246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

Presidents set stock prices by making companies hold on to profits?

What policies did Obama enact to raise housing prices (BTW, housing prices are still DOWN, but looks like you care nothing for reality)??Higher taxation spurs the economy how??

We have another new brain dead propaganda gobbler

Sorry to hear your double wide hasn't "rebounded" for you.

My seven houses have seen a good increase in value.

You ever notice daveie, with people like you, if something in the economy goes wrong, it is all Obamas fault. If things in the economy go right, Obama had nothing to do with it.

Can you say "hypocrit" dave?

Im not sure he is bright enough to know how to be a hypocrit
Which is about where it was when Bush left office and Dems were screaming he had mismanaged the economy.

Really now ... Bush was losing jobs at a rate of 700,000 a month!

Or didn't Limbaugh teach you that?


"Bush" wasn't losing any jobs. The Democratic Congress was losing jobs.
Keep up much?

You've been blaming Obama for the unemployment rate. Don't pretend Bush never existed and change your tune when it comes to him.

Bush blew it. Everyone knows it.

The mortgages that blew up had three year fuses. They were lit on Bush and the GOP Congress's watch.

Christ, some of you act like Bush was just occupying a chair and not responsible for anything.
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Presidents set stock prices by making companies hold on to profits?

What policies did Obama enact to raise housing prices (BTW, housing prices are still DOWN, but looks like you care nothing for reality)??Higher taxation spurs the economy how??

We have another new brain dead propaganda gobbler

Sorry to hear your double wide hasn't "rebounded" for you.

My seven houses have seen a good increase in value.

You ever notice daveie, with people like you, if something in the economy goes wrong, it is all Obamas fault. If things in the economy go right, Obama had nothing to do with it.

Can you say "hypocrit" dave?

Im not sure he is bright enough to know how to be a hypocrit[/QUOTE]

Are you sure? He has had a lot of practice. As well as a lot of examples from his "friends".
Those of you who have been blaming Obama for everything from the unemployment rate to the price of gas to stubbing your toe are going to prevaricate and equivocate when the economy improves as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow.
Wahooo! A small bounce off of the bottom! :lol:

Job creation broke out in February, with the economy creating a net 236,000 new jobs as the unemployment rate fell to 7.7 percent.

Private job creation stood at a robust 246,000, finally indicating that the economy may be ready to escape the tight growth range in which it has been held since the financial crisis.

Job Creation Surges as Rate Falls to 7.7%


This is good news. However, we still have longterm issues with the manufacturing base erosion (not caused by Obama). A healthy manufacturing base is 30%, 20% is doable, we are at 8%. That is horrendous. Agriculture is another area. The corporate farms have strunk the agriculture work force (and that is not a bad thing), but agriculture makes up 1% of the workforce, that needs to increase also.

With inflation and taxation eating away at personal wealth, more Americans live paycheck to paycheck and not saving. What does a job matter if it can't pay the bills?

Remember the hole Bush left the country in, and how far Obama has helped us climb out of that wreckage ....

Jesus Christ you're a one trick pony. Republicans and Bush bad bad bad, that way I don't have to take responsibility for my own actions. The manufacturing base was eroding since the 70s. However, it was healthy up until the Clinton years. A few items put that into overdrive. First, NAFTA, turned a healthy trade surplus with Mexico into the 2nd largest trade deficit btw any country in history (second to us and China). However, it's nothing compared to what Clinton did with China. First he helped steam-roll them into the WTO. Without us they wouldn't be in the WTO. The break every WTO rule and then take advantage of their membership in it. Then Clinton removed all our trade barriers with China which started the great exodus to China we start over the last 15 years. They cheat and we still allow them to do it. The reason Trump was so popular during the GOP primaries wasn't the birther talk, but because he talked very tough about China.

And if you want a blueprint for a good free trade agreement look to CAFTA! We still have a trade surplus will ever single one of those countries!
From the BLS Employment Situation Summary Table A:

Total Civilian Noninstitutional Population increased by 165,000
The Civilian Labor force DECREASED by 130,000
The Labor Force Participation Rate decreased by .1% down to 63.5% (it was 63.9% a year ago)
The Number of Total Employed increased by 170,000
Total Not In The Labor Force increased by 296,000

126,000 more people gave up looking for work than found jobs.

This is why we have the eensy teensy decline in U3 Unemployment from 7.8% to 7.7%.

Presidents set stock prices by making companies hold on to profits?

What policies did Obama enact to raise housing prices (BTW, housing prices are still DOWN, but looks like you care nothing for reality)??Higher taxation spurs the economy how??

