26% of Obama voters consider Tea Party and Libertarians a Terrorist Threat!


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
Plug into the Hive Mind!

26% of Obama Supporters View Tea Party as Nation?s Top Terror Threat - Rasmussen Reports?

Yea a threat to their free stuff, food stamps, Obama phones, etc....etc....

"If we don't segregate those radical Constitutionalists, they'll annihilate your way of life, your food stamps, your social security, your phones, your... Contact the police immediately if you know of any of these dangerous radicals, $5,000 reward and free gas for a year."

One year later:

"Insane and traitorous militia groups and treasonous military deserters have broken down the walls and freed tens of thousand of Constitutionalists from the FEMA camps. We must exterminate all that remain wiithin the camps before they are freed and roam and ravage, rape and pillage the nation and threaten your free food, housing, cars, social security..."

One year later:

"The stinking Constitutionalists have been eliminated, but our country still suffers from starvation, poverty, extreme debt and mental illnesses and high prison volume. Obviously these N*G**R inmates are bankrupting the country, they must be terminated."

One year later:

"The Constitutionalists and the N*G**Rs are extinct, but our country still suffers from poverty and starvation, and is costing the nation too much money. We must round up the poor who are a blight on our nation so we can take care of them far more cheaply in the FEMA camps.

One year later:
"Our nation still suffers from debt, we must enact the Final Solution, we must euthanize the poor in the FEMA camps, it is best for them, put them out of their misery, look at POLLS from inside the camps, most of them prefer to die. We must do the right thing."
That's it? I would have expected it higher consider the rhetoric around the nation.

BTW what's your purporse of being here? it sems like you arent as interesting in discussing things as you are about showing yourself to be better than those on the so called lef.t
26%? Are we supposed to get excited about that? Sounds low compared to the %age of RWs who think libs are a terrorist threat? If you want to talk "justification", let's start there.
26%. That would be liberals.
The rest of Obama supporters couldn't tell you which state Miami is in, the only location they are concerned about is where they get their government handouts at.
That's it? I would have expected it higher consider the rhetoric around the nation.

BTW what's your purporse of being here? it sems like you arent as interesting in discussing things as you are about showing yourself to be better than those on the so called lef.t

I put it up here so we can discuss.

Btw, these 26% consider us a greater threat than Al Qaeda.
All libs are a threat. Some are terrorist threats some are clandestine threats.
That's it? I would have expected it higher consider the rhetoric around the nation.

BTW what's your purporse of being here? it sems like you arent as interesting in discussing things as you are about showing yourself to be better than those on the so called lef.t

I put it up here so we can discuss.

Btw, these 26% consider us a greater threat than Al Qaeda.

The truth is a threat to those who teach lies. Much moreso than another group that teach lies.

Besides, Robbers stick together.
26%? Are we supposed to get excited about that? Sounds low compared to the %age of RWs who think libs are a terrorist threat? If you want to talk "justification", let's start there.

What? I dont think of liberals a terroist threat, just folks that want free stuff and to lazy to get a job and try....
Our own freaking excuses for "intelligence" seem to think that little old ladies in wheel chairs and little girls are terrorist threats while the Russian terrorists were ignored and blew up the Boston Marathon. There is something seriously mental about the whole administration.
26%? Are we supposed to get excited about that? Sounds low compared to the %age of RWs who think libs are a terrorist threat? If you want to talk "justification", let's start there.

What? I dont think of liberals a terroist threat, just folks that want free stuff and to lazy to get a job and try....

I don't see how liberals will ever be a threat, they disarmed themselves. They could act as citizen spies for rewards (if shit hits the fan), but that's really it. You'd have to learn how to avoid them, or do what the Jews in the forests (Beilski Partisans) did to deal with Nazi citizen spies.

The Bielski Partisans were an organization of Jewish partisans who rescued Jews from extermination and fought against the Nazi German occupiers and their collaborators in the vicinity of Nowogródek (Navahrudak) and Lida in German-occupied Poland (now western Belarus). They are named after the Bielskis, a family of Polish Jews who led the organization.

Under their protection, 1,236 Jews survived the war, making it one of many remarkable rescue missions in the Holocaust.[1] The group spent more than two years living in the forests and was initially organised by members of the Bielski family.

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