist until Lincoln.
Maybe you should check out this novel piece..
George had 8 during his term...

.Executive Orders
I'm aware of bushes abuses and that BO exceeds that.

There is an agenda unrolling and it is only through our unity over our states and Article V that we can stop it.

Lincoln was induced to start with EO's by the infiltration and their thrust for war to divide.

Are you aware of USC 1622?

But the law means little to the infiltration.

Meaning our agreement upon prime constitutional intent is our only effective path to freedom secured.
The EO has been around since George Washington, they only started issuing numbers for record keeping in 1907 which then backdated to 1862.......

The form, substance and numbers of presidential orders has varied dramatically in the history of the US Presidency. Numbering of Executive Orders began in 1907 by the Department of State, which assigned numbers to all the orders then in their files dating from 1862 (Lord 1944, viii). Through those efforts, the frequency of unnumbered orders declined sharply. President Hoover attempted to bring further order and regularity to the processing and documenting of Executive orders (ibid).
Executive Orders

State rights were usurp during and after the Civil War....Why, secession...and war.....
Hmm, I'm corrected. Thanks!

My info may have been that Lincoln was the first president to use them extensively.

I tried to get copies of gwb's through my congress person. They gave me some examples and said many were secret.

There needs to be a review of them all after our lawful and peaceful revolution because they amount to secret laws.

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