2nd Ukraine Whistleblower

Apparently you idiots want to conflate a legal criminal investigation in the interests of the United States with meddling in a presidential election, despite the fact that:
  • In 2012, Obama used the IRS to block Romney supporters, meddling in a presidential election.
  • The Democrats perennially block Voter ID to conceal illegal votes, meddling in a presidential election.
  • In 2016, Hillary stole debate questions, meddling in a presidential election.
  • The DNC rigged electors making sure Bernie would lose ensuring Hillary as the nominee, meddling in a presidential election.
  • McCain, Hillary and the DNC fabricated the phony Steele Dossier, meddling in a presidential election.
  • Right as we speak, the Democrats are after a German bank to turn over records to use against candidate Trump, to meddle in a presidential election.
There are no whistleblowers. Its all just another snowjob. There will be no impeachment.

Without all the "WHAT ABOUT's" you wouldn't have anything to post, would you?
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Lib please your side just proposed eating babies to combat climate change. :auiqs.jpg: Right lets put your side in charge :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Here's your reply, but but but..but nothing.

The difference is that when a crazy starts spouting crazy stuff at our town halls, we let them finish, and then continue what we were doing while someone quietly escorts that crazy out. You, on the other hand, nominate them for president.

Your crazy sez let's eat babies

Our "crazy" sez let's close our southern border


^ 'Your crazy sez let's eat babies'

A protester who called for Americans to 'eat the babies' to fight climate change at AOC's town hall was revealed as a member of a pro-Trump fringe group

Thank you!
How can anyone support this insane madman?


Then why haven't the democrats impeached him??? DO IT! BTW, what was the crime again? Investigating democrats?
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.
Your desperation is delicious.

It's more of a reasonable evaluation, but I'm glad you enjoy it.
Come to the dark side, Bulldog. Reject socialism and embrace a market economy. Sell us your delicious desperation. You'll be a quadrillionaire.

Having enough money to get by and to help others when I can is all I need. I also have self respect and integrity. I'm not giving those up just for some more money. I have experienced desperation, but it was before I understood money wasn't the most important thing.
“If the dossier is now about to be publicly defended and explained and backed up, I mean, that’s conceivably the whole ball game.” -- MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Aug. 23, 2017

After carrying on about the dossier for nearly all of 2017, on Oct. 24 of that year, we finally found out who had paid for it: the Hillary Clinton campaign. (And you wonder why they don’t want to give us the whistleblower’s name.)
Because they have long been out of office - and they were never charged with any crimes.
So you obstructed justice and withheld documents for several years until the actors were out of office,
Then delayed, deflected and obfuscated for a few more years,
So that now you can claim they are long out of office and never charged?

  • You tried to convict Brett Kavenaugh on allegations from a 30 year old beer party.
  • You tried to convict Trump on an innocent 15 year old video where he bragged about willing contestants.
  • People are convicted of crimes all the time on long cold investigations and evidence.
It's never too late to bring Obama and Hillary to justice and folks out there will NEVER stop trying until justice is served.
Now you know why all of official Washington, D.C., is screaming: IMPEACH
! They don’t want you to find out that America’s “premiere law enforcement agency” tried to throw a presidential election and destroy a presidency.
Another official with more information on the White House’s Ukraine plans is thinking about filing a whistleblower complaint, The New York Times reports.

A second intelligence official with even more direct information on President Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine into meddling in the presidential election may come forward to Congress, The New York Times reported Friday night.

The Times cited two people who had been briefed on the matter in its report.

This second intelligence official is considering bringing their own whistleblower complaint to Congress, though they haven’t yet done so.

A potential second whistleblower would further implicate Trump. The first complaint said he abused his power by pressuring Ukraine’s president to dig up information on former Vice President Joe Biden, now a Democratic presidential rival.

The report of a second government official with even more information may add fuel to the House impeachment investigation.

2nd Whistleblower May Come Forward On Trump's Ukraine Call

2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings

Great news! This whistleblower will also corroborate the 1st whistleblower and provide even more information. There are more potential whistleblowers out there.
The last one whiffed, so they are going to go for a second bite at the apple? Don't be a coward, go for it!

