28% of Americans say US is #1


The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, of endless excuse-making, of the soft bigotry of reduced expectations, of undeserved narcissism, and (most of all) a rapid decay of the culture.

We were expecting what, a fucking Renaissance?


If there is a problem as I see it is that there is absolutely no where for the HS grad or the English major to find meaningful work, or very little in comparison. Used to be someone could go shovel coal at the mill and at least make a living. So those types of mindless work went out of the country starting with Clinton's free trade agreements. What is happening has predicted and the chickens have come home to roost.

I am assuming for your clients things are not so bad. I assume you don't represent many that are on welfare. I assume also by your posts that your advice has lead them to financial success, thus yourself. So I am not sure why you think, or what you are basing your statement on, that America is in decay. Yes, things are bad for those with no education or those with English degrees and such. And things are getting worse for them with the open borders. But for those with a job, with an education are doing relatively well.

I'm just observing results. To me, the easiest (but not only) way to observe is by watching the culture.

But there is also other evidence that confirms my point. One type, for example, are studies like this: Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable. While this study is chilling, it certainly can't be a surprise. We've coddled our children, we've gone out of our way to not hurt their feelings, we have filled them with artificial self esteem, and we make excuses for any child who was brought up in less than ideal circumstances, as I was. And I'm not talking about the education itself, I'm talking about how our culture simply excuses so many at the cost of that person's very self-worth and dignity.

And then there is the way our culture is now so quick to condemn those who dare to succeed, the "you didn't build that", "you cheated to get that", "you didn't earn that", "you stepped over someone to get that", "that was given to you" crowd. Holy crap, when a person has to apologize for or somehow prove all the hard work that led to their success, we have truly turned a corner. And we have.

How are these cultural behaviors a positive? They're not. And of course, I haven't even mentioned how our popular culture has decayed, and I trust I don't have to. Popular culture is essentially a reflection of that society, and anyone who is pleased with where we are must want more of it.

Then, to extrapolate forward (which sure as hell ain't necessarily accurate), if we are in decay and no one is choosing to do anything about it, it will continue.

By the way, I've worked with low-income local seniors, hands on, for about 15 years now. I've sat with them, I've cried with them, and I've changed their sheets. I've also talked with them (they're walking history books, fer cryin' out loud), and their perspective has been amazing.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong. We'll see, huh?

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And Americans ages 18-29 are at the bottom of those who view the nation as standing alone in greatness. Said Pew, “Just 15 percent of those under 30 express that view today, down from 27 percent three years ago.”

.....from the end of the article.

And that is what I hear from my kids and their friends. They do not seem very impressed with America.
They watched Mom and Dad lose their asses in the economic collapse. Watched Moms and Dads not be able to find work. Watched their friends not be able to find good work. To many in that age group have to live with mom and dad. Watched a Congress do nothing. Watched a segment of the nation try and destroy a President that many, many, many of these young people voted FOR. Watched their student loan debt rise and their hourly income fall. Listened to Mom and Dad talk about how good it USED to be and these kids wonder why it isn't like that for them.

I could go on. But I do understand why the young people are not to impressed with America. I'm feeling the same.

feeeeeel free to leave any time and take your kids with you.

it is your fault your kids have no sense of patriotism, are they AND you familiar with the Constitution and Bill Of Rights ??

learn it, love it !!!!!

Well actually I have been able to use fuck heads like you as examples of the types of personalities currently living in America that are the cause of most of our problems.

Thanks for providing more teaching material.

Even my kids understand that introspection leads to solutions, Not you I take it. You know what "introspection" is?

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, of endless excuse-making, of the soft bigotry of reduced expectations, of undeserved narcissism, and (most of all) a rapid decay of the culture.

We were expecting what, a fucking Renaissance?


If there is a problem as I see it is that there is absolutely no where for the HS grad or the English major to find meaningful work, or very little in comparison. Used to be someone could go shovel coal at the mill and at least make a living. So those types of mindless work went out of the country starting with Clinton's free trade agreements. What is happening has predicted and the chickens have come home to roost.

I am assuming for your clients things are not so bad. I assume you don't represent many that are on welfare. I assume also by your posts that your advice has lead them to financial success, thus yourself. So I am not sure why you think, or what you are basing your statement on, that America is in decay. Yes, things are bad for those with no education or those with English degrees and such. And things are getting worse for them with the open borders. But for those with a job, with an education are doing relatively well.

