230,000 guns stolen from "law abiding, responsible gun owners" every year

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Now comes the part where the guy who paid -er, um contributed- to be a mod here, Willhalfwhateverthefuck, will search for whatever red herring he can to ban me from my own thread or shut it down because I argued a point he couldn't refute, then cast himself as an unabashed liar.

Dude, you admitted to lying anonymously to survey takers...so if you lie to them anonymously, why wouldn't you also be lying anonymously here?
Why do you troll so much and repeat yourself? I lie to survey takers all the time. I think many of them are criminals not unlike you that have no business knowing what I have or do not have.
No, the OP is not a 'reason', it's a rant, likely written by a weak minded fool, or a minion of Bloomberg.

The fact that criminals are supplied with guns they steal from homes isn't a reason to oppose gun ownership!?

and only a weak minded fool, or a minion of Bloomberg, would take it seriously

Well, you admit to lying anonymously to a survey, so why would you not also be lying anonymously here? And why the fuck should anyone take anything you say seriously after just saying you lie anonymously?

The fact that criminals are supplied with guns they steal from homes isn't a reason to oppose gun ownership!?

"the sky is falling, the sky is falling"
If you think you or anyone else can get into that safe in reasonable time.

What does this bolded part mean?

If you bring a bulldozer, a crane and a cutting torch ... And manage to bypass other security measures (time related) not directly associated with the safe ...
It is possible you could gain entry in a few hours.

Furthermore ... I didn't say it was impossible ... I simply indicated you would need a serious amount of luck to accomplish it with killing yourself or getting caught,

I have no reason to lie, except to people trying to get information they don't need.

They don't need? It's a survey to determine how many guns are stolen. So this is exactly what I was talking about before how you people just don't want to confront the fact that you're the ones supplying criminals with the guns they use in crimes that you say you have to arm yourself against.

It's insanity...literally insane.

You buy a gun to protect your home from criminals armed with guns they stole from homes.

That's fucking dumb and insane.

Why do you lie?

You're the one who lied and admitted to lying. Now because you admitted to lying anonymously to a survey, why wouldn't you also lie here?

Maybe you're lying about lying on a survey. That's actually the most believable thing about it all...that you would lie about lying on a survey.
"the sky is falling, the sky is falling"

The sky seems to be falling so much that you have to arm yourself with guns against criminals armed with guns they stole from people like you.\

If the sky isn't falling, why arm yourself with a gun that thieves will try to steal?
No you keep repeating it because you are mentally ill, considering I am married to a psychiatrist and also have a lot of friends because of that who are psychiatrists I do know a certain amount about mental illness and the manifestations of, one of which perhaps the most well known being that those who are mentally ill consistently repeat themselves in the futile hope of getting a different result to the previous time.

Of course, this is bullshit and you're just inventing personal circumstances you know cannot be verified to lend your shit argument credibility it doesn't have.

I have no actual response for you because I do not waste time attempting to have sensible or logical discussions with those who are afflicted with your mental health deficiency, the best response therefore is to just humour you and also I'll add that if you are not under professional help with medication then you need to get under professional help and get on some medication because to put it diplomatically you are fucked up in the membrane.

You have no response because you know I'm right; that all you do when you bring a gun into your home is increase the supply of available guns for criminals to steal.

And that your reasoning for bringing a gun into your home is stupidly cynical, cyclical, and insane; you buy a gun to protect your home from criminals armed with guns they stole from homes.
You edited my post content to make it say something different than what I stated originally. I didn't think that was allowed.

No I didn't. You said you lied. That makes you a liar, doesn't it?
Looks like you are lying now. Let's see you want people to fight criminals with guns unarmed, you want criminals to break in and steal peoples guns and use them in crime. You think a criminal can access a steel plated gun safe as easily as a knife through warm butter. You want people to be defenseless from criminals with weapons. Does that about sum it up?

I really don't care what it sounds like to you.
If that is the best you have in response ... It still won't get you into that safe.

It has a biometric lock ... So good luck trying to bypass that.

The door is reinforced ... So it would take you considerable time to cut through it with a torch.
The sides are thinner but set in a wall ... So you would have to tear the wall down to get to that.

It's too heavy for you (and two friends) to pick up ... Not to mention you would have to tear out a doorway to move it out of the room it is in.
And you would have to tear down walls or doors to get it out of the house.

If you can do all that by the time the sheriff's deputies show up after you tripped the house's security system ...

Well ... "Good Luck ... :thup:" ... Is all I can say ... And I am not worried about your silly idea that you may actually succeed in doing so.
It should be noted my neighbors will shoot your ass too.

You edited my post content to make it say something different than what I stated originally. I didn't think that was allowed.

So when you said you lied to survey takers, was that a lie too?
From the looks of your last few posts, where you deny what you clearly have done, I'd say you are close to a full unhinged melt down any moment. But responsible gun owners are not responsible for thieves who steal. Democrats are because they refuse to punish them.
Get rid of the guns, and there's less need to protect yourself.

Exactly. And nearly all criminals are armed with guns they stole from homes and cars; the two places that people buy guns to protect. It's a deeply cynical and insane cycle.

These are some of the sources for guns. There are other sources.

What it means is that criminals aren't afraid of losing their guns, because they know they can get another one. Which means they aren't afraid of using their guns either, different to other countries.
No, the OP is not a 'reason', it's a rant, likely written by a weak minded fool, or a minion of Bloomberg.

