250 Tax Cheats Busted

I don't cheat on my taxes or in any manner. Obviously, silly bimbo does.

That's because you aren't rich enough to qualify for the tax breaks/loopholes the GOP created.

Yet you vote GOP anyways. Stupid American sheep.

Too bad you're not smart enough to start your own business.

You could keep your salary low while maxing out a retirement plan with a hefty match from your company that you pay no taxes on.

then at the end of the year you could give yourself a high 5 or low 6 figure dividend payment that is taxed at a lower rate than regular income and that you don't have to pay social security or payroll taxes on.

It's good to own your own business. Too bad for you though.
I don't cheat on my taxes or in any manner. Obviously, silly bimbo does.

That's because you aren't rich enough to qualify for the tax breaks/loopholes the GOP created.

Yet you vote GOP anyways. Stupid American sheep.

Too bad you're not smart enough to start your own business.

You could keep your salary low while maxing out a retirement plan with a hefty match from your company that you pay no taxes on.

then at the end of the year you could give yourself a high 5 or low 6 figure dividend payment that is taxed at a lower rate than regular income and that you don't have to pay social security or payroll taxes on.

It's good to own your own business. Too bad for you though.

That's why I'm glad the labor party won. You guys don't value labor. You think the business owners should be the only ones making money. And you think the Nobles need not pay taxes too.

That's why America and unions came to be in the first place.

1. There is no such thing as a "free market."

2. The "middle class" is the creation of government intervention in the marketplace, and won't exist without it (as millions of Americans and Europeans are discovering).

The conservative belief in "free markets" is a bit like the Catholic Church's insistence that the Earth was at the center of the Solar System in the Twelfth Century. It's widely believed by those in power, those who challenge it are branded heretics and ridiculed, and it is wrong.

In actual fact, there is no such thing as a "free market." Markets are the creation of government.

Governments provide a stable currency to make markets possible. They provide a legal infrastructure and court systems to enforce the contracts that make markets possible. They provide educated workforces through public education, and those workers show up at their places of business after traveling on public roads, rails, or airways provided by government. Businesses that use the "free market" are protected by police and fire departments provided by government, and send their communications - from phone to fax to internet - over lines that follow public rights-of-way maintained and protected by government.

And, most important, the rules of the game of business are defined by government. Any sports fan can tell you that football, baseball, or hockey without rules and referees would be a mess. Similarly, business without rules won't work.

Which explains why conservative economics wiped out the middle class during the period from 1880 to 1932, and why, when Reagan again began applying conservative economics, the middle class again began to vanish in America in the 1980s - a process that has dramatically picked up steam under George W. Bush.

The conservative mantra is "let the market decide." But there is no market independent of government, so what they're really saying is, "Stop corporations from defending workers and building a middle class, and let the corporations decide how much to pay for labor and how to trade." This is, at best, destructive to national and international economies, and, at worst, destructive to democracy itself.

Markets are a creation of government, just as corporations exist only by authorization of government. Governments set the rules of the market. And, since our government is of, by, and for We The People, those rules have historically been set to first maximize the public good resulting from people doing business.

If you want to play the game of business, we've said in the US since 1784 (when Tench Coxe got the first tariffs passed "to protect domestic industries") then you have to play in a way that both makes you money AND serves the public interest.

Which requires us to puncture the second balloon of popular belief. The "middle class" is not the natural result of freeing business to do whatever it wants, of "free and open markets," or of "free trade." The "middle class" is not a normal result of "free markets." Those policies will produce a small but powerful wealthy class, a small "middle" mercantilist class, and a huge and terrified worker class which have traditionally been called "serfs."

The middle class is a new invention of liberal democracies, the direct result of governments defining the rules of the game of business. It is, quite simply, an artifact of government regulation of markets and tax laws.

When government sets the rules of the game of business in such a way that working people must receive a living wage, labor has the power to organize into unions just as capital can organize into corporations, and domestic industries are protected from overseas competition, a middle class will emerge. When government gives up these functions, the middle class vanishes and we return to the Dickens-era "normal" form of totally free market conservative economics where the rich get richer while the working poor are kept in a constant state of fear and anxiety so the cost of their labor will always be cheap.

