25th Anniversary Of The Illegal NATO Attack On Yugoslavia.

I am English, and the war had nothing to do with Framz bloody Ferdinand, it was about Croat and Bosnian Nationalism encouraged as usual by the usual suspects in the West the same ones who sided with Hitler, the Serbs wanted to keep the Country together

The Country didn't want to be kept together. It was a forced amalgam from the start, held in check only by ruthlessness.
For being an area of mostly White people those Eurotrash countries certainly have a lot of wars, don't they?

The problem the US has is that we just can't help but getting involved in the Eurotrash's wars, can we?
There was no tyranny of the Serbs, Tito was a Croat.

And the Serbs remembered that when Tito went down.

I had friends in high school during the early 90's go over there, Croats, to at minimum help behind the lines, and at worst fight in the war. They didn't want to be in Yugoslavia anymore, which was a creation of Versailles anyway.
Correct, Clinton has a lot of blood on his hands, along with his Islamo fascist pal Izetbegovic he imported thousands of Al Qaeda type Jihadists into Bosnia from places like Saudi Arabia to kill Serbs and anyone else who got in the way in their usual style of hacking heads off.
Evolution in Reverse

The thrill-killing Nazislami who gleefully chopped off the head of writer Daniel Pearl had been a model British citizen before he went to Bosnia and got infected with the subhuman Stone Age cretins' creed.

It reminds of a movie where sailors were transported to the future by the sci-fi lie about The Philadelphia Experiment in 1943. They continually started to decompose back to the time they belonged in. It's the same way with the creatures born into the primitive mindset of Islam, the Religion of Cain.
It was Bill Clinton's plan to distract attention from his peculiar sexual appetite. There were no identified sides in the alleged conflict and NATO had no legitimate targets. The U.S. media overwhelmingly supported the bombing and so did the international media so the slaughter of innocent Yugoslavian farmers with "daisy cutter " bombs was considered to be legitimate. Liberal historians are reluctant to note that the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school in Florida while Clinton was bombing Belgrade.
Oliver North Called Yeltsin "The Butcher of Chechnya"

The "wag the dog theory" was blabbed to distract people from the bipartisan effort to set up the destruction of Russia, Serbia's strongest ally. Don't accept any of those memes from Cold War nostalgics. There's always some underlying reason for what they preach on their totally owned airwaves.

Under Yeltsin, the Russians were too interested in appeasing our bipartisan Deep State's globalist designs, hoping the Neo-Cons and One-World Liberals didn't really intend them as a prelude to strangling Russia.
Oliver North Called Yeltsin "The Butcher of Chechnya"

The "wag the dog theory" was blabbed to distract people from the bipartisan effort to set up the destruction of Russia, Serbia's strongest ally. Don't accept any of those memes from Cold War nostalgics. There's always some underlying reason for what they preach on their totally owned airwaves.

Under Yeltsin, the Russians were too interested in appeasing our bipartisan Deep State's globalist designs, hoping the Neo-Cons and One-World Liberals didn't really intend them as a prelude to strangling Russia.
It doesn't matter what North said but Yeltsin wasn't the target. Clinton's NATO bombers were determined to bomb Yugoslavia into rubble to capture Melosovic and then he died mysteriously while he was in custody before he could testify.
It doesn't matter what North said but Yeltsin wasn't the target. Clinton's NATO bombers were determined to bomb Yugoslavia into rubble to capture Melosovic and then he died mysteriously while he was in custody before he could testify.
No doubt he was murdered through little medical care like Gonzalo Lira, Milosovic was a Lawyer and when he did appear in that Nato court he wiped the floor with the prosecution.
It doesn't matter what North said but Yeltsin wasn't the target. Clinton's NATO bombers were determined to bomb Yugoslavia into rubble to capture Melosovic and then he died mysteriously while he was in custody before he could testify.
Time for a Root Canal on the Deep State Coalition

North's glowbully handlers ordered him to demonize the Russian president. The same source ordered Clinton to devastate Serbia and ordered Bush, Jr., to occupy Afghanistan as an outpost against Russia.
Time for a Root Canal on the Deep State Coalition

North's glowbully handlers ordered him to demonize the Russian president. The same source ordered Clinton to devastate Serbia and ordered Bush, Jr., to occupy Afghanistan as an outpost against Russia.
It doesn't matter what North said. Bill Clinton went to his socialist friend who was the current NATO leader and authorized U.S. planes to indiscriminately bomb a defenseless country while 9-11 terrorists were in freaking flight school in Florida.
"It is a tragic mistake" by Thomas L. Friedman from an interview with George Kennan in 1998
-"I think it is the beginning of a new cold war. I think the Russians will gradually react quite adversely and it will affect their policies.
-"Expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era. NATO, by its very nature, is threatening to Russia. "
-"I was particularly bothered by the references to Russia as a country drying to attack Western Europe. Don't people understand? Our differences in the Cold War were with the Soviet Communist regime. And now we are turning our backs on the very people, who mounted the greatest bloodless revolution in history to remove that Soviet regime."
-"Of course there is going to be a bad reaction from Russia, and then (the NATO expanders) will say that we always told you that is how the Russians are - but this is just wrong."-
-As he said goodbye, Kennan added just one more thing: "This has been my life, and it pains me to see it so screwed up in the end."

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