2nd Amendment should not be infringed upon because of Las Vegas shooter.

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It is about the security of a free State.

States have State militias and State militias have commanders in chief of the militia of the State, not just the organized, State militia.

Why don't you STFU, answer my questions or just admit that you're blowing smoke out your ass because you don't have a legitimate point to argue?

You haven't answered the questions because you're full of shit.

States have militias that are the government's militia. Civilians also have militias that protect the citizenry from the over-reach of the state. A government militia does not protect the interests, Liberties or the Freedoms of the whole people.
The People are the Militia.

States have State militias and State militias have commanders in chief of the militia of the State, not just the organized, State militia.

Let me ask you again:

You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.

You shouldn't try bullshitting the people on this thread. I belong to the oldest and most continuous state militia in the United States... and have three decades of service under my belt. You don't know what you're talking about.

What you just said is absolute nonsense. It makes zero sense whether you have three decades of militia experience or never heard of one.

danielpalos continues to try and cloud the issues with total nonsense, but he cannot and will not answer the questions asked of him. He's lying and making stuff up as he goes along.

If everybody else is clueless and causeless... what, exactly, is his cause...?????... I mean besides trolling people and acting like a dumb ass???
It is about the security of a free State.

States have State militias and State militias have commanders in chief of the militia of the State, not just the organized, State militia.

Why don't you STFU, answer my questions or just admit that you're blowing smoke out your ass because you don't have a legitimate point to argue?

You haven't answered the questions because you're full of shit.

States have militias that are the government's militia. Civilians also have militias that protect the citizenry from the over-reach of the state. A government militia does not protect the interests, Liberties or the Freedoms of the whole people.
You are confusing natural rights with the obligation of the militia.
The People are the Militia.

States have State militias and State militias have commanders in chief of the militia of the State, not just the organized, State militia.

Let me ask you again:

You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.

You shouldn't try bullshitting the people on this thread. I belong to the oldest and most continuous state militia in the United States... and have three decades of service under my belt. You don't know what you're talking about.

What you just said is absolute nonsense. It makes zero sense whether you have three decades of militia experience or never heard of one.

danielpalos continues to try and cloud the issues with total nonsense, but he cannot and will not answer the questions asked of him. He's lying and making stuff up as he goes along.

If everybody else is clueless and causeless... what, exactly, is his cause...?????... I mean besides trolling people and acting like a dumb ass???
you simply misunderstand the concepts. that is all.
The People are the Militia.

States have State militias and State militias have commanders in chief of the militia of the State, not just the organized, State militia.

Let me ask you again:

You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.

You shouldn't try bullshitting the people on this thread. I belong to the oldest and most continuous state militia in the United States... and have three decades of service under my belt. You don't know what you're talking about.

What you just said is absolute nonsense. It makes zero sense whether you have three decades of militia experience or never heard of one.

danielpalos continues to try and cloud the issues with total nonsense, but he cannot and will not answer the questions asked of him. He's lying and making stuff up as he goes along.

If everybody else is clueless and causeless... what, exactly, is his cause...?????... I mean besides trolling people and acting like a dumb ass???
you simply misunderstand the concepts. that is all.

You are simply misunderstanding that the rest of the people reading this realize that you are fake, phony, poseur that gets off masturbating and telling his fellow posters they are idiots because they don't get your nonsensical drivel.

Let me tell you a concept that everybody here understands. You are trolling this thread and you're beginning to look like a total dumb ass. So, in my next post, I will ask you the questions again.
For the benefit of other posters:

danielpalos has been trying to sell nonsense for a number of years. His arguments try to hijack gun threads without making a relevant point... or any point for that matter.

Each of you go to the bathroom every day and take a dump without a license from the government; without anybody's permission; without worrying about "due process" or anything else. Ditto for when you buy a book, join a church, criticize your elected leaders, own a firearm, or buy a house.

There is no "due process" involved in the normal course of business. Due Process comes into play when crimes are committed or maybe someone is trying to circumvent your Rights.

The entire Bill of Rights is a limitation on government. Owning, bearing and using a firearm is not related to the Second Amendment, except to the extent that the government is prohibited from infringing upon your Rights.

State governments through their courts have ruled on the Right to keep and bear Arms. It's perfectly legal to own a firearm for your personal use, safety, and to preserve your Freedoms and Liberties. When danielpalos tries to claim your rights are secured by state constitutions, he seems to be implying that the state grants you a right... they most assuredly do not.

