25 year satellite map of old ice disappearing from Arctic. Pubs drone on about new ice that is irrel

I'm just not going to go out anymore.
Just gonna call it a day....
We are all doooomed.
Republicans killed the planet...

Now what happens if earth goes belly up....
Will that have an effect on the whole universe?

Oh ny God!
Republicans killed the universe...
Well that's kind of the point. We're seeing differences in 100s of years that should take 10s of thousands. You're begging the question.

Actually, you are begging the question. You have no idea what kind of volatility exists naturally in weather and climate patterns across geologically short term periods. Nor do scientists.
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"for greedy a-hole billionaire GOPerss- chumps."--Franco

There we go. That's the locus of all warmie bullshit chimera we see at USMB. Jealous, envious, vapid bitching queers. That's what the sissies call "science."
Oh no! Just, ummm, oh no, Franco!! So what should we do?? Whatever should we do??
Pay more taxes! Quickly! It's all that can save you from the doom that is global warming! Mother nature wants you to pay the government more money or she's going to make it snow, err I mean warm, err whatever. Pay more taxes!

Ahhhh.Pay more taxes and let government fix it...
That's the ticket.
Maybe the bloated rich should, but "Dem tax hikes" you've been fear mongered with forever haven't been about YOU just as long...total dupe of party first con men. See sig pp 1 for what you actually get from GOP policies.
[QUOTE="konradv, post: 10617610, member: 22976"Well that's kind of the point. We're seeing differences in 100s of years that should take 10s of thousands. You're begging the question.

Actually, you are begging the question. You have no idea what kind of volatility exists naturally in weather and climate patterns across geologically short term periods. Nor do scientists.[/QUOTE]

These fuckers can't even predict the weather accurately over a 5 day period....
And we are supposed to believe they know what's going to happen 100,000 years from now?

Pa leeeeeez....
25 years does not represent even 1 billionth of climate time on this earth.
25 years does not represent even 1 billionth of climate time on this earth.

Exactly. It's like I said a few weeks ago in another thread. Drawing conclusions based on the 150ish years of the temperature record is like measuring the changes in your heart rate over the past two seconds to conclude that you're about to have a heart attack.
Poor Franco.He must feel like Jor El did when he tried to warn the high council that Krypton was going to explode.
And then it did explode....
Don't worry Franco...History will remember you fondly...
Just like it does for Superman's Dad...
Actually, you are begging the question. You have no idea what kind of volatility exists naturally in weather and climate patterns across geologically short term periods. Nor do scientists.
We DO know that CO2 absorbs energy and that its concentration has been going up since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. In light of the Law of Conservation of Energy, what's happening to the extra absorbed energy, if not to heat up the earth? It has to be going somewhere or doing something. It doesn't just disappear
Poor Franco.He must feel like Jor El did when he tried to warn the high council that Krypton was going to explode.
And then it did explode....
Don't worry Franco...History will remember you fondly...
Just like it does for Superman's Dad...
Not worried. The world has gotten this, except for 20% of the US. You're a total ignorant waste of time.

And I thought it would give you a little chuckle....Mr Serious.
You should check out the Big Bang Theory on CBS sometime.
Have a few laughs maybe.
and ice cores tell us about the last couple thousand.

Do you know how ice cores are used to approximate historic climate behavior?
I read the paper and watch non Pub propaganda documentaries, and am not a hater dupe tin foiler.

You didn't answer the question. Do you know how ice cores are used to approximate historic climate behavior?
I did at the time. Google it. You do have the world's greatest research machine in front of you, right? I'm not your mother ferchrissake.
We DO know that CO2 absorbs energy and that its concentration has been going up since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. In light of the Law of Conservation of Energy, what's happening to the extra absorbed energy, if not to heat up the earth? It has to be going somewhere or doing something. It doesn't just disappear

Carbon dioxide is not magical. It doesn't trap heat into an indefinite, perpetual state of suspension in the atmosphere. Heat continues to radiate out of the atmosphere. It's happening right now, this very moment. And it will continue to happen.

Here's a Jeopardy clue you should find interesting: The gas that causes 75% of the total greenhouse effect.
and ice cores tell us about the last couple thousand.

Do you know how ice cores are used to approximate historic climate behavior?
I read the paper and watch non Pub propaganda documentaries, and am not a hater dupe tin foiler.

You didn't answer the question. Do you know how ice cores are used to approximate historic climate behavior?
I did at the time. Google it. You do have the world's greatest research machine in front of you, right? I'm not your mother ferchrissake.

So you don't know. You invoke ice cores as evidence, but you don't actually know how they're used. That pretty much demonstrates the [lack of] validity of anything you have to say on the subject.
Poor Franco.He must feel like Jor El did when he tried to warn the high council that Krypton was going to explode.
And then it did explode....
Don't worry Franco...History will remember you fondly...
Just like it does for Superman's Dad...
Not worried. The world has gotten this, except for 20% of the US. You're a total ignorant waste of time.

And I thought it would give you a little chuckle....Mr Serious.
You should check out the Big Bang Theory on CBS sometime.
Have a few laughs maybe.
See sig, last line. Pub dupes, above all, aren't serious. What's happened to the country isn't funny.

What's the difference between a germ and a hormone?
Carbon dioxide is not magical. It doesn't trap heat into an indefinite, perpetual state of suspension in the atmosphere. Heat continues to radiate out of the atmosphere. It's happening right now, this very moment. And it will continue to happen.
I know all that, but MORE is still MORE. What's the added energy doing, if not to heat the earth? Answer my question. I'll hardly entertain your question unless you do, except to say that posing it shows you don't have a clue about what's really happening. Look up "positive feedback" sometime and then get back to us.
We DO know that CO2 absorbs energy and that its concentration has been going up since the advent of the Industrial Revolution. In light of the Law of Conservation of Energy, what's happening to the extra absorbed energy, if not to heat up the earth? It has to be going somewhere or doing something. It doesn't just disappear

Carbon dioxide is not magical. It doesn't trap heat into an indefinite, perpetual state of suspension in the atmosphere. Heat continues to radiate out of the atmosphere. It's happening right now, this very moment. And it will continue to happen.

Here's a Jeopardy clue you should find interesting: The gas that causes 75% of the total greenhouse effect.
Oxygen, I suppose(idiot talking point). The problem is a higher percentage of CO2, along with all the other unhealthy elements of fossil fuel burning. Finally under Dems we're getting China etc on board a cleanup instead of BLOCKING for Big Oil.

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