28% of Americans say US is #1

It doesn't take leftist propaganda to make people realize they are not doing well.

This number represents the sense of hope that people have.

Clearly young Americans are less hopeful than previous generations.
It doesn't take leftist propaganda to make people realize they are not doing well.

This number represents the sense of hope that people have.

Clearly young Americans are less hopeful than previous generations.

When you really look at how incredibly steep the path to success is for people just out of college, never mind those who just have a HS diploma or less, it's not hard to understand the dubious attitude youth have towards the old-timers claiming we are the best in the world. These kids are not stupid, the claims of American superiority go in the same category as Santa and the Easter bunny as a comforting fantasy for children.
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YOU are full of shit there freewilly.

Every single damned day, Repubs and people like you make it a point to say how awful the USA is today. Gas prices, food prices, no jobs, Muslim President, etc etc etc.

And YOU have the balls to say it is the left wingers saying how bad it is in America?
Fuck that. And you to freewilly.

A realization of the truth is not putting down America as does your side.

Are you happy with the price of gasoline when America is producing more oil then ever? Are you happy with the inflation of the food prices? Are you happy with the 6 percent unemployment? Who exactly these days is pointing out the religion of the president? Does he even have religion?

No one is saying that America is perfect but it sure isn't as damn bad as the left wishes to paint it. Sorry I refuse to join in with the cesspool of sadness being spewed by the liberal left. Are you that uninformed to think that 72 percent think that American is not number 1 because people bitch about gasoline, and food prices? Really?

Who is it in America that controls the price of gas, food and UE?

Is it the POTUS? Or is it the industries that make gas, food and do the hiring?

You want to complain about those issues, take it up with the vaunted "free market capitalists" that you Rethugs love so much.

Another one blaming free market capitalism for our economic woes, when America has not had free market capitalism since the early 19th century (and maybe not even then)...and HAS had a crony capitalist government controlled economy for decades.

Amazing how the big government statists have brainwashed so many.

Blame the very thing that made America an economic powerhouse resulting in the largest middle class in human history...while failing to see the REAL culprit...BIG GOVERNMENT.
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America USED to be #1 but now, thanks to the last 3 poser "Presidents", all of whom have been Zionist sock puppets who never served in the military, were liberal, communistic in essence and traitorous to America by destroying the morals, values and ethics of our country we are now # 3 or perhaps #2.
We are no longer a nation of Americans, but a nation of turd world immigrants who aren't interested in becoming Americans but rather socio-parasites; sponging off of welfare, remaining apart FROM our society instead of becoming a part OF our society. They refuse to comply with our laws, they bring turd world religions with them, practice savage and inhumane eating habits, no respect for the Americans who actually fought and died to make this country what it was.
We have jews trying to take away our 1st Amendment and making us so afraid to call a spade a spade because that would be racist. we have Zionists trying to take away our 2nd Amendment Rights because in order for them to make us a Communist country, they must get rid of all opposition and possible threats to their plans. They are giving the police lessons on how to shoot civilians (thank you ADL) and abuse their positions of authority and again, they are removed FROM the community and are forced to treat all neighbors as the possible enemy and deadly force is always option #1.
We have homos who are a mere 1% of the US population getting more special treatment and respect than the 99% of the normal people who abhor their perverted lifestyle. We have a 3% population of jews who now control over 40% of the congress and senate seats. The jews are also in charge of our Federal reserve and bankrupting us with their banking and mortgage scams. We have a jew in charge of border security and while Israel is adamantly and rabidly against ALL non-Jewish immigration, they freely make laws for the illegals who come here criminally.

German ancestry.
YOU are full of shit there freewilly.

Every single damned day, Repubs and people like you make it a point to say how awful the USA is today. Gas prices, food prices, no jobs, Muslim President, etc etc etc.

And YOU have the balls to say it is the left wingers saying how bad it is in America?
Fuck that. And you to freewilly.

A realization of the truth is not putting down America as does your side.

Are you happy with the price of gasoline when America is producing more oil then ever? Are you happy with the inflation of the food prices? Are you happy with the 6 percent unemployment? Who exactly these days is pointing out the religion of the president? Does he even have religion?

No one is saying that America is perfect but it sure isn't as damn bad as the left wishes to paint it. Sorry I refuse to join in with the cesspool of sadness being spewed by the liberal left. Are you that uninformed to think that 72 percent think that American is not number 1 because people bitch about gasoline, and food prices? Really?

Who is it in America that controls the price of gas, food and UE?

Is it the POTUS? Or is it the industries that make gas, food and do the hiring?

You want to complain about those issues, take it up with the vaunted "free market capitalists" that you Rethugs love so much.