I'm just observing results. To me, the easiest (but not only) way to observe is by watching the culture.

But there is also other evidence that confirms my point. One type, for example, are studies like this: Confident Idiots: American Students Growing More Confident, Less Capable. While this study is chilling, it certainly can't be a surprise. We've coddled our children, we've gone out of our way to not hurt their feelings, we have filled them with artificial self esteem, and we make excuses for any child who was brought up in less than ideal circumstances, as I was. And I'm not talking about the education itself, I'm talking about how our culture simply excuses so many at the cost of that person's very self-worth and dignity.

And then there is the way our culture is now so quick to condemn those who dare to succeed, the "you didn't build that", "you cheated to get that", "you didn't earn that", "you stepped over someone to get that", "that was given to you" crowd. Holy crap, when a person has to apologize for or somehow prove all the hard work that led to their success, we have truly turned a corner. And we have.

How are these cultural behaviors a positive? They're not. And of course, I haven't even mentioned how our popular culture has decayed, and I trust I don't have to. Popular culture is essentially a reflection of that society, and anyone who is pleased with where we are must want more of it.

Then, to extrapolate forward (which sure as hell ain't necessarily accurate), if we are in decay and no one is choosing to do anything about it, it will continue.

By the way, I've worked with low-income local seniors, hands on, for about 15 years now. I've sat with them, I've cried with them, and I've changed their sheets. I've also talked with them (they're walking history books, fer cryin' out loud), and their perspective has been amazing.
Hey, maybe I'm wrong. We'll see, huh?


I didn't mean to imply you were a cold hearted capitalist, just discussing the situation as I see it.

I think back many years to when I attended public HS. There were back then those who worked hard to become a success but the majority are like a lot of today's kids, just getting through. Today the phones of some in HS cost more then the my first wreck of a car. Today those who worked hard are successful, those who didn't, not so much. That has not changed today. In my opinion opportunities will be opening for the American youth. Industry has to come back just the cost of transportation will do it. Chinia's standard of living will increase and like a boat in water we all should rise. What is happening today is exactly what Perot predicted back during Clinton. It is exactly what I thought would happen. Our jobs would flee the country killing the lower and middle class, for awhile. Then America would adapt and rise again. I think that could happen but with an open border I feel it puts it all in jeopardy.
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the propaganda from the left certainly is taking hold. Tear down America is what their aim is. Make nothing matter. Discriminate about nothing. No truth, no morals, just everyone is the same there is nothing remarkable in their version of the world. Why? Because they are not remarkable people.

I'll take a poll, how many are trying to cross our southern border into the country verses how many are trying to cross out of the country. Although I have heard that the rich are giving up their citizenships in record numbers and are being replaced by disease ridden children, that sure will work to make America better.

America is still number 1 in spite of the damage liberals have brought us.

Propaganda from the left? Just who the hell is constantly talking about armed revolution becasuse of government dictatorship? Who is constantly talking about how the current President is responsible for the economic collapse that took place before he took office? Just who the hell constantly prevents any action that would alleviate student debt, or increase jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure?

Now you guys are protesting laws that would help clean our air by making your rigs spew black carbon smoke. And you cannot understand why the rest of us question your sanity. You may yet snatch defeat from the jaws of victory as people decide we cannot afford to have people like you as a majority in the Senate.
Can you discuss the rapid decay of the culture in some detail? What metrics are you using to come to that conclusion?

Something other than the horror of giving 5 year olds some trophy's, please.

You can not see what appears to be the glee of posters in this very thread at the joy of once again putting down America? Comments like "the 28 percent are wrong' don't clue you into who? Really?

That in no way addresses the question.

I think asking the question "Do you think America is No.1" is about as stupid a question as one can ask. Like any nation....we have much to be proud of and much work to do. Thinking of ourselves as the best nation in the world is simply not productive. Stress the positive....recognize and address the negative.

Mac has, on many occasions, mentioned that the American culture is in decay.....fueled by liberals....who wish to see it ruined.

I asked him to discuss that claim a bit.

Actually the question isn't "do you think that America is number one" although worded that way. The question would have to be, is America number one in education...medicine... or such. What it really is asking is what do you think of America. At least in my opinion.

