246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

...or the "Media" could report the truth/full picture for a change (like this nice reporter has done for us) :

Long-Term Unemployed Rises, Real Unemployment Basically Unchanged
By Matt Cover

Long-Term Unemployed Rises, Real Unemployment Basically Unchanged | CNS News

"...Despite adding an estimated 236,000 jobs in February, the number of long-term unemployed rose and the broader, real unemployment rate remained virtually unchanged..."

"The number of Americans out of work for more than 27 weeks rose in February by 89,000, going from 4.7 million to 4.8 million..."

"The broader U6 unemployment rate, called the real unemployment rate by some because it provides a fuller measure of the jobless picture, remained largely unchanged in February, falling slightly from 14.4 percent to 14.3.

Now here is the part the lamestream teleprompter fed "media" choose to hop on (along with the DOW news...cuz...ya know...that's a good/entertaining story...but not really good news reporting like we used to have) :

"BLS said that the overall economy added an estimated 236,000 jobs in February and that the national unemployment rate fell from 7.9 percent to 7.7 percent."

U.S. U6 unemployment rates and all other BLS UI classifications (the real state of our economy) can be analyzed much better here at this very informative website:

Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate
Wasn't the payroll tax expiring supposed to hurl us back into recession?

Or was it that miniscule tax hike on the so-called 'job creators'?

btw, note that this good number occurred despite more government job cuts.

Earth to stupid. The payroll expiration was on the worker, the employer never got a holiday. And yes, retail sales were hit hard!

If you had a job you would know this!

So no one here said the payroll tax hike was going to hurt the economy? Jobs?
Wait for the revised number and the labor force participation rate... We are still at historic lows on labor force participation
Which is a completely meaningless number because we also have historic numbers of Boomers retiring. But the more meaningless the number the more meaningful to the Misinformation Voter!!!

Yeah... it is ONLY retirees.. NOTHING to do AT ALL with the people coming off the unemployment books when they give up looking for work :rolleyes:

My God are you brainwashed
It's not only retirees, it's the disabled, students, deceased, staying home to care for children or sick and aged family members, traveling or moving abroad, etc. But to the Misinformation Voter it is one reason and one reason only, discouragement. Talk about brainwashed!!!
Record 89,304,000 Americans 'Not in Labor Force' -- 296,000 Fewer Employed Since January | CNS News

- The number of Americans designated as "not in the labor force" in February was 89,304,000, a record high, up from 89,008,000 in January, according to the Department of Labor. This means that the number of Americans not in the labor force increased 296,000 between January and February.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) labels people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work.
The increase marks the second month in a row, after rising in January from 88.8 million in December. Those not in the labor force had declined in December from 88.9 million in November.

The nation's unemployment rate decreased to 7.7 percent in February, down from 7.9 percent in January. Overall unemployment “has shown little movement, on net, since September 2012,” the Labor Department said.
When unemployment hits 6 percent, and GDP growth is 3 percent, the deluded will still be trying to find ways to deny reality. :lol:
No, then they will credit the obstructionist GOP House and Senate, or else claim it would have happened faster if nothing was done, or both. The Misinformation Voter is 100% predictable.
Record 89,304,000 Americans 'Not in Labor Force' -- 296,000 Fewer Employed Since January | CNS News

- The number of Americans designated as "not in the labor force" in February was 89,304,000, a record high, up from 89,008,000 in January, according to the Department of Labor. This means that the number of Americans not in the labor force increased 296,000 between January and February.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) labels people who are unemployed and no longer looking for work as “not in the labor force,” including people who have retired on schedule, taken early retirement, or simply given up looking for work.
The increase marks the second month in a row, after rising in January from 88.8 million in December. Those not in the labor force had declined in December from 88.9 million in November.

The nation's unemployment rate decreased to 7.7 percent in February, down from 7.9 percent in January. Overall unemployment “has shown little movement, on net, since September 2012,” the Labor Department said.
Not in labor force also includes the disabled, students, people who stay at home to care for children or sick and aged family members. There were 239,112 new Social Security awards and 72,508 new disability awards alone in February.
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This will certainly be a bad, bad day for Republicans - expect to see the tea cons uncontrolled rage and hate talk today!!

Stock Market News, Business News, Financial, Earnings, World Markets - CNBC


Kudos to you, rage and hate talk from the echo chamber was a correct prediction. The economy is on the mend, one more failure by Boehner and McConnell who have done everything in their power to slow or stop the economic recovery.

For the past four years the RW has blamed Obama for the price of Gas when it rose, for unemployment even as they argued the government cannot create jobs, for the massive debt - a product of two wars of choice, two tax cuts, the failure to regulate the financial services industry and the corporate policy of 'expatriotism, that is, sending American jobs overseas.
Kudos to you, rage and hate talk from the echo chamber was a correct prediction. The economy is on the mend, one more failure by Boehner and McConnell who have done everything in their power to slow or stop the economic recovery.