The governor in your state can call up the militia in an emergency and that force constitutes all those citizens who have firearms and answer the call. But, that power in no way, shape, fashion, or form involves denying the individual the Right to keep and bear Arms. It's a separate issue. YOU AND YOU ALONE "SECURE" THE RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS(AS DANIELPALOS USES THE TERM) IF / WHEN TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENTS SEEK TO DISARM YOU.

If the board troll is going to keep repeating the same post over and over, so can I.
The People are the militia. Well regulated militia of the People are necessary to the security of a free State and shall not be Infringed as a result.

There is no such protection for the unorganized militia.


You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.


You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.

Those are questions, danielpalos. If you don't understand the Constitution or the laws, you should just say sorry and move on. Surely your inflated ego can handle a couple of questions, can't it?
The People are the Militia.

States have State militias and State militias have commanders in chief of the militia of the State, not just the organized, State militia.

Let me ask you again:

You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.

You shouldn't try bullshitting the people on this thread. I belong to the oldest and most continuous state militia in the United States... and have three decades of service under my belt. You don't know what you're talking about.

What you just said is absolute nonsense. It makes zero sense whether you have three decades of militia experience or never heard of one.

danielpalos continues to try and cloud the issues with total nonsense, but he cannot and will not answer the questions asked of him. He's lying and making stuff up as he goes along.

If everybody else is clueless and causeless... what, exactly, is his cause...?????... I mean besides trolling people and acting like a dumb ass???
you simply misunderstand the concepts. that is all.

You are simply misunderstanding that the rest of the people reading this realize that you are fake, phony, poseur that gets off masturbating and telling his fellow posters they are idiots because they don't get your nonsensical drivel.

Let me tell you a concept that everybody here understands. You are trolling this thread and you're beginning to look like a total dumb ass. So, in my next post, I will ask you the questions again.
dude, you have nothing but rhetoric, not even propaganda.

Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State, not natural rights.

Natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process in our federal Constitution.

The problem gun lovers have, is that they cannot even convince their own State legislators, that they can be responsible with their guns.

State legislators make laws regarding the Health and the Safety, of the People of the State.
The People are the Militia.

States have State militias and State militias have commanders in chief of the militia of the State, not just the organized, State militia.

Let me ask you again:

You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.

You shouldn't try bullshitting the people on this thread. I belong to the oldest and most continuous state militia in the United States... and have three decades of service under my belt. You don't know what you're talking about.

What you just said is absolute nonsense. It makes zero sense whether you have three decades of militia experience or never heard of one.

danielpalos continues to try and cloud the issues with total nonsense, but he cannot and will not answer the questions asked of him. He's lying and making stuff up as he goes along.

If everybody else is clueless and causeless... what, exactly, is his cause...?????... I mean besides trolling people and acting like a dumb ass???
you simply misunderstand the concepts. that is all.

You are simply misunderstanding that the rest of the people reading this realize that you are fake, phony, poseur that gets off masturbating and telling his fellow posters they are idiots because they don't get your nonsensical drivel.

Let me tell you a concept that everybody here understands. You are trolling this thread and you're beginning to look like a total dumb ass. So, in my next post, I will ask you the questions again.
dude, you have nothing but rhetoric, not even propaganda.

Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State, not natural rights.

Natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process in our federal Constitution.

The problem gun lovers have, is that they cannot even convince their own State legislators, that they can be responsible with their guns.

State legislators make laws regarding the Health and the Safety, of the People of the State.

"Dude," At least you acknowledge that I'm not promoting propaganda. That is more than we can honestly say about you.

What you're saying is a lot of half assed half truths... it is inaccurate and irrelevant. You keep pretending like you've got a monopoly on all human understanding, but you can't articulate what it is you mean when asked a direct question. Did it ever dawn on you that you might be a fucking idiot?

You and I are the only two left on this thread, but I'm committed to show you that you are not the beaming paragon of human virtue you think you are. Just as you were wrong about where you placed me on the political sphere, you're wrong about the militia. You've never even been in a militia. I wrote the handbook for our state's militia. That included the history, legalities and realities of it... and it remains the oldest and most continuous militia in the United States.

So, since you've been outed as a poseur, what do you think you're trying to convey? EVERY sentence you've written in the last NINE entries is irrelevant, immaterial, and filled with half truths. And your dumb ass hasn't been able to cobble together a response to the questions asked of you.

