246,000 New Jobs Drop Rate to 7.7%

Wasn't the payroll tax expiring supposed to hurl us back into recession?

Or was it that miniscule tax hike on the so-called 'job creators'?
btw, note that this good number occurred despite more government job cuts.

Earth to stupid. The payroll expiration was on the worker, the employer never got a holiday. And yes, retail sales were hit hard!

If you had a job you would know this!

So no one here said the payroll tax hike was going to hurt the economy? Jobs?

Did maxine waters say the sequester was going to kill jobs? Did Obama say the sequester was going to kill jobs?

The wage hike won't be implemented until 2015.
Manufacturing in this country won't come back until the regulations that shoved these companies out of the country are eliminated.

The only regulation that matters is the one allowing the imports to be sold in our markets.
Bottom Line is there still are 89,304,000 people not working.
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for
Whites (6.8 percent)
Hispanics (9.6 percent)
Blacks (13.8 percent),
Teenagers (25.1 percent),
Nothing to be cheering about yet. Might be headed in the right direction
How dare those 16 year olds not drop out of high school and get a full time job. How dare moms stay at home and care for their children. How dare people retire, they must work until they drop dead on the job. And the disabled should be working 2 jobs!!! :cuckoo:
Bottom Line is there still are 89,304,000 people not working.
Among the major worker groups, the unemployment rate for
Whites (6.8 percent)
Hispanics (9.6 percent)
Blacks (13.8 percent),
Teenagers (25.1 percent),
Nothing to be cheering about yet. Might be headed in the right direction
How dare those 16 year olds not drop out of high school and get a full time job. How dare moms stay at home and care for their children. How dare people retire, they must work until they drop dead on the job. And the disabled should be working 2 jobs!!! :cuckoo:

I compare the times to the year 2000 when unemployment was 4.0% and 67.1% of the civilian noninstitutional population was in the workforce. That means we would have 157,708,000 or approximately 14 million more people working than we do today.

Really now ... Bush was losing jobs at a rate of 700,000 a month!

Or didn't Limbaugh teach you that?


"Bush" wasn't losing any jobs. The Democratic Congress was losing jobs.
Keep up much?

You've been blaming Obama for the unemployment rate. Don't pretend Bush never existed and change your tune when it comes to him.

Bush blew it. Everyone knows it.

The mortgages that blew up had three year fuses. They were lit on Bush and the GOP Congress's watch.

Christ, some of you act like Bush was just occupying a chair and not responsible for anything.

Utter bullshit. Remember barney Frank rolling the dice on Freddie? Yeah, the Dems want to forget that too.
When is Obama taking responsibility for the stubbornly high unemployment rate, low workforce participation rate, and downgrades to US debt due to shocking levels of spending? yeah, never. That's when.

Are you naturally this stupid, or do you try harder.

CNS is lying or stupid or both.

Check the math: Table A-1. Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age
The Population (adult civilian non institutional population) increased by 165,000
Employed increased by 170,000
Unemployed Decreased by 300,000
Not in the Labor Force (those neither employed nor unemployed) increased 296,000

296,000+170,000-300,000 = 165,000 (well, 166,000 but there are rounding errors).

An increase in Not in the Labor Force does NOT mean a corresponding drop in Employment or even in the Labor Force. Over 300 million people entered the population as not in the labor force (and people left the population and switched to or from the labor force)
Another fine example of the absolute stupidity of the Misinformation Voter!!!!

The sequester started March 1 and the jobs report was for February, so apparently the sequester is also a time machine!!! :cuckoo:
Of course, no Misinformation Voter is smart enough to know that march comes after February, so they will still believe the now GOP sequester again did it. That's right folks, the GOP are taking credit for the sequester again, at least until something bad happens, then it is Obama's sequester again.

better than a head in the sand boob. anyone who followed this knew the sequester was going to hit and obama with his slobbering scare the bejesus our of everyone platforms ( right up until the very day it hit) certainly didn't help, did it? or is scare mongering now a market +?
Sure, nobody thought the GOP would cave, and nobody said the effect would be negligible because it was a measly 2% of the budget if it did hit.

Yeah, you really followed this!!! :cuckoo:

how does that cherry taste ed? you gonna go bulimic on us again?
Here we go again..."driveby" is a good name for the OP.
This makes at least the 3rd thread he has created this week on this same topic.
Couple of quick points first how many have dropped out of the work force? How many are under employed? What type of jobs are being created high or low paying ? These are all important things to consider when looking at this number.

Those are trailing indicators.

A final thought might this also show we can cut spending and the economy won't collapse ?

Trying to play both sides? Make up your mind. Is the economy improving or not?

Does that make them unimportant? Right before the election unemployment went to 7 7 percent then back up to 7.9 now back to 7.7 at best the economy is sluggish or stagnant.
black people to disapear

You blacks should get to work to help the first black president look good to erase the useless black stigma. After all if Magic Johnson's business can make it big in the worst black communities like Harlem & the Watts Riots torn areas of L.A. then the rest of you can start pulling your load also. The white man is not holding you down.

