2nd Ukraine Whistleblower

You've been out to get her for more than 1/4 of a century, with no success yet.
I've never been out to get her. I'm just a retired guy living a quiet life in the burbs. But no success? Twice she's run for PRESIDENT. It got her this:

View attachment 282957

1. She is innocent of all the accusations.
2. She is smart enough to make you look like a fool for even trying to get her.
3. You are too stupid to prove anything.
Which one do you think it is?

Like Al Capone, murderer, hood, mobster, gangster, racketeer, the law couldn't pin him either. But one day they finally got him on tax evasion.
Being a good crook obviously makes you glad.

Notable lack of wine in this pic lol

Can't even make a competent Photoshop picture. No wonder you can't find any dirt that sticks to Clinton.

There is a MOUNTAIN of "dirt" stuck to Hillary. I just listed it all again in another thread. The problem hasn't been finding it, it has been all her democratic allies and friends in the DOJ protecting her from prosecution so she doesn't likewise spill the beans on THEM. You know it. I know it. The country knows it. We call this The Swamp.

You or I would be in prison for 1/100th of this.

What a silly remark. If you could prove anything you wouldn't be still whining "any day now'
You've been out to get her for more than 1/4 of a century, with no success yet.
I've never been out to get her. I'm just a retired guy living a quiet life in the burbs. But no success? Twice she's run for PRESIDENT. It got her this:

View attachment 282957

1. She is innocent of all the accusations.
2. She is smart enough to make you look like a fool for even trying to get her.
3. You are too stupid to prove anything.
Which one do you think it is?

Like Al Capone, murderer, hood, mobster, gangster, racketeer, the law couldn't pin him either. But one day they finally got him on tax evasion.
Being a good crook obviously makes you glad.

Notable lack of wine in this pic lol

Can't even make a competent Photoshop picture. No wonder you can't find any dirt that sticks to Clinton.

There is a MOUNTAIN of "dirt" stuck to Hillary. I just listed it all again in another thread. The problem hasn't been finding it, it has been all her democratic allies and friends in the DOJ protecting her from prosecution so she doesn't likewise spill the beans on THEM. You know it. I know it. The country knows it. We call this The Swamp.

You or I would be in prison for 1/100th of this.

Why do you nuts try to blame Hillary and Obama for everything bad?

Why do you idiots forever deflect from and avoid at all costs even discussing much less explaining or justifying the arm's long list of state crimes by them?
Because you CAN'T.
You've been out to get her for more than 1/4 of a century, with no success yet.
I've never been out to get her. I'm just a retired guy living a quiet life in the burbs. But no success? Twice she's run for PRESIDENT. It got her this:

View attachment 282957

1. She is innocent of all the accusations.
2. She is smart enough to make you look like a fool for even trying to get her.
3. You are too stupid to prove anything.
Which one do you think it is?

Like Al Capone, murderer, hood, mobster, gangster, racketeer, the law couldn't pin him either. But one day they finally got him on tax evasion.
Being a good crook obviously makes you glad.

Notable lack of wine in this pic lol

Can't even make a competent Photoshop picture. No wonder you can't find any dirt that sticks to Clinton.

There is a MOUNTAIN of "dirt" stuck to Hillary. I just listed it all again in another thread. The problem hasn't been finding it, it has been all her democratic allies and friends in the DOJ protecting her from prosecution so she doesn't likewise spill the beans on THEM. You know it. I know it. The country knows it. We call this The Swamp.

You or I would be in prison for 1/100th of this.

What a silly remark. If you could prove anything you wouldn't be still whining "any day now'

Moron, the whole point ONE MORE TIME for the slow people in the room like you is that the stuff has already been PROVED. The problem is that the state will not prosecute one of their own protected Elite.
I haven't read the seven pages in the thread, but NYT tells me we have a second whistle blower regarding Trump's phone call to Ukraine. Why the heck do we need a second whistle blower to tell us what's in the phone call when we can read the transcript ourselves. Is the press this desperate for headlines. (No question mark as I already know the answer).
The only legitimate whistleblower is Kamala harris. She blew Willie's whistle.
I've never been out to get her. I'm just a retired guy living a quiet life in the burbs. But no success? Twice she's run for PRESIDENT. It got her this:

View attachment 282957

Like Al Capone, murderer, hood, mobster, gangster, racketeer, the law couldn't pin him either. But one day they finally got him on tax evasion.
Being a good crook obviously makes you glad.