LIE # 1 that danielpalos tells: Your Rights are NOT "secured" in state constitutions in the way danielpalos implies. Since he is incessantly arguing over it, he must be trying to disagree with me (maybe he isn't), but the term secured as interpreted relative to state constitutions is simply this:

"To assure the payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation; to provide security."


All state constitutions can do, relative to the Bill of Rights, is to provide the individual with the security that such rights will not be infringed. The state does not grant the Right to keep and bear Arms. When government acts outside the bounds of the Constitution, it is the Right Duty and Obligation of the citizen to resist (first exhausting all non-violent and legal avenues of redress) before considering any extraordinary actions.
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danielpalos says:

"Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State, not natural rights."

Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"The constitutions of most of our States assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, … or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of the press."
danielpalos says:

"Natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process in our federal Constitution"

According to Samuel Adams (founding father):

"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
- Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

It seems to me that your Right to keep and bear Arms is "secured" as per danielpalos definition via the Second Amendment... unless danielpalos is claiming Samuel Adams a flaming idiot that did not know whereof he spoke.

The American courts have RULED:

By the "absolute rights" of individuals is meant those which are so in their primary and strictest sense, such as would belong to their persons merely in a state of nature, and which every man is entitled to enjoy, whether out of society or in it. The rights of personal security, of personal liberty, and private property do not depend upon the Constitution for their existence. They existed before the Constitution was made, or the government was organized. These are what are termed the "absolute rights" of individuals, which belong to them independently of all government, and which all governments which derive their power from the consent of the governed were instituted to protect.” People v. Berberrich (N. Y.) 20 Barb. 224, 229; McCartee v. Orphan Asylum Soc. (N. Y.) 9 Cow. 437, 511, 513, 18 Am. Dec. 516; People v. Toynbee (N. Y.) 2 Parker, Cr. R. 329, 369, 370 (quoting 1 Bl. Comm. 123)

And what have the states had to say about the Right to keep and bear Arms? STATE SUPREME COURTS would be the final arbiters as to what state law is. One of the earliest state decisions goes like this:

"The right of a citizen to bear arms in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers delegated directly to the citizen, and is excepted out of the general powers of government. A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power."

-Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394 (1859)

So, should I believe danielpalos or a STATE SUPREME COURT?

Philosophies aside, danielpalos has no binding authority on which to base his claims and he can't even articulate what it is he supposedly believes in.
"Dude," At least you acknowledge that I'm not promoting propaganda. That is more than we can honestly say about you.

What you're saying is a lot of half assed half truths... it is inaccurate and irrelevant. You keep pretending like you've got a monopoly on all human understanding, but you can't articulate what it is you mean when asked a direct question. Did it ever dawn on you that you might be a fucking idiot?

You and I are the only two left on this thread, but I'm committed to show you that you are not the beaming paragon of human virtue you think you are. Just as you were wrong about where you placed me on the political sphere, you're wrong about the militia. You've never even been in a militia. I wrote the handbook for our state's militia. That included the history, legalities and realities of it... and it remains the oldest and most continuous militia in the United States.

So, since you've been outed as a poseur, what do you think you're trying to convey? EVERY sentence you've written in the last NINE entries is irrelevant, immaterial, and filled with half truths. And your dumb ass hasn't been able to cobble together a response to the questions asked of you.

LIE # 1 that danielpalos tells: Your Rights are NOT "secured" in state constitutions in the way danielpalos implies. Since he is incessantly arguing over it, he must be trying to disagree with me (maybe he isn't), but the term secured as interpreted relative to state constitutions is simply this:

"To assure the payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation; to provide security."


All state constitutions can do, relative to the Bill of Rights, is to provide the individual with the security that such rights will not be infringed. The state does not grant the Right to keep and bear Arms. When government acts outside the bounds of the Constitution, it is the Right Duty and Obligation of the citizen to resist (first exhausting all non-violent and legal avenues of redress) before considering any extraordinary actions.
Private militias are not state militias (Air and Army National Guard). SMFH (Private militias are outlawed in all states.)

According to your back and forth, every able body man is in the unorganized militia.

You yourself have never served in the States Militia, let alone the military.

Talk about being a poser. LMFAO
Let me ask you again:

You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.

You shouldn't try bullshitting the people on this thread. I belong to the oldest and most continuous state militia in the United States... and have three decades of service under my belt. You don't know what you're talking about.

