$28.34/hr? I'll revise....

The shame of it us that the "they stole it" contingent doesn't have to pass a competency test before they cancel my vote.

They stole it.

How many 15-cent hamburgers can you buy at $28.34/hr minimum wage?

A. None because nobody would be able to hire anybody to cook them.

B. Same number as you could have bought when the minimum wage was $1.25 because the price would be 15-cents multiplied by the rate of increase in minimum wage.

C. None unless you could get them with your food stamps and only then if the preparation and sale of them had been 100% automated as there would be no job for you or for anyone doing menial labor.
Jesus, Henry. That was profound.

Did you EVER do any research on ANYTHING. Or do you simply post conservative DOGMA.

I have researched the subject. A fair amount. And actual impartial sources have a hard time finding the inflation that results from raises in the minimum wage. The increase or decrease in unemployment is found to be near zero, some researchers finding small increases in ue over a short term, others finding slight decreases over a short term.

But you have totally different findings. Findings that I can not find in any impartial source that has the ability to research the data. The only sources that I can find that agree with you are the bat shit crazy con web sites that are so well paid by the wealthy. And you align PERFECTLY with those bat shit crazy sites.

Isn't it so much simpler to post dogma than to actually research something just a little. I mean, 5 minutes of your time (or less) is so much easier than spending an hour or so enlightening yourself. And Ignorance Is Bliss, isn't it, Henry.

Whoops! Looks like that spendy liberal education made a choice between A,B, or C just a tad too confusing. Hope you paid by credit card; you may be able to claim a refund for goods (education) not delivered.
How many 15-cent hamburgers can you buy at $28.34/hr minimum wage?

A. None because nobody would be able to hire anybody to cook them.

B. Same number as you could have bought when the minimum wage was $1.25 because the price would be 15-cents multiplied by the rate of increase in minimum wage.

C. None unless you could get them with your food stamps and only then if the preparation and sale of them had been 100% automated as there would be no job for you or for anyone doing menial labor.
Jesus, Henry. That was profound.

Did you EVER do any research on ANYTHING. Or do you simply post conservative DOGMA.

I have researched the subject. A fair amount. And actual impartial sources have a hard time finding the inflation that results from raises in the minimum wage. The increase or decrease in unemployment is found to be near zero, some researchers finding small increases in ue over a short term, others finding slight decreases over a short term.

But you have totally different findings. Findings that I can not find in any impartial source that has the ability to research the data. The only sources that I can find that agree with you are the bat shit crazy con web sites that are so well paid by the wealthy. And you align PERFECTLY with those bat shit crazy sites.

Isn't it so much simpler to post dogma than to actually research something just a little. I mean, 5 minutes of your time (or less) is so much easier than spending an hour or so enlightening yourself. And Ignorance Is Bliss, isn't it, Henry.

Whoops! Looks like that spendy liberal education made a choice between A,B, or C just a tad too confusing. Hope you paid by credit card; you may be able to claim a refund for goods (education) not delivered.
Thanks for again proving my post. You are a total clown.

Well, perhaps I should appologize. You are not really a clown. Mental illness is not all that funny. And, of course, it shows up in you in the form of massive ignorance. But, of course, all those who are congenital idiots are ignorant. So it is to be expected. And really, me boy, it is not your fault. It is just simple bad luck.

I should never have so inconsiderate as to expect you to post anything of value, or to ever research anything. It is just me being unfair to a congenital idiot.
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We'll leave an opt-out option for those of you that think your not a good as the top 1%.
Can you define "good" for me? If we're talking good as in ability to earn money or skills that are valuable to business then one could make a fair case that most (but not all) who aren't in the top 1% aren't as good.

If you're defining good in the sense of a human being or morality, which granted is quite subjective and impossible to quantify, you'd have a harder time supporting any claim of who is as good or not as good.

Aren't you as good as a 1%er?

We'll leave an opt-out option for those of you that think your not a good as the top 1%.

How much do you pay your housekeeper, landscaper, janitor, or receptionist?

Do you tip the busboy $20 for every hour you spend at a restaurant or bar?

The only place I employ a housekeeper/landscaper is my home in San Diego (Coronado) which is a live-in couple who's combined income is $122k. My homes in Vegas and NYC are pied a terre's that have housekeeping included in the monthly's.

The receptionist is also salaried/BA degree assistant. Salary is $72K.

Janitor's are a contracted couple, about $29.00/hr.

T.I.P.S. - To Insure Prompt Service. I tip a minimum of 50%, and as much as 200% depending on the service. Guess who ALWAYS get a table and NEVER has to wait?

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