When conservatives rail in the media of the dangers of "returning to Smoot Hawley, which created the Great Depression," all they do is reveal their ignorance of economics and history. The Smoot-Hawley tariff legislation, which increased taxes on some imported goods by a third to two-thirds to protect American industries, was signed into law on June 17, 1930, well into the Great Depression. In the following two years, international trade dropped from 6 percent of GNP to roughly 2 percent of GNP (between 1930 and 1932), but most of that was the result of the depression going worldwide, not Smoot-Hawley. The main result of Smoot-Hawley was that American businesses now had strong financial incentives to do business with other American companies, rather than bring in products made with cheaper foreign labor: Americans started trading with other Americans.

Smoot-Hawley "protectionist" legislation did not cause the Great Depression, and while it may have had a slight short-term negative effect on the economy ("1.4 percent at most" according to many historians) its long-term effect was to bring American jobs back to America.

The fact that the "marketplace" was an artifact of government activity was well known to our Founders. As Thomas Jefferson said in an 1803 letter to David Williams, "The greatest evils of populous society have ever appeared to me to spring from the vicious distribution of its members among the occupations... But when, by a blind concourse, particular occupations are ruinously overcharged and others left in want of hands, the national authorities can do much towards restoring the equilibrium."

And the "national authorities," in Jefferson's mind, should be the Congress, as he wrote in a series of answers to the French politician de Meusnier in 1786: "The commerce of the States cannot be regulated to the best advantage but by a single body, and no body so proper as Congress."

Of course, there were conservatives (like Hamilton and Adams) in Jefferson's time, too, who took exception, thinking that the trickle-down theory that had dominated feudal Europe for ten centuries was a stable and healthy form of governance. Jefferson took exception, in an 1809 letter to members of his Democratic Republican Party (now called the Democratic Party): "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."

But, conservatives say, government is the problem, not the solution.

Of course, they can't explain how it was that the repeated series of huge tax cuts for the wealthy by the Herbert Hoover administration brought us the Great Depression, while raising taxes to provide for an active and interventionist government to protect the rights of labor to organize throughout the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s led us to the Golden Age of the American Middle Class. (The top tax rate in 1930 under Hoover was 25 percent, and even that was only paid by about a fifth of wealthy Americans. Thirty years later, the top tax rate was 91 percent, and held at 70 percent until Reagan began dismantling the middle class. As the top rate dropped, so did the middle class it helped create.)

Thomas Jefferson pointed out, in an 1816 letter to William H. Crawford, "Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association." He also pointed out in that letter that some people - and businesses - would prefer that government not play referee to the game of business, not fix rules that protect labor or provide for the protection of the commons and the public good.

We must, Jefferson wrote to Crawford, "...say to all [such] individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens [like corporations], on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease."

Most of the Founders advocated - and all ultimately passed - tariffs to protect domestic industries and workers. Seventy years later, Abraham Lincoln actively stood up for the right for labor to organize, intervening in several strikes to stop corporations and local governments from using hired goon squads to beat and murder strikers.

But conservative economics - the return of ancient feudalism - rose up after Lincoln's death and reigned through the Gilded Age, creating both great wealth and a huge population of what today we call the "working poor." American reaction to these disparities gave birth to the Populist, Progressive, and modern Labor movements. Two generations later, Franklin Roosevelt brought us out of Herbert Hoover's conservative-economics-produced Great Depression and bequeathed us with more than a half-century of prosperity.

But now the conservatives are back in the driver's seat, and heading us back toward feudalism and serfdom (and possibly another Great Depression).

Only a return to liberal economic policies - a return to We The People again setting and enforcing the rules of the game of business - will reverse this dangerous trend. We've done it before, with tariffs, anti-trust legislation, and worker protections ranging from enforcing the rights of organized labor to restricting American companies' access to cheap foreign labor through visas and tariffs. The result was the production of something never before seen in history: a strong and vibrant middle class.

If the remnants of that modern middle class are to survive - and grow - we must learn the lessons of the past and return to the policies that in the 1780s and the late 1930s brought this nation back from the brink of economic disaster.
I don't cheat on my taxes or in any manner. Obviously, silly bimbo does.

