25 year satellite map of old ice disappearing from Arctic. Pubs drone on about new ice that is irrel

The Northeast is bracing for a crippling snowstorm that the National Weather Service called “potentially historic” and could dump 2 to 3 feet of snow from northern New Jersey to Connecticut.

“This could be a storm the likes of which we have never seen before,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Sunday.

Now what was it that Franco was saying about ice melting?....
So ice should never melt in your perfect little world. A global ice age is all that is acceptable to you simpletons.

If the glaciers were expanding, would we need new taxes and more government control over our economy to fix that too?
Of course! The government has always controlled the weather you know. The more totalitarian the government the colder the weather. Brutal kings back in the dark ages kept the planet cool why can't dictator's do the same today?

Well in that case, let's waste $10s of trillions on less reliable, more expensive "green" energy.
Well at least you're not hysterical....How does it feel to be the brainwashed drones of polluting, screw the nonrich, greedy idiot GOP billionaires and propagandists?
The Northeast is bracing for a crippling snowstorm that the National Weather Service called “potentially historic” and could dump 2 to 3 feet of snow from northern New Jersey to Connecticut.

“This could be a storm the likes of which we have never seen before,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Sunday.

Now what was it that Franco was saying about ice melting?....
Freezing cold doesn't mean there's no warming you know. Climate change covers pretty much everything down to a cow farting.
How long ago? If you're talking during the Ice Age, it means you're missing an important part of the debate, the time line.

Which ice age? The current ice age?

With AGW we're talking about what's happened over the last ~200 years, NOT the last 20,000.

The last 200 years is not an adequate scope from which to draw conclusions about geological processes that occur over millions of years.
The Northeast is bracing for a crippling snowstorm that the National Weather Service called “potentially historic” and could dump 2 to 3 feet of snow from northern New Jersey to Connecticut.

“This could be a storm the likes of which we have never seen before,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Sunday.

Now what was it that Franco was saying about ice melting?....
Yup, plenty of crazy weather in the hottest CLIMATE ever...as predicted. More dupe "common sense"...

Well in that case, let's waste $10s of trillions on less reliable, more expensive "green" energy.
Well at least you're not hysterical....How does it feel to be the brainwashed drones of polluting, screw the nonrich, greedy idiot GOP billionaires and propagandists?
Every earth day I let my F-350 diesel idle all day long. It's my way of helping.
The Northeast is bracing for a crippling snowstorm that the National Weather Service called “potentially historic” and could dump 2 to 3 feet of snow from northern New Jersey to Connecticut.

“This could be a storm the likes of which we have never seen before,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Sunday.

Now what was it that Franco was saying about ice melting?....
Freezing cold doesn't mean there's no warming you know. Climate change covers pretty much everything down to a cow farting.

Hehe ehhe heh ....
I farted when I was reading this....
So somewhere in the high atmosphere a snow flake that was just beging to form...

I am a snowflake killer....
Watch out you little flakes...
I'm gonna get a few more of youse tonight.
If Michele is looking for a paying job maybe she can get hired on as a weather bunny....
We are going to need all the help in the Northeast over the next few days....
The Northeast is bracing for a crippling snowstorm that the National Weather Service called “potentially historic” and could dump 2 to 3 feet of snow from northern New Jersey to Connecticut.

“This could be a storm the likes of which we have never seen before,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Sunday.

Now what was it that Franco was saying about ice melting?....
Yup, plenty of crazy weather in the hottest CLIMATE ever...as predicted. More dupe "common sense"...
LMAO! What did I tell ya. The warmest climate EVAH! by 1/100th of a degree with a plus minus of .25 degrees accuracy is causing you to freeze your ass off. Snow is global warming, ice storms are global warming and warm days are global warming. It's like watching a bunch of retards play soccer. No matter what happens there is an excuse.
Oh no! Just, ummm, oh no, Franco!! So what should we do?? Whatever should we do??
Pay more taxes! Quickly! It's all that can save you from the doom that is global warming! Mother nature wants you to pay the government more money or she's going to make it snow, err I mean warm, err whatever. Pay more taxes!
Oh no! Just, ummm, oh no, Franco!! So what should we do?? Whatever should we do??
Pay more taxes! Quickly! It's all that can save you from the doom that is global warming! Mother nature wants you to pay the government more money or she's going to make it snow, err I mean warm, err whatever. Pay more taxes!

Ahhhh.Pay more taxes and let government fix it...
That's the ticket.
With AGW we're talking about what's happened over the last ~200 years, NOT the last 20,000.
The last 200 years is not an adequate scope from which to draw conclusions about geological processes that occur over millions of years.
Well that's kind of the point. We're seeing differences in 100s of years that should take 10s of thousands. You're begging the question.
The Northeast is bracing for a crippling snowstorm that the National Weather Service called “potentially historic” and could dump 2 to 3 feet of snow from northern New Jersey to Connecticut.

“This could be a storm the likes of which we have never seen before,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a news conference Sunday.

Now what was it that Franco was saying about ice melting?....
Yup, plenty of crazy weather in the hottest CLIMATE ever...as predicted. More dupe "common sense"...
LMAO! What did I tell ya. The warmest climate EVAH! by 1/100th of a degree with a plus minus of .25 degrees accuracy is causing you to freeze your ass off. Snow is global warming, ice storms are global warming and warm days are global warming. It's like watching a bunch of retards play soccer. No matter what happens there is an excuse.
Just since people started measuring 160 years ago, and ice cores tell us about the last couple thousand. Keep fighting unhealthy pollution for greedy a-hole billionaire GOPers, chumps.

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