270 to Win Presidential Election Simulator shows Obama winning!

Methodology We take current state-by-state polls and turn the results into probabilities. Each simulation picks a winner in each individual state, based on the probabilities for that state. For example, if Romney has a 55% chance of winning Nevada, he will, in the long run, win Nevada in 55% of the simulations conducted. Some uncontested states (e.g., Utah) will always yield the same result. The simulator does not consider the possibility of split electoral votes in Maine or Nebraska.

The simulator is not a predictor of the election. It provides a range of electoral outcomes that are plausible if the election were today, if the state polls were accurate and if each state were a fully independent event. The election is still months away; state polling is still infrequent and may be ‘stale’. While each state is, in theory, a separate election, the reality is that there are usually correlations. For example, if Obama were to win Georgia, he wouldn’t lose Virginia. However, something like that is possible in a given simulation. As a result, this model underplays the likelihood of toss-up states breaking heavily for one candidate.

You will get different results based on polls and methods mentioned above. In every case Obama is shown to win. I suppose if you had nothing better to do than run it dozens of times, it might show Romney winning occasionally. I ran it 28 times and Obama won every time from about 289 to 332 electoral votes.

You do realize that that is a left wing site....right?

the point he is missing is that it's a random generator, with no basis in reality. Yesterday, I ran it dozens of times and got Romney to win about 3-4... today I ran it 10 times and got Romney 6 wins.

Course is lying when he says he ran it hundreds of times and Obama wins every time.
CaféAuLait;6138129 said:
I ran it twice, first time Obama won and the second Romney won.


(In best courseofhistory voice) Liar! You Photoshopped that image! It's obvious.:eusa_whistle:

Republicans on this forum for the most part are disgustingly out of touch like their leader and belittle themselves beyond belief with the terrible language and lack of discussion skills. Carry on!

I just ran the simulator again for today's polls and out of 40 runs (over a period of an hour or so) Obama won every time. So, the lying sack of whale ******** poster doesn't tell the truth! Nothing new there!

Screenshots, or it didnt happen. also provide the assumptions of the simulation.
Republicans on this forum for the most part are disgustingly out of touch like their leader and belittle themselves beyond belief with the terrible language and lack of discussion skills. Carry on!

I just ran the simulator again for today's polls and out of 40 runs (over a period of an hour or so) Obama won every time. So, the lying sack of whale ******** poster doesn't tell the truth! Nothing new there!

you're still a lying sack of whale excrement.:lol:

Can dish it out but can't take it huh? You have to neg me to show your manhood which you probably have a hard time getting up!:eusa_clap::badgrin::badgrin: Does it give you a hard on, asshole?

Maybe because you are a fucking liar?
CaféAuLait;6138129 said:
I ran it twice, first time Obama won and the second Romney won.


(In best courseofhistory voice) Liar! You Photoshopped that image! It's obvious.:eusa_whistle:

You are a true sicko. It is one of the many results I got on the simulation and besides, I don't even know how to photoshop--don't have the patience to learn or the NEED!
CaféAuLait;6138129 said:
I ran it twice, first time Obama won and the second Romney won.


(In best courseofhistory voice) Liar! You Photoshopped that image! It's obvious.:eusa_whistle:

You are a true sicko. It is one of the many results I got on the simulation and besides, I don't even know how to photoshop--don't have the patience to learn or the NEED!

He was not accusing you of photoshopping it, he was saying that you would not believe the results I got and accuse me of such.

RCP Obama 201 Romney 181......

The wheels are coming off.

Of RCP's ability to fudge polls, I agree.

Fact is, on the no-toss up map, it's 294-244- and that's with giving the Weird Mormon Robot Florida, even though they have that as a tie.
CaféAuLait;6138541 said:
(In best courseofhistory voice) Liar! You Photoshopped that image! It's obvious.:eusa_whistle:

You are a true sicko. It is one of the many results I got on the simulation and besides, I don't even know how to photoshop--don't have the patience to learn or the NEED!

He was not accusing you of photoshopping it, he was saying that you would not believe the results I got and accuse me of such.

not the sharpest tool in the shed, is he? :rofl:
Obama will come out swinging next week. Mitt has told all the lies and switched positions as much as he can. The O will regain a substantial lead in the next two weeks.
Obama will come out swinging next week. Mitt has told all the lies and switched positions as much as he can. The O will regain a substantial lead in the next two weeks.

Please quantify substancial lead.

Then be willing to bet on it as you seem to have an exceedingly large mouth.
Obama will come out swinging next week. Mitt has told all the lies and switched positions as much as he can. The O will regain a substantial lead in the next two weeks.

Yep, Just like you told us over and over that Obama would Own Romney in all the Debates. You and all the other libs. Told us Romney was not even in the same League. The Debates were going to be a massacre you said.

You people are delusional. Obama and Biden have told far more lies in the 2 Debates than Romney and Ryan. Obama has nothing he can do but repeat the same lies.

Is he going to site the Princeton study again? LOL

Is he going to repeat Biden's Lies? Like how only people making a Million or more will be hit by His Tax increase?

What is he going to do? Seriously? Romney is not light weight, and you are no fucking Oracle. You proved that by Predicting Obama would own Romney, and now you are just doubling down on stupid.

RCP Obama 201 Romney 181......

The wheels are coming off.

Of RCP's ability to fudge polls, I agree.

Fact is, on the no-toss up map, it's 294-244- and that's with giving the Weird Mormon Robot Florida, even though they have that as a tie.

Wow, RCP does not even do the Polls you idiot. They simply Average Several Major Polls from other groups. They Include Polls like Cnn, Rass, Gallup, Abc, Etc.

To funny
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