That's because you aren't rich enough to qualify for the tax breaks/loopholes the GOP created.

Yet you vote GOP anyways. Stupid American sheep.
ah, so bobo the moron thinks that because the "rich" have loop holes, its ok for him to cheat on his taxes

hey sealy,

i am curious .... what loopholes do the rich have that the not so rich don't have.....give me three.....

also....all this money the corporations have left over that isn't taxed....where does it go....
That's because you aren't rich enough to qualify for the tax breaks/loopholes the GOP created.

Yet you vote GOP anyways. Stupid American sheep.
ah, so bobo the moron thinks that because the "rich" have loop holes, its ok for him to cheat on his taxes

hey sealy,

i am curious .... what loopholes do the rich have that the not so rich don't have.....give me three.....

also....all this money the corporations have left over that isn't taxed....where does it go....

Why do you need three?

I already gave you UBS. That's one.

How about

According to a report released today by a US Senate committee investigation, several of them are apparently involved in an elaborate scheme of tax evasion.

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., UBS AG and Merrill Lynch & Co. are among Wall Street firms that concocted derivatives and stock-loan deals to help offshore hedge funds dodge hundreds of millions of dollars in US taxes, according to the report by the US Senate Homeland Security subcommittee on permanent investigations.

domain-b.com : US Senate committee charges top Wall Street firms for tax evasion

That's two.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | U.S. | Reuters

That's 3.

Why don't you tell me where that untaxed money goes. To the CEO? We are seeing that all these companies took a loss last year. Well maybe if they added in all the money they are hiding in Switzerland, maybe they made a profit. But lets say they didn't. So then the CEO who's company took a loss gets a $20 billion dollar bonus.

That's where the money goes. To them and the VP's.

It certainly isn't going into operations or wage increases. Or are you going to say healthcare? Then lets socialize healthcare! LOL. Great argument.
That's because you aren't rich enough to qualify for the tax breaks/loopholes the GOP created.

Yet you vote GOP anyways. Stupid American sheep.
ah, so bobo the moron thinks that because the "rich" have loop holes, its ok for him to cheat on his taxes

hey sealy,

i am curious .... what loopholes do the rich have that the not so rich don't have.....give me three.....

also....all this money the corporations have left over that isn't taxed....where does it go....

And hey Manu, look at who helped those offshore companies dodge those taxes.

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., UBS AG and Merrill Lynch & Co. are among Wall Street firms that concocted derivatives and stock-loan deals to help offshore hedge funds dodge hundreds of millions of dollars in US taxes

Can you fucking believe it? Those are the bankers that got the $750 billion bail out!!!

No fucking way. They cleaned up the last 8 years. No way they ran out of money, unless it was on purpose.

So you ask me where the money went? I don't know. No one knows. Do you?

So the tax cheats for the last 8 years are the ones that ended up needing to be bailed out?

Is anyone buying that? They raped us!!! Thank God the Dems are here to stop the bleeding. The GOP set it up so they could rape us. And you defended them.

Are you still defending them?

Do you still think Freddy/Fanny took the economy down? Then God help us, because you are never going to wake up.
ah, so bobo the moron thinks that because the "rich" have loop holes, its ok for him to cheat on his taxes

hey sealy,

i am curious .... what loopholes do the rich have that the not so rich don't have.....give me three.....

also....all this money the corporations have left over that isn't taxed....where does it go....

Why do you need three?

I already gave you UBS. That's one.

How about

According to a report released today by a US Senate committee investigation, several of them are apparently involved in an elaborate scheme of tax evasion.

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., UBS AG and Merrill Lynch & Co. are among Wall Street firms that concocted derivatives and stock-loan deals to help offshore hedge funds dodge hundreds of millions of dollars in US taxes, according to the report by the US Senate Homeland Security subcommittee on permanent investigations.

domain-b.com : US Senate committee charges top Wall Street firms for tax evasion

That's two.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | U.S. | Reuters

That's 3.

