$28,500 deposit to Farrok's account two weeks ago

I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again.

I have a strong feeling that these folks were on the watch list already, problem is until they do something traceably illegal there isn't a hell of a lot the gov can do to protect us without trampling on American's rights. This is why a number of folks want to shut down immigration and refugee influx (at least until we sort out the vetting system) because once they are legally here, there is pretty much nothing the gov can do until it's too late.

I believe they can detain someone for "suspicion of terrorism" but they can't legally arrest them nor keep them off the streets for it, and of course, the current admin isn't even going to do that because they believe that such things cause ISIS to attack us more, (though I personally disagree with that particular premise.)
No, they're not going to do that because they WANT ISIS to attack us more.
This guy and his wife had a very low profile because they were unremarkable. The bank deposit is unremarkable. What is remarkable was his ability to stockpile a huge amount of weapons and ammunition and you stupid freaks are focusing on a paltry deposit in his bank account. Goes to show just how fucking stupid you are
Which is why we should halt all Muslim travel and close their fucking mosques.France Raids Mosques... What They Found Inside Proves TRUMP IS RIGHT!

The husband was born and raised in the US. He's as American as you and anybody else born in that country.
This guy and his wife had a very low profile because they were unremarkable. The bank deposit is unremarkable. What is remarkable was his ability to stockpile a huge amount of weapons and ammunition and you stupid freaks are focusing on a paltry deposit in his bank account. Goes to show just how fucking stupid you are
Which is why we should halt all Muslim travel and close their fucking mosques.France Raids Mosques... What They Found Inside Proves TRUMP IS RIGHT!

The husband was born and raised in the US. He's as American as you and anybody else born in that country.

Just because a Muslims is born in this country doesn't make him "as American" as everyone else. Followers of such an ideology and supporters of ISIS should have their citizenship stripped and kicked out of the country.
Any deposit over 10K is automatically reported, who didn't catch this? Most certainly if he was known to be in contact with people suspected of terrorism

Bank records show $28,500 deposit to Syed Farook's account two weeks before the shooting, source says

A $28,500 deposit was made to Syed Farook’s bank account from WebBank.com on or about Nov.18, some two weeks before he and his wife Tashfeen Malik carried out the San Bernardino massacre, a source close to the investigation told Fox News Monday.

Investigators are exploring whether the transaction was a loan taken out by Farook, who with his wife killed 14 and wounded 21 when they opened fire at a holiday lunch. He earned $53,000 a year with the county as an environmental health inspector.

On its website, the Utah-headquartered WebBank.com describes itself as “a leading provider of national consumer and commercial private-label and bank card financing programs” on a nationwide basis

On or about Nov.20, Fox News is told Farook converted $10,000 to cash, and withdrew the money at a Union Bank branch in San Bernardino. Afterwards, in the days before the shooting, there were at least three transfers of $5,000 that appear to be to Farook’s mother.

Bank records show $28,500 deposit to Syed Farook's account two weeks before the shooting, source says | Fox News

If the FBI spent less resources tracking and prosecuting patriotic whistleblowers and low level hackers and dedicate more time on the real threats maybe they could connect these dots before tragedy instead of releasing these factoids slowly afterwards. They realease facts slowly in hopes the public doesn't connect the dots about how much the FBI knew before these events.
^ I can agree with that, they don't want to get raged at. Thing is, they're a bit tied unless the suspicious person actually does something illegal. Which might be a vein of "security law" we end up in if we have another terrorist attack... Like I could reasonably see an upgrade in what they can do with suspicious folks - like in this case, if one is frequenting ISIS propaganda websites they get their visa status revoked.

The money bit isn't going anywhere though honestly, I mean I deposited a check for $20k earlier this month myself. It was from Edward Jones so probably not very suspicious in the terrorist division, but my point is it happens more often than you might think so really I don't think the FBI's investigating every instance of a $10k + deposit, or perhaps I should say, if they /are/ checking every single instance then they're wasting their resources. They need to have some automated software to check the deposit of large sums against something else - presumably they already check against their "watch list" (but perhaps more is needed to get folks on said watch list for such a check?)