What you just said is absolute nonsense. It makes zero sense whether you have three decades of militia experience or never heard of one.

danielpalos continues to try and cloud the issues with total nonsense, but he cannot and will not answer the questions asked of him. He's lying and making stuff up as he goes along.

If everybody else is clueless and causeless... what, exactly, is his cause...?????... I mean besides trolling people and acting like a dumb ass???
you simply misunderstand the concepts. that is all.

You are simply misunderstanding that the rest of the people reading this realize that you are fake, phony, poseur that gets off masturbating and telling his fellow posters they are idiots because they don't get your nonsensical drivel.

Let me tell you a concept that everybody here understands. You are trolling this thread and you're beginning to look like a total dumb ass. So, in my next post, I will ask you the questions again.
dude, you have nothing but rhetoric, not even propaganda.

Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State, not natural rights.

Natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process in our federal Constitution.

The problem gun lovers have, is that they cannot even convince their own State legislators, that they can be responsible with their guns.

State legislators make laws regarding the Health and the Safety, of the People of the State.

"Dude," At least you acknowledge that I'm not promoting propaganda. That is more than we can honestly say about you.

What you're saying is a lot of half assed half truths... it is inaccurate and irrelevant. You keep pretending like you've got a monopoly on all human understanding, but you can't articulate what it is you mean when asked a direct question. Did it ever dawn on you that you might be a fucking idiot?

You and I are the only two left on this thread, but I'm committed to show you that you are not the beaming paragon of human virtue you think you are. Just as you were wrong about where you placed me on the political sphere, you're wrong about the militia. You've never even been in a militia. I wrote the handbook for our state's militia. That included the history, legalities and realities of it... and it remains the oldest and most continuous militia in the United States.

So, since you've been outed as a poseur, what do you think you're trying to convey? EVERY sentence you've written in the last NINE entries is irrelevant, immaterial, and filled with half truths. And your dumb ass hasn't been able to cobble together a response to the questions asked of you.

LIE # 1 that danielpalos tells: Your Rights are NOT "secured" in state constitutions in the way danielpalos implies. Since he is incessantly arguing over it, he must be trying to disagree with me (maybe he isn't), but the term secured as interpreted relative to state constitutions is simply this:

"To assure the payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation; to provide security."


All state constitutions can do, relative to the Bill of Rights, is to provide the individual with the security that such rights will not be infringed. The state does not grant the Right to keep and bear Arms. When government acts outside the bounds of the Constitution, it is the Right Duty and Obligation of the citizen to resist (first exhausting all non-violent and legal avenues of redress) before considering any extraordinary actions.
A case in point of the disingenuousness of the right wing. Any dictionary will inform us, the right wing has nothing but special pleading, which is usually considered a fallacy.
danielpalos says:

"Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State, not natural rights."

Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"The constitutions of most of our States assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, … or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of the press."
danielpalos says:

"Natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process in our federal Constitution"

According to Samuel Adams (founding father):

"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
- Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

It seems to me that your Right to keep and bear Arms is "secured" as per danielpalos definition via the Second Amendment... unless danielpalos is claiming Samuel Adams a flaming idiot that did not know whereof he spoke.

The American courts have RULED:

By the "absolute rights" of individuals is meant those which are so in their primary and strictest sense, such as would belong to their persons merely in a state of nature, and which every man is entitled to enjoy, whether out of society or in it. The rights of personal security, of personal liberty, and private property do not depend upon the Constitution for their existence. They existed before the Constitution was made, or the government was organized. These are what are termed the "absolute rights" of individuals, which belong to them independently of all government, and which all governments which derive their power from the consent of the governed were instituted to protect.” People v. Berberrich (N. Y.) 20 Barb. 224, 229; McCartee v. Orphan Asylum Soc. (N. Y.) 9 Cow. 437, 511, 513, 18 Am. Dec. 516; People v. Toynbee (N. Y.) 2 Parker, Cr. R. 329, 369, 370 (quoting 1 Bl. Comm. 123)

And what have the states had to say about the Right to keep and bear Arms? STATE SUPREME COURTS would be the final arbiters as to what state law is. One of the earliest state decisions goes like this:

"The right of a citizen to bear arms in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers delegated directly to the citizen, and is excepted out of the general powers of government. A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power."

-Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394 (1859)

So, should I believe danielpalos or a STATE SUPREME COURT?

