29 years ago today we witnessed the birth of Black Privilege


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
What a day that was.

Of course it culminated in his acquittal of murder, exposing what a joke our justice system is.

Black privilege was in full effect long before the OJ trial. That was more of an example of money and celebrity gets the best lawyers.
Black privilege was in full effect long before the OJ trial. That was more of an example of money and celebrity gets the best lawyers.
Are you saying that the Justice System works in favor of black folks as compared to white folks. Is that the bullshit you right wing fools are trying to push.
Sad thing is that OJ’s image as football star, movie actor, commercial actor has transcended race. He wasn’t OJ the black guy, he was just OJ. But after his arrest, he became an opportunity for the race hustlers and their party. All downhill from there. Blacks cheering his acquittal though obviously guilty.
Oh give your own racism a rest.

You didn’t give a shit about justice. You wanted only for the murderer to be acquitted because of skin color.
None of you right wing idiots have EVER come out protesting about the injustice that black folks have suffered under the Justice System.
None of you right wing idiots have EVER come out protesting about the injustice that black folks have suffered under the Justice System.
Nonsense. You’re such a fool, you are unable to post without lying and being a racist.
Are you saying that the Justice System works in favor of black folks as compared to white folks. Is that the bullshit you right wing fools are trying to push.
Black privilege in school admissions and jobs hiring. I agree that the justice system does not favor POOR black folks, but anyone that is rich will have a big advantage in court regardless of their skin color.
At least he took the time to write a book about how he would've killed them, if he had been the killer.
If memory serves me correctly OJ sat in jail until his trial. How about Robert Blake? Funny, how racist like you don't have a problem with the Justice System until you don't think it is in favor of whites.

Without pulling out a 'whataboutism' card, will you at least acknowledge as far as the OJ trial, it was a travesty of justice?
In a hundred years Racists will still whine about the OJ trial. It’s amazing.

Obviously you didn’t see the defense challenge every single piece of evidence. They utterly discredited the lead Detective. Catching him in a lie on the stand. Every day the press report was something along the lines of “the prosecution suffered another setback today” as the trial went on.

The trial didn’t show Black Privilege. It showed what can happen when you can afford to hire every great Defense attorney in the nation.

But for Racists. It is just not fair.
I'd argue it started with Rodney king. There were riots and blacks looting and destroying shit in their own neighborhoods because a black guy got his ass beat because he ran from the cops.

Like Chris rock said once "if the cops have to come and get you they are going to bring an ass kicking with them.".

A parolee was intoxicated and cops tried to stop him for speeding, he led them on a 8 mile chase, and when they tased his ass he charged a cop and they beat his ass without mercy. And blacks blew up about it.

If he wasn't a criminal, if he wasn't drunk, if he wasn't speeding, if he didn't run from the cops and then charged the cops he wouldn't have gotten his ass beat. But blacks rioted and yelled racism and all kinds of shit, that was when it started. Meanwhile white people are saying "if you don't do criminal shit the cops won't treat you like a criminal."

The whole juice murder thing just elevated the idea of black privilege. Then Obama reinforced that notion somewhat and good ole George Floyd sent that shit skyrocketing into the heavens.

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