Why don't you tell me where that untaxed money goes. To the CEO? We are seeing that all these companies took a loss last year. Well maybe if they added in all the money they are hiding in Switzerland, maybe they made a profit. But lets say they didn't. So then the CEO who's company took a loss gets a $20 billion dollar bonus.

That's where the money goes. To them and the VP's.

It certainly isn't going into operations or wage increases. Or are you going to say healthcare? Then lets socialize healthcare! LOL. Great argument.
those are corporations
the PEOPLE that own them are what you call the rich, they pay taxes on the INCOME they get from those corporations
so, why should corp income be taxed twice?
hey sealy,

i am curious .... what loopholes do the rich have that the not so rich don't have.....give me three.....

also....all this money the corporations have left over that isn't taxed....where does it go....

Why do you need three?

I already gave you UBS. That's one.

How about

According to a report released today by a US Senate committee investigation, several of them are apparently involved in an elaborate scheme of tax evasion.

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., UBS AG and Merrill Lynch & Co. are among Wall Street firms that concocted derivatives and stock-loan deals to help offshore hedge funds dodge hundreds of millions of dollars in US taxes, according to the report by the US Senate Homeland Security subcommittee on permanent investigations.

domain-b.com : US Senate committee charges top Wall Street firms for tax evasion

That's two.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | U.S. | Reuters

That's 3.

Why don't you tell me where that untaxed money goes. To the CEO? We are seeing that all these companies took a loss last year. Well maybe if they added in all the money they are hiding in Switzerland, maybe they made a profit. But lets say they didn't. So then the CEO who's company took a loss gets a $20 billion dollar bonus.

That's where the money goes. To them and the VP's.

It certainly isn't going into operations or wage increases. Or are you going to say healthcare? Then lets socialize healthcare! LOL. Great argument.
those are corporations
the PEOPLE that own them are what you call the rich, they pay taxes on the INCOME they get from those corporations
so, why should corp income be taxed twice?

No, the UBS tax dodgers are different than the Lehman & Merrill Lynch scheme that was uncovered last year. And the "most US companies don't pay any taxes" is a different scam too.

See, and you guys get mad at me when I call corporations "the rich". Now you agree they are one and the same.

They are usually one and the same, but not always one and the same.

How many times are you taxed? They tax you when you get paid, then when you buy something and if you invest and make a profit, they tax that too. Then when you die they tax you.
Why do you need three?

I already gave you UBS. That's one.

How about

According to a report released today by a US Senate committee investigation, several of them are apparently involved in an elaborate scheme of tax evasion.

Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., UBS AG and Merrill Lynch & Co. are among Wall Street firms that concocted derivatives and stock-loan deals to help offshore hedge funds dodge hundreds of millions of dollars in US taxes, according to the report by the US Senate Homeland Security subcommittee on permanent investigations.

domain-b.com : US Senate committee charges top Wall Street firms for tax evasion

That's two.

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes

Study says most corporations pay no U.S. income taxes | U.S. | Reuters

That's 3.

Why don't you tell me where that untaxed money goes. To the CEO? We are seeing that all these companies took a loss last year. Well maybe if they added in all the money they are hiding in Switzerland, maybe they made a profit. But lets say they didn't. So then the CEO who's company took a loss gets a $20 billion dollar bonus.

That's where the money goes. To them and the VP's.

It certainly isn't going into operations or wage increases. Or are you going to say healthcare? Then lets socialize healthcare! LOL. Great argument.
those are corporations
the PEOPLE that own them are what you call the rich, they pay taxes on the INCOME they get from those corporations
so, why should corp income be taxed twice?

No, the UBS tax dodgers are different than the Lehman & Merrill Lynch scheme that was uncovered last year. And the "most US companies don't pay any taxes" is a different scam too.

See, and you guys get mad at me when I call corporations "the rich". Now you agree they are one and the same.

They are usually one and the same, but not always one and the same.

How many times are you taxed? They tax you when you get paid, then when you buy something and if you invest and make a profit, they tax that too. Then when you die they tax you.
no bobo, i said what you CALL "the rich"
this proves what a moron you really are
those are corporations
the PEOPLE that own them are what you call the rich, they pay taxes on the INCOME they get from those corporations
so, why should corp income be taxed twice?

