~25% of Americans do Not Believe in God


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009


After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought
8 Reasons Jesus Wants You to Witness
Telling others about Christ has many purposes.

Permit me to give you, briefly, 8 reasons God desires all believers to share their faith.

First, as you witness, you bring glory to God. Jesus says in John 15:8, “By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”

Second, the love of Christ compels us to share our faith. In Paul’s words, “The love of Christ constrains us.” If you have experienced the love of the Lord Jesus, you will also want to introduce him to others.

Third, sharing your faith is a direct command from Jesus Christ. He says, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” And, “You did not choose me, but I chose you to go and bear fruit – fruit that will last.”

Fourth, people without Christ are lost. Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” The Word of God declares emphatically, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.”

» How You Can Introduce Others to Christ


After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought

Is the shame that 25% of Americans may not believe in god, or that 15% of Americans may be too afraid of being stigmatized to admit their lack of belief?
"Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new studysuggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated."

So you are guessing. You must have faith, similar to a theist, to believe that.

Matthew will say below the classic atheist mantra, "you can't prove it" to which the answer is "you can't disprove it."
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The more secular churches get, the more congregation they lose. Then only churches growing at all are the evangelical ones. Rather than go to church and listen to a bunch of gay, multicultural, propaganda many people would rather not go at all.
The number of atheists is hard to nail down because that is the nice thing about being an atheist, you aren't preoccupied with what you don't believe in at all.

Religion however requires daily affirmation, as if if you skip a couple days your 'faith' will start waning. Which it does apparently. Interestingly 48% of Americans believe in ghosts. 20% say they have seen a ghost. However 43% of bigfoots or big-feet, if you will, claim they don't believe in ghosts and 57% of the reptilians say the claims of the bigfeet are not accurate and that their feet are too big. Which in mixed company always makes for a HUGE argument between the large-pedals and scaly-skins. Only if there is a Headsman from Klolob is the dispute settled without violence. The talking snake generally stays out of the melee and hangs near the fruit bowl.

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After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought

Why is it a shame that people don't believe in something that has been made up simply to explain away stuff we don't quite comprehend and to control the people?
Permit me to give you, briefly, 8 reasons God desires all believers to share their faith.

Preaching threads belong in the religion folder. Shame on you for trying to put it into politics.
Would you 'science' into the religion folder?

Either way, what the hell is the problem? Personally, I support freedom of speech. A person's opinion should not be stifled
I find it weird how something that isn't supported by shit is believed in by 75% of this country.
Only a fool says in his heart, 'there is no god'

No, only a fool says uses insulting words in order to make people feel small if they don't accept what you demand of them.

Some people use this argument. The Universe is SOOOO complex that it MUST HAVE been created by a God. This line of reasoning is ridiculous, because then God must be so complex too that he MUST HAVE been created by some higher being, and that higher being too must be so complex that it must have been created and so on and on and on, until you have to ask, wait, it's can't be so.
Permit me to give you, briefly, 8 reasons God desires all believers to share their faith.

Preaching threads belong in the religion folder. Shame on you for trying to put it into politics.
Would you 'science' into the religion folder?

Either way, what the hell is the problem? Personally, I support freedom of speech. A person's opinion should not be stifled

Yes, support freedom of speech, but also support people talking in the right threads. If I came on here and started talking about Spurs being Leicester 6-1, would you not find this a little strange? Yes. Freedom of Speech isn't the freedom to say whatever you like whenever you like.


After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought
Sure don't! Raising my kids religion free as well,they can decide for themselves when they get older. I don't need some imaginary spook in the sky dictating how things go in my life and I am not so weak that I need a crutch called religion. Wife is a christian in belief but she doesn't attend church.


After signing an executive order earlier this month that seeks to relax restrictions on the political activities of tax-exempt churches, President Trump said the order was an important affirmation of the American identity. “We’re a nation of believers,” he said. Trump is right in one sense — 69 percent of Americans say a belief in God is an important part of being American — but he’s wrong demographically: Atheists constitute a culturally significant part of American society.

We’re not sure how significant, though. The number of atheists in the U.S. is still a matter of considerable debate. Recent surveys have found that only about one in 10 Americans report that they do not believe in God, and only about 3 percent identify as atheist. But a new study suggests that the true number of atheists could be much larger, perhaps even 10 times larger than previously estimated.

Way More Americans May Be Atheists Than We Thought
It doesn't matter if people believe in God or not, or if they are atheist. If people are good, honest and loving, and treat others with respect. It is none of anyone else's business. I am spiritual, not religious. Religion to me is a cult, and very corrupt.

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