23,207 Fraudulent Texas Voters Registered by SEIU Member


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote” project.

This is one of the best examples of what good citizen activism inspired by Tea Party principles can do for their community.

Catherine Engelbrecht was sick and tired of the vote fraud perpetrated by unions and Democrats and set out to expose it herself. Along with many friends who donated their time, computers, and sweat, they’ve uncovered thousands upon thousands of illegal Democrat “voters” in Texas.

“The integrity of the voting rolls in Harris County, Texas, appears to be under an organized & systematic attack by the group operating under the name Houston Votes,” the Harris voter registrar, Leo Vasquez, charged as he passed on the documentation to the district attorney.

Well, due to the excellent work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote” project, we see exposed at least some of the criminal behavior of Texas Democrats and Union thugs.

So what was the outcome of Engelbrecht’s hard work?

All of Harris County’s voting machines were torched in a three-alarm fire by person or persons unknown.

Texas Insider 23,207 Fraudulent Texas Voters Registered by SEIU Member

I'm sure the crack team at the DOJ will be right on this. :eusa_whistle:
I am reminded of the words of Andy Stern (President, SEUI) "We use the power of persuasion, and if that doesn't work, we use the persuasion of power". Perhaps he should have added "and if they both fail, we cheat."

I await the rabid left to explain it as an 'isolated' occurrence.
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So before you continue your fear mongering in this thread, I'm just going to point out a very important real fact of this entire situation.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote” project.

FOXNews.com - Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston

Editor's Note: An earlier version of this story misidentified Sean Caddle as Steve Caddle, and stated that he is currently an employee of the SEIU. Caddle is a former employee.

Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Sean Caddle, who also worked for the Service Employees International Union before coming to Houston. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid.

If I'm reading this correctly, he worked for the SEIU and then moved to Houston where he began doing this while no longer a employee there.

Edit: Seems like your blog post caught wind of the Fox News story when it was first going on. So in reality, the blog post is completely inaccurate when it comes to the supposed involvement of the SEIU in this case.
So before you continue your fear mongering in this thread, I'm just going to point out a very important real fact of this entire situation.

Service Employees International Union (SEIU) member Steve Caddle of Houston, Texas has been caught registering 23,207 fake voters in Harris County alone due to the hard detective work of Catherine Engelbrecht and her “True the Vote” project.

FOXNews.com - Citizens' Group Helps Uncover Alleged Rampant Voter Fraud in Houston

Editor's Note: An earlier version of this story misidentified Sean Caddle as Steve Caddle, and stated that he is currently an employee of the SEIU. Caddle is a former employee.

Most of the findings focused on a group called Houston Votes, a voter registration group headed by Sean Caddle, who also worked for the Service Employees International Union before coming to Houston. Among the findings were that only 1,793 of the 25,000 registrations the group submitted appeared to be valid.

If I'm reading this correctly, he worked for the SEIU and then moved to Houston where he began doing this while no longer a employee there.

Edit: Seems like your blog post caught wind of the Fox News story when it was first going on. So in reality, the blog post is completely inaccurate when it comes to the supposed involvement of the SEIU in this case.

Once a Union stooge, always a Union stooge. Where is truthmatters to explain to us how voter fraud never happens?
I am reminded of the words of Andy Stern (President, SEUI) "We use the power of persuasion, and if that doesn't work, we use the persuasion of power". Perhaps he should have added "and if they both fail, we cheat."

I await the rabid left to explain it as an 'isolated' occurrence.

I am reminded of the words of Winston Churchill (Prime Minister, UK) "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.". Perhaps he should have added "and if it involves a blog, good chances it's not very accurate."

I await California Girl to explain this as an "isolated" occurrence.
the fox article says the guy was an EX sieu member that moved to texas...NOT a member doing this for sieu?

also says ALLEDGED fraudulent registrants, NOT fraudulent.

article does NOT SAY whether any of these alleged fraudulent voter registrants were issued voter registration cards, or given the right to vote by the state.

just to be clear.
Member or non-member, if the allegations are true, ANYBODY, regardless of race, religion or political persuasion who is involved in fraudulent voter registration or other voter manipulation should be officially investigated and if necessary charged with violation of voter tampering laws. Failing that, at the very least they should be charged with some general fraud charge.

All such persons who were fraudulently added to voter rolls should be purged.

We may have to resort to the use of the Arabic method of finger dipping in ink. Privacy concerns notwithstanding, the US has got to come up with a workable plan to stem the tide of voter fraud.
I am reminded of the words of Andy Stern (President, SEUI) "We use the power of persuasion, and if that doesn't work, we use the persuasion of power". Perhaps he should have added "and if they both fail, we cheat."

I await the rabid left to explain it as an 'isolated' occurrence.

I am reminded of the words of Winston Churchill (Prime Minister, UK) "A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.". Perhaps he should have added "and if it involves a blog, good chances it's not very accurate."

I await California Girl to explain this as an "isolated" occurrence.

I quote Andy Stern, as President of the SEUI. You quote Winston Churchill.... just because. There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence of voter registration fraud across the country. You may find that acceptable, I do not. You may not be bothered by the constant drip of bad behavior by organizations that are supposed to be in the business of protecting people, I find it unacceptable. That's just me.
I quote Andy Stern, as President of the SEUI. You quote Winston Churchill.... just because. There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence of voter registration fraud across the country. You may find that acceptable, I do not. You may not be bothered by the constant drip of bad behavior by organizations that are supposed to be in the business of protecting people, I find it unacceptable. That's just me.