The unemployment rate for:
Whites (6.8 percent)
Hispanics (9.6 percent)
Blacks (13.8 percent),

You blacks have lost ground under Obama. Do you feel that you no longer have to work because he will take care of you?

Im of irish desent
SO upon further investigation, the numbers look like full on shit.... And when it comes out that these numbers will have no positive effect the same people crediting Obama will later blame Republicans for cuts.

I really am starting to hate these boards and politics in general. Remember 4+ years ago when TM started a thread once a month about how the economy was going to start growing? Right on que, years later TM and others are still pulling the same chit.

What if it is true, what if companies are knocking back hours while hiring more people to avoid Obamacare costs?
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...or the "Media" could report the truth/full picture for a change (like this nice reporter has done for us) :

Long-Term Unemployed Rises, Real Unemployment Basically Unchanged
By Matt Cover

Long-Term Unemployed Rises, Real Unemployment Basically Unchanged | CNS News

"...Despite adding an estimated 236,000 jobs in February, the number of long-term unemployed rose and the broader, real unemployment rate remained virtually unchanged..."

"The number of Americans out of work for more than 27 weeks rose in February by 89,000, going from 4.7 million to 4.8 million..."

"The broader U6 unemployment rate, called the real unemployment rate by some because it provides a fuller measure of the jobless picture, remained largely unchanged in February, falling slightly from 14.4 percent to 14.3.

Now here is the part the lamestream teleprompter fed "media" choose to hop on (along with the DOW news...cuz...ya know...that's a good/entertaining story...but not really good news reporting like we used to have) :

"BLS said that the overall economy added an estimated 236,000 jobs in February and that the national unemployment rate fell from 7.9 percent to 7.7 percent."

U.S. U6 unemployment rates and all other BLS UI classifications (the real state of our economy) can be analyzed much better here at this very informative website:

Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate
U-6 has never been the "REAL" unemployment rate. Answer this, how can the U-6 be the real unemployment rate when it includes people who are EMPLOYED?????? That's right, EMPLOYED workers are counted in the U-6 rate. U-6 is a measure of underutilization or underemployment. U-3 has always been the standard for unemployment for every Republican president, U-6 only became the "REAL" unemployment for Obama.

Riddle me this: Is someone who used to earn $100,000 a year as a marketing director fully employed if he takes a job at Starbucks making $8 an hour just to survive?

U6 IS a better measure because it takes into consideration Under Employment.

The increase in jobs this past month was due entirely to PART TIME JOBS. Full time employment DROPPED by 70,000.

Thanks Obama! ObamaCare is really working.
...or the "Media" could report the truth/full picture for a change (like this nice reporter has done for us) :

Long-Term Unemployed Rises, Real Unemployment Basically Unchanged
By Matt Cover

Long-Term Unemployed Rises, Real Unemployment Basically Unchanged | CNS News

"...Despite adding an estimated 236,000 jobs in February, the number of long-term unemployed rose and the broader, real unemployment rate remained virtually unchanged..."

"The number of Americans out of work for more than 27 weeks rose in February by 89,000, going from 4.7 million to 4.8 million..."

"The broader U6 unemployment rate, called the real unemployment rate by some because it provides a fuller measure of the jobless picture, remained largely unchanged in February, falling slightly from 14.4 percent to 14.3.

Now here is the part the lamestream teleprompter fed "media" choose to hop on (along with the DOW news...cuz...ya know...that's a good/entertaining story...but not really good news reporting like we used to have) :

"BLS said that the overall economy added an estimated 236,000 jobs in February and that the national unemployment rate fell from 7.9 percent to 7.7 percent."

U.S. U6 unemployment rates and all other BLS UI classifications (the real state of our economy) can be analyzed much better here at this very informative website:

Portal Seven | U6 Unemployment Rate
U-6 has never been the "REAL" unemployment rate. Answer this, how can the U-6 be the real unemployment rate when it includes people who are EMPLOYED?????? That's right, EMPLOYED workers are counted in the U-6 rate. U-6 is a measure of underutilization or underemployment. U-3 has always been the standard for unemployment for every Republican president, U-6 only became the "REAL" unemployment for Obama.

Riddle me this: Is someone who used to earn $100,000 a year as a marketing director fully employed if he takes a job at Starbucks making $8 an hour just to survive?
Nope, but that's not what the Unemployment rate is trying to measure and he would be classified as Employed and would not be part of the U6 numerator (unless he was working part time, which you didn't say). Underemployment as far as working less than education, skills, previous salary is not measured. Too subjective.

Example of why it can't be done:
Your $100,000 marketing director was convicted of fraud and embezzlement and served 18 months in prison. The best job he can get as a convicted felon is at Starbucks making $8/hour. Is he underemployed? And if so, is it because the labor market is bad?

Example 2: A person with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Musical Theater gets a job waiting tables in New York also waiting for that big break. Underemployed or about normal?
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