$28,500 deposit to Farrok's account two weeks ago

Well go figure....

Enrique Marquez, the neighbor who bought the military-style rifles for Syed Farook was Muslim. He both prayed at the same mosque as family members. An official with the Islamic Center of Corona-Norco, in Corona, Calif., the mosque Syed Farook’s brother Raheel regularly attended, said that Marquez attended the center. Ma studied Islam with Syed Rizwan Farook

Read more at http://iotwreport.com/#zp1bjSekFMVaP2WW.99
Yeah it was a cell.

No no, Islam is a religion of peace. This can't be
I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again.

I have a strong feeling that these folks were on the watch list already, problem is until they do something traceably illegal there isn't a hell of a lot the gov can do to protect us without trampling on American's rights. This is why a number of folks want to shut down immigration and refugee influx (at least until we sort out the vetting system) because once they are legally here, there is pretty much nothing the gov can do until it's too late.

I believe they can detain someone for "suspicion of terrorism" but they can't legally arrest them nor keep them off the streets for it, and of course, the current admin isn't even going to do that because they believe that such things cause ISIS to attack us more, (though I personally disagree with that particular premise.)
No, they're not going to do that because they WANT ISIS to attack us more.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????

Fear has made them even more stupid, and dangerous, than usual.

The Left in this Country are going down the same wrong path as Europe that is getting their citizens killed.
They have turned this into anti-Muslim when in fact it is really about Security of our Citizens.
Security is the number one thing that our Federal Government is suppose to do.
It has nothing to do with being against Muslims.
Didn't hear you calling for any serious changes when that idiot was shooting up Planned Parenthood and killing a cop? And considering that the male in the CA shooting was born here, just how exactly would like the Feds to keep you safe?

Domestic terrorism is not the same as who we are at war with.
They are separate and need to be dealt with separately.
It's complicated and not a very simple solution to either one.
Letting in refugees should be put on hold until we come up with a good solution.
We have done before and we should do it again.
No, they're not going to do that because they WANT ISIS to attack us more.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????

Fear has made them even more stupid, and dangerous, than usual.

The Left in this Country are going down the same wrong path as Europe that is getting their citizens killed.
They have turned this into anti-Muslim when in fact it is really about Security of our Citizens.
Security is the number one thing that our Federal Government is suppose to do.
It has nothing to do with being against Muslims.
Didn't hear you calling for any serious changes when that idiot was shooting up Planned Parenthood and killing a cop? And considering that the male in the CA shooting was born here, just how exactly would like the Feds to keep you safe?

Domestic terrorism is not the same as who we are at war with.
They are separate and need to be dealt with separately.
It's complicated and not a very simple solution to either one.
Letting in refugees should be put on hold until we come up with a good solution.
We have done before and we should do it again.
So, you have no solutions but you want the Feds to close the doors because that makes you feel safer even though the threat is already here and already active. Got it.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????

Fear has made them even more stupid, and dangerous, than usual.

The Left in this Country are going down the same wrong path as Europe that is getting their citizens killed.
They have turned this into anti-Muslim when in fact it is really about Security of our Citizens.
Security is the number one thing that our Federal Government is suppose to do.
It has nothing to do with being against Muslims.
Didn't hear you calling for any serious changes when that idiot was shooting up Planned Parenthood and killing a cop? And considering that the male in the CA shooting was born here, just how exactly would like the Feds to keep you safe?

Domestic terrorism is not the same as who we are at war with.
They are separate and need to be dealt with separately.
It's complicated and not a very simple solution to either one.
Letting in refugees should be put on hold until we come up with a good solution.
We have done before and we should do it again.
So, you have no solutions but you want the Feds to close the doors because that makes you feel safer even though the threat is already here and already active. Got it.
That is the solution when a group declares war on you. Oh...and btw, Jews were never a security risk and never declared war on Germany. It was other way around. You are on the side of the Nazis, . But progressives always are.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????

Fear has made them even more stupid, and dangerous, than usual.

The Left in this Country are going down the same wrong path as Europe that is getting their citizens killed.
They have turned this into anti-Muslim when in fact it is really about Security of our Citizens.
Security is the number one thing that our Federal Government is suppose to do.
It has nothing to do with being against Muslims.
Didn't hear you calling for any serious changes when that idiot was shooting up Planned Parenthood and killing a cop? And considering that the male in the CA shooting was born here, just how exactly would like the Feds to keep you safe?

Domestic terrorism is not the same as who we are at war with.
They are separate and need to be dealt with separately.
It's complicated and not a very simple solution to either one.
Letting in refugees should be put on hold until we come up with a good solution.
We have done before and we should do it again.
So, you have no solutions but you want the Feds to close the doors because that makes you feel safer even though the threat is already here and already active. Got it.

I feel more safe because we have the right to protect ourselves, unlike other countries that won't allow their citizens that right.
No matter what, the Feds and Police can not completely protect us.
Letting more in is not the answer either.
Closing the doors till we find better solutions and answers seems more reasonable and then start letting them in again.
So, you have no solutions but you want the Feds to close the doors because that makes you feel safer even though the threat is already here and already active. Got it.

That's a bit rich coming from you, isn't it? Don't you advocate for stripping Americans of their 2nd amendment rights and taking away all guns in order to ensure "safety"?
Just because a Muslims is born in this country doesn't make him "as American" as everyone else. Followers of such an ideology and supporters of ISIS should have their citizenship stripped and kicked out of the country.

He may not have your belief system, but he is American as Apple Pie. As was John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Bonnie and Clyde and any other crim you care to name.

How can you kick a natural born American out of their own country? It's their country and your problem.
Fine then, throw them in prison them for life for treason.

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