2nd Ukraine Whistleblower


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Another official with more information on the White House’s Ukraine plans is thinking about filing a whistleblower complaint, The New York Times reports.

A second intelligence official with even more direct information on President Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine into meddling in the presidential election may come forward to Congress, The New York Times reported Friday night.

The Times cited two people who had been briefed on the matter in its report.

This second intelligence official is considering bringing their own whistleblower complaint to Congress, though they haven’t yet done so.

A potential second whistleblower would further implicate Trump. The first complaint said he abused his power by pressuring Ukraine’s president to dig up information on former Vice President Joe Biden, now a Democratic presidential rival.

The report of a second government official with even more information may add fuel to the House impeachment investigation.

2nd Whistleblower May Come Forward On Trump's Ukraine Call

2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings

Great news! This whistleblower will also corroborate the 1st whistleblower and provide even more information. There are more potential whistleblowers out there.
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Is this new spy also working with Adam Schiff? :icon_rolleyes:

Even if true - that is legal. Apparently you don't know the difference between a spy and a whistleblower.

Government employees who work in intelligence may submit whistleblower complaints with a level of protection from criminal prosecution and retribution under the Whistleblower Protection Act.
Is this new spy also working with Adam Schiff? :icon_rolleyes:

Even if true - that is legal. Apparently you don't know the difference between a spy and a whistleblower.

Lib please its absolutely true just like the last 'whistleblower'. You people are desperate and a laughing stock. :auiqs.jpg:

Not true. Shame on you for lying and spreading fake news.

What's the matter, do you fear losing to Trump at the ballot box in 2020? According to you stupid shits Trump is the most horrible president of all time and a complete nitwit so you should win easily right. Here this is for you :21::21::21::21::21::21:
I was a Nixon supporter, until it became obvious that he was a crook who had violated his oath of office - then I turned on him and supported his impeachment. However, Nixon was a much greater American patriot than Trump and his supporters. Nixon would never have done what Trump has done. Never.
Another official with more information on the White House’s Ukraine plans is thinking about filing a whistleblower complaint, The New York Times reports.

A second intelligence official with even more direct information on President Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine into meddling in the presidential election may come forward to Congress, The New York Times reported Friday night.

The Times cited two people who had been briefed on the matter in its report.

This second intelligence official is considering bringing their own whistleblower complaint to Congress, though they haven’t yet done so.

A potential second whistleblower would further implicate Trump. The first complaint said he abused his power by pressuring Ukraine’s president to dig up information on former Vice President Joe Biden, now a Democratic presidential rival.

The report of a second government official with even more information may add fuel to the House impeachment investigation.

2nd Whistleblower May Come Forward On Trump's Ukraine Call

Great news! This whistleblower will also corroborate the 1st whistleblower and provide even more information. There are more potential whistleblowers out there.

Well, if this one is as sad as the first one Trump has nothing to worry about.
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.

I don't think so. The one thing I am seeing a lot of is independents going over to Trump. Trumps faithful will not leave him so the only ones that Romney could poach are the independents.
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.

I don't think so. The one thing I am seeing a lot of is independents going over to Trump. Trumps faithful will not leave him so the only ones that Romney could poach are the independents.

The American people see right through the Dem's BS.
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.

Also, Bill Weld sounds sane.

Another official with more information on the White House’s Ukraine plans is thinking about filing a whistleblower complaint, The New York Times reports.

A second intelligence official with even more direct information on President Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine into meddling in the presidential election may come forward to Congress, The New York Times reported Friday night.

The Times cited two people who had been briefed on the matter in its report.

This second intelligence official is considering bringing their own whistleblower complaint to Congress, though they haven’t yet done so.

A potential second whistleblower would further implicate Trump. The first complaint said he abused his power by pressuring Ukraine’s president to dig up information on former Vice President Joe Biden, now a Democratic presidential rival.

The report of a second government official with even more information may add fuel to the House impeachment investigation.

2nd Whistleblower May Come Forward On Trump's Ukraine Call

Great news! This whistleblower will also corroborate the 1st whistleblower and provide even more information. There are more potential whistleblowers out there.
Fake news.
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.
Your desperation is delicious.
Another official with more information on the White House’s Ukraine plans is thinking about filing a whistleblower complaint, The New York Times reports.

A second intelligence official with even more direct information on President Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine into meddling in the presidential election may come forward to Congress, The New York Times reported Friday night.

The Times cited two people who had been briefed on the matter in its report.

This second intelligence official is considering bringing their own whistleblower complaint to Congress, though they haven’t yet done so.

A potential second whistleblower would further implicate Trump. The first complaint said he abused his power by pressuring Ukraine’s president to dig up information on former Vice President Joe Biden, now a Democratic presidential rival.

The report of a second government official with even more information may add fuel to the House impeachment investigation.

2nd Whistleblower May Come Forward On Trump's Ukraine Call

Great news! This whistleblower will also corroborate the 1st whistleblower and provide even more information. There are more potential whistleblowers out there.
Fake news.

No, it's not Fox News.
2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings

The official, a member of the intelligence community, was interviewed by the inspector general to corroborate the original whistle-blower’s account.

Because the second official has met with Mr. Atkinson’s office, it was unclear whether he needs to file a complaint to gain the legal protections offered to intelligence community whistle-blowers. Witnesses who speak with inspectors general are protected by federal law that outlaws reprisals against officials who cooperate with an inspector general.

2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings
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Is this new spy also working with Adam Schiff? :icon_rolleyes:
Apparently you don't know the difference between a spy and a whistleblower.
Apparently you idiots want to conflate a legal criminal investigation in the interests of the United States with meddling in a presidential election, despite the fact that:
  • In 2012, Obama used the IRS to block Romney supporters, meddling in a presidential election.
  • The Democrats perennially block Voter ID to conceal illegal votes, meddling in a presidential election.
  • In 2016, Hillary stole debate questions, meddling in a presidential election.
  • The DNC rigged electors making sure Bernie would lose ensuring Hillary as the nominee, meddling in a presidential election.
  • McCain, Hillary and the DNC fabricated the phony Steele Dossier, meddling in a presidential election.
  • Right as we speak, the Democrats are after a German bank to turn over records to use against candidate Trump, to meddle in a presidential election.
There are no whistleblowers. Its all just another snowjob. There will be no impeachment.
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.

I don't think so. The one thing I am seeing a lot of is independents going over to Trump. Trumps faithful will not leave him so the only ones that Romney could poach are the independents.

You could be right, but nobody heard a peep out of Romney until very recently, but now he's making public statements ever few days. Given the choice of Romney, a dignified, seasoned, mature politician, or the crude childish embarrassment we now have as president, I'm pretty sure lots will line up for the chance to return to a sanity. On his best day, Trump barely has a third of the voters. How many would he have if Romney was there?

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