Your last swing was supposted to take out Trump, but it took out Joe.

#MeToo was supposed to take out Trump, and it took out How Many Democrats?

You guys must sure love getting your asses kicked, so go ahead, wipe all that blood off your face and pick yet another fight.

You had a whistle blower with first hand information and one with second hand information and you went with the second hand information first, Adam Schiff got caught lying and fabricating his ass off, but you have another one that has first hand information, and you didn't mention this until the last one was destroyed? Sounds like bullshit, but, step up if you must.

Ukraine takes off the gloves

No wonder Joe is shouting.

Though the Fake News Media is mum on this, the Ukraine prosecutor's office has announced that it is reviewing closed investigations into Burisma, the company that employed Hunter Biden for his vast expertise in fossil fuels and international trade.

Ukraine is reviewing all the cases involving Mykola Zlochevskyi, Burisma's owner. There are no fewer than 15 cases involving Zlochevskyi, which might make the disinterested observer wonder why there's any question at all concerning his connection with the Bidens.

In a statement that might have raised eyebrows if anyone had been paying attention, Ukrainian general prosecutor Ruslan Riaboshapka told the press that he was reviewing cases that "have been closed in violation of the law or other procedural violations."

Joe is in no position these days to put a hold on any billion-dollar checks.
I was a Nixon supporter, until it became obvious that he was a crook who had violated his oath of office - then I turned on him and supported his impeachment. However, Nixon was a much greater American patriot than Trump and his supporters. Nixon would never have done what Trump has done. Never.
Shut the fuck up.

I was a Nixon supporter, until it became obvious that he was a crook who had violated his oath of office - then I turned on him and supported his impeachment. However, Nixon was a much greater American patriot than Trump and his supporters. Nixon would never have done what Trump has done. Never.
Seems like no one can ever tell us exactly what Trump has done. They post some bullshit media link that proves nothing.

MSNBC has reported that there are several more whistleblowers - all represented by the same attorneys. Trump is in deep shit.
“If the dossier is now about to be publicly defended and explained and backed up, I mean, that’s conceivably the whole ball game.” -- MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, Aug. 23, 2017

After carrying on about the dossier for nearly all of 2017, on Oct. 24 of that year, we finally found out who had paid for it: the Hillary Clinton campaign. (And you wonder why they don’t want to give us the whistleblower’s name.)

Yep, you'll notice that they move from one crisis to the next....hoping one will stick.

We need to keep highliting all of them so the credibility of people like Adam Schitt is recognized for what it is....zero.
Quid pro Quo got North Korea to put its nuclear and missile programs on hold. The Trump Administration breach of its part is now an internationally recorded dangerous lie. There had been announced, and clearly expected: A flurry of economic upgrades and material incentives created by USA on behalf of the North Korean regime.

Over the weekend observers are cautioning that in response to the Trump Administration widely noted lie; Now North Korea can launch a missile from a submarine. That means ICBM capability, and including a suicidal sub commander.

What possibly goads the sub commander(?). Many would start with announcements of normal pussy grabbing, anywhere at any time. Secret Tax Returns, continually re-audited(?). A requested political interference on behalf of the White House to intervene in a corruption scandal in the South of Florida--or a hotel in Washington D. C. or NYC: Give or take a language barrier, or several. Any such matters could set it all off.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations know White Eyes only speak snake-talk languages!)
"Multiple whistleblowers" emerge in Trump-Ukraine case, lawyers say

Washington — The attorneys representing the whistleblower who filed a complaint about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine said they are representing "multiple whistleblowers" in connection to the case, including one with "first hand knowledge" of events.

"I can confirm that my firm and my team represent multiple whistleblowers in connection to the underlying August 12, 2019, disclosure to the Intelligence Community Inspector General," attorney Andrew Bakaj tweeted Sunday. "No further comment at this time."

"Multiple whistleblowers" emerge in Trump-Ukraine case, lawyers Andrew Bakaj and Mark Zaid say - CBS News

I thought I heard CNN mention a couple hours ago that there may be as many as 12.

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