The fact that criminals are supplied with guns they steal from homes isn't a reason to oppose gun ownership!?

and only a weak minded fool, or a minion of Bloomberg, would take it seriously

Well, you admit to lying anonymously to a survey, so why would you not also be lying anonymously here? And why the fuck should anyone take anything you say seriously after just saying you lie anonymously?

The fact that criminals are supplied with guns they steal from homes isn't a reason to oppose gun ownership!?

Allow their gun to be stolen? The whole idea of stealing is that someone takes something without be allowed to. :lol:

Yes, allow. Bringing a gun into your home is a choice. That choice has responsibilities and accountability with it. Bringing a gun into your home allows that gun to be stolen by thieves...and 230,000 are stolen every year from people exactly like you. Then, you're so irresponsible that you don't even report your gun stolen 90% of the time. You people cannot even get an A when it comes to responsibly informing the police when your weapons disappear.

230,000 guns are stolen every year from people like me? That's impressive, considering I don't own a gun. :rofl:
Allow their gun to be stolen? The whole idea of stealing is that someone takes something without be allowed to. :lol:

Yes, allow. Bringing a gun into your home is a choice. That choice has responsibilities and accountability with it. Bringing a gun into your home allows that gun to be stolen by thieves...and 230,000 are stolen every year from people exactly like you. Then, you're so irresponsible that you don't even report your gun stolen 90% of the time. You people cannot even get an A when it comes to responsibly informing the police when your weapons disappear.

230,000 guns are stolen every year from people like me? That's impressive, considering I don't own a gun. :rofl:
They were stolen! ;)
Of course, the idea that not buying a gun will protect a person and their family because that gun cannot be stolen is pretty insane, as well.

Actually, no. That makes total sense. Because you can protect yourself and your family with other things that don't get stolen and used by thieves in other crimes.

Yes, you can protect yourself and your family in other ways. However, that is a different thing than saying that not buying a gun will protect yourself and your family. By your reasoning, the only time people will use a gun for protection is when they are threatened by a gun that was stolen. That is ridiculous.
Still using the made up term like the good little progressive lemming that you are.

That's what you did, pal. Not once in this thread have you actually debated the subject, all you've done is try to gaslight the study in the OP that shows 230,000 guns get stolen from people's homes and cars every year while only 86% of those thefts are reported to the police.

That's not responsibility by any means.

It's also not responsible to increase the supply of weapons for thieves to steal, which you do when you bring a gun into your home.

It doesn't matter because just because guns are stolen doesn't mean the government can stop my from owning one.

86% is a pretty good number actually.
Still something dug up from the past to make a point that isn't really a point at all.

Actually it's the only thing out there that gives insight into gun thefts because you people don't like to talk about it because it reflects poorly on this facade of responsibility you're eager to maintain.

You buy a gun to protect your home from criminals armed with guns they stole from homes.

That's insanity.

That assumes all people breaking into homes are armed with firearms.
In a country which apparently already has more than 300 million guns in it, and a country in which the right to own guns is protected by the Constitution, disarming gun owners is a huge task..

We've done more impossible things before, like put a man on the moon. Surely we can figure out this. I believe in our ingenuity and creativity as a nation.

Also, if you offer a financial incentive for turning in your weapons, you not only get the weapons off the street but you stimulate the economy as well. When presented with the choice of either keeping the gun or getting paid 5 or 10 times the value of the gun, most if not all people will opt for the cash. Since the average gun owner owns 8 guns, and if you offer $5K per gun, that's $40K. You mean to tell me you couldn't use $40K more than your gun? You could use that $40K as a downpayment on a home in a safer area, you could use a fraction of it to install a home security system (why everyone doesn't have one is beyond me), stronger locks, a property fence...they even have these things that you can buy for like $50 that prevent door kick-ins (the most common way thieves enter homes is through the front door, kicking it in).

A gun doesn't prevent home break ins and nearly all guns in the hands of criminals are stolen from homes.

Why would you voluntarily increase the supply of guns for thieves to steal? Is that common sense?

I find it extremely unlikely an amendment nullifying the second will pass any time soon, and without that gun owners cannot simply be disarmed.

I don't. Look what happened in Wisconsin this past Tuesday; an NRA-backed Conservative judge running for re-election was trounced by a liberal, anti-gun female candidate. First time in 23 years that a liberal has won a seat on the WI State Supreme Court.

There is a blue wave coming, and the Democrats have made crystal clear what their plans are; All Conservatives have done is tow the line for the NRA which people identify as corrupt and in the pocket of the gun industry.

Oh, there's a "blue wave" coming, and that will lead to the passing of a Constitutional amendment which repeals the second? Really? The last amendment ratified was in 1992, and that one was proposed over 200 years prior. Before that it was 1971, changing the voting age to 18...hardly the kind of massive change that repealing the second amendment would be. Constitutional amendments are not exactly common. Moreover, I don't think a large majority of the country is interested in banning guns or repealing the second. You may find this hard to believe, but gun ownership is not limited to conservatives or Republicans. ;)

Where do you get the idea that "a gun doesn't prevent home break ins"? I'll happily agree that guns don't automatically prevent break ins, but that doesn't mean they cannot or never have.

It's certainly possible the US could end up banning guns, but it won't be today, or tomorrow, or next year. It would require a shift in societal values which takes quite a bit of time, probably decades. The country definitely is not at that point today IMO.
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