Just FYI, this kind of stuff is kind of exactly what most of us asking for a temporary hold until we get some stuff sorted out regarding refugees and immigrants are talking about. It's not about racism like the haters are pushing at all. It's more like not leaving the house until we've made sure all the kids have their seat belts on, or perhaps not buying an expensive item until we read up on it is a better analogy. This is not about being "afraid" or "racist" for most of us - it's about not buying a 1996-2000 Subaru with a 2.5i engine because there was a defective head gasket that gives out consistently at around 30,000 miles and will require a $2500 rebuild of the engine...

Homework - we need to do some.
Just because a Muslims is born in this country doesn't make him "as American" as everyone else. Followers of such an ideology and supporters of ISIS should have their citizenship stripped and kicked out of the country.

He may not have your belief system, but he is American as Apple Pie. As was John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Bonnie and Clyde and any other crim you care to name.

How can you kick a natural born American out of their own country? It's their country and your problem.
Welcome to what happens when you "cut spending to the bone". We no longer factor in the costs of not having more employees than is strictly necessary to conduct business. I'm sure it set off warning bells all over the system and I'm just as sure whatever memo landed on the desk of someone who was probably following up on the previous 20-30 memos.

These are the stakes of conservatism. You guys want a small government to be everywhere in this case and totally nowhere every other minute of the day.
This guy and his wife had a very low profile because they were unremarkable. The bank deposit is unremarkable. What is remarkable was his ability to stockpile a huge amount of weapons and ammunition and you stupid freaks are focusing on a paltry deposit in his bank account. Goes to show just how fucking stupid you are
Which is why we should halt all Muslim travel and close their fucking mosques.France Raids Mosques... What They Found Inside Proves TRUMP IS RIGHT!

The husband was born and raised in the US. He's as American as you and anybody else born in that country.
That's a great argument for internment camps.
Welcome to what happens when you "cut spending to the bone". We no longer factor in the costs of not having more employees than is strictly necessary to conduct business. I'm sure it set off warning bells all over the system and I'm just as sure whatever memo landed on the desk of someone who was probably following up on the previous 20-30 memos.

These are the stakes of conservatism. You guys want a small government to be everywhere in this case and totally nowhere every other minute of the day.
The only purpose of our gov't is to protect Americans and their liberty.
This guy and his wife had a very low profile because they were unremarkable. The bank deposit is unremarkable. What is remarkable was his ability to stockpile a huge amount of weapons and ammunition and you stupid freaks are focusing on a paltry deposit in his bank account. Goes to show just how fucking stupid you are
Which is why we should halt all Muslim travel and close their fucking mosques.France Raids Mosques... What They Found Inside Proves TRUMP IS RIGHT!

The husband was born and raised in the US. He's as American as you and anybody else born in that country.
That's a great argument for internment camps.
Been there, failed at that...
I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again.

I have a strong feeling that these folks were on the watch list already, problem is until they do something traceably illegal there isn't a hell of a lot the gov can do to protect us without trampling on American's rights. This is why a number of folks want to shut down immigration and refugee influx (at least until we sort out the vetting system) because once they are legally here, there is pretty much nothing the gov can do until it's too late.

I believe they can detain someone for "suspicion of terrorism" but they can't legally arrest them nor keep them off the streets for it, and of course, the current admin isn't even going to do that because they believe that such things cause ISIS to attack us more, (though I personally disagree with that particular premise.)
No, they're not going to do that because they WANT ISIS to attack us more.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????
Welcome to what happens when you "cut spending to the bone". We no longer factor in the costs of not having more employees than is strictly necessary to conduct business. I'm sure it set off warning bells all over the system and I'm just as sure whatever memo landed on the desk of someone who was probably following up on the previous 20-30 memos.

These are the stakes of conservatism. You guys want a small government to be everywhere in this case and totally nowhere every other minute of the day.

Homeland Security has over 240,000 employees. You may sit down now
I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again.

I have a strong feeling that these folks were on the watch list already, problem is until they do something traceably illegal there isn't a hell of a lot the gov can do to protect us without trampling on American's rights. This is why a number of folks want to shut down immigration and refugee influx (at least until we sort out the vetting system) because once they are legally here, there is pretty much nothing the gov can do until it's too late.

I believe they can detain someone for "suspicion of terrorism" but they can't legally arrest them nor keep them off the streets for it, and of course, the current admin isn't even going to do that because they believe that such things cause ISIS to attack us more, (though I personally disagree with that particular premise.)
No, they're not going to do that because they WANT ISIS to attack us more.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????