We have another new brain dead propaganda gobbler

Sorry to hear your double wide hasn't "rebounded" for you.

My seven houses have seen a good increase in value.

You ever notice daveie, with people like you, if something in the economy goes wrong, it is all Obamas fault. If things in the economy go right, Obama had nothing to do with it.

Can you say "hypocrit" dave?

Really?? Funny thing (mr. real estate mogul) is that I refer to the real numbers.. not some fake scrubbed government stat that is polished up for the public... and funny that I have NEVER given ANY PRESIDENT credit for stock market levels...

And ever notice with people like you and TDM that all news that seems positive you attribute to Obama, news and stats you make up as positive you attribute to Obama, and there is no negative at all that you ever attribute to Obama

But keep on with your trolling and imagination, it is almost as amusing as TDM's
I posted a link, you dim bulb.

Vodka breakfast AGAIN, TMN?
Perhaps I am looking at this all wrong...

Headline should read:

Sequester Success: report of gains in Employment
Another fine example of the absolute stupidity of the Misinformation Voter!!!!

The sequester started March 1 and the jobs report was for February, so apparently the sequester is also a time machine!!! :cuckoo:
Of course, no Misinformation Voter is smart enough to know that march comes after February, so they will still believe the now GOP sequester again did it. That's right folks, the GOP are taking credit for the sequester again, at least until something bad happens, then it is Obama's sequester again.
1. Average weekly hours, manufacturing

40.6 hours compared to 40.9 hours a year ago.

So relatively flat.

2. Average weekly initial claims for unemployment insurance

In the week ending February 23, the advance figure for seasonally adjusted initial claims was 344,000, a decrease of 22,000 from the previous week's revised figure of 366,000. The 4-week moving average was 355,000, a decrease of 6,750 from the previous week's revised average of 361,750.

Trending positive.

3. Manufacturers’ new orders, consumer goods and materials

New orders for manufactured durable goods in December, up seven of the last eight months, increased $9.4 billion or 4.3 percent to $230.0 billion, revised from the previously published 4.6 percent increase. This followed a 0.6 percent November increase.

Long term positive trend.

4. ISM Index of New Orders

Economic activity in the manufacturing sector expanded in February for the third consecutive month, and the overall economy grew for the 45th consecutive month, say the nation's supply executives in the latest Manufacturing ISM Report On Business.

The New Orders Index registered 57.8 percent, an increase of 4.5 percent over January's reading of 53.3 percent, indicating growth in new orders for the second consecutive month. As was the case in January, all five of the PMI™'s component indexes — new orders, production, employment, supplier deliveries and inventories — registered in positive territory in February. In addition, the Backlog of Orders, Exports and Imports Indexes all grew in February relative to January."

Very positive trend.

5. Manufacturers' new orders, nondefense capital goods excluding aircraft orders


Also looking good.

6. Building permits, new private housing units


Finally trending upward.

7. Stock prices, 500 common stocks


Looking very good.

8. The interest rate spread between 10-year Treasury bonds and the federal funds rate.

Yesterday's 10 year Treasury was at 1.88 percent.

Yesterday's federal funds rate was at 0.16 percent.

Looking at both for 2013 to date, there is no sign of inversion. So that's very good.

9. Consumer Confidence Index:

The Conference Board Consumer Confidence Index®, which had declined in January, rebounded in February. The Index now stands at 69.6 (1985=100), up from 58.4 in January. The Present Situation Index increased to 63.3 from 56.2. The Expectations Index improved to 73.8 from 59.9 last month.

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Perhaps I am looking at this all wrong...

Headline should read:

Sequester Success: report of gains in Employment
Another fine example of the absolute stupidity of the Misinformation Voter!!!!

The sequester started March 1 and the jobs report was for February, so apparently the sequester is also a time machine!!! :cuckoo:
Of course, no Misinformation Voter is smart enough to know that march comes after February, so they will still believe the now GOP sequester again did it. That's right folks, the GOP are taking credit for the sequester again, at least until something bad happens, then it is Obama's sequester again.

Sarcasm usually doesn't go over your head.
Wasn't the payroll tax expiring supposed to hurl us back into recession?

Or was it that miniscule tax hike on the so-called 'job creators'?

btw, note that this good number occurred despite more government job cuts.
Couple of quick points first how many have dropped out of the work force? How many are under employed? What type of jobs are being created high or low paying ? These are all important things to consider when looking at this number. A final thought might this also show we can cut spending and the economy won't collapse ?

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