For the past four years the RW has blamed Obama for the price of Gas when it rose, for unemployment even as they argued the government cannot create jobs, for the massive debt - a product of two wars of choice, two tax cuts, the failure to regulate the financial services industry and the corporate policy of 'expatriotism, that is, sending American jobs overseas.

Just how does Obama's cock taste?
Bottom Line is there still are 89,304,000 people not working.
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for
Whites (6.8 percent)
Hispanics (9.6 percent)
Blacks (13.8 percent),
Teenagers (25.1 percent),
Nothing to be cheering about yet. Might be headed in the right direction
...or the "Media" could report the truth/full picture for a change (like this nice reporter has done for us) :

Long-Term Unemployed Rises, Real Unemployment Basically Unchanged
By Matt Cover

Long-Term Unemployed Rises, Real Unemployment Basically Unchanged | CNS News

"...Despite adding an estimated 236,000 jobs in February, the number of long-term unemployed rose and the broader, real unemployment rate remained virtually unchanged..."

"The number of Americans out of work for more than 27 weeks rose in February by 89,000, going from 4.7 million to 4.8 million..."

"The broader U6 unemployment rate, called the real unemployment rate by some because it provides a fuller measure of the jobless picture, remained largely unchanged in February, falling slightly from 14.4 percent to 14.3.

Now here is the part the lamestream teleprompter fed "media" choose to hop on (along with the DOW news...cuz...ya know...that's a good/entertaining story...but not really good news reporting like we used to have) :

"BLS said that the overall economy added an estimated 236,000 jobs in February and that the national unemployment rate fell from 7.9 percent to 7.7 percent."

U.S. U6 unemployment rates and all other BLS UI classifications (the real state of our economy) can be analyzed much better here at this very informative website:

Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate
U-6 has never been the "REAL" unemployment rate. Answer this, how can the U-6 be the real unemployment rate when it includes people who are EMPLOYED?????? That's right, EMPLOYED workers are counted in the U-6 rate. U-6 is a measure of underutilization or underemployment. U-3 has always been the standard for unemployment for every Republican president, U-6 only became the "REAL" unemployment for Obama.
Job creation broke out in February, with the economy creating a net 236,000 new jobs as the unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent.

Private job creation stood at a robust 246,000, finally indicating that the economy may be ready to escape the tight growth range in which it has been held since the financial crisis.

Job Creation Surges as Rate Falls to 7.7%


That number would be great if we had full employment, but we don't. Until both parties get serious and bring back the high paying, manufacturing, outsourced jobs, this country isn't going anywhere. Right now there should be about 10% more people working on jobs than there are. That's about 14 million jobs.

If you can't get both parties to do it, get rid of the party that won't do it.
Perhaps I am looking at this all wrong...

Headline should read:

Sequester Success: report of gains in Employment
Another fine example of the absolute stupidity of the Misinformation Voter!!!!

The sequester started March 1 and the jobs report was for February, so apparently the sequester is also a time machine!!! :cuckoo:
Of course, no Misinformation Voter is smart enough to know that march comes after February, so they will still believe the now GOP sequester again did it. That's right folks, the GOP are taking credit for the sequester again, at least until something bad happens, then it is Obama's sequester again.

better than a head in the sand boob. anyone who followed this knew the sequester was going to hit and obama with his slobbering scare the bejesus our of everyone platforms ( right up until the very day it hit) certainly didn't help, did it? or is scare mongering now a market +?
I thought the sequester was going to cause a bunch of people to lose jobs?

What about the 175,000,000 jobs lost?

Is the whole country lying?
Manufacturing in this country won't come back until the regulations that shoved these companies out of the country are eliminated.
black people to disapear

You blacks should get to work to help the first black president look good to erase the useless black stigma. After all if Magic Johnson's business can make it big in the worst black communities like Harlem & the Watts Riots torn areas of L.A. then the rest of you can start pulling your load also. The white man is not holding you down.

The unemployment rate for:
Whites (6.8 percent)
Hispanics (9.6 percent)
Blacks (13.8 percent),

You blacks have lost ground under Obama. Do you feel that you no longer have to work because he will take care of you?
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Perhaps I am looking at this all wrong...

Headline should read:

Sequester Success: report of gains in Employment
Another fine example of the absolute stupidity of the Misinformation Voter!!!!

The sequester started March 1 and the jobs report was for February, so apparently the sequester is also a time machine!!! :cuckoo:
Of course, no Misinformation Voter is smart enough to know that march comes after February, so they will still believe the now GOP sequester again did it. That's right folks, the GOP are taking credit for the sequester again, at least until something bad happens, then it is Obama's sequester again.

better than a head in the sand boob. anyone who followed this knew the sequester was going to hit and obama with his slobbering scare the bejesus our of everyone platforms ( right up until the very day it hit) certainly didn't help, did it? or is scare mongering now a market +?
Sure, nobody thought the GOP would cave, and nobody said the effect would be negligible because it was a measly 2% of the budget if it did hit.

Yeah, you really followed this!!! :cuckoo:

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