Philosophies aside, danielpalos has no binding authority on which to base his claims and he can't even articulate what it is he supposedly believes in.
Subject to the police power of a State.

States have State militias and a commander in chief of that which is declared necessary.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
danielpalos continues to try and cloud the issues with total nonsense, but he cannot and will not answer the questions asked of him. He's lying and making stuff up as he goes along.

If everybody else is clueless and causeless... what, exactly, is his cause...?????... I mean besides trolling people and acting like a dumb ass???
you simply misunderstand the concepts. that is all.

You are simply misunderstanding that the rest of the people reading this realize that you are fake, phony, poseur that gets off masturbating and telling his fellow posters they are idiots because they don't get your nonsensical drivel.

Let me tell you a concept that everybody here understands. You are trolling this thread and you're beginning to look like a total dumb ass. So, in my next post, I will ask you the questions again.
dude, you have nothing but rhetoric, not even propaganda.

Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State, not natural rights.

Natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process in our federal Constitution.

The problem gun lovers have, is that they cannot even convince their own State legislators, that they can be responsible with their guns.

State legislators make laws regarding the Health and the Safety, of the People of the State.

"Dude," At least you acknowledge that I'm not promoting propaganda. That is more than we can honestly say about you.

What you're saying is a lot of half assed half truths... it is inaccurate and irrelevant. You keep pretending like you've got a monopoly on all human understanding, but you can't articulate what it is you mean when asked a direct question. Did it ever dawn on you that you might be a fucking idiot?

You and I are the only two left on this thread, but I'm committed to show you that you are not the beaming paragon of human virtue you think you are. Just as you were wrong about where you placed me on the political sphere, you're wrong about the militia. You've never even been in a militia. I wrote the handbook for our state's militia. That included the history, legalities and realities of it... and it remains the oldest and most continuous militia in the United States.

So, since you've been outed as a poseur, what do you think you're trying to convey? EVERY sentence you've written in the last NINE entries is irrelevant, immaterial, and filled with half truths. And your dumb ass hasn't been able to cobble together a response to the questions asked of you.

LIE # 1 that danielpalos tells: Your Rights are NOT "secured" in state constitutions in the way danielpalos implies. Since he is incessantly arguing over it, he must be trying to disagree with me (maybe he isn't), but the term secured as interpreted relative to state constitutions is simply this:

"To assure the payment of a debt or the performance of an obligation; to provide security."


All state constitutions can do, relative to the Bill of Rights, is to provide the individual with the security that such rights will not be infringed. The state does not grant the Right to keep and bear Arms. When government acts outside the bounds of the Constitution, it is the Right Duty and Obligation of the citizen to resist (first exhausting all non-violent and legal avenues of redress) before considering any extraordinary actions.
A case in point of the disingenuousness of the right wing. Any dictionary will inform us, the right wing has nothing but special pleading, which is usually considered a fallacy.

There you've resorted to your nonsensical canard that is both meaningless and dishonest. You presume I'm on the right. I'm not, but what have you been right about? NOTHING.
danielpalos says:

"Our Second Amendment is about the security of a free State, not natural rights."

Thomas Jefferson wrote:

"The constitutions of most of our States assert, that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves, … or they may act by representatives, freely and equally chosen; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of the press."
danielpalos says:

"Natural rights are recognized and secured in State Constitutions and available via Due Process in our federal Constitution"

According to Samuel Adams (founding father):

"The Constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms."
- Samuel Adams, Massachusetts Ratifying Convention, 1788

It seems to me that your Right to keep and bear Arms is "secured" as per danielpalos definition via the Second Amendment... unless danielpalos is claiming Samuel Adams a flaming idiot that did not know whereof he spoke.

The American courts have RULED:

By the "absolute rights" of individuals is meant those which are so in their primary and strictest sense, such as would belong to their persons merely in a state of nature, and which every man is entitled to enjoy, whether out of society or in it. The rights of personal security, of personal liberty, and private property do not depend upon the Constitution for their existence. They existed before the Constitution was made, or the government was organized. These are what are termed the "absolute rights" of individuals, which belong to them independently of all government, and which all governments which derive their power from the consent of the governed were instituted to protect.” People v. Berberrich (N. Y.) 20 Barb. 224, 229; McCartee v. Orphan Asylum Soc. (N. Y.) 9 Cow. 437, 511, 513, 18 Am. Dec. 516; People v. Toynbee (N. Y.) 2 Parker, Cr. R. 329, 369, 370 (quoting 1 Bl. Comm. 123)

And what have the states had to say about the Right to keep and bear Arms? STATE SUPREME COURTS would be the final arbiters as to what state law is. One of the earliest state decisions goes like this:

"The right of a citizen to bear arms in lawful defense of himself or the State, is absolute. He does not derive it from the State government. It is one of the high powers delegated directly to the citizen, and is excepted out of the general powers of government. A law cannot be passed to infringe upon or impair it, because it is above the law, and independent of the lawmaking power."