No, the UBS tax dodgers are different than the Lehman & Merrill Lynch scheme that was uncovered last year. And the "most US companies don't pay any taxes" is a different scam too.

See, and you guys get mad at me when I call corporations "the rich". Now you agree they are one and the same.

They are usually one and the same, but not always one and the same.

How many times are you taxed? They tax you when you get paid, then when you buy something and if you invest and make a profit, they tax that too. Then when you die they tax you.
no bobo, i said what you CALL "the rich"
this proves what a moron you really are

i just had this conversation with a stupid girl here at work. Are you as dumb as she is? She said she was rich. :cuckoo:

If you go to work to live, then you are not rich.

If you don't have to work because your money makes enough interest that you don't have to go to work, then you are rich.
No, the UBS tax dodgers are different than the Lehman & Merrill Lynch scheme that was uncovered last year. And the "most US companies don't pay any taxes" is a different scam too.

See, and you guys get mad at me when I call corporations "the rich". Now you agree they are one and the same.

They are usually one and the same, but not always one and the same.

How many times are you taxed? They tax you when you get paid, then when you buy something and if you invest and make a profit, they tax that too. Then when you die they tax you.
no bobo, i said what you CALL "the rich"
this proves what a moron you really are

i just had this conversation with a stupid girl here at work. Are you as dumb as she is? She said she was rich. :cuckoo:

If you go to work to live, then you are not rich.

If you don't have to work because your money makes enough interest that you don't have to go to work, then you are rich.
do you not understand that a lot of people that go to work every day also invest in corps

you just proved once again that you are a moron
and the girl you work with, is a lot smarter than you
no bobo, i said what you CALL "the rich"
this proves what a moron you really are

i just had this conversation with a stupid girl here at work. Are you as dumb as she is? She said she was rich. :cuckoo:

If you go to work to live, then you are not rich.

If you don't have to work because your money makes enough interest that you don't have to go to work, then you are rich.
do you not understand that a lot of people that go to work every day also invest in corps

you just proved once again that you are a moron
and the girl you work with, is a lot smarter than you

YOu didn't get what I meant, because you have a tiny little conservative mind. I'll clarify.

Do you have to go to work this week? How about this year? How about this decade?

If you can't take the decade off because you need the money, then you should be voting democratic. If you can take 10 years off and still maintain your lifestyle because you have that much money, then you should vote Republican.

Now if you are on welfare and that's why you can take a decade off, that doesn't count.

Anyways, you continue to vote GOP because of things like Abortion. Go for it. Sooner or later, you won't be able to afford a kid, so even though you want to have kids, you'll have to get an illegal abortion because you just can't afford to have children.

Unless, and this might be a good idea for you, unless you let the corporations completely enslave you. Then you don't have to worry about it. They'll own you and your kids. And you don't have to worry about things like owning a home. They corporations will set up a little villiage for you and your family to live. And you wont' have to worry about gas prices either, because you won't own a car. And your kids won't have to worry about going to school, because America is just a service country now. We don't make anything, so we don't need engineers. And we won't need a lot of lawyers because slaves can't sue each other. We'll just let the corporations decide how good your quality of life is.

What we won't do is let government but in, because we all know they are the enemy. Right? :cuckoo:
i just had this conversation with a stupid girl here at work. Are you as dumb as she is? She said she was rich. :cuckoo:

If you go to work to live, then you are not rich.

If you don't have to work because your money makes enough interest that you don't have to go to work, then you are rich.
do you not understand that a lot of people that go to work every day also invest in corps

you just proved once again that you are a moron
and the girl you work with, is a lot smarter than you

YOu didn't get what I meant, because you have a tiny little conservative mind. I'll clarify.

Do you have to go to work this week? How about this year? How about this decade?

If you can't take the decade off because you need the money, then you should be voting democratic. If you can take 10 years off and still maintain your lifestyle because you have that much money, then you should vote Republican.

Now if you are on welfare and that's why you can take a decade off, that doesn't count.