Notable lack of wine in this pic lol

Can't even make a competent Photoshop picture. No wonder you can't find any dirt that sticks to Clinton.

There is a MOUNTAIN of "dirt" stuck to Hillary. I just listed it all again in another thread. The problem hasn't been finding it, it has been all her democratic allies and friends in the DOJ protecting her from prosecution so she doesn't likewise spill the beans on THEM. You know it. I know it. The country knows it. We call this The Swamp.

You or I would be in prison for 1/100th of this.

What a silly remark. If you could prove anything you wouldn't be still whining "any day now'

Moron, the whole point ONE MORE TIME for the slow people in the room like you is that the stuff has already been PROVED. The problem is that the state will not prosecute one of their own protected Elite.

You're funny.
the Ukrainians look at Russia the way Little Red Riding Hood looks at the wolf
I've never been out to get her. I'm just a retired guy living a quiet life in the burbs. But no success? Twice she's run for PRESIDENT. It got her this:

View attachment 282957

Like Al Capone, murderer, hood, mobster, gangster, racketeer, the law couldn't pin him either. But one day they finally got him on tax evasion.
Being a good crook obviously makes you glad.

Notable lack of wine in this pic lol

Can't even make a competent Photoshop picture. No wonder you can't find any dirt that sticks to Clinton.

There is a MOUNTAIN of "dirt" stuck to Hillary. I just listed it all again in another thread. The problem hasn't been finding it, it has been all her democratic allies and friends in the DOJ protecting her from prosecution so she doesn't likewise spill the beans on THEM. You know it. I know it. The country knows it. We call this The Swamp.

You or I would be in prison for 1/100th of this.

Why do you nuts try to blame Hillary and Obama for everything bad?

Why do you idiots forever deflect from and avoid at all costs even discussing much less explaining or justifying the arm's long list of state crimes by them?
Because you CAN'T.

Because they have long been out of office - and they were never charged with any crimes. Starting on January 20, 2017 - Trump began shouldering all responsibility. You can't blame Hillary and Obama for everything Trump has fucked up. Deal with it.
How can anyone support this insane madman?

Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.
Your desperation is delicious.

It's more of a reasonable evaluation, but I'm glad you enjoy it.
Come to the dark side, Bulldog. Reject socialism and embrace a market economy. Sell us your delicious desperation. You'll be a quadrillionaire.
Rodeo time. Things are going to get exciting quick. The few remaining sane Republicans are pushing Mitt Romney hard to throw his hat into the ring. I don't particularly care that much for dancing horses, but at the very least, Romney would bleed a lot of Trumps support.
Your desperation is delicious.

It's more of a reasonable evaluation, but I'm glad you enjoy it.
Come to the dark side, Bulldog. Reject socialism and embrace a market economy. Sell us your delicious desperation. You'll be a quadrillionaire.

We have a market economy - propped up by democratic socialism.
I was a Nixon supporter, until it became obvious that he was a crook who had violated his oath of office - then I turned on him and supported his impeachment. However, Nixon was a much greater American patriot than Trump and his supporters. Nixon would never have done what Trump has done. Never.
Trump never committed a crime
what exactly has Trump done that is wrong?
I was a Nixon supporter, until it became obvious that he was a crook who had violated his oath of office - then I turned on him and supported his impeachment. However, Nixon was a much greater American patriot than Trump and his supporters. Nixon would never have done what Trump has done. Never.
Trump never committed a crime
what exactly has Trump done that is wrong?

Speaker Pelosi will be telling us shortly - if the Trump mafia will stop withholding documents and witnesses.
I was a Nixon supporter, until it became obvious that he was a crook who had violated his oath of office - then I turned on him and supported his impeachment. However, Nixon was a much greater American patriot than Trump and his supporters. Nixon would never have done what Trump has done. Never.
Trump never committed a crime
what exactly has Trump done that is wrong?

Speaker Pelosi will be telling us shortly - if the Trump mafia will stop withholding documents and witnesses.
just as I thought--you don't know SHIT
you are just BABBLING
The quid pro quo with the Ukraine President to engage in the 2020 election: Is all about the Russian Interference too. The personal advantage to only the reigning incumbent makes the quid pro quo a bribe: Guns for dirt.

Then there is the matter of the prevailing style of Trump and the White House. The great success with North Korea was a quid pro quo--widely acknowledged. In return for scaling back the nuclear benefits, then material economic benefits would accrue to the North Koreans, and including through efforts of the White House and Administration.

