246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

Progressives love it when the Government dumps money on the rich.

Doesn't sound like you know the definition of "progressive".

I agree the economy is picking up steam. The economy is now built on the FED's dumping 40 billion a month into the markets, so like steam the economy is built on vapor. The collapse of the balloon they are building will probably put us worse off than the 2008 crash. Not shocking since they (Obama) are doing the same things that caused the 2008 crash, only expanded.
Thank you Mr. President.

Sure as hell can't thank the damn pubs because all they do is obstruct, filibuster AGAINST jobs and economic recovery.

Well, how do you credit Obama when you just said Reps stopped him from doing anything.... Wouldn't that mean that because the Reps filibustered Obama that any good news is because of Reps stopping Obama?

See how your partisan bullshit gets you stuck?
Con neysayers have no creditability, after talk of Obama losing by a landslide, the stock market crashing, and the repubs taking back the Senate, forgive me if I do not believe in you predictions.
Con neysayers have no creditability, after talk of Obama losing by a landslide, the stock market crashing, and the repubs taking back the Senate, forgive me if I do not believe in you predictions.

I said Mitt would lose from the day he entered the primaries and I still call Obama out as one of the least aware Presidents in our history. In fact the economy looks 100% as I and many others have predicted it would look, it's right on scheduled. The only real area of growth is where Government is dumping money, and when it stops, and it will have to stop, we will have a massive collapse just like we did under Bush and the Great Depression.
wait I though the left hated the greedy wall street bastards!!

Can't they pick a position and hang with it for at least a few weeks??

There's a huge difference between "greedy bastards" and healthy growth of our stock market.

How are YOUR investments doing?

right, the difference being- under bush it sux, as its a symptom of the haves having and the have nots...not, under obama, its hosanna in the highest...

another drop in the bucket report that will be quietly corrected in a month or so

Markets have been climbing on the strength of Fed monetary expansion.
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This will certainly be a bad, bad day for Republicans - expect to see the tea cons uncontrolled rage and hate talk today!!

Stock Market News, Business News, Financial, Earnings, World Markets - CNBC


why? The GOP made it clear that stimulus spending was a waste of money. The stimulus did squat....but now, 3 years after the stiumulus, with no new stimuli allowed by the GOP, the economy is finally showing signs of life.

Or are you one of thsoe fools that would have attributed any growth to the stimulus no matter HOW MANY years down the road the recovery became apparent?
any human being who says market stimulus does not work lives in a fantasy land of stupidity
Great News for the Country!

(bad news for republicans)
This will certainly be a bad, bad day for Republicans - expect to see the tea cons uncontrolled rage and hate talk today!!

Personally, I am happy. There are 236,000 new burger flippers and janitors. Service at MacDonalds should be more efficient - and cleaner - assuming these 236,000 formerly unemployed public-school educated welfare cases know how to work/follow directions.
Great News for the Country!

(bad news for republicans)

Bad for resepublicans?


Becuase they were right?

They said "stop trying to stimulate the economy with temporary jobs and let it happen on its own."

So what happened?

700 billion in sitimulus....no net jobs gained for 3.5 years.

No new stiumulus over the last 3.5 years, and finally some up ticks.

Bad day for stimulus supporters if you ask me.
Tea cons seem confused as to whether to take credit for Obama's recovering the country from Bush's wreckage - or discredit it as a fraud of money printing.

Take your time kids, we have 12 more years of a Democrat President for you to decide!!

Tea cons seem confused as to whether to take credit for Obama's recovering the country from Bush's wreckage - or discredit it as a fraud of money printing.

Take your time kids, we have 12 more years of a Democrat President for you to decide!!


Exactly where and what are these 236,000 your cumming all over yourself about?
tell me how an economy tells the differance between federal dollars and consumer dollars ?

You see that is what you would have to prove to claim stimulus doesnt work....well that and some real numbers showing what you claim which doesnt exsist in reality.

Your historically failed ideas are called that for a reason.

Its because you have NO historic proof that austerity FIXES an economy.

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