Fear has made them even more stupid, and dangerous, than usual.
I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again.

I have a strong feeling that these folks were on the watch list already, problem is until they do something traceably illegal there isn't a hell of a lot the gov can do to protect us without trampling on American's rights. This is why a number of folks want to shut down immigration and refugee influx (at least until we sort out the vetting system) because once they are legally here, there is pretty much nothing the gov can do until it's too late.

I believe they can detain someone for "suspicion of terrorism" but they can't legally arrest them nor keep them off the streets for it, and of course, the current admin isn't even going to do that because they believe that such things cause ISIS to attack us more, (though I personally disagree with that particular premise.)
No, they're not going to do that because they WANT ISIS to attack us more.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????

Fear has made them even more stupid, and dangerous, than usual.

The Left in this Country are going down the same wrong path as Europe that is getting their citizens killed.
They have turned this into anti-Muslim when in fact it is really about Security of our Citizens.
Security is the number one thing that our Federal Government is suppose to do.
It has nothing to do with being against Muslims.
I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again.

I have a strong feeling that these folks were on the watch list already, problem is until they do something traceably illegal there isn't a hell of a lot the gov can do to protect us without trampling on American's rights. This is why a number of folks want to shut down immigration and refugee influx (at least until we sort out the vetting system) because once they are legally here, there is pretty much nothing the gov can do until it's too late.

I believe they can detain someone for "suspicion of terrorism" but they can't legally arrest them nor keep them off the streets for it, and of course, the current admin isn't even going to do that because they believe that such things cause ISIS to attack us more, (though I personally disagree with that particular premise.)
No, they're not going to do that because they WANT ISIS to attack us more.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????

Fear has made them even more stupid, and dangerous, than usual.

The Left in this Country are going down the same wrong path as Europe that is getting their citizens killed.
They have turned this into anti-Muslim when in fact it is really about Security of our Citizens.
Security is the number one thing that our Federal Government is suppose to do.
It has nothing to do with being against Muslims.
Didn't hear you calling for any serious changes when that idiot was shooting up Planned Parenthood and killing a cop? And considering that the male in the CA shooting was born here, just how exactly would like the Feds to keep you safe?
I've mentioned this before, but I'll mention it again.

I have a strong feeling that these folks were on the watch list already, problem is until they do something traceably illegal there isn't a hell of a lot the gov can do to protect us without trampling on American's rights. This is why a number of folks want to shut down immigration and refugee influx (at least until we sort out the vetting system) because once they are legally here, there is pretty much nothing the gov can do until it's too late.

I believe they can detain someone for "suspicion of terrorism" but they can't legally arrest them nor keep them off the streets for it, and of course, the current admin isn't even going to do that because they believe that such things cause ISIS to attack us more, (though I personally disagree with that particular premise.)
No, they're not going to do that because they WANT ISIS to attack us more.
So you guys can act the way you've been acting, scared to death, and ready, willing, and able to stomp on the Constitution, give up your rights, and freedom for Trump????
That doesn't make sense. See if you can post something besides gobbledygook.
I have had many transactions over the amount required to be reported by law. Sorry but I don't want the FBI as well as the IRS snooping in my business.

Might as well just give up all our freedoms & privacy

If it is common for a person or a business to have transactions over $10,000 then it does not have to be reported.

Car dealerships, big box stores and so on have large daily transactions well over $100,000 a day. It depends on who you are and the frequency of the large transactions.
Well go figure....

Enrique Marquez, the neighbor who bought the military-style rifles for Syed Farook was Muslim. He both prayed at the same mosque as family members. An official with the Islamic Center of Corona-Norco, in Corona, Calif., the mosque Syed Farook’s brother Raheel regularly attended, said that Marquez attended the center. Ma studied Islam with Syed Rizwan Farook

Read more at http://iotwreport.com/#zp1bjSekFMVaP2WW.99
Well go figure....

Enrique Marquez, the neighbor who bought the military-style rifles for Syed Farook was Muslim. He both prayed at the same mosque as family members. An official with the Islamic Center of Corona-Norco, in Corona, Calif., the mosque Syed Farook’s brother Raheel regularly attended, said that Marquez attended the center. Ma studied Islam with Syed Rizwan Farook

Read more at http://iotwreport.com/#zp1bjSekFMVaP2WW.99
Yeah it was a cell.

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