2nd Ukraine Whistleblower

"Multiple whistleblowers" emerge in Trump-Ukraine case, lawyers say

Washington — The attorneys representing the whistleblower who filed a complaint about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine said they are representing "multiple whistleblowers" in connection to the case, including one with "first hand knowledge" of events.

"I can confirm that my firm and my team represent multiple whistleblowers in connection to the underlying August 12, 2019, disclosure to the Intelligence Community Inspector General," attorney Andrew Bakaj tweeted Sunday. "No further comment at this time."

"Multiple whistleblowers" emerge in Trump-Ukraine case, lawyers Andrew Bakaj and Mark Zaid say - CBS News

I thought I heard CNN mention a couple hours ago that there may be as many as 12.

Sure...there will be more.

Once one of them tells the others...they become part of the clusterfuck.

After all, they don't need firsthand knowledge.

You are probably a whistleblower.

Well some kind of blower anyway.
Whistleblowers must be protected.

A 2nd Deep Sate, Anti-Trump, Former-CIA Director Brennan drone Intel Agency conspirator...

Based on everything exposed / all the evidence against the Rogue Intel Community, that has been proven to have worked with foreign Intel agencies / agents to set up, trap, take down Trump and his associates, and 3+ years later they are still acting to do so - while colluding / cooperating with Democrats (Intel Committee Chairman who has lied, intentionally knowingly made false accusations, admitted to Leaking) to pull it off.....

'Nuff Said!
There's a transcript. hmmmmmm are these fks really this ignorant? Hello, McFly
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.

Also, Bill Weld sounds sane.

you would think that.

Another official with more information on the White House’s Ukraine plans is thinking about filing a whistleblower complaint, The New York Times reports.

A second intelligence official with even more direct information on President Donald Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine into meddling in the presidential election may come forward to Congress, The New York Times reported Friday night.

The Times cited two people who had been briefed on the matter in its report.

This second intelligence official is considering bringing their own whistleblower complaint to Congress, though they haven’t yet done so.

A potential second whistleblower would further implicate Trump. The first complaint said he abused his power by pressuring Ukraine’s president to dig up information on former Vice President Joe Biden, now a Democratic presidential rival.

The report of a second government official with even more information may add fuel to the House impeachment investigation.

2nd Whistleblower May Come Forward On Trump's Ukraine Call

2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings

Great news! This whistleblower will also corroborate the 1st whistleblower and provide even more information. There are more potential whistleblowers out there.
Yeah, okay.

This is just the original Leaker who gave the whistleblower his/her talking-points to file the complaint...... has been out there conspiring with the "Whistleblower Aid" legal team and is said to be ready to file a complaint. This is the same exact game plan they used on Kavanaugh. These folks were out there waiting to get the go-ahead from House Democrats when they were needed. Mueller blew up in their faces, so this is plan B. Or is it plan E....because everything they tried before failed miserably.
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Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.

I don't think so. The one thing I am seeing a lot of is independents going over to Trump. Trumps faithful will not leave him so the only ones that Romney could poach are the independents.

You could be right, but nobody heard a peep out of Romney until very recently, but now he's making public statements ever few days. Given the choice of Romney, a dignified, seasoned, mature politician, or the crude childish embarrassment we now have as president, I'm pretty sure lots will line up for the chance to return to a sanity. On his best day, Trump barely has a third of the voters. How many would he have if Romney was there?
or not. right? this is you:

2nd Ukraine Whistleblower
I'm still waiting on proof of the first.
Funny, the phone call was an open conversation with about 30 people on the line.
Why do I get the feeling that a year from now, we will be on about the 30th "whistleblower" and that every fake Trump news story from here on in will involve a "whistleblower."

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