You may disagree but what we need is a real leader in the WH not what we have. Obama does not inspire anything, other then to show that America is not nearly as racist as he would imply. We need a Reagan, with all his faults, not a rehash of Carter. It is no wonder that people answered the poll as they did, the put down of anything American is all they hear.
You can not see what appears to be the glee of posters in this very thread at the joy of once again putting down America? Comments like "the 28 percent are wrong' don't clue you into who? Really?

That in no way addresses the question.

I think asking the question "Do you think America is No.1" is about as stupid a question as one can ask. Like any nation....we have much to be proud of and much work to do. Thinking of ourselves as the best nation in the world is simply not productive. Stress the positive....recognize and address the negative.

Mac has, on many occasions, mentioned that the American culture is in decay.....fueled by liberals....who wish to see it ruined.

I asked him to discuss that claim a bit.

Actually the question isn't "do you think that America is number one" although worded that way. The question would have to be, is America number one in education...medicine... or such. What it really is asking is what do you think of America. At least in my opinion.

You may disagree but what we need is a real leader in the WH not what we have. Obama does not inspire anything, other then to show that America is not nearly as racist as he would imply. We need a Reagan, with all his faults, not a rehash of Carter. It is no wonder that people answered the poll as they did, the put down of anything American is all they hear.

That is ridiculous.
We are the richest and most powerful plutocracy in the world, there's that, not sure it's anything a reasonable person would be proud of.


And that's a good thing for this country. This is like AA, to solve your problem, you must first admit your problem.

The United States of America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. It used to be however we rested on our laurels and now we have fallen behind countries that innovated to be number 1.

Millennials particularly don't think this is the greatest nation in the world. Why?

1. We know how to use the Internet. See the Internet isn't just for funny cat pictures and "Rabble Rabble Obama" sites. It's a great place to look at peer reviewed studies from credible researchers in their field from world class universities with strong data showing we aren't the greatest nation.

2. We were hit the hardest in the recession. The story most news outlets covered was Baby boomers losing their 401K values. Many still had jobs or had the experience to get jobs. Millennials were told "Go to a trade school or college and you'll get a good job." So not knowing better or the coming recession, we took their advice. We realized that no company would train you to get the certificates and degrees needed to get a good job. It was all on you.

So I graduated in 2004. The facade began to crack in 2005 when my dad lost his job. He got a job but for the next 7 years he would get laid off then hired back 3 different times. Then I graduated college in 2008. And at career fairs, most of the employers at these fairs were not hiring but check our website in the future! Or when you apply for an ENTRY LEVEL position but they want 2 years of experience in that specific field. Umm if it's entry level, why would I have experience? Okay....

So many millennials have large student loan debt and grim job prospects because employers don't want recent grads, they want experience. Then those baby boomers put off their retirement meaning the natural progression of promotion that opens up entry level positions don't exist for millennials.

So we were given the shit hand when we were told everything would be great. Things are a little better but we are cautiously optimistic that they will continue to get better.
We are the richest and most powerful plutocracy in the world, there's that, not sure it's anything a reasonable person would be proud of.


And that's a good thing for this country. This is like AA, to solve your problem, you must first admit your problem.

The United States of America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. It used to be however we rested on our laurels and now we have fallen behind countries that innovated to be number 1.

Millennials particularly don't think this is the greatest nation in the world. Why?

1. We know how to use the Internet. See the Internet isn't just for funny cat pictures and "Rabble Rabble Obama" sites. It's a great place to look at peer reviewed studies from credible researchers in their field from world class universities with strong data showing we aren't the greatest nation.

2. We were hit the hardest in the recession. The story most news outlets covered was Baby boomers losing their 401K values. Many still had jobs or had the experience to get jobs. Millennials were told "Go to a trade school or college and you'll get a good job." So not knowing better or the coming recession, we took their advice. We realized that no company would train you to get the certificates and degrees needed to get a good job. It was all on you.

So I graduated in 2004. The facade began to crack in 2005 when my dad lost his job. He got a job but for the next 7 years he would get laid off then hired back 3 different times. Then I graduated college in 2008. And at career fairs, most of the employers at these fairs were not hiring but check our website in the future! Or when you apply for an ENTRY LEVEL position but they want 2 years of experience in that specific field. Umm if it's entry level, why would I have experience? Okay....

