2nd Ukraine Whistleblower

Is the second "whistleblower" with supposed first-hand information the guy who blew into the ear of the first "whistleblower" with the second-hand information?

LOOK! The Democrats have found TWENTY whistleblowers now!!! :eek:

Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.

I don't think so. The one thing I am seeing a lot of is independents going over to Trump. Trumps faithful will not leave him so the only ones that Romney could poach are the independents.
Romney already backpedaled.

Ukraine formed after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Shortly thereafter; boundary lines were drawn, a new governing body was formed, and a declaration of independence was adopted by the newly installed Ukrainian Parliament. Due to an unstable government, crime and corruption soon followed, and despite a series of free elections, gross government and economic mismanagement has prevailed. With Ukraine ripe for exploitation, a plethora of people (foreign and domestic) have taken duplicitous advantage of the situation there for the singular purpose of unjustly enriching themselves. It should come as no surprise that certain American politicians are complicit in the corruption, whether it be adult children of former Obama administration officials, the Clinton Crime Family and their assignees, or the Democrat National Committee. In fact, Ukraine is a cesspool of culpability, and it's exactly why House Democrats are now attempting to divert all attention away from their own wrongdoing.


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