The Great Black Eye of the Trump Botched Deal is that even North Korea is showing the White House falsies(?) and lies: Widespread public. The deal has been botched--and so nukes could be on their way. The Trump Administration has owned that, even expecting a Nobel Prize--for killing off Americans, in their homes and on their soil.

The Deliberate Trump-Pompeo lie is to not keep faith with attempts at nuclear reduction, through honesty in the quid pro quo.

Since it is a national administration: The highest of the crimes is putting USA at risk, in harm's way. The adversarial nuclear tests have resumed, and again and again.

The ejection of both Trump and Nixon is preventive intervention, before the "Deals" get out of hand. The crime of soliciting foreign national government interference in the 2020 election--seeking out the dirt, maybe even sending in troops to the USA, or undercover agents. Investigations can take on a life of their own, recently inferred about Mueller's.


"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes even send foreign investigators, spies and troops--into Lands of Many Nations, routinely!)
Is this new spy also working with Adam Schiff? :icon_rolleyes:

Even if true - that is legal. Apparently you don't know the difference between a spy and a whistleblower.

Lib please its absolutely true just like the last 'whistleblower'. You people are desperate and a laughing stock. :auiqs.jpg:

Not true. Shame on you for lying and spreading fake news.

What's the matter, do you fear losing to Trump at the ballot box in 2020? According to you stupid shits Trump is the most horrible president of all time and a complete nitwit so you should win easily right. Here this is for you :21::21::21::21::21::21:

seems like the dotard is afraid of joe........... enough fright to go to 5 differant countries &cause he's desperate for help to take him down.
Is this new spy also working with Adam Schiff? :icon_rolleyes:

Even if true - that is legal. Apparently you don't know the difference between a spy and a whistleblower.

Lib please its absolutely true just like the last 'whistleblower'. You people are desperate and a laughing stock. :auiqs.jpg:

Not true. Shame on you for lying and spreading fake news.

What's the matter, do you fear losing to Trump at the ballot box in 2020? According to you stupid shits Trump is the most horrible president of all time and a complete nitwit so you should win easily right. Here this is for you :21::21::21::21::21::21:

seems like the dotard is afraid of joe........... enough fright to go to 5 differant countries &cause he's desperate for help to take him down.

The left will be squashed like a bug in 2020 and I'll be here to gloat and laugh.
2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings

The official, a member of the intelligence community, was interviewed by the inspector general to corroborate the original whistle-blower’s account.

Because the second official has met with Mr. Atkinson’s office, it was unclear whether he needs to file a complaint to gain the legal protections offered to intelligence community whistle-blowers. Witnesses who speak with inspectors general are protected by federal law that outlaws reprisals against officials who cooperate with an inspector general.

2nd Official Is Weighing Whether to Blow the Whistle on Trump’s Ukraine Dealings

Also known as, "What if you pulled the trigger on impeachment and no one believed you, and it looked desperate, and it blew up in your faces inside of one week?"

The Trump presidency is glorious.

That is all.

Apparently you don't know the difference between a spy and a whistleblower.
Apparently you idiots want to conflate a legal criminal investigation in the interests of the United States with meddling in a presidential election, despite the fact that:
  • In 2012, Obama used the IRS to block Romney supporters, meddling in a presidential election.
  • The Democrats perennially block Voter ID to conceal illegal votes, meddling in a presidential election.
  • In 2016, Hillary stole debate questions, meddling in a presidential election.
  • The DNC rigged electors making sure Bernie would lose ensuring Hillary as the nominee, meddling in a presidential election.
  • McCain, Hillary and the DNC fabricated the phony Steele Dossier, meddling in a presidential election.
  • Right as we speak, the Democrats are after a German bank to turn over records to use against candidate Trump, to meddle in a presidential election.
There are no whistleblowers. Its all just another snowjob. There will be no impeachment.

Without all the "WHAT ABOUT's" you wouldn't have anything to post, would you?
"BUT HILLARY" posts go here.

Lib please your side just proposed eating babies to combat climate change. :auiqs.jpg: Right lets put your side in charge :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Here's your reply, but but but..but nothing.

The difference is that when a crazy starts spouting crazy stuff at our town halls, we let them finish, and then continue what we were doing while someone quietly escorts that crazy out. You, on the other hand, nominate them for president.

Your crazy sez let's eat babies

Our "crazy" sez let's close our southern border


^ 'Your crazy sez let's eat babies'

A protester who called for Americans to 'eat the babies' to fight climate change at AOC's town hall was revealed as a member of a pro-Trump fringe group


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