Anyways, you continue to vote GOP because of things like Abortion. Go for it. Sooner or later, you won't be able to afford a kid, so even though you want to have kids, you'll have to get an illegal abortion because you just can't afford to have children.

Unless, and this might be a good idea for you, unless you let the corporations completely enslave you. Then you don't have to worry about it. They'll own you and your kids. And you don't have to worry about things like owning a home. They corporations will set up a little villiage for you and your family to live. And you wont' have to worry about gas prices either, because you won't own a car. And your kids won't have to worry about going to school, because America is just a service country now. We don't make anything, so we don't need engineers. And we won't need a lot of lawyers because slaves can't sue each other. We'll just let the corporations decide how good your quality of life is.

What we won't do is let government but in, because we all know they are the enemy. Right? :cuckoo:
what a fucking moronic rant
you are totally insane
do you not understand that a lot of people that go to work every day also invest in corps

you just proved once again that you are a moron
and the girl you work with, is a lot smarter than you

YOu didn't get what I meant, because you have a tiny little conservative mind. I'll clarify.

Do you have to go to work this week? How about this year? How about this decade?

If you can't take the decade off because you need the money, then you should be voting democratic. If you can take 10 years off and still maintain your lifestyle because you have that much money, then you should vote Republican.

Now if you are on welfare and that's why you can take a decade off, that doesn't count.

Anyways, you continue to vote GOP because of things like Abortion. Go for it. Sooner or later, you won't be able to afford a kid, so even though you want to have kids, you'll have to get an illegal abortion because you just can't afford to have children.

Unless, and this might be a good idea for you, unless you let the corporations completely enslave you. Then you don't have to worry about it. They'll own you and your kids. And you don't have to worry about things like owning a home. They corporations will set up a little villiage for you and your family to live. And you wont' have to worry about gas prices either, because you won't own a car. And your kids won't have to worry about going to school, because America is just a service country now. We don't make anything, so we don't need engineers. And we won't need a lot of lawyers because slaves can't sue each other. We'll just let the corporations decide how good your quality of life is.

What we won't do is let government but in, because we all know they are the enemy. Right? :cuckoo:
what a fucking moronic rant
you are totally insane

I'm smiling right now. Know why? The liberals on this site are kicking your conservative asses.

You can suggest I'm insane, but are all of them too? They're just a little more tolerant of your stupid ass. :lol:
YOu didn't get what I meant, because you have a tiny little conservative mind. I'll clarify.

Do you have to go to work this week? How about this year? How about this decade?

If you can't take the decade off because you need the money, then you should be voting democratic. If you can take 10 years off and still maintain your lifestyle because you have that much money, then you should vote Republican.

Now if you are on welfare and that's why you can take a decade off, that doesn't count.

Anyways, you continue to vote GOP because of things like Abortion. Go for it. Sooner or later, you won't be able to afford a kid, so even though you want to have kids, you'll have to get an illegal abortion because you just can't afford to have children.

Unless, and this might be a good idea for you, unless you let the corporations completely enslave you. Then you don't have to worry about it. They'll own you and your kids. And you don't have to worry about things like owning a home. They corporations will set up a little villiage for you and your family to live. And you wont' have to worry about gas prices either, because you won't own a car. And your kids won't have to worry about going to school, because America is just a service country now. We don't make anything, so we don't need engineers. And we won't need a lot of lawyers because slaves can't sue each other. We'll just let the corporations decide how good your quality of life is.

What we won't do is let government but in, because we all know they are the enemy. Right? :cuckoo:
what a fucking moronic rant
you are totally insane

I'm smiling right now. Know why? The liberals on this site are kicking your conservative asses.

You can suggest I'm insane, but are all of them too? They're just a little more tolerant of your stupid ass. :lol:
LOL no one is kicking my ass, moron
you only think it is because you dont know that i'm laughing my ass off at all of you fools
what a fucking moronic rant
you are totally insane

I'm smiling right now. Know why? The liberals on this site are kicking your conservative asses.

You can suggest I'm insane, but are all of them too? They're just a little more tolerant of your stupid ass. :lol:
LOL no one is kicking my ass, moron
you only think it is because you dont know that i'm laughing my ass off at all of you fools

And how come this story isn't front page news? Plus, I take back the 250 tax cheats thing. Now it is 52,000 accounts.