Or how about this:

Over the past three years, the bound edition of the Code of Federal Regulations has increased by 11,327 pages – a 7.4 percent increase
from Jan. 1, 2009 to Dec. 31, 2011. In 2009, the increase in the number of pages was the most over the last decade – 3.4 percent or 5,359 pages.

Over the past decade, the federal government has issued almost 38,000 new final rules, according to the draft of the 2011 annual report to Congress on federal regulations by the Office of Management and Budget. That brought the total at the end of 2011 to 169,301 pages.

Seventy percent of the regulations were economic, accounting for $1.236 trillion of the annual cost. The other regulations were, in order of cost, environment regulations ($281 billion), tax compliance ($160 billion) and occupational safety and health and homeland security ($75 billion).

“I think these kinds of figures, if you put yourself in the place of a business person you’ll find them fairly mindboggling,” Johnson said.

Economists with the Chamber also analyzed the OBM’s report on the study, calculating that if every U.S. household paid an equal share
of the federal regulatory burden, it would mean a $15,586 tab for each household in 2008.
Under Obama, 11,327 Pages of Federal Regulations Added | CNS News

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, of endless excuse-making, of the soft bigotry of reduced expectations, of undeserved narcissism, and (most of all) a rapid decay of the culture.

We were expecting what, a fucking Renaissance?

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The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, of endless excuse-making, of the soft bigotry of reduced expectations, of undeserved narcissism, and (most of all) a rapid decay of the culture.

We were expecting what, a fucking Renaissance?


Can you discuss the rapid decay of the culture in some detail? What metrics are you using to come to that conclusion?

Something other than the horror of giving 5 year olds some trophy's, please.

Americans see the country in decay. Some are sad to see it, some are not.

As we continue our decay, there will be more of an excuse for a more authoritarian, centralized power.

Bingo, dream achieved, for some.


Is your life and the lives of your clients such a failure that the dooms day scenario is all you can come up with? Sucks to be you and your clients eh? If I had you for a financial adviser I would have to make a change for sure. To much doom and gloom for me.

da sky is falling da sky is falling.............and on and on.
YOU are full of shit there freewilly.

Every single damned day, Repubs and people like you make it a point to say how awful the USA is today. Gas prices, food prices, no jobs, Muslim President, etc etc etc.

And YOU have the balls to say it is the left wingers saying how bad it is in America?
Fuck that. And you to freewilly.

A realization of the truth is not putting down America as does your side.

Are you happy with the price of gasoline when America is producing more oil then ever? Are you happy with the inflation of the food prices? Are you happy with the 6 percent unemployment? Who exactly these days is pointing out the religion of the president? Does he even have religion?

No one is saying that America is perfect but it sure isn't as damn bad as the left wishes to paint it. Sorry I refuse to join in with the cesspool of sadness being spewed by the liberal left. Are you that uninformed to think that 72 percent think that American is not number 1 because people bitch about gasoline, and food prices? Really?

Who is it in America that controls the price of gas, food and UE?

Is it the POTUS? Or is it the industries that make gas, food and do the hiring?

You want to complain about those issues, take it up with the vaunted "free market capitalists" that you Rethugs love so much.

Bitching about "corporations" is like titling at windmills. And don't give me BS about the president is impotent then in the next minute post how the situation is great, thank you Obama. Either he can do something or he can't. You can't just give him credit for that which you say he can't do then claim when things turn bad that he is powerless. Well I guess the left can actually do that cause that is what they do.

Americans see the country in decay. Some are sad to see it, some are not.

As we continue our decay, there will be more of an excuse for a more authoritarian, centralized power.

Bingo, dream achieved, for some.


Most don't even give a crap cause they don't have time. They go to work trying to keep their head above water. I do see good things happening with lots of opportunity for the youth that wishes to work and get ahead. The boomers are retiring, and dying leaving many openings for those who work. Will it be enough? I am not sure because of the flood of doctors and engineers across our southern border. It seems as long as we have that situation we are walking in place.
It doesn't take leftist propaganda to make people realize they are not doing well.

This number represents the sense of hope that people have.

Clearly young Americans are less hopeful than previous generations.

When you really look at how incredibly steep the path to success is for people just out of college, never mind those who just have a HS diploma or less, it's not hard to understand the dubious attitude youth have towards the old-timers claiming we are the best in the world. These kids are not stupid, the claims of American superiority go in the same category as Santa and the Easter bunny as a comforting fantasy for children.

You point out the problem very well although I am not sure you meant to.

My opinion is that today's youth expects things. They have the technology in their hand that far surpasses that which was used to send a man to the Moon. They have in their hand access to all the knowledge of the man yet they use it to look a pictures of kittens.