So many millennials have large student loan debt and grim job prospects because employers don't want recent grads, they want experience. Then those baby boomers put off their retirement meaning the natural progression of promotion that opens up entry level positions don't exist for millennials.

So we were given the shit hand when we were told everything would be great. Things are a little better but we are cautiously optimistic that they will continue to get better.

And yet you millennials voted overwhelmingly for Big Ears, who is primarily responsible for the poor economy, due to job killing socialist policies.
We are the richest and most powerful plutocracy in the world, there's that, not sure it's anything a reasonable person would be proud of.


And that's a good thing for this country. This is like AA, to solve your problem, you must first admit your problem.

The United States of America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. It used to be however we rested on our laurels and now we have fallen behind countries that innovated to be number 1.

Millennials particularly don't think this is the greatest nation in the world. Why?

1. We know how to use the Internet. See the Internet isn't just for funny cat pictures and "Rabble Rabble Obama" sites. It's a great place to look at peer reviewed studies from credible researchers in their field from world class universities with strong data showing we aren't the greatest nation.

2. We were hit the hardest in the recession. The story most news outlets covered was Baby boomers losing their 401K values. Many still had jobs or had the experience to get jobs. Millennials were told "Go to a trade school or college and you'll get a good job." So not knowing better or the coming recession, we took their advice. We realized that no company would train you to get the certificates and degrees needed to get a good job. It was all on you.

So I graduated in 2004. The facade began to crack in 2005 when my dad lost his job. He got a job but for the next 7 years he would get laid off then hired back 3 different times. Then I graduated college in 2008. And at career fairs, most of the employers at these fairs were not hiring but check our website in the future! Or when you apply for an ENTRY LEVEL position but they want 2 years of experience in that specific field. Umm if it's entry level, why would I have experience? Okay....

So many millennials have large student loan debt and grim job prospects because employers don't want recent grads, they want experience. Then those baby boomers put off their retirement meaning the natural progression of promotion that opens up entry level positions don't exist for millennials.

So we were given the shit hand when we were told everything would be great. Things are a little better but we are cautiously optimistic that they will continue to get better.

And yet you millennials voted overwhelmingly for Big Ears, who is primarily responsible for the poor economy, due to job killing socialist policies.

Oh my god. You really believe that? Obama wasn't even elected when the recession hit yet it's all his fault? Not reaganomics? Or the repeal of the glass stigel act? No it was all Obama. And what job killing policies? We are back to 2008 job levels now.
And Americans ages 18-29 are at the bottom of those who view the nation as standing alone in greatness. Said Pew, “Just 15 percent of those under 30 express that view today, down from 27 percent three years ago.”

.....from the end of the article.

And that is what I hear from my kids and their friends. They do not seem very impressed with America.
They watched Mom and Dad lose their asses in the economic collapse. Watched Moms and Dads not be able to find work. Watched their friends not be able to find good work. To many in that age group have to live with mom and dad. Watched a Congress do nothing. Watched a segment of the nation try and destroy a President that many, many, many of these young people voted FOR. Watched their student loan debt rise and their hourly income fall. Listened to Mom and Dad talk about how good it USED to be and these kids wonder why it isn't like that for them.

I could go on. But I do understand why the young people are not to impressed with America. I'm feeling the same.

feeeeeel free to leave any time and take your kids with you.

it is your fault your kids have no sense of patriotism, are they AND you familiar with the Constitution and Bill Of Rights ??

learn it, love it !!!!!

Well actually I have been able to use fuck heads like you as examples of the types of personalities currently living in America that are the cause of most of our problems.

Thanks for providing more teaching material.

Even my kids understand that introspection leads to solutions, Not you I take it. You know what "introspection" is?

Obama's failure to lead has caused the youth to slip away from the positive thinking that has made America so great. He lied in 2008 with painting pictures of a utopia that he could bring to reality. You can blame a lot of people, however it starts with the leadership of this nation to give it it's optimistic outlook.

Sadly, both parties have failed America in leadership.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

And that's a good thing for this country. This is like AA, to solve your problem, you must first admit your problem.

The United States of America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. It used to be however we rested on our laurels and now we have fallen behind countries that innovated to be number 1.