No wonder we are going bankrupt!

You republicans are god damn fools!!! Nobles need not pay taxes!!! Fucking retards.

Battle over UBS secret accounts is before US court
By CURT ANDERSON – 3 hours ago

MIAMI (AP) — The Internal Revenue Service should quickly gain access to the secret accounts of 52,000 wealthy Americans at Swiss bank UBS AG to stop continuing tax evasion, U.S. lawyers told a federal judge.

"The United States does not believe justice is served by delay," said Justice Department tax attorney Stuart Gibson in court papers filed Friday. "Delay serves the cause of those U.S. taxpayers who continue to hide behind the actions" of the bank.

U.S. District Judge Alan S. Gold scheduled a hearing Monday to begin sorting through the IRS lawsuit. UBS claims that turning over the account names — possibly in a matter of weeks — would violate Swiss privacy law and jeopardize the bank's license to stay in business. UBS wants Gold to slow down the process.

"Such violations would expose these (UBS) employees to substantial prison terms, as well as fines, penalties and other sanctions," the UBS lawyers said in a Friday court filing. "There is simply no reason to have, nor equity in having, such an expedited process here."

The IRS last week asked Gold to enforce so-called "John Doe summonses" seeking information about the 52,000 accounts that hold an estimated $14.8 billion in assets. The lawsuit was accompanied by dozens of internal UBS e-mails, memos and other material that the IRS contends shows a systematic, long-term scheme by bank employees to help wealthy Americans evade U.S. income taxes.

The lawsuit followed by one day an agreement in which the Justice Department would defer criminal prosecution of UBS in exchange for the identities of up to 300 U.S. customers and payment by the bank of $780 million. That deal did not cover the much broader list of 52,000 names now sought by the IRS, but both sides knew the U.S. would ask for them.

UBS "knew this day was coming, and it knew this day would come sooner, rather than later," Gibson said.

Another Miami federal judge in July 2008 approved the summonses seeking the account information, but UBS never complied. The new lawsuit asks Gold to enforce that earlier ruling, first by issuing an order requiring UBS to "show cause" why it has not done so.

Federal prosecutors in Miami previously charged a senior UBS executive, Raoul Weill, with conspiring to defraud the U.S. by helping American customers conceal some $20 billion from the IRS. Weill is a fugitive living in Switzerland, but his New York-based attorney has said he is innocent.

A former UBS banker, Bradley Birkenfeld, pleaded guilty last year in Fort Lauderdale to similar fraud conspiracy charges and has been cooperating extensively with U.S. investigators. Birkenfeld has not yet been sentenced.
Those were $100K or $1000 in owed taxes, you schmuck.

Now that we have found these hidden billions, we can now afford the stimulus bill and the Iraq war. We just need to raise their taxes.

I have been telling you that rich people and corporations don't pay enough in taxes, yet you argued.

Corporations love suckers like you. Arrogant, stupid, easily fooled, greedy, lazy, racist. It is easy to convince you that they are the victims.

yeah it's ok if you cheat a little, I get it.

Isn't that also your argument for hiring your illegal immigrant gardner and maid?

No wonder the treasury is empty. You will defend the mega rich till your dying breath.

Leona Helmsley admitted that the rich don't pay taxes.

Do you and I cheat a little? Let me ask you this. Is there any way to cheat on the salary you get from your employer? If you are like most of us, the answer is no. So if any of us cheat "a little", you dumb shit, then it is a fraction of the taxes we pay. So we still pay 99% of our taxes.

Do you understand that these people and corporations are not paying any taxes? Or not enough taxes? Trust me, you and I pay too much, but these rich people are bullshitting you.

If they have $10 million and make 5% interest, that's $500K, correct? They aren't paying any taxes on the $500k? What a bunch of greedy pricks.

Because you go work for 40 hours a week to make peanuts and that money gets taxed to shit???

Makes no sense. I say tax their wealth before you tax our labor.

you're delusional. I never defended anyone hiring illegals.

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