-Cockrum v. State, 24 Tex. 394 (1859)

So, should I believe danielpalos or a STATE SUPREME COURT?

Philosophies aside, danielpalos has no binding authority on which to base his claims and he can't even articulate what it is he supposedly believes in.
Subject to the police power of a State.

States have State militias and a commander in chief of that which is declared necessary.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.


You talk in a vocabulary that only you understand. You've preached the same nonsensical and irrelevant bullshit to the point that most people don't want to communicate with you in any way, shape, fashion, or form..

The unorganized militia needs no "protection" from the government. You seem to be the only person on the entire Internet that does not understand the basics of American Civics 101. Government does not grant Rights.

Having read your idiocy for a number of years, I'd like to put the shoe on the other foot and have you explain to us what YOUR cause is. You like telling people how clueless and causeless they are - as if you're the only swinging Richard on the face of the earth competent enough to tell others what they believe in.

What is it YOU believe in? Do you think that government grants you your Rights and you are beholden to them? Do you really think that one must worship the government? If you're going to judge everybody on this earth and claim that you're some kind of God (albeit indirectly) "clue" us all in on the Holy Word according to danielpalos.

admit it; y'all are just and merely and only, clueless and Causeless and obstructing the promotion of the general welfare, like Bad boys are wont to do.

Subject to the police power of a State. Source: Illinois State Constitution.

States have State militias and a commander in chief of that which is declared necessary. Source: an established doctrine for our federal form of government.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia. Source: New York State Constitution
Civilian militias exist in most states in the U.S. They are civilian militias; they are legal; they do not have a leadership that answers to the state UNLESS THE GOVERNOR CALLS THEM UP IN AN EMERGENCY.

Even then the governor's jurisdiction is limited to the duration of the emergency.
Civilian militias exist in most states in the U.S. They are civilian militias; they are legal; they do not have a leadership that answers to the state UNLESS THE GOVERNOR CALLS THEM UP IN AN EMERGENCY.

Even then the governor's jurisdiction is limited to the duration of the emergency.
Only drugless wonders say that.

States have militias; it is a States' right declared in our Second Amendment, literally.
admit it; y'all are just and merely and only, clueless and Causeless and obstructing the promotion of the general welfare, like Bad boys are wont to do.

Subject to the police power of a State. Source: Illinois State Constitution.

States have State militias and a commander in chief of that which is declared necessary. Source: an established doctrine for our federal form of government.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia. Source: New York State Constitution

You're being a fucking idiot. You have been asked what YOUR cause is and to state what it is YOU believe in. You can't cobble a few words together into sentences and tell us. BTW, nobody accuses you of being on the left because you call everybody right wing. You know why? Even the left don't understand what in the Hell you think you're trying to convey.

So, rather than hurl accusations and rely on shit that don't make sense, why not answer my question???
Civilian militias exist in most states in the U.S. They are civilian militias; they are legal; they do not have a leadership that answers to the state UNLESS THE GOVERNOR CALLS THEM UP IN AN EMERGENCY.

Even then the governor's jurisdiction is limited to the duration of the emergency.
Only drugless wonders say that.

States have militias; it is a States' right declared in our Second Amendment, literally.

Half truth with NO supporting evidence. Answer my questions.
Civilian militias exist in most states in the U.S. They are civilian militias; they are legal; they do not have a leadership that answers to the state UNLESS THE GOVERNOR CALLS THEM UP IN AN EMERGENCY.

Even then the governor's jurisdiction is limited to the duration of the emergency.
Only drugless wonders say that.

States have militias; it is a States' right declared in our Second Amendment, literally.

Only a drugless wonder would say that? Okay, now we're getting somewhere. How many drugs do you take prior to making these endless and nonsensical posts about a topic you haven't a clue about?

Do you really think if I do enough drugs I'll understand your tripe?
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