Millennials particularly don't think this is the greatest nation in the world. Why?

1. We know how to use the Internet. See the Internet isn't just for funny cat pictures and "Rabble Rabble Obama" sites. It's a great place to look at peer reviewed studies from credible researchers in their field from world class universities with strong data showing we aren't the greatest nation.

2. We were hit the hardest in the recession. The story most news outlets covered was Baby boomers losing their 401K values. Many still had jobs or had the experience to get jobs. Millennials were told "Go to a trade school or college and you'll get a good job." So not knowing better or the coming recession, we took their advice. We realized that no company would train you to get the certificates and degrees needed to get a good job. It was all on you.

So I graduated in 2004. The facade began to crack in 2005 when my dad lost his job. He got a job but for the next 7 years he would get laid off then hired back 3 different times. Then I graduated college in 2008. And at career fairs, most of the employers at these fairs were not hiring but check our website in the future! Or when you apply for an ENTRY LEVEL position but they want 2 years of experience in that specific field. Umm if it's entry level, why would I have experience? Okay....

So many millennials have large student loan debt and grim job prospects because employers don't want recent grads, they want experience. Then those baby boomers put off their retirement meaning the natural progression of promotion that opens up entry level positions don't exist for millennials.

So we were given the shit hand when we were told everything would be great. Things are a little better but we are cautiously optimistic that they will continue to get better.

And yet you millennials voted overwhelmingly for Big Ears, who is primarily responsible for the poor economy, due to job killing socialist policies.

Oh my god. You really believe that? Obama wasn't even elected when the recession hit yet it's all his fault? Not reaganomics? Or the repeal of the glass stigel act? No it was all Obama. And what job killing policies? We are back to 2008 job levels now.

Part time jobs count as "back to 2008 job levels"?

All I heard during the Bush administration was the left complaining about low wage jobs and now we are supposed to be happy with low wage part time jobs?

Sorry, but your double standard is pure ignorant, partisan bull crap.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

And that's a good thing for this country. This is like AA, to solve your problem, you must first admit your problem.

The United States of America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. It used to be however we rested on our laurels and now we have fallen behind countries that innovated to be number 1.

Millennials particularly don't think this is the greatest nation in the world. Why?

1. We know how to use the Internet. See the Internet isn't just for funny cat pictures and "Rabble Rabble Obama" sites. It's a great place to look at peer reviewed studies from credible researchers in their field from world class universities with strong data showing we aren't the greatest nation.

2. We were hit the hardest in the recession. The story most news outlets covered was Baby boomers losing their 401K values. Many still had jobs or had the experience to get jobs. Millennials were told "Go to a trade school or college and you'll get a good job." So not knowing better or the coming recession, we took their advice. We realized that no company would train you to get the certificates and degrees needed to get a good job. It was all on you.

So I graduated in 2004. The facade began to crack in 2005 when my dad lost his job. He got a job but for the next 7 years he would get laid off then hired back 3 different times. Then I graduated college in 2008. And at career fairs, most of the employers at these fairs were not hiring but check our website in the future! Or when you apply for an ENTRY LEVEL position but they want 2 years of experience in that specific field. Umm if it's entry level, why would I have experience? Okay....

So many millennials have large student loan debt and grim job prospects because employers don't want recent grads, they want experience. Then those baby boomers put off their retirement meaning the natural progression of promotion that opens up entry level positions don't exist for millennials.

So we were given the shit hand when we were told everything would be great. Things are a little better but we are cautiously optimistic that they will continue to get better.

And yet you millennials voted overwhelmingly for Big Ears, who is primarily responsible for the poor economy, due to job killing socialist policies.

Oh my god. You really believe that? Obama wasn't even elected when the recession hit yet it's all his fault? Not reaganomics? Or the repeal of the glass stigel act? No it was all Obama. And what job killing policies? We are back to 2008 job levels now.

Damn...you blame Reagan, who left office long ago, but not the current POTUS. Really?

Reagan generated large numbers of jobs during his presidency and he inherited a terrible recession when he took office....just like Big Ears...

And that's a good thing for this country. This is like AA, to solve your problem, you must first admit your problem.

The United States of America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. It used to be however we rested on our laurels and now we have fallen behind countries that innovated to be number 1.