What I think is that the access has bred the instant gratification idea of the youth. They don't expect to work their way up the corporate ladder, work for a company 30 years and retire with a gold watch. They want it now but don't either know how or have the ambition to do it now, they are too busy texting their BFF about the latest COD game.

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, of endless excuse-making, of the soft bigotry of reduced expectations, of undeserved narcissism, and (most of all) a rapid decay of the culture.

We were expecting what, a fucking Renaissance?


If there is a problem as I see it is that there is absolutely no where for the HS grad or the English major to find meaningful work, or very little in comparison. Used to be someone could go shovel coal at the mill and at least make a living. So those types of mindless work went out of the country starting with Clinton's free trade agreements. What is happening has predicted and the chickens have come home to roost.

I am assuming for your clients things are not so bad. I assume you don't represent many that are on welfare. I assume also by your posts that your advice has lead them to financial success, thus yourself. So I am not sure why you think, or what you are basing your statement on, that America is in decay. Yes, things are bad for those with no education or those with English degrees and such. And things are getting worse for them with the open borders. But for those with a job, with an education are doing relatively well.
It doesn't take leftist propaganda to make people realize they are not doing well.

This number represents the sense of hope that people have.

Clearly young Americans are less hopeful than previous generations.

When you really look at how incredibly steep the path to success is for people just out of college, never mind those who just have a HS diploma or less, it's not hard to understand the dubious attitude youth have towards the old-timers claiming we are the best in the world. These kids are not stupid, the claims of American superiority go in the same category as Santa and the Easter bunny as a comforting fantasy for children.

You point out the problem very well although I am not sure you meant to.

My opinion is that today's youth expects things. They have the technology in their hand that far surpasses that which was used to send a man to the Moon. They have in their hand access to all the knowledge of the man yet they use it to look a pictures of kittens.

What I think is that the access has bred the instant gratification idea of the youth. They don't expect to work their way up the corporate ladder, work for a company 30 years and retire with a gold watch. They want it now but don't either know how or have the ambition to do it now, they are too busy texting their BFF about the latest COD game.

Bullshit. How many people....outside of your family...aged 16-24 do you know personally?

There are plenty of hard-working, ambitious and focused young people ready to carry the torch in this nation. For every slacker, there are a half dozen kids doing the right things.

My advice to you and to any pessimist claiming that our culture is in decline.....is to get out more. Get to know some young people. You'll have a change of heart.

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, of endless excuse-making, of the soft bigotry of reduced expectations, of undeserved narcissism, and (most of all) a rapid decay of the culture.

We were expecting what, a fucking Renaissance?


Can you discuss the rapid decay of the culture in some detail? What metrics are you using to come to that conclusion?

Something other than the horror of giving 5 year olds some trophy's, please.

You can not see what appears to be the glee of posters in this very thread at the joy of once again putting down America? Comments like "the 28 percent are wrong' don't clue you into who? Really?

The predictable result of constantly lowered standards, of endless excuse-making, of the soft bigotry of reduced expectations, of undeserved narcissism, and (most of all) a rapid decay of the culture.

We were expecting what, a fucking Renaissance?


Can you discuss the rapid decay of the culture in some detail? What metrics are you using to come to that conclusion?

Something other than the horror of giving 5 year olds some trophy's, please.

You can not see what appears to be the glee of posters in this very thread at the joy of once again putting down America? Comments like "the 28 percent are wrong' don't clue you into who? Really?

That in no way addresses the question.

I think asking the question "Do you think America is No.1" is about as stupid a question as one can ask. Like any nation....we have much to be proud of and much work to do. Thinking of ourselves as the best nation in the world is simply not productive. Stress the positive....recognize and address the negative.

Mac has, on many occasions, mentioned that the American culture is in decay.....fueled by liberals....who wish to see it ruined.

I asked him to discuss that claim a bit.
And Americans ages 18-29 are at the bottom of those who view the nation as standing alone in greatness. Said Pew, “Just 15 percent of those under 30 express that view today, down from 27 percent three years ago.”

.....from the end of the article.

And that is what I hear from my kids and their friends. They do not seem very impressed with America.
They watched Mom and Dad lose their asses in the economic collapse. Watched Moms and Dads not be able to find work. Watched their friends not be able to find good work. To many in that age group have to live with mom and dad. Watched a Congress do nothing. Watched a segment of the nation try and destroy a President that many, many, many of these young people voted FOR. Watched their student loan debt rise and their hourly income fall. Listened to Mom and Dad talk about how good it USED to be and these kids wonder why it isn't like that for them.

I could go on. But I do understand why the young people are not to impressed with America. I'm feeling the same.

feeeeeel free to leave any time and take your kids with you.

it is your fault your kids have no sense of patriotism, are they AND you familiar with the Constitution and Bill Of Rights ??

learn it, love it !!!!!

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