LOL wut.

You quoted Andy Stern because you were railing on about the SEIU. Except as we see here, the SEIU has nothing to do with this case. I never said voter fraud doesn't bother me. I merely wish to blame the correct parties for voter fraud. Your post is like finding out someone didn't commit a crime, and then saying someone must find murder acceptable for pointing out (correctly, I might add) that the person never committed a crime.

Fox News made a misattribution (whether purposely or not I do not know), all the right wing blogs pick it up to scare their readers into thinking the unions are coming for them, readers like Chanel read it, and fear monger the information to others. By the time the truth gets out, the people who were sprouting the accusations in the first place no longer care because their goal was accomplished. This was seen to a larger degree with ACORN.

So it goes.
I blame George Bush for this. He should have insisted Congress pass a National Voter ID card Act.

It would have been the end of the Democrat Party as we know it.

One guy, one "Former" SEIU member = 27,000 votes multiple that by every big city county in the nation and you see the extent of the problem.

This is why Dems will fight to the death to maintain voter fraud in this county. Just look at the responses from the Progressives in the thread!
I blame George Bush for this. He should have insisted Congress pass a National Voter ID card Act.

It would have been the end of the Democrat Party as we know it.

One guy, one "Former" SEIU member = 27,000 votes multiple that by every big city county in the nation and you see the extent of the problem.

This is why Dems will fight to the death to maintain voter fraud in this county. Just look at the responses from the Progressives in the thread!

Crusaderfrank's version of the facts:

23,207 votes (which is in the thread title for goodness sakes) is turned into 27,000.

Then again, when one posts dishonestly in the first place, I guess somebody like Frank doesn't care about the facts to begin with.

Also, I guess wanting to blame the correct parties for voting fraud makes me a progressive. After all, you just want to blame anyone with a D next to their name or if they are anywhere near being a Liberal.
I blame George Bush for this. He should have insisted Congress pass a National Voter ID card Act.

It would have been the end of the Democrat Party as we know it.

One guy, one "Former" SEIU member = 27,000 votes multiple that by every big city county in the nation and you see the extent of the problem.

This is why Dems will fight to the death to maintain voter fraud in this county. Just look at the responses from the Progressives in the thread!

Crusaderfrank's version of the facts:

23,207 votes (which is in the thread title for goodness sakes) is turned into 27,000.

Then again, when one posts dishonestly in the first place, I guess somebody like Frank doesn't care about the facts to begin with.

Also, I guess wanting to blame the correct parties for voting fraud makes me a progressive. After all, you just want to blame anyone with a D next to their name or if they are anywhere near being a Liberal.

Like I said I blame George Bush for not making Voter ID a national priority.

Democrats need armed guards and purple ink at all of their polling places.
I blame George Bush for this. He should have insisted Congress pass a National Voter ID card Act.

It would have been the end of the Democrat Party as we know it.

One guy, one "Former" SEIU member = 27,000 votes multiple that by every big city county in the nation and you see the extent of the problem.

This is why Dems will fight to the death to maintain voter fraud in this county. Just look at the responses from the Progressives in the thread!

Crusaderfrank's version of the facts:

23,207 votes (which is in the thread title for goodness sakes) is turned into 27,000.

Then again, when one posts dishonestly in the first place, I guess somebody like Frank doesn't care about the facts to begin with.

Also, I guess wanting to blame the correct parties for voting fraud makes me a progressive. After all, you just want to blame anyone with a D next to their name or if they are anywhere near being a Liberal.

You deny being a Liberal? You deny being a progressive?
You deny being a Liberal? You deny being a progressive?

I'm a Liberal, not a progressive. However, my being a Liberal has nothing to do with this thread in the first place. The OP posted something from a blog that was obvious fear mongering. I fact checked by finding the original source, and the most important facts of the OP are completely wrong.
I blame George Bush for this. He should have insisted Congress pass a National Voter ID card Act.

It would have been the end of the Democrat Party as we know it.

One guy, one "Former" SEIU member = 27,000 votes multiple that by every big city county in the nation and you see the extent of the problem.

This is why Dems will fight to the death to maintain voter fraud in this county. Just look at the responses from the Progressives in the thread!

Crusaderfrank's version of the facts:

23,207 votes (which is in the thread title for goodness sakes) is turned into 27,000.

Then again, when one posts dishonestly in the first place, I guess somebody like Frank doesn't care about the facts to begin with.

Also, I guess wanting to blame the correct parties for voting fraud makes me a progressive. After all, you just want to blame anyone with a D next to their name or if they are anywhere near being a Liberal.

You deny being a Liberal? You deny being a progressive?

It's not that one guy falsely registers tens of thousands of people is wrong, you have to make sure you identify his as a "Former" SEIU operative.

See the difference?
You deny being a Liberal? You deny being a progressive?

I'm a Liberal, not a progressive. However, my being a Liberal has nothing to do with this thread in the first place. The OP posted something from a blog that was obvious fear mongering. I fact checked by finding the original source, and the most important facts of the OP are completely wrong.

Yet you IMPLIED in your response you were not a liberal. Par for the course from you.
The GOP never does anything about it anyways, they are just the least damaging of the two Parties. In the year 2010, it is beyond stupid we don't have better voter verification laws, and highlights the complete ineptitude of government, and both Parties. Big government is unable to fix the most basic of issues, and can never stay focused long enough to do the job right. Any reform effort will more than likely end up in a courtroom monopolized by Democrats unless it gets to the SJC.

Big government is a clown show.

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