Millennials particularly don't think this is the greatest nation in the world. Why?

1. We know how to use the Internet. See the Internet isn't just for funny cat pictures and "Rabble Rabble Obama" sites. It's a great place to look at peer reviewed studies from credible researchers in their field from world class universities with strong data showing we aren't the greatest nation.

2. We were hit the hardest in the recession. The story most news outlets covered was Baby boomers losing their 401K values. Many still had jobs or had the experience to get jobs. Millennials were told "Go to a trade school or college and you'll get a good job." So not knowing better or the coming recession, we took their advice. We realized that no company would train you to get the certificates and degrees needed to get a good job. It was all on you.

So I graduated in 2004. The facade began to crack in 2005 when my dad lost his job. He got a job but for the next 7 years he would get laid off then hired back 3 different times. Then I graduated college in 2008. And at career fairs, most of the employers at these fairs were not hiring but check our website in the future! Or when you apply for an ENTRY LEVEL position but they want 2 years of experience in that specific field. Umm if it's entry level, why would I have experience? Okay....

So many millennials have large student loan debt and grim job prospects because employers don't want recent grads, they want experience. Then those baby boomers put off their retirement meaning the natural progression of promotion that opens up entry level positions don't exist for millennials.

So we were given the shit hand when we were told everything would be great. Things are a little better but we are cautiously optimistic that they will continue to get better.

And yet you millennials voted overwhelmingly for Big Ears, who is primarily responsible for the poor economy, due to job killing socialist policies.

Oh my god. You really believe that? Obama wasn't even elected when the recession hit yet it's all his fault? Not reaganomics? Or the repeal of the glass stigel act? No it was all Obama. And what job killing policies? We are back to 2008 job levels now.

No it is not fair to blame Obama for the recession. That belongs to first of all Bill Clinton and his free trade deals. It was predicted and happened. They we can blame GWB for not doing a damn thing about it, if he could have. Then we can blame GWB for not being more aggressive in telling the democrats that took over in 2006 that their housing policy was going to cause a bubble and Fannie and Freddie Mac were in trouble. Him telling the democrats and expecting them to do something right caused the whole mess.

But the recovery, that is all Obama and democrats. Instead of focusing on the problem of the economy they put a bigger drain on it in Obamacare. They showed what they really cared about for a whole year. Nothing but Obamacare meanwhile the US got stuck in the mud to which we still have not recovered, unless you are a 1 percenter.
And yet you millennials voted overwhelmingly for Big Ears, who is primarily responsible for the poor economy, due to job killing socialist policies.

Oh my god. You really believe that? Obama wasn't even elected when the recession hit yet it's all his fault? Not reaganomics? Or the repeal of the glass stigel act? No it was all Obama. And what job killing policies? We are back to 2008 job levels now.

Damn...you blame Reagan, who left office long ago, but not the current POTUS. Really?

Reagan generated large numbers of jobs during his presidency and he inherited a terrible recession when he took office....just like Big Ears...

Reagan ushered in the biggest peace time expansion of the economy in history. A wave the Clinton and the Bush's road. Funny that the democrats are always ranting that the Republicans can't win elections so they have to go back 30 years to find one to blame.
And yet you millennials voted overwhelmingly for Big Ears, who is primarily responsible for the poor economy, due to job killing socialist policies.

Oh my god. You really believe that? Obama wasn't even elected when the recession hit yet it's all his fault? Not reaganomics? Or the repeal of the glass stigel act? No it was all Obama. And what job killing policies? We are back to 2008 job levels now.

No it is not fair to blame Obama for the recession. That belongs to first of all Bill Clinton and his free trade deals. It was predicted and happened. They we can blame GWB for not doing a damn thing about it, if he could have. Then we can blame GWB for not being more aggressive in telling the democrats that took over in 2006 that their housing policy was going to cause a bubble and Fannie and Freddie Mac were in trouble. Him telling the democrats and expecting them to do something right caused the whole mess.

But the recovery, that is all Obama and democrats. Instead of focusing on the problem of the economy they put a bigger drain on it in Obamacare. They showed what they really cared about for a whole year. Nothing but Obamacare meanwhile the US got stuck in the mud to which we still have not recovered, unless you are a 1 percenter.

You've got your notes in front of you....huh?

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