23% blame embassy attacks on video

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Looks like the zombie vote is getting smaller despite the fact that the media is doing everything it can to reelect Obama.

Most voters think the recent protests at U.S. embassies in the Middle East were pre-planned and not a reaction to an anti-Islamic video on YouTube. They also believe overwhelmingly that terrorists are likely to have been involved in the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters feel that the recent embassy protests largely have been planned in advance. Just 23% think they were spontaneous reactions to the anti-Islamic video. Nineteen percent (19%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

23% Blame Middle East Protests on Anti-Islamic Video - Rasmussen Reports™
Looks like the zombie vote is getting smaller despite the fact that the media is doing everything it can to reelect Obama.

Most voters think the recent protests at U.S. embassies in the Middle East were pre-planned and not a reaction to an anti-Islamic video on YouTube. They also believe overwhelmingly that terrorists are likely to have been involved in the murder of the U.S. ambassador to Libya.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 57% of Likely U.S. Voters feel that the recent embassy protests largely have been planned in advance. Just 23% think they were spontaneous reactions to the anti-Islamic video. Nineteen percent (19%) are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

23% Blame Middle East Protests on Anti-Islamic Video - Rasmussen Reports™

Yeah. Been tracking those numbers. I'd be willing to bet that Clinton came out last week to acknowledge that the attack on the Libyan consulate, for example, was a planned terrorist action after all once it became clear that no one was buying the embarrassing, week-long narrative peddled by the White House Press Secretary and Ambassador Rice about a spontaneous protest that got out of hand. The Administration really was going to try to get away with that after it saw the MSM shut Romney down. Time and the truth pushed back despite the MSM's collusion.

Romney has a chance now to really hammer the administration on its bullshit at the first debate and take back the initiative. I would that he hammer the MSM for its part in it all, too. He needs to let the American people see his disgust. Hell, say they're corrupt, call them liars, the media, that is. Much of the audience will go with him. He should point to a member of the moderators, one associated with one of the news services that pulled that ambush press conference caught on tape.

"Is that that how you guys do business? You really think the American people appreciate that? Would you care to explain to the American people what your news organization was up to slamming me for sentiments this administration eventually echoed, an admission that I was correct all along, while you failed to asked the President tough questions about the facility of his foreign policy in the midst of this crisis, involvling the slaughter of American personnel?"

He'll have a significant portion of the audience with him this time, cheering him. The idea here: indict the press, an easy target when it cannot hide behind the curtain of its rank and file, and indict the president by association.

A little hardball politics is called for. They've both got it coming.

He really needs to nail this down hard and fast, break out of the MSM's attempt to silence him once and for all.

Naturally, he'll have to deal with the 47% thingy, but handled right it's an opportunity to right the impression and highlight the distinction between his vision of American and that of Obama.

He has to get tough. He has to be passionate. The debates will decide this election.
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