26 yr old NYPD cop shot in head

New York is getting exactly what they deserve, they knew what fascist democrats had done to the city and its safety, they knew and they elected an incompetent women as their new governor, and a former police chief who is a liar and a reprobate as mayor!

I can all but guarantee you that this cop voted for Adams and Hochel, just as a rock solid 80-90% of all other city cops did too, that is if they even voted at all!

Tough luck New York, you reap as you sow, fuck them and good riddance to them.... :puke3:
Boise has Colored Folk ?
Micron and Hewlett Packard imported them. A few work for the gubbermint. There never has been many.

Basque is a larger ethnic group there. And be careful talking about raising sheep.

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